49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 2604.pdf A GEOLOGIC RECORD OF THE FIRST BILLION YEARS OF MARS HISTORY. John F. Mustard1 and James W. Head1 1Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Box 1846, Brown University, Provi- dence, RI 02912 ([email protected]) Introduction: A compelling record of the first bil- standing solar system evolution question is the exist- lion years of Mars geologic evolution is spectacularly ence, or not, of a period of heavy bombardment ≈500 presented in a compact region at the intersection of Myr after accretion of the terrestrial planets. Except Isidis impact basin and Syrtis Major volcanic province for the Moon, we have no definitive dates for basins (Fig. 1). In this well-exposed region is a well-ordered formed in the Solar System. Radiometric systems in stratigraphy of geologic units spanning Noachian to crystalline igneous rocks exposed by Isidis would like- Early Hesperian times [1]. Geologic units can be de- ly have been reset and thus contain evidence of the finitively associated with the Isidis basin-forming im- impact providing a key data point for understanding pact (≈3.9 Ga, [2]) as well as pristine igneous and basin forming processes in the Solar System. Further- aqueously altered Noachian crust that pre-date the more the Isidis basin impacted onto the rim of the hy- Isidis event. The rich collection of well defined units pothesized Borealis Basin [7]. Given this proximity spanning ≈500 Myr of time in a compact region is at- there is a possibility that some fragments may have tractive for the collection of samples. Detailed anal- been reset by the Borealis basin as well. yses of samples from these terrains would provide a The nature of Mars’ magnetic field is an important window into the first billion years of Mars and the so- planetary evolution question that can be investigated in lar system evolution. the context of the rocks exposed in the NE Syrtis re- In this abstract we put the well exposed units in a gion. A remnant martian magnetic field has been ob- larger geologic context of Mars evolution and implic- served in Noachian-aged crust, mostly in the southern cations for understanding of Solar System evolution. highlands [8] that was also detected in martian meteor- Mars is small planet, likely a planetesimal that was not ite ALH84001 [9]. The lack of a recorded magnetic swept up by larger planets. Yet its surprising geologic field in and around the large impact basins (Hellas, diversity makes it a compelling target. Isidis, Argyre) is cited as evidence that the magnetic The NE Syrtis region (Figure 1) sits within the dynamo had ceased by the time of basin formation. Isidis impact basin between the first and second rings. The strength and persistence of a magnetic field is a The Isidis event would have excavated deeply into the significant planetary evolution question,, particularly crust and laid bare a deep crustal section composed of for a planet the size of Mars. Thermal evolution mod- breccia blocks from a variety of depths. Today, spec- els of Mars predict a convecting core and geodynamo tacular breccia from sub-meter to km in size are well extending from 4.55 Ga (or possibly delayed by sever- exposed wherever erosion has removed post-Isidis al hundred Myr) to sometime after 4 Ga [10, 11]. cover. The composition and textures of the blocks Carefully selected samples from the megabreccia range widely [3]. Unaltered mafic igneous blocks blocks would strongly constrain these processes. dominated by low-Ca pyroxene (e.g. pigeonite) are How and when did Noachian-aged phyllosilcate- relatively common along with less common olivine- bearing crust become so extensively altered? Since the and high-Ca rich lithologies. These crystalline igneous pioneering discovery that Noachian crust is extensively rocks are a window into early magmatic processes. altered but not Hesperian and younger crust [12], how The blocks may record crustal formation processes and when this alteration occurred has been widely de- dating back to the magma ocean or Noachian intru- bated. While there is little doubt that aqueous altera- sions into the crust (e.g. [4]) or Noachian/Pre- tion has occurred in many different geologic contexts Noachian volcanism. over a broad span of geologic time, the question of There is a well-documented transition in igneous Noachian crustal alteration seeks to address the perva- mafic composition on Mars from Low-Ca pyroxene- sive alteration so readily exposed in scarps, impact enriched rocks in Noachian terrain to widespread high- central peaks, walls and eject, and exhumed landscapes Ca, low-Ca, olivine volcanism in Hesperian volcanic in Noachian crust. The leading hypotheses can be provinces [e.g. 5, 6]. From quantitative geochemical aligned along four themes. (1) Low-grade hydrother- modeling [6] hypothesize a slower cooling rate than mal to diagenetic alteration in the shallow crust (e.g. the Earth and a much higher Urey number (ratio of [13]). Geothermal heat flow provides a steady source heat production to loss) for Mars. of energy to keep the shallow crust between 100- Establishing an absolute chronology for Mars is 300°C. In the presence of abundant groundwater this important for placing key planetary evolution events in would alter basaltic crust (consisting of olivine, pyrox- the context of Solar System evolution. A major out- ene and plagioclase) to the commonly observed as- 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 2604.pdf semblages of Fe/Mg smectite clays (saponite) and mix The detailed isotopic signatures of the atmosphere and layer chlorite-smectite [14, 15]. (2) Surface and near- surface atmosphere interactions will be recorded in surface weathering played a large role in developing phyllosilicates and volcanic and impact glasses. the Noachian alteration [13]. While subsurface altera- Conclusion; The range of significant geologic tion is likely in this hypothesis, there is evidence for processes and events in NE Syrtis and their location in more alumino-phyllosilicates (evidence for leaching in a well structured stratigraphy touches on many of the a surface weathering environment) than generally ac- important evolutionary events in the evolution of Mars cepted. Deposits formed during periods of surface and the Solar System. weathering would be mixed into the crust via impact References: Hellmann, B. L. and J. F. Mustard, gardening and mixing over 100s of millions of year. GRL v. 39, L11202, 2012. [2] Werner, S. Icarus 195, Layered megabreccia blocks such as observed in NE 45-60 2008. [3] Mustard, J. F. et al., J. Geophys. Res., Syrtis [3] may contain evidence of these periods in 114, E00D12 2009 [4] Skok, J. R., et al., JGR v. 117, time when water was stable on the surface. (3) Impact E00J18 2012. [5] Mustard, J. F., et al. 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[23] Fassett, C. and J. W. Head, spread olivine-rich layers and hot and water-rich envi- Icarus 195.1, 2008. [24] A. Palumbo and J. Head, ronments necessary for extensive alteration. These five MAPS 1-39, 2017. [25] M. Carr and J. Head, EPSL are not exclusive hypotheses, and simultaneous and/or 294, 185, 2010. sequential processes involving these types of alteration are entirely possible. Throughout the region northeast of Syrtis Major is an olivine-rich deposit that is variably altered to car- bonate [20]. Four hypotheses have been advanced to explain its origin: (1) Impact melt [3], (2) volcanism [21],, (3) basin-related spherules [24] and (4) Volcanic tephra [22]. It is tightly bound temporally between the Isidis impact event and opening of Nili Fossae troughs.
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