No. 820 Rl".GlSTDED POil LIVERPOOL, JANUARY 1, 1950 TRANSMISSION ABROAD WHY do so many leading players chooseth� AUTOGRAPHED --'---- �� - --·- TO BANDSMEN CORNET MOUTHPIECE? Price 36/3 (Post free). Ask your local dealer THROUGHOUT THE WORLD I or write direct to :- --··--.. - - . THE SUN NEVER SETS ---·---- --- ··-·-- the SSSCJ ,JZ._ on famous B15 WEST ST., LONDON,W.C.2 - ----· ·---- COMPACTUM Band Teachers, Adjudicators and Solauu 'IMPERIALS' CORNET CASE J. A. GREENWOOD The National Championship· of Great Britain, Royal Albert Hall, Attache style, fitted --- ··- BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR - * with accessories com­ ----- ·- November 12, 1949, won for the third time by partment, solid box 19 NORTHWOOD ROAD, PRENTON BLACK DYKE MILLS Band. Conductor, H. MORTIMER. base, covered in best BIRKENHEAD Telephone : BIRKENHEAD ----·---· · quality rexine. � --- -- --- The Championship of Australia, held at Ballarat in October, 1949, --- ---- * GEO. H. MERCER won by £2·14·6 TAX PAID TRUMPET, CORNET, BAND TEACHEk Order NOW for ST. KILDA Band. Conductor, KEN SMITH. AND CONTEST ADJUDICATOR early 1950 delivery. Address-- The Cornet Championship of Australia, won by BAND DEPARTMENT, MONA VILLA, BURNGREA VE STR� Hom.e market * SHEFFIELD KEN SMITH, Junior, playing his quota limited. BOOSEY HAWKES LTD., ' IMPERIAL ' F.V.A. CORNET & TOM EASTWOOD Aasociated Teacher to the Bandsman's Colle1e 295 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W.1 of Music ("The Easy Way," by post) SOLO CORNET, BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOU ALTON HOUSE, BROUGHAM ROAi MARSDEN, Near HUDDERSFIELD NOEL THORPE Year Offer! SOLO CORNET, BAND TEACHER . • NINETEEN FIFTY . AND ADJUDICATOR c/o. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL At the halfway mark in this eventful SLAiTHWAITE, near HUDDERSFIELD THE century we send cordial greetings to our GEO. HAWKINS 'NEW STANDARD ' BAND TEACHER many friends. We thank them for their OLIVE VILLA, MAYFORD, nr. WOKING, SURREY. 8-FLAT Teacher of Theory and Harmony by post loyal support and hope the New Year will .CORNET. JOHN FAULDS bring happiness and prosperity to all in BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR at new low prices! 44 KENNEDY CRESCENT, KIRKCALD\ the Brass Band Movement. FIFE HAROLD LAYCOCK PUPILS PRIVATE OR POSTAL Brass, Model I8 I /B £30 2 0 INC. TAX BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR Rssa.n... 96 WEST STREET BLACKBALL COLLIERY, WEST HARTLKPOOl. Silver-plated, Model I8I/SP £36 16 5 INC. TAX Co. DURHAM DAVID ASPINALL Besson, 15 West Street, London, W.C.2. musical Direct(lr, Ranwme & Marles Workl' Band (Late Conductor, Creswell Colliery and l".iar.y Brewery Banos) ... ....................... ...� ... ......... BAND TEACHER, BAND AND CHORAL CONTEST ADJUDICATOR "PRIORY VIEW," 14 FRIARY ROAD NEWARK-ON-TRENT, NOTIS. ESTABLISHE D Telephone : Tel.1 Nework456-7-8-9 1862 BLAckfriars S S 3 0 FRED MORTIMER (Bandmaster, Foden'a Motor Works Band) TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR CLIFION RD., ELWORTH, SANDBACH CHESHIRE W. WOOD CONDUCTOR AND TEACHER TO Young Bands a Speciality 6 COLBECK STREET, HANSON LAN -sTART THE NEW YEAR WELL� HALIFAX, YORKS. NEW AND DO THAT DEAL WI TH THE OLD FIRM ALL H. MUDDIMAN RECONDITIONED I ACCESSORIES BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR with a nation wide reputation for " ASHBURN," ALLOA INSTRUMENTS REPAIRS and SILVER PLATING IN STOCK J. BODDICE BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR 13 LAKE ROAD. WOODLANDS, 43 CHAPEL STREET, SALFO.RD, 3 MANCHESTER DONCASTER. , HERBERT BENNETT OUR ONLY ADDRESS BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR ... ...... ... .. ........ 40 LEVEN STREET, POLLOKSHIELDS GLASGOW, S.l. Tel. : Pollock 0826 WE CONVEY OUR VERY BEST WISHES TO ALL BANDS' DURING HAROLD BARKER (Conductor: Ecl<lngton Band) BAND TEACHER AND CONTEST AND WE ASSURE ALL CONCERNED THAT OUR ADJUPICATOR 1950 "SOMERVILLE," ECKINGTON �� SHEFFIELD with SATISFACTI �1)., JOHN FLETCHER SERVICE lt · 3 I,ieut. 1l \J cEN 31> 9 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTOR AlC'D ,_.,. - 'G s ADJUDICATOR WILL CONTINUE WITH SUPERB CRAFTSMANSHIP \s 0 , �\\ \ Brass. Military. Orchestra. °{ 4 THOMPSON ST., PELLON LANE, : REPAIRS ]:\Ja" S IN OV ER HAULS d . t SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR HALIFAX ..&l\� "� Phone : 361011 ENGRA VING : PLATING p HAROLD MOSS etc. 8t of_t"t, \"tl" etc., THE WORL D ·FAM OU S L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. (Bandmasten;hip) 1\�'£\lS S Musical Director, Leyland Motors Band TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR " HIGHAM " SOLO CORNET \P..t'l..SQl\ °tl' (Coach for Diploma Exams., etc., by posli) Successes in various Grades of the B.C.it. lJl.P S G1· Examinations including Bandmastenhip LARGEST STOCKIST IN THE BRITISH ISLES OF 56 SANDY LANE, LEYLAND ').01\1· \ Nr. PRESTON, LANCS. NEW AND RECONDITIONED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WILLIAM FARRALL BAND TRAINER AND ADJUDICATOR KEEN PRICES-----___:...---------QUICK DELIVERIES CHORD PLAYING DEMONSTRATED "CORCJNA," 14 MANOR GROVE, BENTON NEWCASTLl!-ON-TYNE Phone: BENTON 61114 2 D BRASS BAND NE\VS .JANUARY WRIGHT AN ltOUND't:l lst, 1950 T�achers, Adjudicetors and Soloists / MINOR ADVERTISElJI CHAS. A. COOPER 10 ENTS 2� word• 4s. Od. I /6 for each additional word1. Remittances must accompany adver· t•sement, and reach us by of the month. �.. Mus.V.C.M. the l4th For Box address at our Office count six words, and add 6d. for forwardlns of replie1. This rate doe• not apply to Trade Adverts. BAND TEACHER, ADJVDICAT-OR, SENSATIONAL--- COMPOSER AND ARRANGER ANDSMAN'S COLLEGE OF MUSIC, and LAWTON, Assistant · Solo Cornet, Fodens' • r •xperience Brass, l\<lilitary, B Lat c Life-loo'! Orchestral ALEXANDER OWEN MEMORlAL rUNU.­ W Moto1 Works Band, and Choral . 1930-47. At liberty as All enquiries to the Joint Sccretaric�: Mr. H. Band C?ach, Teacher and Adjudicator.-" Band or Choral Contests Adjudicated .. Beech­ COLLIER, 13 Mont rose Avenue, Stretford. near Man­ wood, Colley Lane. Sandbach. Cheshire. (1 l 19 COLUMBIA STREET, HUTHWAITE chester; and Mr. L. HARPER, I Doris Street. Mos­ A::\IES E•LLlS, Scottish c NOTTS. ton. Manchester. O� hest.ra Royal Scottish Academy c , J Music. Brund Tea her, Private Tuition SMITH, SoloCornet, Brass Hand Trainer and Adjudicat<>r, Students successe s include :L.R.A.�1.·s. A.R . .M.' s DRAKE RIMMER is open . to teach or udg e a C : j e auywhere. Ternis,:- 27 Ald rm n Place, Glasgp\v, W.3. Srotsoun 2756 (8) RB"caumoet,'' o Scarborough Road, Muston, Filey, Yorks. ·�AND TEACHER AND ADJVDICATOR. 11 OHN R. BELL. A:R.C.111.-P.rofessional Conductor, and. diud ca " MIRELLA," MILTON ROAD ANTED for ROYAL ENGINEERS Staff Band. J B Coach, A tru. Siieciail Courses i¥J . 100 .i dford 1 Theory. tc u l Southport KIRKCALDY W BOYS with knowledge of music. Full time E G .Road. mrkdale. (2) CAL STRING Instruments. � KIRK D\' musical training WIND & Phone : .2� AND Ql" THE COLDSTREAM GuARDS.-Vacancies sf Permanent Station. Duties pure �ow � . PER SUIT SMART Age 15-17. I:;: ex1 )(. and ATTRACTIVE �t for the following lMo o B Instrumentalists· R• musical. Apply DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, FLU'IE. N Bb O R. E., L CLAIUNE'l'. TEl\'OR r ALFRED ASHPOLE SAXOPHONE f Chatham. CORNE'fS. Bb ? (1) EU1'HO!\'IUM. PIANO and all STRI GED F.T.C.L., A.R.C.M., L.Mus.T.C.L., B.B.C.M. r en s In st um t . Preference given to Double-handedN JACKET, TROUSERS, CAP & BADGE 0 . BAND, VOCAL AND CHORAL TEACHER ERBERT BROOKES, the celebrated Cornettist Playors, Only First-Class will F Pe.rformers be co sidered f H (late of Wingates) is now open for engage,ments Apply: DIIW:C OR OF n E ' uar IU �II Coldstream d IF1()I��\� CONDUCTOR, COMPOSER & ADJUDICATOR s: as Soloist, Teacher, or Adjudicator.-The Library, Duke of Yo Fs HeadQua.rters.MUSIC. G of "Viva Voce u s ons for Brasa rk Kings Road. London. A,.lho. e ti " Parrin Lane, Winton, Manchester. S.W.3. Band ExaminationQ Candidate• (21 A.aociated Tea<>her to the_ Bandwl'f.n'• College DWIN OUNG CORNET PLAYERS needed for BALDWIN, BAND These are converted from part-worn ex-police Uniforms, of Music E 46 TEACHER AND ADJUDI­ Y CA[OR, , Special Arrangements scored for bands Royal Artillery Band. Apply to: Shropshire. Ardem Avenue, Dawley Wellington' \, Speciali&t Coach for all Band Uiplomaa DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, R.A. BAND, renovated and altered to individual measureme include all lower sradea, also AND F nts. Succcuea Woolwich, S.E.18. O . THE WOMEN'S ROY AL ARMY CORPS.- A.B.C.M. and B B. M. (4) Vacancies . C. B ex-1st for all FE�IALE MENTALISTS. lNS'l'l{U- THEY ARE REALLY ASTOUNDING VALUE. , BISHOP'S STORTFORD, HERTS. XPEltr.E.:'<CED BA!l.'D.i\L>\.STE.R requ.ired for Jiount ·Brass. Woodwind, tring s Drums, anrl Send NOW Pi.ano rn the S , Tel.386 E Charles Silver (!ate :Ba.ndma.qter. A. S. Gront. newly fo;rmed. W.R.A.C. Band. stationed 111t Gu1ldo d.- p l B.B.C.'M., A.B.C.•:11.). When apply>ng send credentials r A p y 1�1 first rnsta.nce to: A D\!ASTiEl{. Tra1rnng Centre. B N . for range of samples and Prices. Many pleasing designs available. 28th ' EA E. 28 W.R.A.C. CUJLDFOH1D, SURREY (2) HINCHLIFFE .and requirements by .January to R. f GU . J. M. Alexwnrlra Road. St. Austell. Euphonium Soloist (late Black Dyke ; Be&Ses) AJ'<TED: SOLO CORNET and ASSISTACi!T COlli'\'ET BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDICATOR A'IATEUR BRASS BA1''D Players. GLOUCESTEl{SlllRE W Suitable employment found if desired.­ ASSOC'IATIO.:'< SOLO .a.nd QUARTE'rl'E Apply: BAND 66 NEWTON STREET, HYDE a MAI'\'AGER. 'I'WEEDAiLES and SMALLEY Park Street )lissiun, Glou.Cester; Febru "Y (1920). CO.YfES'.l', LTD. WORKS Cast eto Rochda.le. (1) CHESHIRE llth, 1950. A j udica tor: ,\lr. C. A. Anderson. Cha)lenge BA.i.\l'D. l n. d ARMY & cash in each section. from.-)lr. F. NAVY Schednles SUPPLY Cup DF STORES D CITY .and d l r .
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