•^''V A TUE8DAI, DECEMBER 28, 1948 , A YAOE TWELVB iianrt;»at»r lEvrnins Hfralli MARY CHENEY LIBRAR Average Daily Not Proaa Ron Tha W o d U M ' I «6 U. ' Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. F. Wm U n Meath e l Mevember, IS tt Believed Local Firemen Emergency Doctors Cedars InstaU A b o u t T ow n W., will meet tonight at 7:30 No Word Here sharp in the clubrooms at Man­ Don’t Work on Holidays 9,635 ^ lata thtoufta chester Green. Following a short Dr. Alfred Sundquist and Dr. aSMtar tMight: R«v. Inland O. Hoat and H n . business meeting a Joint Cfitrist- New Officers Early Chriatmaa morning a On Cellai* Job John Prlgnano ars tbs physi­ BMmher e l the A aC t auS?tarirtag eoK Hunt, of lOe Henrjr atreot, wUl be maa party with the Post will take telephone call was received at cians of ^ e Manchester Medi­ Bonaa eC at home to members of the Sec­ place, and each member Is asked fire headquarters on Spruce cal Association who win re­ Manehe$ter-^A City of VUIage Charm ond Congregational parish and to bring a SO-ccnt grab-bag gift. street from a local resident Report Says Orford Vil­ spond to emergency calls to­ Nutmeg ForMt Inbtalla* W eW ffl Be Closed r w - friends, Saturday afternoon, Janu­ Mrs. Bertha Wetherell and her who asked first: "Is anyone morrow afternoon. ary 1. between four and six o’clock committee will serve a delicious tion Last Night; Dis­ there?” and then, “ Are you lage Basements Will Be •a i w o IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29,1948 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FOUR CEMTB In the afternoon, at the parsonage. luncheon. VOL. LXVUI. ,NO. 75 fellovrs working today?” The Waterproofed trict Rep. Here fireman repUed, "Yes,” and caut, Altrad M. Poudtlsr, Manuel Mr, and Mrs, John A. Johnson — Relatives In town have received asked why. Andrade, Gilbert Sasrgaert, Ovlla of It, Garden Drive have returned news of the death of Miss Kate The caller repUed: "Then General Manager George H. Gustave Peterson waa last night after spending the holiday and LaFerriere, Rene Dupiua, Armand installed aa Grand Tall Cedar of At Noon on Wed. $100,000 Fire in Camhridge PolUtt of Yorkshire, England, for­ you had better get down to my Waddell said this morning bo baa Dube, Theodore L a G v t, Charles week end with Mrs. Johnson's par­ merly of this town. Miss PolUtt house quick at — street be­ Nutmeg Forest, TaU Cedars of / ■ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pearson had no information on a report Mather, Leo LarcheveQue, Norman Lebanon, for the ensuing year in * UN Orders Israeli Dutch to Order was a sister of the late Mrs. Eld- cause it's on fire.” of Providence. the government plans to spend a Besette, Rene Allard, Clovis Char- ceremonies .fit the Masonic Tem­ ward' Vickerman of 22 Roosevelt Within a minute, the firemen bonneau, Raymond Dcssrulsseau, large sum of money in order to ple. The Installing officer was Dis­ street, with whom she made her arrived and the chimney blaze Joseph GUUbbtdt,' WUliam LsRiv- Members of Alcoholics Anony­ home for a number of years. extinguished. waterproof cellars of houses in the trict Representative Samuel Coun­ mous will hold their annual New Orford Village project. It was iere, Valerie Raymond, Henry La- sel of Westerly, R. I., Forest. He Troops to Retire ChappeUe. Philip J. LaBrecque, As Usual Tear's eve party at the Pathfind­ learned today that the Federal was assisted by Past District Rep­ The daughter bom December 22 A1 LaPlante, Jamea Pierre and To Indonesian ers club on Norman street Friday Housing Authority has awarded a resentative James O. Baker, Past evening. Members and friends who in St. Francis hospital to Mr. and Mr. and Mra. Robert H. Bugel Ulysses O. Fournier. Mrs. Joseph Heck of 118 McKee contract to Thalle Construction Grand Tall Cedar Wilbert Hadden have not already made reserva­ and infant daughter, Caroline company, a Yonkers, N. Y., firm, and Past Gmd.Talt Cedar Wil­ street has been named Priscilla Grace, have returned to their home From Negeb Area tions from the committee may do to do the work. liam Hunniford (M-ttae local For- so by ^ lin g the Pathfinders club. Merry. They have two small boys, in Wilmington, DeL, after a visit Douglas 7, and Russell, who is with Mrs. Bugel’a mother, Mrs. Cost of waterproofing the cel British-American esL four and a half. lars is set at $13,422, it Is report­ Other elective officen Installed By Friday Midnight Grace P. Agard of Laurel street. Mrs. Bugel was the former Miss ed. Party on Friday last night were: Security Council Also The Ladies Aid Society of the Lucille I. Agard. The general manager aaid he John Fox, senior deputy; Daniel Arms Likely TABLE Covenant - Congregational church has beacd there has been trouble Hair, Junior deputy; Joseph Oan- Directs Both Israel with drainage Into the Orford cel­ Through an error, the wrong ade, scribe; William M. Anderson, UnitPfl Nations Secur­ will hold its annual Christmas ' The Luther League of Emanuel' party tomorrow evening at 7:45 lars, but did hot suppose the gov­ date was glvven last' evening for treasurer, and John Smith, trustee Tiiic JWHAU CORK And Egypt to End To Be Given Chiaiig Calls Rescue Pilot PADS Lutheran church will hold its ernment would act since it has the big mI^w w Year’s party of the for three years. ity Council Also Told at Uie Nelson home in Rockville. Chriatmaa party tonight at eight b U N C N I S T M i Hostilities There; Brit­ A ll are cordially Invited, includ­ been stated that sale of the dwell' Britlah-American Club. Appointive officers were: Sockarno and Mem­ o’clock at the home of Miss Mar­ ings is being considered. U ii(i ing the men. garet Hlnrichs, 140 Summit street. The affair will be held at the WlUiam Forbes, preceptor; ish - Sponsored Reso­ From Stock His Leaders $ 2 9 5 It is not known Just what water­ Maple street clubhouse on Friday Stewart Kennedy, guide; Henry bers of Cabinet Will 1 Op Young folks home from college are lution Is Adopted Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gustafson especially Invited to attend. proofing measures will be taken, evening of this week. New Year’s Halbower, band leader; RolUn Be Released; State­ and children of Greenwich spent nor how the New York firm s^cuF' Eve. Hitt, chaplain; WlUlam Hunniford, Much of What Western For Parleys IKt No! I nkf ( hMnrd*» b> Christmas with relatives m town. ed the business. Beginning at 6 o’clock a smor­ • Mt'MrittrinM ^ our I ablr for m chief ranger; James Lewis, sldo- Paris, Dec. 29.— The ment Witbin Hour Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Mitch­ gasbord will be ready. During the hlan, snd W sller Custer, sentinel. Europeans Need in Mil­ I «iblr l*u«) ell, of 137 Pine street, have re­ evening there will be music for United Nations ordered The Nutmeg Forest bsnd wss. Future of Nationalist < Of 24 • Hour Deadline turned from Montpelier, Vermont, dancing, a full program of enter­ present snd furnished music dur­ Israeli troops today to retire itary Equipment Al- Fhsne where they spent Christmas with K. C. Observance CEHOUSESSON Served on Netherlands tainment and a general good time from the Negeb desert of their daughter, Mias Lorraine ing the ceremonies. A social hour ril^ltidy in Warehouses China May Rest on 1 Today for those present.. followed writh turkey sandwiches southern Palestine. The Se­ Mitchell, who is a student nurse Of French Night Members and their friends are W E GIVE GREEN ST A M P S Decision o f Confer-! \ml bate one of our aalrwtnrii Asthmatic? at Heaton hospital in tluit city. snd coffee being furnished by Nel­ curity Council also ordered Paris. Dec. 29.— (A*)— The <»*inr III toijr home lo do the extended a cordial Invitation to son Qulmby’s committee. (Edltor’e Note: TMs le the They were accompanied by Miss both Israel and Egypt to end second of three stories on ' cnee of Military Men Netherlands told the United im-MHiiriiiu fnr ton. No etiru Members of the committee for attend. This annual ^ fa lr has al' Arllne Tedford of Walnut street. hostilities there. The Council ’’How Much Does Our Foreign Nations Security Council to- t'liiir^i for I h» • Ire. SANSON'S the annual French Night of Camp­ ways proved popular at the club Nanking, Pec. 29— 4’)— From; to our Su|K*r-l>rlinie bell council, Knights of Columbus, and a large crowd is anticipated. adopted a British-sponsored Policy Cost and Why?” ) da.v the Dutch will order an raide Tud- vaiih HI differrnl ASTHMA were announced by Grand Knight 38 Walls Street TeL 5509 resolution by eight votes with all comers of China today came end of hostilities in Indonesia roior* to rb«Mi»e from. School Planners Thomas J. Morrissey at the meet­ three abstentions. No negative By John M. Hightower flames sweep factories after ckplostaa ta Gaadtridfe, Mass, ’Three wood and brick factory bnUdiaga are Nationalist militarj’ leaders t o , at midnight Fridaj'. The ballot was cost. REMEDY ing of the council laat night Washington, Dea 29 — (JT) — a mass of Samea after a blast rocked the laduatrial Kendall square section, First estimates placed emm- talk war or peace with Chlartg | Dutch representative. Jan French night will be held Mon­ *nie Ignited States abstained on ages at $100,000.
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