326 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, Hth DECEMBER, 1951. NOTICE OF .CHARITABLE BEQUESTS v NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST In the Goods of Mary Higgins, late of Ballytresaa. In the Goods of Mary Charters Boyle, late of 3 Randalstown, in the County of Antrim, Married Charlemont place, . Armagh, County Armagh, Woman, deceased. Spinster, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute 30 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above deceased, by and 31 Vic., Cap.54, that the above-named Mary Char- her Will, dated the 24th day of October, 1947, be- ters Boyle, who died on the 1st day of June, 1951, by her queathed the following charitable legacies: — last Will dated the 19th day of May, 1950, be- (a) Twenty five pounds to Canon McCartan, P.P., queathed One thousand pounds to the Dean and Randalstown, for the celebration of Masses Chapter of the Protestant Cathedral Church of Saint for the deceased's intentions. Patrick, Armagh, in connection with the Church of (b) Twenty five pounds to Rev. Charles Bready, Ireland, for the repair and upkeep of the fabric and C.C., for the celebration of Masses for the fittings of said Cathedral Church and in the event of deceased's intentions. Testatrix's sister predeceasing her (which did not (c) Fifty pounds to her Executors for the celebra- happen) Testatrix bequeathed a legacy of Two tion of Masses for the deceased's intentions, thousand pounds in lieu of said legacy of One in Northern Ireland. thousand pounds to said Dean and Chapter of said (d) Twenty five pounds to the Parish Priest of Cathedral Church for the same purposes and Testa- Randalstown, for the upkeep, repair and trix directed that the receipt of the Treasurer of improvement of the Roman Catholic Church said Cathedral Church for the time being at her death at Randalstown. should be a sufficient discharge to her Executors for (e) Ten pounds to Reverend Superior of the whichever of said legacies as should become payable. Maynooth Mission to China for the charitable Probate of the said Will was, on the 21st day of objects in Ireland of said Mission. September, 1951, granted forth of the Principal Reg- (f) Ten pounds to Reverend Superior of the istry of the King's Bench Division (Probate) of the African Mission Society for the charitable High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to Michael objects in Ireland of said Society. Henry Armstrong of Dean's Hill, Armagh in the (g) Fifty pounds to Reverend Provincial of the County of Armagh, Barrister-at-Law, one of the Cross and Passion Order, Mount Argus, Dub- Executors named in said Will, power being reserved lin, to be applied for the education in Ireland to the other Executors. of a Missionary Priest. (h) The residue of her Estate to the Superioress Dated this 7th day of December, 1951. for the time being of the Sisters of Nazareth, MONROE 6 ANDERSON, Solicitors for the Ballynafeigh, Belfast, for the charitable ob- Executors, 15 May fair, Arthur Square, Bel- jects in connection with the care of the aged fast; and Armagh. people in that Institution. To: —The Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, The deceased died on the Hth day of February, and all others concerned. 1950, and Probate was granted on the 13th day of July, 1951, forth of the Principal Registry of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to one of the Executors therein named. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS Dated this 12th day of December, 1951. In the Goods of John McKee, late of Ballylane, in JAMES F. FITZPATRICK & CO., Solicitors the County of Armagh, Farmer, deceased. for the Executors, 1 College Square North, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute Belfast. 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the said John McKee, To: —The Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland who died on the llth day of September, 1951, by his (Charities Branch), and all others whom it may last Will dated the 6th day of January, 1951, made the following Charitable Bequests: — 1. The sum of £500 to his Executors upon trust to have Masses celebrated for the repose of his NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS own soul and souls of his deceased relatives. 2 The sum of £200 to the Roman Catholic Parish In the Goods of Mary Redmond Lowry, late of "Cran- Priest and Curates for the time being at Testa- field," 15 Alexandra Gardens, Belfast, Spinster, tor's death in equal share for the purpose of deceaesd. having Masses celebrated for the repose of the NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to 30 and 31 soul of Testator's father and mother and the Vic., Cap., Sec. 54 that the above named deceased, who deceased members of his family. died on the 13th February, 1951, by her Will, dated the 3. The sum of £10 to Father Kelly, late of Port- 1st November, 1950, made the following Charitable adown, for Masses for the repose of the Testa- Bequests: — tor's own soul. £200 to the Committee for the time being of 4. The sum of £100 to Very Reverend Edward Antrim Methodist Church to be used in wnat- Blacker or his successor for the time being as ever manner they in their sole and absolute Parish Priest of Ballymacnab to be applied by discretion think best. him for the repair and upkeep and decoration £100 to the Committee for the time being of of the Roman Catholic Church of Clady. Whitehead Methodist Church, to be used in whatever manner they in their sole and ab- 5. The sum of £100 to the President for the time solute discretion think best. being of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, at £250 to the Salvation Army (Belfast Branch.) Testator's death to be applied by him for the £200 to the National Lifeboat Institution. maintenance and repair of the Maynooth Col- £200 to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty lege buildings. to Animals (Ulster Branch.) 6. All the rest residue and remainder of the £100 to Dr. Barnardo's Homes (Belfast Branch) Testator's property of every nature and kind at present at Ardmillan, Fortwilliam Park, whatsoever to the said Very Reverend Edward Belfast. Blacker, P.P., Ballymacnab, for the purpose of £200 to the Missions to Seamen (Belfast Branch) having Masses celebrated in public and in Ire- at present of 45 Donegal! Quay, Belfast. land, for the repose of Testator's own soul and Probate of said Will was, on the 29th November, the souls of his deceased relatives. 1951, granted to Luke Jackson Holmes, of Antrim, The Testator directed that the honorarium for all County Antrim, Solicitor; Frederick Gibson Barron, the Masses aforesaid should be the sum of £1 for of 65 Somerton Road, Belfast, Estate Agent, and each Mass and that said Masses should be celebrated Maude Lowry, of 3 Carolhill Drive, Holywood Road, in public and in Ireland. Belfast, Spinster, the Executors therein named. Probate of the said Will was granted on the 26th Dated this llth day of December, 1951. day of October, 1951, forth of the High Court of L. JACKSON HOLMES, Solicitor for said Justice in Northern Ireland, King's Bench Division Executors, 2 Wellington Place, Belfast; and (Probate) the Principal Registry, to Hugh Toner and Antrim. Hugh Rocks, both of Ballylane, aforesaid, Farmers,.
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