REPORT REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES VOLUME III GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: THIRTY- FIRST SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 23 (Al 31/23/Rev.1) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1977 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. The report of the Special Committee is divided into four volumes. The present volume contains chapters XV to XXIV;* volume I, chapters I-VI; volume II, chapters VII-XIV; and volume IV, chapters XXV-XXXII. * The present version of chapters XV to XXIV is a consolidation of the following documents as they appeared in provisional form: A/31/23/Add.8 (Parts I-III) of 8 October, 1 November and 15 October 1976. /Original: English/French/Spanish/ CONTENTS VOLUME I (Chapters I to VI) LETTER OFTRANSMITTAL . Chapter I. ESTABLISHMENT, ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE SPECIAL CO14ITTEE (A/31/23 (Part I) and Corr.1) II. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON DECOLONIZATION (A.31/23 (Part II)) III. QUESTION OF SENDING VISITING MISSIONS TO TERRITORIES (A.31/23 (Part II)) IV. ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC AND OTHER INTERESTS WHICH ARE IMP2DING THE ItLEMENTATIOI OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES IN SOUTHERIN RHODESIA AND NAMIBIA AND INl ALL OTHER TERRITORIES UNDER COLONIAL DOMINATION AND EFFORTS TO ELII'IIWATE COLOIALISM, APARTHEID AND RACIAL DISCRIHIIIATION IN SOUTHERN AFRICA (A.31/23 (Part III)T V. MILITARY ACTIVITIES AND ARRANGEMENTS BY COLONIAL POWERS IN TERRITORIES U11DER THEIR ADMINISTRATION WHICH MIGHT BE IMPEDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION OH THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLLS (A.31/23 (Part IV)) VI. IiTPLEENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND THE INTERNATIOI\!AL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE UNITED NATIONS (A.31/23 (Part V)) VOLUME II (Chapters VII-XIV) Chapter VII. MEETINGS IN AFRICA OF THE AD HOC GROUP ESTABLISHED BY THE SPECIAL CO 4ITTEE (A/31/23/Add.1) VIII. SOUTHEPJ RHODESIA (A/31/23/Add.2) -iii- CONTENTS (continued) Chapter IX. NA4IBIA (A/31/23/Add.3) X. SEYCHELLES (A/31/23/Add.4) XI. SPANISH SAHARA (A/31/23/Add.5 and Corr.1) XII. TIMOR (A/31/23/Add.6) XIII. GIBRALTAR (A/31/23/Add.7 (Part I)) XIV. FRB1CH SOMALILAND* (A/31/23/Add.7 (Part II)) VOLUME III (Chapters XV-XXIV) Paragraphs ge XV. COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part I)) . 1 - 9 1 A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL CO 4ITTEE .... .. 1 - 8 1 B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ....... 9 2 ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED EY THE SECRETARIAT ....... 4 XVI. NEW HEBRIDES (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part I)) . ....... .. 1 - 12 12 A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ...... 1 - 11 12 B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE . ....... 12 14 ANNEXES I. WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT . ......... 17 II. LETTER DATED 2 JULY 1976 FROM THE REPRESENTATIVES OF FRANCE AYD THE UNITED KINGD0M O GRFAT BRITAIN AND NORTHFPN IRELAND TO THE U7ITED 7ATIONS; ADnPESSED TO THE SECRETARYGENERAL .......... .......................... 29 * Note by the Rapporteur: See chap. I, para. 8, foot-note 10, for the new designation of the Territory. -iv- CONTENTS (continued) Chapter XVII. TOKELAU ISLANDS (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part If)) . A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE . B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ........ ANNEX: REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS VISITING MISSION TO THE TOKELAU ISLANDS, 1976 ....... XVIII. BRUNEI (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) ............ A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMlETTEE . B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ......... A4NEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT XIX. GILBERT ISLANDS, PITCAIRN AND TUVALU (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) ........... A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE . B. DECISIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT XX. ST. HELENA (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) ........ A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COI14ITTEE . B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COIMITTEE ......... ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT XXI. SOLOMOH ISLANDS (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) . A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE . B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ......... ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT XXII. AMRICAI SAMOA (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) . A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COt9ITTEE . B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ......... ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT Paragraphs 1 - 11 1 - 10 ii i1 8 8 7 - 10 -8 - 10 -9 -8 9 -9 -8 -9 -8 9 Page 31 31 32 41 154 154 155 156 164 164165* . 170 192 192 193 * . 195 202202203. 206 223 223 224 S .226 CONTENTS (continued) Chapter V4TIII. GUAM (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) .... ........ A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE * * * B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ........ ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT XXIV. TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part III)) ........... A. CON1SIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL CO\IAITTEE . B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMM1ITTEE ........ ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT x, Paragraphs 1-9 8 9 - 12 - 11 12 VOLUillE IV (Chapters XXV-XXXII) XXV. ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA AND ST. VINCENT (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part I)) (XVI. BELIZE (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part I)) (VII. BERMUDA (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part I)) VIII. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLADS (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part II)) QXIX. CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSERRAT AND TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part III)) XXX. FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part III)) XXXI. UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS (A/31/23/Add.9 (Part III)) KXII. INFORmATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNMING TERRITORIES TRANSMITTED UNDER ARTICLE 73 e OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS (A/31/23/Add.1O) -vi- Page 237 237 238 24o 254 254 255 259 X3 CHAPTER XV (A/31/23/Add.8 (Part I) COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS CONTENTS Paragraphs COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS....................... A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMITTEE ........... i - 8 1 B. DECISION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ....... .. ....9 2 ANNEX: WORKING PAPER PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT ........... 4 A. CONSIDERATION BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE 1. At its 1027th meeting, on 18 February 1976, the Special Committee, by approving the seventy-eighth report of the Working Group (A/AC.1O9/L.l066), decided, inter alia, to refer the question of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands to the Sub- Committee on Small Territories for consideration and report. 2. The Special Committee considered the item at its 102nd and 1043rd meetings, on 19 and 20 August. 3. In its consideration of the item, the Special Committee took into account the provisions of the relevant General Assembly resolutions, including in particular resolution 3481 (XXX) of 11 December 1975 on the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. By paragraph 11 of this resolution, the Assembly, inter alia, requested the Special Committee "to continue to seek suitable means for the immediate and full implementation of resolution 1514 (XV) in all Territories which have not yet attained independence and, in particular, ... to formulate specific proposals for the elimination of the remaining manifestations of colonialism and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its thirty-first session". The Special Committee also took into account the consensus adopted by the General Assembly on 8 December 1975 l/ whereby the Assembly noted "with appreciation the close co- operation of Australia, as the administering Power concerned, in the relevant work of the Special Committee, and its continued preparedness to receive a further visiting mission to the Territory, at an appropriate time"; noted "with interest the administrative and legislative steps taken and the further measures envisaged by the Government of Australia in the light of the conclusions and recommendations I/ Official Records of the General Assembl Thirtieth Session, Suplement No. 34 (A/10034), p. 119, item 23. of the 1974 Visiting Mission to the Territory 2-/ with a view to enabling the people of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands to exercise their right to self-determination in accordance with the principles of the Charter and the Declaration"; and requested the Special Committee, "in continued co-operation with the administering Power, to seek the best ways and means of implementing the Declaration with respect to the Territory " 4. During its consideration of the Territory, the Special Committee had before it a working paper prepared by the Secretariat (see annex to the present chapter) containing information on developments concerning the Territory. 5. Australia, both as a member of the Special Committee and as the administering Power concerned, continued to participate in the work of the Committee during its consideration of the item. 6. At the 1042nd meeting, on 19 August, the Rapporteur of the Sub-Committee on Small Territories, in a statement to the Special Committee (A/AC.109/PV.1042), introduced the report of that Sub-Committee (A/AC.109/L.1117), containing an account of its consideration of the Territory. 7. At its 10h3rd meeting, on 20 August, the Special Committee adopted without objection the report of the Sub-Committee on Small Territories and endorsed the draft consensus contained therein (see para. 9 below). 8. On 20 August, the text of the consensus was transmitted to the Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations for
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