
THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORY AT THE BREMAN MUSEUM Mss 387, Gordon Family Papers Box 4, File 9 Gordon, Jack – West Point, 1933-1937 ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES IS STRICLY PROHIBITED ● ● ● Form 2674 Nov., 1933 . Yi'ITTED STATE9 CIVIL S:t:RVICE COMMI§_SION Il&OR.V..ATIO J RELATIVE TO GELERAI. CONGRESSIONAL DESIGNATION RY... AMmATI QNS OF_C.Afi~D.-@:E s FOR APFOiNTMEN'l TO T~lli UNI'.:'ED _§_'TA'l'.ES ~~_bIT1;R"c Jl..:'>TD '\jJ\.V.AL ACADN!-IES . Under the terms of an Executive Order issued Sept'3mber 7, 1932 , the u. s. Ci vil Service Commission will conduct cxam~nations for candidates designated by Sana ors and Repres'3ntatives in Cungres::. whc desire to utilize its services in connection 17i th fi lllng their vacanci'3s in the Ua i ted St ates ,ili tar' and No.val Academies . The Commission prepares the q_uestions , att•=mds to the pr inting and shipping of papers , arran es the ti!rle and placA for examinations, assigns its ex­ aminers to prPside over the examination rooms , r ates the papers r esulting from t hP examinations and transmits tho results to the interested Se:.a tors and Representa­ tives in Co»br8ss . Dates of Examination : Examinations will be conduct ed during the months of January and OctobP.r in each year , the respecti ve dates thereof to be announced i n connecti on with each ex&'nination . Places of Exn;. ination : Examinations will be conduct8d in cl ties where the CommiGs i on csen8 r ally co::iducts its regular Civil SorvicA e.xmni nations . A list of examiuat · on points v1ill be furnished upon req_uest . Time for Filing I.ists : Li st::; containing the number of' candidates and places where examinati ons are des.ired to be held should b8 filed with the u. s . Civil Service Com.mission at Washington , _.i . c., a t least fif teen days prior to the exam­ ination 1lat P- , in order th<:"t the r ")quired nunber of examinatj on papers may be printPd and all arrang8monts completed for the holding of tle examinations . If examina­ tions are requested to be hold outside of tLe United states , the names and addresses of such candidates should be furnish ed ; otherwise , it is not necessary to furnish names and addresses of c&ndidates . ,rethod Of Admitting Candidates to Examination Rooms: The nominating senator or Representative in Conc;re ss notifies his own candidates when and where to appear for examinations . Such notification ccnstitutes a candidate ' s credential for e nterin the examination room, and should be presented by the candidate to the examiner when appearinb for exfu!lination . Physical Req_uirements : Because of the exo.ctin physical r e q_uirements for ap­ r;ointmont to the u. s . Military and Naval Academies , tt is ar1.visable that candidates nomi n::i t ed for t hese examinations appear b e fore a q_ualified physic· an and undergo a thorough physical exffinination , as such action may eliminate tlrn possibility of a canrli ~lat e b eing nominated and po.ssinc; the m·i tten examinati on , only to be r ejected. by the medical offic er of tho War or "'S.ffVJ' Department bec ~mse of physical condition • .Age: Candid.ates for the u. s . Naval Academy must hav €:. re11ched t heir slxt eenth birthday on Ap:ril first , bu t must not have r 0ached thdr t~mut.:..oth btr thd;ay on March tI'.irty- first of th•3 year of entering the AcaC.ern:y . Candidatos for the U. s . Military Acaden:ry muRt have roached t heir suventeenth birthday, but must not have r8achCubaed the].r twenty- second Family birthclay on tho date of Archivesfmtrc.nc e t o the Academy . Subjects and Scop8 of the Examinations : A circular (Form 2599) containing gon­ eral ini'orrnation c:.s to th ~ scope and character of the examinations accompanies this notice • .An additional numb er of circular::.> will be furni.sher1. upon r equest for dis­ tribution among pr ospective candi dates . - Form 2674 Nov . , 1933 . STATES,_....._ CIVIL SWVICE COMMISSION UNITED____ ____ ··--- I '1FOR1v'.LA.TION R1LATIVE TO :;J<TEt=t;i CONGRESSIONAL DES!GNA~ION E.XA.l.f.IE.ATI ONS 01'' CANDIDA'l'ES FOR .APPOI NTEEi:J':L' TO 'l'HE ·----- -.. ·--- - ------·-- · ~ ---- · --- -UNI'::.'!!;D- --- s ·-rA'I'ES- MILI'i.11,RY----- P~rn "JAVliL AGAD:I1HES . Under the terms of e.n Exe cu ti vc Oi·dcr i ssu.ed St'ptember 7, 1932 , the U. S . Clvil Service r-omrnission will conduct exam~na~ions for candidates desi gnated by Senators and Represen tatives in Cungress wlic desire t o utilize its services in connection v1i th fi lling their vacancic:is in th"l Uui ted States Military and Naval Academies . The Commission pn~pares the q_uestion3 , attends to the pr inting and shipping of papers , arran~es t he tirne and placA for examinations, assigns its ex ­ aminer s to prPside over the examination rooms , r ates the papers r esulting from t he examinations and ·transmits tb.o r esults to the i nt Ares t ed Se.::.a tors and. Representa­ tives in Conbress . Dates of Exmnination : Examinations will b e conduct ed durinG the nonths of Jaimar y and OctobP.r in each year , th. respe ctive dates thereof to bo announced in connection with each cxaminc.tj.or . Places of Exf4~i nation : Examina t ion s will be conducted in citie s where the - ---- -- ...·- -·· Commi ssion generall y conducts its r sgular Civil Service examinations . A list of xamiuation points will be furnishe u.pon request . Time for Filing list~_ : List~ c ontaining the number of candidates and places where examinations are desired to be held should b e f iled with the u. s . Civil Ser vice Com.'ili.ssion at Washington , D. c., a t l east fifteen days prior to the exam­ ination el ate , in order that the r "lquired number of exarninati on papers may be printed and all arrangements corn11leted for the hold -ng of t " e exam.inations . If examina­ tions are r equested to be h·:ild outside of tt,e United St<1 l:;es , the names and addresses of suc1 candidates should be furnished ; ot:ierwise , i t is not necessa ry to furnish names and a ddresses of candidates . Met!lod of Adm~tt j ~~g Cand i dat_e~; to Exa...'llination Ro9ms : The nominating Senator or Representativ e in Coner-ess notir'i c:s his own candi iates when and where to appear for examinations . Such notifi cation ccnsti tute s a candidate ' s credential for e ntering the examina tion room, and shoul be p.cesente d by the candidate to t he examiner when appearinc; l'or examination . Physical Requirements : Be cmise of the exacting physical r equi r eme nts for ap­ pointment to the u. s . Military an d Naval Academies , it is advisable that candid.ates nominated for t hese examinations appear before a q_u ified physician and under go a thorou h physi cal exami nation , as "Uch action may elimina t e the possibility of a candidate b eing nomina t ed and p assin~ the wri t ten examinati on , only to be r e j e cte d by the medical of f i c er of tho War or Navy Department 1.Jecause of physical condition. Age : candidates for the TJ , s . Naval Acad0'IDy must have re11ched t heir sixte enth birthday on Ap!'il firs r; , but n:ust not have r eaclH:;d th0ir twcn l:;i bth birthday on March thirty- first of the year of entering the Acader.iJ' . Cartdiclatos for the U. S · Military Ac ademy mu s t hav e r eached t heir seve nteenth bir thduy , but must not hav e r eacheCubad their twent-J - s e condFamily bir ~hday on the date of eArchivesntrance to t he Academy . Subjects and Scope of t he Examinations : A circular (Form 2569) containi ng on­ eral information as to t he scope anr1 charac+.er of t he examimJ.tions accompanj_es this noti ce . An additional numb er of circul ars will be furni.sh8i'l. upon r equest for dis­ tri bution amo ng r r ospoctive candidates . Form 2674 UNITED STATES CIViL SERVICE COMMISSION Aug . 1935 INFORMATION RELATI VE TO GENC:RAL CON'.;RESSIONAL DESIG/\JATION -EXAMINATIONS OF'CAND!DATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE - UNITEi5SfATESMTlfT"ARY AND NAVAL ACADEMIES. Under the terms of an Executive Order issued September 7, 1932, the u. s. Ci vil Service Commission will conduct examinations for candidates designated by Senators and Representatives 1n Congress who desire to utilize its services in connection ,, itn filling their vacancies 1n the United States Military and Nave;! Acnd­ emies . The Commission prepares tne questions, attends to the printing and shipping of papers, arranges the t ime and place for exam1nat1ons, assigns its examiners to preside over the examination rooms, rates the papers result ing from the examinations and transmits the results to the interested Senators and Representatives 1n Congress . Dates of Examination: Exan1nations dill be conducted during the months of January and October 1n each year , -rfi"e respecti ve dates thereof to be«;iof10 unced 1n connection with each exam1nat1on. Places of Examination: Examinations will be conducted 1n cities where the Commission generally conducts i ts regul ar Ci vil Servlceexaminations.
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