Eeoicpabulletin 07-13 Attachment 1

Eeoicpabulletin 07-13 Attachment 1

EEOICPABulletin 07-13 Attachment 1 Previous Period Period Previously Revised Period of Period Currently Listed of Potential Facility City State Listed on DOE ES&H Potential Residual on DOE ES&H Website Residual Website Contamination Contamination AC Spark Plug Flint MI 1946-1947 Same N/A 1948-present West Chester PA 1951-1973 1951-1973, Residual 1951-1976 1974-1976 Aeroprojects, Inc. Radiation 1974-1976 Ajax Magnathermic Corp. Youngstown OH 1958-1962 Same N/A N/A Oxford OH 1952-1957;DOE 1994- 1952-1957; Residual 1952-1995 1958-1993 1995 (Remediation) Radiation 1958-1993; Alba Craft Shop DOE 1994-1995 (remediation) Albany OR 1948-1978; 1987-1993 1948-1978 Residual 1948-1993 1979-1986; 1994 (Remediation) Radiation 1979-1986; Albany Research Center DOE 1987-1993 (Remediation) & 1995 to present Aliquippa PA 1947-1950; 1983-1994 1947-1950; Residual 1947-1994 1951-1987; 1989- Aliquippa Forge Radiation 1951-1994; 1992 DOE 1988; 1993-1994 Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Watervliet NY 1950-1952 Same N/A N/A Allied Chemical and Dye North DE Early 1950s-Late Same N/A late 1960s-1977 Corp. Claymont 1960s Allied Chemical Corp. Plant Metropolis IL 1959-1976 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1977-present West Allis, WI 1943-1944 Same As Listed N/A Allis-Chalmers Company Milwaukee Aluminum Co. of America New PA 1944-1945 1943-1945 N/A 1946-1991 (ALCOA) (Pennsylvania) Kensington Aluminum Company of Garwood NJ 1944 Same N/A N/A America (ALCOA)(New Jersey) Fort Worth TX 1961-1962 1961-1962; Residual 1961-1963 1963 AMCOT Radiation 1963 Indianapolis IN 1954-1959 1954-1959; Residual 1954 -1983 1960-1983 American Bearing Corp. Radiation 1960-1983 EEOICPABulletin 07-13 Attachment 1 Previous Period Period Previously Revised Period of Period Currently Listed of Potential Facility City State Listed on DOE ES&H Potential Residual on DOE ES&H Website Residual Website Contamination Contamination American Chain and Cable Bridgeport CT 1944 Same N/A N/A Co. American Machine & Brooklyn NY 1951-1954 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1955-1992 Foundry American Machine and E. Moline IL 1960 Same N/A N/A Metals, Inc. American Peddinghaus Moonachie NJ 1978 Same N/A N/A Corp. American Potash & West MA Unknown-1961 1959-1961 N/A N/A Chemical Hanover Anaconda Co. Waterbury CT 1942; 1956-1959 Same N/A N/A Armco-Rustless Iron and Baltimore MD 1948 Same N/A N/A Steel Armour Fertilizer Works Bartow FL 1951-1955 Same N/A N/A Armour Research Chicago IL 1957 Same N/A N/A Foundation San CA 1948-1956 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1957-1977 Arthur D. Little Co. Francisco Tonawanda NY 1944-1960; 1974- 1944-1960; 1974-1982; 1944-1998 1961-1973; 1983- Ashland Oil 1982; DOE-uncertain- Residual Radiation 1961- 1998 1998 1973; 1983-1998 Fairfield OH 1956; DOE1990s 1956; Residual Radiation 1956-1992+ 1957-1993 Associated Aircraft Tool (Remediation) 1957-1993; DOE 1994- and Manufacturing Co. 1995 (remediation) Columbus OH 1943 1943; Residual Radiation 1943-1989+ 1944-1995 B & T Metals 1944-1995; DOE 1996 (remediation) Baker and Company Newark NJ 1957-1962 1943-1962 Add'l Info. Req. 1963-1990 (Previously listed as Baker and Williams Co) New York NY 1940s and 1992 (DOE 1942-1949; Residual 1940-1992 1950-1990 Baker and Williams Remediation) Radiation 1950-1990; Warehouses DOE 1991-1993 (remediation) EEOICPABulletin 07-13 Attachment 1 Previous Period Period Previously Revised Period of Period Currently Listed of Potential Facility City State Listed on DOE ES&H Potential Residual on DOE ES&H Website Residual Website Contamination Contamination Toledo OH 1943-1944 and 1990- 1943-1944; Residual 1943-1996 1945-1994 Baker Brothers 1996 (DOE Radiation 1945-1994; Remediation) DOE 1995 (remediation) Baker-Perkins Co. Saginaw MI 1956 Same N/A N/A Battelle Laboratories- King Columbus OH 1943-1986;DOE 1986- 1943-1986;DOE 1986- N/A N/A Avenue present (remediation) 2000 Columbus OH 1956-1975; DOE 1956-1975; Residual 1956-2003 1976-1985 Battelle Laboratories-West 1986-present Radiation 1976-1985; Jefferson (remediation) DOE 1986-present (remediation) Bell Telephone Murray Hill NJ 1943-1944 Same N/A 1945-present Laboratories Bendix Aviation (Pioneer Davenport IA 1960 Same N/A N/A Division) Besley-Wells South Beloit WI 1953 Same N/A N/A Bethlehem Steel Lackawanna NY 1949-1952 Same N/A N/A Birdsboro Steel and Birdsboro PA 1951-1952 and 1962 1951-1952 N/A N/A Foundry Buffalo NY 1948-1952 and DOE 1948-1952; Residual 1948-1998 1953-1998 Bliss and Laughlin Steel uncertain-1998 Radiation 1953-1998 (remediation) Blockson Chemical Co. Joliet IL 1952-1962 Same Indistinguishable 1962-present Bloomfield Tool Co. Bloomfield NJ 1947; 1951 Same N/A N/A Bowen Laboratory North Branch NJ 1951 Same N/A N/A Adrian MI 1954-1961; DOE 1954-1961;Residual 1954-1995 1962-1994 Bridgeport Brass Co. 1988- Radiation 1962-1994; 1995(remediation) DOE 1995 (remediation) Bridgeport Brass Co., Bridgeport CT 1952-1962 1950; 1952-1962 N/A N/A Havens Lab. EEOICPABulletin 07-13 Attachment 1 Previous Period Period Previously Revised Period of Period Currently Listed of Potential Facility City State Listed on DOE ES&H Potential Residual on DOE ES&H Website Residual Website Contamination Contamination 1942-1943; 1949-1953; 1942-1953 1944-1948; 1954- Brush Beryllium Co. Cleveland OH 1942-1943; 1949-1953 Residual Radiation 1944- 1977 (Cleveland) 1948 Brush Beryllium Co. Detroit MI 1940s-1950s 1942-1950s N/A N/A (Detroit) BWXT (Formerly Babcock Lynchburg VA 1959;1968-1972; Same N/A 1960-1967, 1973- and Wilcox Co) 1985-2001 1984, 2002-present C. G. Sargent & Sons Graniteville MA 1968 Same N/A N/A C. I. Hayes, Inc. Cranston RI 1964 Same N/A N/A Springdale PA 1943-1951; DOE Same Add'l Info. Req. 1952-1993 C.H. Schnorr 1992-1995 (Remediation) California Research Corp. Richmond CA 1948-1949 Same N/A N/A Callite Tungsten Co. Union City NJ 1944 Same N/A 1945-present Carboloy Co. Detroit MI 1956 Same N/A N/A Niagara Falls NY 1944; 1960-1962 Same N/A 1945-1959;1963- Carborundum Company 1992 Carnegie Institute of Pittsburgh PA Early 1940s 1942-1946 N/A N/A Technology Carpenter Steel Co. Reading PA 1943-1944 Same N/A N/A C-B Tool Products Co. Chicago IL 1944 Same N/A N/A Chambersburg Engineering Chambersbur PA 1957 Same N/A N/A Co. g Indian MA 1948-1949; DOE 1948-1949; Residual 1948-1995 1950-1994 Chapman Valve Orchard 1991-1995 Radiation 1950-1994; (Remediation) DOE 1995 (remediation) Chemical Construction Co. Linden NJ 1953-1955 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1956-present Cincinnati Milling Machine Cincinnati OH 1963 Same N/A N/A Co. Colonie Site (National Colonie NY 1958-1984; DOE 1958-1968; DOE 1984- N/A 1969-1983 Lead) (Albany) 1984-1998 1998 EEOICPABulletin 07-13 Attachment 1 Previous Period Period Previously Revised Period of Period Currently Listed of Potential Facility City State Listed on DOE ES&H Potential Residual on DOE ES&H Website Residual Website Contamination Contamination New York NY 1940-1947 No longer listed as an N/A N/A Columbia University City AWE Windsor CT 1955-1972; DOE 1965-1972; Residual 1955-1998 1973-1998 Combustion Engineering 1993-1998 Radiation 1973-1998 (remediation) Copperweld Steel Warren OH 1943-1946 Same N/A N/A Crane Co. Chicago IL 1947-1949 Same Add'l Info. Req. N/A Crucible Steel Co. Syracuse NY 1951 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1952-present Stamford CT 1954; 1963 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1955-1962;1964- Dorr Corp. 1969 DOW Chemical (Formerly Madison IL 1957-1960; DOE 1957-1960; Residual 1957-1998 1961-1998 listed as Madison Site 1992-1998 Radiation 1961-1998 (Spectrulite)) (remediation) Dow Chemical Co. Walnut Creek CA 1947-1957 Same N/A N/A Deepwater NJ 1942-1949;DOE 1942-1949;Residual 1942-1988 1950 – 1995; 1997 Du Pont Deepwater Works uncertain-1988 Radiation 1950-1988; to present DOE 1996 (remediation) Dupont-Grasselli Research Cleveland OH 1943-1945 Same N/A N/A Lab. Edgerton Germeshausen & Boston MA 1950-1953 Same N/A N/A Grier, Inc. Electro Circuits, Inc. Pasadena CA 1952-1953 Same N/A N/A Niagara Falls NY 1942-1953 No longer listed as an N/A N/A Electro Metallurgical AWE Energy Technology Santa CA 1955-1988; No longer listed as an N/A N/A Engineering Center Susana DOE 1988-present AWE (Atomics (Canoga (remediation) International/Rocketdyne) Park) ERA Tool and Engineering Chicago IL 1944 Same N/A N/A Co. Grand MI 1944 Same N/A 1945-present Extruded Metals Co. Rapids Fenn Machinery Co. Hartford CT 1950 Same N/A N/A EEOICPABulletin 07-13 Attachment 1 Previous Period Period Previously Revised Period of Period Currently Listed of Potential Facility City State Listed on DOE ES&H Potential Residual on DOE ES&H Website Residual Website Contamination Contamination Fenwal Inc. Ashland MA 1967-1968 Same N/A N/A East PA 1940s-1991 1942-1948 Add'l Info. Req. 1949-present Foote Mineral Co. Whiteland Twp. Philadelphia PA 1952-1954 No longer listed as an N/A N/A Frankford Arsenal AWE Gardinier, Inc. Tampa FL 1951-54;1956-1961 Same Indistinguishable 1955;1962-present La Jolla CA AWE-1960-1969, DOE 1960-1969; Residual 1960-1999 1970-1995 1996-1999 Radiation 1970-1995; General Atomics DOE 1996-1999 (remediation) General Electric Company Cincinnati OH 1961-1970 Same Add'l Info. Req. 1971-1994 (Ohio) Evendale General Electric Plant Shelbyville IN 1956 Same N/A N/A (Indiana) General Electric Vallecitos Pleasanton CA 1958-1978;1981-1982; Same N/A 1979-1980; 1983- DOE 1998-present 1997 (remediation) General Electric X-Ray Milwaukee WI Not previously listed as 1956-1966 N/A 1967-present Division an AWE General Steel Industries Granite City IL AWE 1958-1966; DOE 1953-1966; Residual 1958-1994 1967-1992 (previously listed as Granite 1993-1994 Radiation 1967-1992; City Steel) DOE 1993 (remediation) Great Lakes Carbon Corp.

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