1/14/2019 The Quran Speaks About Ahlul Bayt THE HOLY QURAN SPEAKS ABOUT Ahlul Bayt Sources for this chapter: The Holy Quran, English Commentary, Yusuf Ali. The Holy Quran, English Commentary, Mir Ahmad Ali. Al‑Ghadeer, Al‑Amini. Al‑Muraja'at, S. Sharafud'din. References: Virtually all references in this chapter are taken from authors of Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maaliki or Hanbali persuasion: Al‑Qandoozi, Ibn Khallikan, Al‑Tha'labi, Al‑Tibari, Al‑Razi, Al‑Neisapoori, Al‑Haakim, Al‑Haskani, Ibn Hajar, Al‑Zamakh'shari, Ibn Sa'ad, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hanbal, Al‑Sayooti, Al‑Baydhawi, Ibn Katheer, Al‑Tibrani, Al‑Wahidi, and Ibn Marduwayh. Ahlul Bayt have been delineated in the Quran (Surah 33, Ayah 33) and purified by Allah (Most High) from sin, religious error, or forgetfulness (Ismah). Ahlul Bayt consist of Muhammad (pbuh), his daughter Fatima, his son-in-law and cousin Ali, and his two grandchildren Al-Hasan and Al- Husain. And of the progeny of Al-Husain are the nine designated Imams: Zainul Abideen, Al- Baaqir, Al-Saadiq, Al-Kadhim, Al-Ridha, Al-Taqi, Al-Haadi, Al-Askari, and Al-Mahdi —may peace be with them all. ══════────·────══════ THE HOLY QURAN SPEAKS ABOUT AHLUL BAYT None of the Sahaaba had ever received the recognition or was ever referred to in the Quran as much as Ahlul Bayt were, in particular Ali. To delve in the Quran in search of the referrals to Ahlul Bayt, the researcher finds three different types; some are specific by designation, others are specific by alluding, yet others are non‑specific but understood (hints). Thus the referrals can roughly be categorized in the following fashion: SPECIFIC BY DESIGNATION: http://www.islamicbooks.info/H-21-Math'habs/Quran-Ahlul-6.htm 1/13 1/14/2019 The Quran Speaks About Ahlul Bayt 1. Ayah of Tat'heer: Al‑Ahzaab: Surah 33, Ayah 33. 2. Ayah of Mubaahala: Al‑Maa'ida: Surah 5, Ayah 55. 3. Ayah of Wilaayah: Aali Imraan: Surah 3, Ayah 61. SPECIFIC BY ALLUDING: 1. Ayah Commanding Obedience: Al‑Nisaa': Surah 4, Ayah 59. 2. About Ahlul Dhikr (Folks of the Quran): Al‑Nah'l: Surah 16, Ayah 43. 3. About Al‑Rasikhoon fil I'lm (The erudite in knowledge of the Divine): Aali Imraan: Surah 3, Ayah 7. 4. Ayah of Endearing, for being charitable [exclusively] for Allah's sake: Al‑Dah'r, Surah 76, Ayah 5‑13. NON‑SPECIFIC BUT UNDERSTOOD: 1. Ayah about Al‑Saadiqoon (the Truthful Ones): Al‑Taubah: Surah 9, Ayah 119. 2. Ayah commanding love of the Prophet's kin (Ahlul Bayt): Al‑Shoora: Surah 42, Ayah 23. 3. Ayah about status of the Prophet's kin (Ahlul Bayt): Al‑Anfaal: Surah 8, Ayah 75. 4. Ayah about Ahlul Bayt's distinguished rank [in heaven]: Al‑Waaqi'a: Surah 56, Ayah 10..... 5. Allah sends salutation to Aali Yassin (Ahlul Bayt): Al‑Saffaat: Surah 37, Ayah 130. 6. Blessings to Muhammad are finalized by blessings for Ahlul Bayt: Al‑Ahzaab: Surah 33, Ayah 56. 7. This chapter is the first in the series referring to Ahlul Bayt. Subsequent chapters will deal with referrals to Ahlul Bayt in, a) the Hadith, b) Nahjul Balaaghah, c) by Ahlul Bayt themselves, and d) by the scholars in Islam. ══════────·────══════ اﻟﺗطﮭﯾر :QURAN PURIFIES AHLUL BAYT Al‑Ahzaab, Surah 33, Ayah 33. ْ إِ ﱠﻧ َﻣﺎ ُﯾ ِر ُﯾد ﱠﷲُ ﻟِ ُﯾذ ِھ َب َﻋ ُﻧﻛ ُم ﱢاﻟر ْﺟ َس أَ ْھ َل ْاﻟ َﺑ ْﯾ ِت َو ُﯾ َط ﱢﮭ َر ُﻛ ْم َﺗ ْط ِﮭ ًﯾرا “Verily, Allah has decreed to purify you, O' Ahlul Bayt, and sanctify you in a perfect way” According to A'isha, Ayah of Tat'heer (Purification) was revealed on behalf of Fatima, Ali, [1] Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain. The Occasion: The term Ahlul Bayt was endearingly used by the Prophet (pbuh) when he was in his wife's house, Umm Salama. While busy with her chores, Umm‑Salama heard the Prophet say, “Bring them to me, bring them to me.” He wanted to immediately see Fatima, Ali and their two sons, Al‑Hasan and Al‑Husain. Muhammad (pbuh) asked Al‑Hasan, Al‑Husain, and their mother Fatima to partially cover themselves with his mantle, then he asked Ali to do likewise. He thereupon did the same. The mantle became a uniting cover shared by all five, partly covering every one of them, thus becoming a visible uniting bond, binding all five. Then the Prophet raised his hands in supplication before the inquisitive audience, and said: http://www.islamicbooks.info/H-21-Math'habs/Quran-Ahlul-6.htm 2/13 1/14/2019 The Quran Speaks About Ahlul Bayt “Dear Lord! this is my Ahlul Bayt, I implore Thee to sanctifying them, and remove from them all impurities.” Then Muhammad (pbuh) explained that Jubra'eel (Gabriel) had just revealed to him a unique Ayah, an Ayah in which Allah had decreed to specifically purify and sanctify them, calling them Ahlul Bayt. Umm‑Salama then asked, “How about me? Can I come under the mantle?” Muhammad (pbuh) replied, “No, you stay where you are, worry not, you are in a fine state.” The five (Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain) came to be endearingly known as It is narrated through Anas Ibn Malik that for six . ﺧﻣﺳﮫ ﺗﺣت اﻟﻛﺳﺎء ”The five under the mantle“ months following this Ayah's revelation, every morning (while going for fajr salat), the Prophet used to knock at the door of Fatima's house and loudly recite Ayah of Tat'heer. Other sources say the Prophet (pbuh) did so for 9 months rather than 6.[2] Some commentators claim that this Ayah was revealed at A'isha's house, others claim it was revealed at Fatima's house (as narrated by the renowned Sahaabi Jabir Al‑Ansaari). Yet others claim that this Ayah was apparently revealed more than once, i.e., once in Umm Salama's house, once in A'isha's house, and once in Fatima's house. Meaning of Ayah of Tat'heer When Ayah of Tat'heer was revealed Muhammad (pbuh) was informed by Jubra'eel about who constituted Ahlul Bayt; they were to be the Prophet himself, Fatima, Ali, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain. At this time Al‑Hasan and Al‑Husain were young children and their future‑contribution to Islam was known only to Allah. Allah knew the pivotal roll Ali, Fatima, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain would play for Islam, thus He specified them for this honor. Neither Zainab, nor Umm Kulthoom, the daughters of Ali, were included, nor were any of the wives of the Prophet, (neither Umm Salama, nor A'isha, or others). The Ayah indicates that Allah Himself has honored Ahlul Bayt so specifically, and He promised to keep them “pure, spotless, and sanctified”. Allah had taken it upon Himself to safeguard Ahlul Bayt, to keep them unblemished, untainted, upright, virtuous, and chaste. This is the source and basis of the Ismah [meaning Allah has safeguarded them from: a) sin, b) religious error, and c) forgetfulness.] As events unfolded through the ensuing 329 years (following the Hijrah), the contributions Ahlul Bayt made to Islam has, without doubt, verified the very essence of this Ayah and confirmed what Allah promised. Ahlul Bayt sacrificed everything at hand for the sake of teaching Islam in its pristine form. They jeopardized, if not sacrificed their own lives and even the lives of their children for the purpose! Ahlul Bayt stood for the righteous and the upright, and for the ideals of Islam, and because of that they suffered dearly at the hands of tyrants and detractors. ══════────·────══════ اﻟوﻵﯾﮫ :QURAN SPECIFIES WILAAYAH (AUTHORITY) OF ALI Surah 5 (Maa'ida), Ayah 55. إِ ﱠﻧ َﻣﺎ َوﻟِ ﱡﯾ ُﻛ ُم ّﷲُ َو َر ُﺳوﻟُ ُﮫ َواﻟﱠ ِذ َﯾن َآﻣ ُﻧ ْوا اﻟﱠ ِذ َﯾن ُﯾ ِﻘ ُﯾﻣ َون ﱠاﻟﺻﻼَ َة َو ُﯾ ْؤ ُﺗ َون ﱠاﻟز َﻛ َﺎة َو ُھ ْم َر ِاﻛ ُﻌ َون Verily, verily, Allah is your Wali (Overlord), and so is His Messenger, and those who believe and establish prayer, and give the poor‑rate while in State of Rukoo' [state of bowing down]. Commentators unanimously hold that this verse refers to Ali when he gave his ring to a beggar while bowing in Rukoo' (in the course of his prayer). [3] http://www.islamicbooks.info/H-21-Math'habs/Quran-Ahlul-6.htm 3/13 1/14/2019 The Quran Speaks About Ahlul Bayt The Occasion: Abu Dhar Al‑Ghifari, a highly regarded Sahaabi, was quoted to have said that he heard the Holy Prophet saying, “Ali is the beacon of the righteous and the destroyer of the infidels. He who helps him is victorious and he who abandons him is vanquished.” Abu Dhar continued, “One day while I was saying my prayers in the company of the Prophet, a beggar came to the Masjid asking for alms, but nobody gave him anything. Ali, while in a state of Rukoo' in the prayer, pointed out his ring‑finger to the beggar. The beggar approached Ali and removed the ring from his finger. At this occasion, the Holy Prophet prayed to Allah to delight his heart and make his task less arduous by appointing from among his kinsmen, Ali, as his Wazir (representative and helper). This was to reinforce and strengthen his endeavor, just as Allah has done so with Prophet Musa by appointing Haroon to strengthen him. Abu Dhar continued, “By Allah, the Prophet had not yet finished his supplication when the trustworthy Jibreel descended to him with the verse saying: Verily, verily, Allah is your Wali (Overlord), and so is His Messenger, and those who believe and [4] establish prayer, and give the poor‑rate while in state of Rukoo' [state of bowing down].
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