Page 2 July/August 2011 www.nynjtc.org The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference Special Report VOLUME XXXVIII, NO.4 JULY /A UGUST 2011 GEORGETTE WEIR EDITOR LOUIS LEONARDIS GRAPHIC DESIGNER ANNUAL REPORT TRAIL WALKER (USPS Permit #970-100) October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010 (ISSN 0749-1352) is published bi-monthly by the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference as a Sterling Forest State Park Wonder Lake State Park Yorktown Community Trails benefit of membership. Subscriptions are available to libraries only at $15.00 a year. Periodical postage paid at Mahwah, N.J., and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to the address below. Opinions expressed by authors do not necessarily represent the policy or position of the Conference. Contributions of typed manuscripts, photos, and drawings are welcome. Manuscripts may be edited for style and length. Send SASE for writers’ guidelines. Submission deadlines for the TRAIL WALKER are January 15 (Mar./Apr. issue), March 15 (May/June issue), May 15 (July/Aug. issue), July 15 (Sept./Oct. issue), September 15 (Nov./Dec. issue), November 15 (Jan./Feb. issue). Unsolicited contributions cannot be Bear Mountain State Park Neversink River Unique Area acknowledged unless accompanied by SASE. For information on advertising rates, please write or call. Copyright 2011 by: New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, Inc. 156 Ramapo Valley Road (Rt. 202) Mahwah, NJ 07430 201-512-9348 e-mail: [email protected] editorial e-mail: [email protected] World Wide Web: www.nynjtc.org tional retooling in the face of the new envi - Where We Work: Marking the ronment, adding a new position of Ninety years after a handful of Trail Con - Development Director to help us secure ference volunteers built their first trail—the First 90 Years funds to advance our ambitions. 20-mile long Ramapo-Dunderberg Trail in By the end of the anniversary year we Harriman State Park—1,342 volunteers in Mission Statement What does a mission-focused organization had made a tough climb over rocky terrain 2,110 volunteer positions on and off trail The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is a do when it enters its 90th year of opera - to discover a wonderful view. Here are a were keeping more than 1,775 miles of federation of member clubs and individuals tions? If the organization is the Trail few of the highlights: trails in the following parks and preserves dedicated to providing recreational hiking Conference it looks ahead, not back; asserts opportunities in the region, and representing the State parks in New York and New open for public access and enjoyment with interests and concerns of the hiking community. its ambitions, not its retirement plans. Jersey stayed open thanks to almost 70,000 hours of contributed labor. The Conference is a volunteer-directed public Mostly, it keeps doing what it was created service organization committed to: advocacy campaigns PARKS IN NEW YORK PARKS IN NEW JERSEY to do—make public lands accessible to the Alley Pond Park Abram S. Hewitt State • Developing, building, and maintaining We maintained 1,775 miles of trails hiking trails. public—which translates into recruiting Black Rock Forest Forest • Protecting hiking trail lands through and training nature lovers to build trails, Blauvelt State Park Allamuchy Mountain The rebuilt Appalachian Trail State Park support and advocacy. maintain trails, be advocates for trails, and Buttermilk Falls Park opened on Bear Mountain Camp Glen Gray • Educating the public in the responsible make trail maps and information available Catskill Park use of trails and the natural environment. Campgaw Mountain for public use. We published four map sets in new Cheesecote Mountain County Reservation Town Park Board of Directors or revised editions (Harriman, Delaware Water Gap Natl Chris Connolly Chair Clausland Mountain Recreation Area The fiscal year that preceded the one cov - County Park Gaylord Holmes Vice Chair Catskills, West Hudson, and East Farny State Park James Gregoire Treasurer ered in this report was difficult. The Hudson) Fahnestock Memorial Daniel Chazin Secretary State Park Farny-Rockaway State economic recession forced us to cut budg - Park Forest Park Directors ets and programs significantly. We Our Kittatinny Trails map set Flat Rock Brook Nature Robert Boysen Richard Katsive George's Island County Center Jane Daniels Hans Khimm weathered the storm by staying focused on (2009) won a design award from Park Charlotte Fahn George O’Lear Garret Mountain our mission. And we did some organiza - NJ DEP Goose Pond Mountain Reservation Bill Gannett Edward Saiff State Park Ann Gruhn Daniel Van Engel High Point SP/Wallkill Treasurer’s Report Harriman - Bear Natl. Wildlife Refuge Daniel Hoberman projects. Management and general Mountain State Park High Point State Park Staff for Fiscal Year 2010 expenses of $88,327 were down approxi - High Tor State Park Jenny Jump State Forest Edward Goodell Executive Director By Jim Gregoire, Treasurer mately $30,000 from the prior year, while Hook Mountain State Joshua Howard Deputy Executive Park Long Pond Ironworks fundraising and membership expenses State Park Director Hudson Highlands Kevin Melchionne Director of Results for our fiscal year ended September increased by a similar amount, reflecting Gateway Park Mahlon Dickerson Reservation Development 30, 2010 have been audited and an the hiring of a Development Director in Hudson Highlands State Don Weise Development Park Morristown National unqualified opinion dated March 24, mid-year. Historical Park Manager Idlewild Park 2011 has been issued by the Trail Confer - Our net income (a.k.a. “change in net Norvin Green State Forest Joanne Reinhardt Membership Kitchawan Preserve Program Manager ence’s auditors, ABD Associates, LLP. assets”) for the year was down $42,836, Palisades Interstate Park Manitou Point Nature Jeremy Apgar Cartographer Total revenues for the year were bringing total net assets of the organiza - Preserve Pequannock Watershed Leigh Draper East Hudson $1,451,555 consisting principally of tion to $2,843,605 at year-end. Major Minnewaska State Park Pequest Wildlife Program Preserve Management Area Coordinator membership dues and contributions components of net assets are trail lands Montrose Point Preakness Range-High Chris Ingui New Jersey ($997,169); map and book sales and easements ($1,814,421), cash and Mountain Mount Washington State Program ($274,594); and income from various investments ($552,757), and receivables Pyramid Mountain Coordinator Forest trail building contracts ($155,272). This ($158,984). We have also capitalized Mountainview County Ramapo Mountain State Larry Wheelock West Hudson Forest Program revenue is approximately $280,000 lower $634,992 of invested costs of the Dar - Nature Park Coordinator than the previous year, primarily due to lington School House construction Neversink River Unique Ramapo Valley County Area Reservation Jeff Senterman Catskill Program the recording of contributions received in project. Total liabilities of $350,615 Coordinator Nyack Beach State Park Ringwood State Park Catherine Gemmell Database and early 2010 as income and receivable in include a mortgage of $216,000 secured Palisades Interstate Park Rockaway River Wildlife Management Area Volunteer late 2009. against our land assets. That mortgage Pelham Bay Park Administrator Rockleigh Woods Our expenses for the year totaled will be retired with the proceeds of a Roosa Gap State Forest Sanctuary/Lamont Gary Willick Fulfillment Sam's Point Preserve Coordinator $1,494,391, approximately the same as in recent land sale to New York. Additional Reserve the prior fiscal year. Of this amount land assets are under contract for sale to Schunemunk Mountain Spruce Run State Park Georgette Weir Communications State Park Manager $1,125,621 are program-related expenses, New York State for a price of $1,555,100. Stephens State Park South Mountain County Stokes State Forest Melissa Bean Administrative including $204,540 for trail building Park Assistant Swartswood State Park Staten Island Greenbelt Tenafly Nature Center The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is a Sterling Forest State Park Voorhees State Park volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. It is Volunteer Contributions by Committee 1/1/10 — 12/31/10 Storm King State Park Wanaque Borough Park a federation of 103 hiking and outdoor groups, Sylvan Glen and 10,000 individuals. Wawayanda State Park Committee Work Hrs Travel Hrs Value * Taconic State Park Worthington State Forest printed on recycled content paper Tallman Mountain State Administrative 4,114 880 $125,849 Park PLEASE RECYCLE TRAIL WALKER Communications 121 9 3,276 Teatown Lake Conservation & Advocacy 1,180 192 $34,574 Reservation Darlington School House 139 15 $3,881 Van Cortlandt Park Ward Pound Ridge Membership/Development 337 119 $11,491 Reservation Follow NYNJTC! Publications 2,687 502 $80,363 West Hook Mountain Technology Committee 1,418 — $35,734 Open Space Trail Builders and Maintainers 41,583 11,396.80 $1,335,091 Wurtsboro Ridge State Volunteer Committee 276 61 $8,492 Forest facebook.com/nynjtc TOTAL 51,855 13,174.80 $1,638,751 Our full Annual Report can be viewed and downloaded twitter.com/NYNJTrailConf *The value of volunteer time presented here is $25.20 - the average wage plus benefits of non-management, online at www.nynjtc.org. non-agricultural workers in New Jersey. www.independentsector.org/volunteer_time.
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