WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4, l 94« I ^ ^lanrlfPBt^r Cpgnittg Ifgralb Averat* Dafly ClradatlM Ths WaaUMr r w tbe Meotb e( Mevembm. WU of P. a wambet itepma 9 ^ 5 9 Portty eleady tealght and TM- x r •what colder Friday than Christmas at HALEYS Maneheiter— A CUy of ViUago Charm (BIGHTBEN PAGES! PRICE THREE CENTO Is A Gay Whirl Of Gifts VOL. LXVL, N a 5« ea Page M> MANCHESTER, CONN; THURSDAY, DECEMBER B, IM t For All The Family Agreement Reached Philadelpliki Fire Lewis and Lawyers To End Strike Tying Confer on Payment Boxed Jewelry For \mm Up City of Oakland Of Union’s Big Fine G ifu m Boxed Stationery Questions Confronting Return- to 'Work Or­ » A tomic Power Plants Legal Battery In­ Fine quality writing paper and envelopes ders to Be Given AU Mac Arthur Target • c l v ’ ^■ in all white or col6r^ paper with Inter­ clude Whether to Pat A F L Union Business lined envelopes In the ne\v sheer weights. Up Bond, to Appeal Also boxed stationery for men. Agents; Machinists O f Reds ’ Criticism Seen as Competitor At 'Once to Circuit First to Go Back on - -- I PhUa’delphla, Deo. 4 — (P) ‘^ ^ w U l be In operation at Oak Ridge Court of Appeab or 50c lo $ 2 *3 0 box Job; Key System Lines . Tokyo, Dec. 5— OP)— Blunt Rue-6 Heretofore, Soviet critics have Atomic power plants can be con- by 1948, Dr. ’Thomas toM a lec­ avoided identifying MacArthur di­ eien press critlclam of General atructed on ths eastern seaboerd ture' group at the University of Adopt Delaying Tao rectly with the pollciea In Japan Officials See Resump­ MacArt lur was regarded In In­ to compete economically with those Pennsylvania last night . which they have attacked. ties; Timing Problem Aprons tion Inside Two Hours formed quarters today as the start using cool If bituminous prices rise Ths Oak R l^ unit he aokt, of a new Soviet propaganda cam­ Now the Russians claim a direct os high ea $10 e ton, says on ex­ costa two and ons-half tlssas as paign against occupatJon policies link oetween MacArthur and the ecutive of the Oak R l d ^ Tenn., much to build os would ons using Washington, Dec. 6.<—(/P) In Japan with the supreme com­ )vemment of Premier Shlgeru coal, but he added that technolog­ Bulletin! etomic project. — John L. Lewis, ctmtlnu^ mander for the first time under ?oshida, wh^h la under bitter ical advoncss would rsducs ths Oakland, Calif. Dec. 5.— Dr. dnarlea A. Thomas, vice Gift direct fire. vocal attack from leftist Japa­ president of the Monsanto (Chem­ Initial outlay conalderably. lis relentless throttle on soft (AV*The general s t r I k t, Official comment waa not avail­ nese. ical Oo, and now directing the con- Beoek Itaelf In Skadiws coal production, conferred able, but aomc sources saw a which for nearly three daya Toehida came into power sev­ verslMi of the Oak Ridge plant to Dr. Thomas womsd, howsvsr, with his lawyers today on V Of fllne Sheers and Earrings — Necklaces — BnMM-hes planned timing between an article non-military uaee, dedared that gripped 1,000,000 residents of eral months ago to ths protests that "In the ahadowa ta ths bomb whether the United Mine Percales In a large y Braccleta In Red Star yesterday and an In- of several mass dememstrations at the present price of $7 e ton, east bay commuqities in al­ IteelP* and ths question of Its fu- assortment of Prints tenB*hed left-wing pre^umanda which Japanese Oimmuniste ad- coal is the cheeper form. turs control “ Impsrtla all psoostlms Workers should answer their Gold and silver finish. Many styles vrith campaign within Japan coliladlng and Styles, waist­ most complete business pa­ jmitted they organised. Firemen, manning a score of pieces of equipment, fight e three-olerm Would Never Wipe Oat Cool odvonesa In ths uss of atomic on- $8,600,000 contempt J u ^ band or coverall Children's Books rhinestones and sparkling colored stones. with winter and the resUeasneas fire which destroyed the four story building of A-1 Industrial ralysis, ended today shortly of the unemployed. But even If technological prog- srgy.” i meat with s “try snd get It.” styles, from Kquipment company in the central port of Philadelphia. The firm An atomic powsr plant would bs before 11 a. m^ Pa L "Reaettooary** PoUtleal AIum reea or rteing cool prices bring Vs Aspiul Iks BOm cs Treasury Balance manufactured conveyors snd (an hetta. (A P wtrephoto). moot valusbis, sold Dr. Thomas, Political Commentator A. Slbtr- about the atomic power plant. Dr. As Um ooHetenee srent forward to $ 2 .5 0 $ 1.00 each In a dsaolate rsglon such os 25c yakov wrote In Red Star that Mac- ’Thomoa saIdP atomic energy never at UMW headquarters—and the Oakland, Calif., Dec. 5.— Alaska. Hs assarted that one air­ Plus Tax. Arthur was pursuing "reaction- Washington, Dec. 6—01^—’The would wipe out the coal or oil In- Imhistry-straagllng cool strike The Hide .\way Duckling.........50c (A*)h—An agreement to end duetriee. He aald It would supple­ plane in flight could Bupply Alooka showsd no signs ot aboUng—lt bo- mry” political alma In Japan which position of the 'rreasury Deo. S: with enough fuel to operate for two $|.00 to the general strike paralysing were "far from democratic alma ment—rather than Bupplont—use ooms known that Preeldant Tru­ Raggedy A n n ............................50c Receipts, $145,701,92i:»0; ex­ Four-Power Control or three years. Oakland the east bay for and shari^y departe from the pol­ of thsae fuels. man win oppsol dlrsctly te tbs Wide Awake Angel.................. ."»0c penditures 1178,885,765.77; bal­ The first experimental power miners. 48 hours was reached early icy planned by Allied leaders for (OeaHaasd on Fogs Two) $ 2 .9 8 l.ittle Fire Engine ................ $1.00 Japan.” ance, $8,308,508,598.28. plant ever to uae atomic energy (lusstlons confronting tbs Lawts f, (iolden Almanac ................... $1.00' today, with prospects that Of Germany F^ure igol battery tnolodod: Dictionary .............................$1.">0 wheels would be turning 1 . Whathsr to post bond to covsr again and business resnmhd tbs $8,800,000 Sns on tbs unloa, Very Young Verses.............. $2.00 and U so bow it Is to bs rotsad. » Animal Friend ........................$1.i>0 some time after noon. -la b o r Indignant Miners (’nw $10,000 Sns on Lssris paraou- T e Get Betarm O tie n Charges Guerrillas f Nancy D r e w ..............................6.5c “ a ff" n " I i Prolong ally will bs oovsrsd by • bond bs- Return-to-work orderz were to c l u d M fWs • ixm. the union lawyers told b « given eQ A F L union buslneen Speedy Peace Treaty! Fodorol Judge T. Alan Qolds- •J* egenU et a meeting celled for 10 British Stay borough). e. m. (1 p. m., ea.t.). Get Much Support Or Central, Control | Indicate Fine Will 2. Wbstbar te oppaal at onse Memben of tbe independent In- to tbe Ctreult Ooutt of Appeeln temetlonel Aaeocietion of Ma- Berlin. D^.-</P)~Wll-i l^*W e to Break Hindu or adopt delaying Uetks. Tbe U g3 chinteU were tbe lint to go beck staff Isft no doubt tbat an oppsol on tbe job. Order* were iMued l i lam C. Doherty said today MoBlem Deadlock Over Not End Walkout will bs token, but the tlinlng was etertlng et 4 e. m. to the 10,000 Outside of Greece lis three-man American Fed­ problematical. union memben to nport thie Indian Independence eration of Labor delegation S. The prospect of a now con­ morning. tempt ritotloii, if Lewis oontlawM fcrkis very first Christmas... lad concluded four-power ‘Let Government Attor­ Prior to tbe 10 A m. meeting, Greek Government As- London, Dec. S—(O')— The Brtt- Truman Urged to Ixnoro Judgs Ooldaborough’s however, memben of tbe 42 eeet Bidault Fails government in Germany was leh government sros unable today neys Dig Damn Gold' rsafflnned ordu to call off' ths I Berts, in Complaint to strike. bey A F L union* stayed away and a colossal failure and the to break tbe Htndu-Moolem dead­ masted ee before In downtown Attitude Taken; Un­ ^ Tbs poasibiuty of proaseuUon To Get Post! Security Council, Yu- alternatives are a speedy lock over Indian Independence, and Make A ir Plea Oakland streeU In the early rainy ion Leaders Fiercely under th« Bmim-Qgniallv not. _______ I peace treaty with Germany informed aourcea aold .coa ef* tlw which malMdlt irtnlaF^R ais^ hour*. goslsiviii, Albania and - a ---- PlokettBg Coattanee qr a ooulsol qiosaaa IM pvOHBpMHB P caonnee Fines; 172^- Radio Apped to Miners Incite or snooursgs stiikse against Picketing eonttamed before all First Tabulation C i v e s j Aid in Dlli- administration.” of Briteln’a stay In Indio. ths govsmmant large eeteblishmente, " Including Trad* Union* BIttdIed The rival Indian leaders, now in 000 Others Idled Now Or Some Other Ac­ Kisinsdy At Coofersnoe the two etruck department etone 240 Votes fo r P i^ Orders Along FrouUer Tbe delegation, which has spent London, will not be called into Sitting in on ths union eonfarenos roundtable confdrence. This de­ tion Now Suggestet which were the focal point of die* mier; Below .Tborei month studying German trade Pittsburgh. Dec. 6.— 4/P)-- sroa Secrstary-TVsaauror Tbmnoa pute. i Lake Su(x:es8, N . Y., Dec. 6. imlons In tbe American and Brit­ rision was reached’ today after a Kennedy, former Usutenont special seasion of the cabinet, Bitterly indignant AFL-Unit- Official* of the Key System {— (/P)— Greece charged today ish occupation sone, also believea, BoUttlal governor of PonnayivanlA on whom Paris, Dec.
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