FOREST INSECT AND DISEASE CONDITIONS IN ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOBA, AND THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES IN 1982 AND PREDICTIONS FOR 1983 B.H. MOODY AND H.F. CEREZKE INFORMA nON REPORT NOR-X-24 8 NORTHERN FOREST RESEARCH CENTRE CANADIAN FORESTRY SERVICE ENVIRONMENT CANADA 19 83 CMinister of Supply and Services Canada 19 83 Catalogue No. F046-12/24 8E ISBN 0-662-12 543-6 ISSN 0704-767 3 This publication is available at no charge from: Northern Forest Research Centre Canadian Forestry Service Environment Canac!a. 532 0 - 122 Stre�t·· Edmonton,· Alberta, Canada . · . T6H 3S5 ii Moody, B. H. and H.F. Cerezke. 1983. Forest insect and disease conditions in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Northwest Territories in 1982 and predictions for 1983. Environ. Can., Can. For. Serv., North. For. Res. Cent. Edmonton, Alberta. Inf. Rep. NOR-X-248. ABSTRACT RESUME Forest pest conditions in Manitoba, On decrit sous forme abregee les Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the North­ conditions d'infestation des fOrt�ts au west Territories during 1982 are sum­ Manitoba, en Saskatchewan, en Alberta et marized, and predictions are made for dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest en 1983. Eleven major pests are discussed in 1982 et on fait des previsions pour 1983. detail, and additional noteworthy insect, Onze ravageurs importants font l'objet disease, and other damage agents are d'une discussion detaillee et un tableau covered in a table. porte sur d'autres insectes, maladies et agents nuisibles dignes de mention. New infestations of the spruce bud­ worm occurred in all three provinces and De nouvelles infestations de la the Northwest Territories and caused tordeuse des bourgeons de l'epinette sont moderate-to-severe defoliation at several sur venues dans les trois provinces et les locations. A newly reported infestation Territoires et ont cause une defoliation of the jack pine budworm caused similar moyenne a grave en plusieurs endroits. defoliation in central Manitoba. Une nouvelle infestation de la tordeuse du pin gris a cause des dommages similaires Defoliation of trembling aspen, dans Ie centre du Manitoba. caused mostly by the forest tent cater­ pillar, was again extensive. Areas of La defoliation du peuplier faux-tremble, moderate-to-severe defoliation of aspen causee surtout par la livree des fon�ts, occurred within an estimated 13 000 000 est restee etendue. Moyenne a grave, ha in Alberta, 2 100 000 ha in Sask­ elle couvrait 13 000 000 ha en Alberta, atchewan, and 600 000 ha in Manitoba. In 2 100 000 en Saskatchewan et 600 000 au the Northwest Territories the area de­ Manitoba. Dans les Territoires du Nord­ foliated by large aspen tortrix decreased Ouest, la superficie defeuillee par la and was widely scattered. tordeuse du tremble a· fondu en plages fortement disseminees. Infestations of the mountain pine beetle occurred within the same areas in Le dendroctone du pin ponderosa a 1981 and killed over one-half million infeste les memes regions qu'en 1981 et trees. Two new small infestations tue plus d'un demi-million d'arbres. Deux occurred, one within the south end of nouvelles infestations mineures sont Banff National Park and the other in survenues, la premiere dans Ie sud du parc Kananaskis Provincial Park. No in­ national Banff et la seconde dans Ie parc festations of Dutch elm disease were provincial Kananaskis. La maladie hol­ found in Saskatchewan; however, 3000 landaise de l'orme ne s'est pas manifestee native elms were infected in 63 munici­ en Saskatchewan; toutefois, pres de 3 000 palities throughout southern Manitoba. ormes indigenes ont ete infectes dans 63 municipalites du sud du Manitoba. Intensive surveys of dwarf mistletoe infected jack pine stands were initiated in Des releves intensifs des peuple­ 1982. The introduced pine sawfly, Diprion ments de pins gris infectes par Ie faux-gui similis (Hartig), a species native to ont debute en 1982. Le diprion importe Europe, was observed for the first time in du pin (Diprion similis (Hartig», insecte southeastern Manitoba. indigene d'Europe, a ete observe pour la premiere fois dans Ie sud-est du Manitoba. iii CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 1 SPRUCE BUDWORM . ....... ..... .... ....... ......... ................. 1 JACK PINE BUDWORM 5 ASPEN DE FOLIA TORS 5 MOUNTAIN PINE BEETLE .............................................. 7 SPRUCE BEETLE 9 DUTCH ELM DISEASE ................................................. 10 DWARF MISTLETOES . 10 WOOD BORERS . ...... .... ... .... .... ...... ...... ................ ... 12 LODGEPOLE NEEDLE MINER •••••.•.•••••.•••.•..••.•.•••..••..•..•••• 13 A BIRCH LEAF SKELETONIZER •.•••..•.•.•..•••.••••.••.•••.••••••••.. 13 LARCH SAWFLY ............................... e·e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13 NEW OR INTRODUCED PESTS 13 OTHER INSECTS AND DISEASES 15 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS ••.•••••••••••••••.•.••.•••.•• 19 REFEREN CES .... .. .... .... ..... ...... .................. .... ...... 19 FIGURES 1. Areas of moderate-to-severe defoliation by budworms, Choristoneura species, in 1982 and the locations of spruce budworm pheromone traps ............. 2 2. Areas of moderate-to-severe defoliation of trembling aspen primarily by the forest tent caterpillar and large aspen tortrix in 1982, determined 6 by aerial and ground surveys ...................................... 3. Areas of mountain pine beetle infestations in southwestern Alberta and the Cypress Hills on the Alberta-Saskatchewan border in 1982 •••••••••• 8 4. Areas of Dutch elm disease infections in 1982 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 iv Page TABLES 1. Average spruce budworm egg-mass densities and predicted 1983 damage for Manitoba ..................................................... 4 2. Results of 1982 jack pine budworm egg-mass survey in Manitoba and 1983 forecast .....•..•.........•.....••..•..•....•...•....••..•....... 5 v 1 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes forest Yasu Hiratsuka, Mycologist insect and disease conditions in Alberta, Paul Maruyama, Mycology Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the North­ Technician west Territories in 1982 and provides Ben Moody, Damage Appraisal predictions of the infestation levels of Officer, Head FIDS major insect pests for 1983. Surveys were Jack Petty, Senior Technician conducted mainly by the staff of the (Field Surveys) Forest Insect and Disease Survey (FIDS) Dianne Szlabey, Insect Taxonomy of the Northern Forest Research Centre, Technician Canadian Forestry Service (CFS), with the Gary Still, Insect/Disease cooperation of personnel from many Ranger federal, provincial, and municipal Craig Tidsbury, Insect/Disease agencies. Ranger Dick Wong, Insect Taxonomist We would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of many indi­ Four summer students (David Wade, Fred viduals from the following agencies: Stanley, Candace Liard, and Tarra Kongsrude) also worked for FIDS in 1982. Alberta Agriculture Alberta Environment The following descriptions of pests Alberta Forest Service (AFS) are arranged more or less according to Alberta Recreation and Parks national and regional importance. Brief City of Edmonton remarks on other noteworthy insects, City of Prince Albert diseases, and vegetation disturbances City of Saskatoon appear in the table on pages 16-18. Department of Northern Saskatchewan Manitoba Agriculture SPRUCE BUDWORM Manitoba Department of Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) Natural Resources Parks Canada Several new spruce budworm infes­ PFRA Tree Nursery tations were reported from white spruce Saskatchewan Agriculture and balsam fir areas in Manitoba, Saskatchewan Department Saskatchewan, Alberta, and the North­ of Tourism and Renewable west Territories in 1982, and populations Resources were . generally higher than in 1981 Canada Department of Indian (Fig. 1). Affairs and Northern Development Manitoba: The number of areas of infes­ tation increased, and moderate-to-severe FIDS staff and contributors to this defoliation occurred in 17 predominantly report for the 1982-83 fiscal year were as white spruce areas scattered over 31 380 follows: ha of forests and containing 4090 ha of white spruce and balsam fir stands. Tree Herb Cerezke, Entomologist mortality of the balsam fir component is Jim Emond, Senior Technician occurring in about 2000 ha in three main (Pest Extension Service) areas of spruce-fir forests weakened by Howie Gates, Insect/Disease repeated defoliation since 1975. No Ranger control operation was conducted in Mike Grandmaison, Insect/Disease Manitoba in 1982. Ranger • • SPRUCE BUDWOR M • JACK PINE BUDWORM • TWO-YEAR-CYClE SPRUCE TERRITORIES BUDWORM SPRUCE BUDWORM PHE ROMONE TRAP lOCAT IONS 0 0 CD .I I • • , , , 0 * REGINA , I Figure 1. Areas of moderate-to-severe defoliation by budworms, Choristoneura species, in 1982 and the locations of spruce budworm pheromone traps. 3 In the Interlake region, moderate­ infested areas of Manitoba were sampled to-severe defoliation 1 was widespread by FIDS, while other locations were from Kinwow Bay (Lake Winnipeg) sampled by the Forestry Branch, Manitoba through the Saint Lakes area to Moose Department of Natural Resources (Table Island (Fisher Bay). Scattered patches of 1). Results indicate that the spruce bud­ similar defoliation occurred at Hecla worm populations will increase in the Provincial Park, Grindstone Provincial areas sampled and that moderate-to­ Recreation Park, and the Waterhen areas. severe defoliation will occur on about A small infestation was recorded in the 6000 ha of white spruce and balsam fir Moosehorn area. Elsewhere,
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