NOT CONFIDENTIAL – For public release DERBYSHIRE DALES AND HIGH PEAK JOINT CORE STRATEGY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12 APRIL 2010 Report of Head of Planning Services and Acting Head of Regeneration __________________________________________________________________________ JOINT DERBYSHIRE DALES AND HIGH PEAK CORE STRATEGY - DRAFT PLAN See Minute SUMMARY This report sets out progress on the preparation of the Derbyshire Dales and High Peak Joint Core Strategy and seeks approval for public consultation of the Draft Core Strategy. RECOMMENDATION 1. The Draft Core Strategy set out in Appendix 1 to this report is recommended to Council (Derbyshire Dales) and the Executive (High Peak), along with any comments from this committee, to be approved for public consultation. 2. That any factual changes and amendments required to the text be delegated to the Head of Planning Services (DDDC) and the Acting Head of Regeneration (HPBC) in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of this committee. WARDS AFFECTED All Wards outside the Peak District National Park. STRATEGIC LINK The Joint Derbyshire Dales and High Peak Core Strategy will be a pivotal tool in the delivery of the both Council’s Corporate Plans and Sustainable Communities Strategy. 1 BACKGROUND 1.1 Members will recall that at the meeting of this Committee held on 15 February 2010 following advice from the Planning Advisory Committee and the Planning Inspectorate resolving to undertake an additional stage of public consultation in respect of the Core Strategy 1.2 National Guidance on the preparation of Development Plans is contained within Planning Policy Statement 12 (PPS12) and indicates that Core Strategies should include: • an overall vision which sets out how the area and the places within it should develop; • strategic objectives for the area focussing on the key issues to be addressed; • a delivery strategy for achieving these objectives; 1 • how much development is intended to happen where, when, and by what means it will be delivered. Locations for strategic development should be indicated on a key diagram; and • clear arrangements for managing and monitoring the delivery of the strategy. 1.3 PPS 12 also indicates that Core Strategies must: • be prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme and in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the Regulations; • be subject to a sustainability appraisal; • have regard to national policy; • conform generally to the Regional Spatial Strategy; and • have regard to any sustainable community strategy for its area (i.e. County and District). 1.4 The Strategy must also meet the tests of Soundness. To be “sound” a core strategy should be justified, effective and consistent with national policy. “Justified ” means that the document must be: • founded on a robust and credible evidence base; • the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives. “Effective ” means that the document must be: • deliverable • flexible • able to be monitored 2 DRAFT CORE STRATEGY 2.1 A Draft Core Strategy has now been prepared, and is attached in Appendix 1 to this report for Members consideration 2.2 The first part of the Core Strategy explains why it is being prepared and what it includes. There then follows a description of the area and a vision, based in part on the Sustainable Communities Strategy vision, which describes how the area will develop between now and 2026. Ten issues relevant to the Core Strategy area are presented and categorised into themes Each theme has its own set of related strategic objectives will allow the plan to be monitored. Table 1 shows the relationship between the issues, themes and strategic objectives. Table 1 - Links between Issues, Themes and Strategic Objectives Issues Themes Objectives KI1: The need to Promoting Peak District SO1: To protect and enhance the protect and enhance Character Green Infrastructure Network the character and SO2: To maintain, enhance and distinctiveness of the conserve the areas distinct towns and villages in landscape characteristics, the Core Strategy biodiversity, and cultural and Area historic environment. 2 Issues Themes Objectives KI2: The importance SO3: To ensure that design of new of managing the development is of high quality and impacts on the Peak that it integrates effectively with its District National Park setting and promotes local KI3: Mitigating the distinctiveness. effects of climate SO4: To protect and enhance the change character, appearance and setting of the towns and villages. SO5: To address and mitigate the effects of climate change on people, wildlife and places; promoting the prudent and sustainable use of natural resources. KI4: The need to Supporting the Rural SO6: To facilitate development that diversify and Economy and will support the continued growth strengthen the rural Enhancing Prosperity and diversification of the local and market town economy. economy and SO7: To support sustainable respond to the legacy employment generating of the industrial past development in locations and of a KI5: The challenge of scale appropriate to the plan area. securing healthy town SO8: To support and promote the and village centres areas tourism and cultural sectors, KI6: The need to and in particular the development enhance tourism and of sustainable tourism initiatives. visitor management SO9: To strengthen the vitality and in the area viability of the town centres as places for shopping, leisure and tourism. KI7: The need to Promoting Healthy and SO10: To facilitate the required meet diverse local Sustainable housing growth of the East housing needs in Communities Midlands Regional Plan in terms of housing sustainable and accessible size, types and locations. tenures SO11: To ensure that there is an KI8: Managing travel adequate mix of housing types, demand and sizes and tenures to meet the improving needs of all sectors of the accessibility community. KI9: Ensuring the SO12: To protect existing, and provision of support the delivery of new community services, facilities and infrastructure and infrastructure. local services SO13: To support developments KI10: How to improve that minimise risks to health as a leisure and recreation result of crime (or fear of crime), opportunities for flooding, pollution and climate residents and visitors change. SO14: To increase opportunities 3 Issues Themes Objectives for pursuing a healthy lifestyle, by maintaining and enhancing recreation opportunities and encouraging walking and cycling. SO15: To prioritise the efficient use of previously developed land and buildings whilst minimising the use of greenfield land. 2.3 The Plan includes a description of the spatial strategy that will be employed to enable the area to develop, in line with the vision by 2026. A settlement hierarchy and the overall levels of development required are set out in this section. 2.4 A separate section for each of the three themes then follows, and within each section there are a number of strategic and development management policies which are considered necessary to deliver the overall strategy and vision. 2.5 In the Promoting Peak District Character section the policies aim to maintain and enhance the special characteristics of the Peak District concentrating on landscape character, design and the built and historic environment. New national guidance (PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment) has recently been published which reduces the need for policies relating to specific types of heritage asset. 2.6 The Supporting the Rural Economy and Enhancing Prosperity section looks at maintaining and promoting the economy through the provision of sufficient employment land of the right type, supporting town centres and tourism promotion. It also includes a policy whose aim is to support the regeneration of the plan area’s industrial legacy by determining whether alternative uses for existing employment areas which are of particularly poor quality and no longer offer the prospect of meeting future commercial requirements are appropriate. 2.7 The Promoting Healthy and Sustainable Communities section concentrates on providing housing to meet the needs of the community, and ensuring that there are sufficient readily accessible services to support the population. 2.8 Members will recall that at the December meeting of this Committee agreeing the overall distribution of the outstanding housing requirements across the plan area. Table 2 below sets out how the housing requirements are to be met: Table 2 - Overall Housing Distribution Committed New Total Within Outside settlement current settlement Derbyshire Dales Ashbourne 173 125 450 748 Matlock/Wirksworth 996 197 346 1539 Southern Parishes 30 4 100 134 1199 326 896 Completions 2006- 640 4 Committed New Total Within Outside settlement current settlement 2009 NP completions 198 2006-2009 Rural Affordable 340 housing programme 2006- 2009 Housing 402 development within National Park 2009-2026 Total 4001 High Peak Glossopdale 271 535 250 1056 Central Area 84 550 700 1334 Buxton 825 800 600 2225 1180 935 2500 Completions 2006- 1126 2009 NP completions 20 2006-2009 Rural Affordable 170 housing programme 2006- 2009 Housing 70 development within National Park 2009-2026 Total 6001 Grand total 10002 2.9 It is important that the Draft Core Strategy that is subject to consultation is up to date at the time the consultation commences. Between this meeting of the Committee and the date the proposed consultation period commences the number of housing completions in 2009/10 will
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