If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. CRIME IN TEXAS CALENDAR YEAR 1989 UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING CRIME RECORDS DIVISION TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION JOE E. MilNER ROBERT B. HOLT DIRECTOR CHAIRMAN CALVIN R. GUEST JAMES R. WilSON ALBERT B. AlKEK ASST. DIRECTOR 13 J lSLJ TEXAS CRIME REPORT 1989 ~I :1 AN ANNUAL REPORT COMPILED BY 'I UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING CRIME RECORDS DIVISION 'I, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 5805 NORTH LAMAR BOULEVARD AUSTIN, TEXAS 131154 U.S. Department of Justice Natlonallnltltute of JUltice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. ~I Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material in mi­ l crofiche only has been granted by Texas Depart~ent of Public Safety to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ sion of the copyright owner. UCR·27 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Joe E. Milner Commission Director Robert B. Holt Chairman James R. Wilson Calvin R. Guest Asst. Director Albert B. Alkek Commissioners CRIME RECORDS DIVISION H. A. Albert Division Chief Ben Kyser Manager, Crime Information Bureau UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING SECTION Charlene Cain Section Supervisor FIELD SERVICES OFFICE PERSONNEL Ann Coomes Brenda Headrick Rosemary Covington Cheryl Kincannon Shirley Hill Lori Kirk Barbara Holland Pam Nickel Pompey Rhea -r I I ! " •, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I The Texas Uniform Crime Reporting Program has been made possible by a Grant Award from the State of Texas through the Criminal Justice Division of the I Governor's Office. This report on Crime in Texas during 1989 was compiled from data submitted to UCR by 834 Texas Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police whose jurisdictions represented 99.9% of the State's population. This publication is the result of their excellent cooperation. Also acknowledged is the guidance provided by members of the UCR Committees of the Texas Police Association and the Sheriff's Association of Texas. Special appreciation is extend,ed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting Section for the assistance provided to the Texas UCR Program. -.-. • - r I, TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ......................... , . .. i I Summary of Uniform Crime Reporting Program. .. 1 , Crime Factors ........................ i . .. 3 History of Uniform Crime Reporting .. 1";--:: ............................. , 3 Texas Uniform Crime Reporting Program. .. 4 :1: Introduction. .. 4 Field Representation. .. 4 Reporting Procedures ........................................... , 4 Verification Procedures. .. 4 t Field Rep Map. .. 5 Offenses in Uniform Crime Reporting ............................... 6 Data Flow Chart. .. 7 I Texas Crime Analysis ..................., ................................ , 9 Crime Index Offenses ................................................ 11 Volume .................... , ................................... 11 Violent Crime ................................................... 11 Property Crime .................................................. 11 • Clearances ..................................................... 11 I Stolen Property Value ............................................ 11 Stolen & Recovered Property (Table) ................................ 11 Value of Property Lost (Chart) ...................................... 12 I Percentage Property Value Recovered (Chart) ........................ 12 \: Clearance Rates (Chart) .......................................... 13 Violent/Nonviolent Crime (Chart) ................................... 13 Murder ............................................................. 14 I' Volume ........................................................ 14 ~ Type of Weapon (Chart) ................ '........................... 14 Persons Arrested (Table) .......................................... 14 I. Victims by Age, Sex & Race (Table) ................- ................. 15 i (1 Relationship of Victim to Offender(Table) ........................... 15 Rape .............................................................. 16 Volume ........................................................ 16 I Persons Arrested (Table) .......................................... 16 Robbery ............................................................ 17 Volume ........................................................ 17 Persons Arrested (Table) .......................................... 17 •• Type of Weapon (Chart) ........................................... 17 Locations (Chart) ................................................ 17 Aggravated Assault .................................................. 18 Volume ........................................................ 18 Persons Arrested (Table) .......................................... 18 • Type of Weapon (Chart) ........................................... 18 Burglary ............................................................ 19 •• Volume ........................................................ 19 Persons Arrested (Chart) .......................................... 19 Methods (Chart) ................................................. 19 .' Time & Location (Chart) ........................................... 19 Larceny· Thett ...................................................... 20 Volume ........................................................ 20 , Persons Arrested (Table) .......................................... 20 - Nature of Larcenies (Chart) ........................................ 20 II iii Motor Vehicle Theft. ................................ .' ................ 21 • Volume ........................................................ 21 Stolen Motor Vehicles Recovered ............... , .................. 21 I Persons Arrested (Table) .......................................... 21 Percentage Distribution of Vehicle Thefts (Chart) ..................... 21 Arson ...... , ....................................................... 22 I Drug Arrests and Seizures ............................................. 23 Estimated Crime in Texas ............................................. 24 Crime In Texas (Table) ................................................ 25 Crime Clock ........................................................ 26 I Texas Crime Summary ............................................... 27 Urban Crime by Population Groups ................................. 28 Rural Crime by Population Groups .................................. 29 I Texas Crime by Contributor ............................................... 31 Sheriff's Offices Index Crimes ......................................... 33 Police Departments Index Crimes ...................................... 39 I Texas Arrest Data .................................................. t ••' ••• 51 Summary of Arrest Data (Table) ........................................ 53 Juvenile Male Arrests (Table) .......................................... 55 Juvenile Female Arrests (Table) ........................................ 57 I Adult Male Arrests (Table) ............................................. 58 Adult Female Arrests (Table) .......................................... 60 Texas Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted .......................... 63 I Law Enforcement Code of Ethics ................................. t ••••••••• 65 Officers Killed 1980·1989 (Chart) ....................................... 67 Officers Killed in the Line of Dui:y in 1989 ...... , ......................... 67 Full Time Sworn Law Enforcement Officers 1980 ·1989 .................... 68 Officers Assaulted ................................................... 69 Assignment Information (Table) .................................... 69 Circumstances (Table) ..........................................• 69 I Type of Weapon (Table) ........................................... 69 Injury Information (Table) ...................... '................... 69 Time (Table) ........................... , ........................ 69 Law Enforcement Employees .............................................. 69 Full·Time Sworn Law Enforcement Officers (Table) .......... '.............. 69 • Full·Time Civilian Employees (Table) .................................... 69 Employee Survey Forms .............................................. 69 I Appendix ............................................................... 71 Glossary of Terms ................................................... 73 ,I I I I I I iv I r ,<" • •,I, • I • I UN ME - • • • II " r CRIME FACTORS HISTORY OF UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING Statistics gathered under the ·Unlform Crime Reporting Pro­ The Uniform Crime Reporting Program of the F<3deral Bureau gram are sub,mitted by the law enforcement agencies of Texas of Investigation provides a nationwide view of crime based on • and project a statewide view of crime. Awareness of the the submission of police statistics by city, county, and state ;1 presence of certain crime factors, which may influence the law enforcement agencies throughout the country. resulting volume and type of statistics presented, Is necessary if fair and equitable conclusions are to be drawn. These crime The Uniform Crime Reporting Program Is the outgrowth of a Influencing factors are present, to some degree, In every com­ need for a national and uniform compilation of law enforce­
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