' \ i: smmomm Stormy, Mild Thunderstorms but mild THEmiY V'.hr today, tonight and tomornw. Hid Hank. h FINAL Fair, seasonable WecQiesday, l,<iiifi ISriinrli 1 7 EDITION MoiiiiioiiIII <'OIIIIIV*N Oulstmuling IIOIIH* !\>%V*«|»JI|M»I' VOL 91 NO. 54 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,1971 County Areas Flooded By Weekend's Storm Many areas of Monmouth ters from the torrential down- begin with, everyone knows outside help. "The westsidc of our County were inundated with pours. that, and this latest com- In Keansburg, Carr Ave. borough had the most flood-- water from the weekend's Edward (Schumann, chair- bination has not helped mat- was impassable at points as ing," a police spokesman said heavy downpour with thcBay- man of the Middletown Sewer- ters to say the least," the were -sections of Shore Blvd. last night. shore receiving the worst of age Authority, said he visited chairman stated. and many other streets in the Only minor flooding was re- the damage. the East Keansburg and Port He said he tried to contact borough. ported in Highlands, Union At 7 o'clock last night three Monmouth areas early yes- a representative of the Army Main Roads Open Beach and Keyport, usually Bayshore towns resembled terday, morning because of Corps of Engineers - which is Middietown Township po- the scenes of major flooding anything but a network of complaints that the com- constructing the Hurricane lice reported flooding on Rls. during northeast storms. passable roadways - water, prehensive sewerage project Protection Project in the area 35 and 36 Saturday night but State police at the Holmdel still inundated the internal ar- - approximately 90 per cent -without much success. the main roadways remained barracks reported that traffic teries. complete - was causing the • "They had one guy working op~en throughout the deluge. was slowed but not stopped on What caused all the water waters to remain. in Jersey City but he wasn't This didn't hold true in At- the Garden State Parkway to remain on the streets of Dikes Seen Cause much help," Mr. Schumann lantic Highlands where Rt. 36 during Saturday's storm. Keansburg, East Keansburg "Not so," Mr. Schumann said. "He said everything (Memorial Parkway) was "Our problem is today and Fort Monmouth? Nobody said when contacted by The must wait until Monday." closed for several hours until (Sunday)," a dispatcher the waters receded. Police re- stated last night. "We are Register Staff Photo by Larry Perna had the answer last night al- Daily Register last night. Sections of Bray Ave. and REFLECTING THE. WEEKEND — Homes and area children are mir- though there was" some edu- "It's definitely a bad scene Port Monmouth Eoad were ported that a mud slide on closed in the Bloomfield area. cated guessing going on that down there but it's the dikes still under water as night fell Bayside Drive uprooted trees That's where the flooding is rpriti \n tJie flood waters that still remain on streets of three Bayshore and forced closing of the communities including East Keansburg, Port Monmouth and Keansbura. flood gates closed to keep the that are causing most of the and on Monmouth Parkway today." tides of the bay out remained trouble. several cars were still stopped street until late yesterday af- Police in both Matawan Sections of many roadways were still Impassable as darkness approached ternoon. last night. closed thus locking in the wa- "That's low lying area to in the high water awaiting See Weekend, Page 2 Dedicate Hospital ByJIMMCCORMICK cided that the outdoors would the emergency room and a testimonial, to you - the work- "And as my contribution, I be more advantageous than limited number of beds will be ers - the people in the com- would like to give you a state FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP- the. huge basement of the fa- in operation, with the rest of munity who recognized a need flag - purchased by me," the More than 350 waterlogged cility. the facilities to be in use as and went ahead to achieve assemblyman joked. Stalwarts turned out yes- The gamble did not pay off, soon as they are completed. it." Freeholder Director Joseph terday for the dedication of however, when the sky opened Howard's Memory State Sen. Alfred N. Bead- C. Irmn'wished his "sincere " the Greater Freehold Area up with a torrential rain about Most of Monmouth County's lcston made light of the rain congratulations to you all..:'".,' Hospital. 15 minutes after the ceremo- legislative delegation was while he spoke without a mi- "The day after this hospital The inclement weather nies began at 2:30 p.m. All present. Also present was crophone. opens, we will wonder how we apparently did not dampen were directed to the base- Rep. James J. Howard, who "Since we froze to death at ever got along without it," he the spirits of those who ment, where the dedication said that when he was grow- the groundbreaking, it is fit said. worked for more than 11 was continued. ing up in Belmar he remem- that we drown at the dedica- Noticed in the. crowd werfc years to see the hospital be- It is expected that .state of- bered "hearing talk that Free- tion," he mused. Assemblyman Joseph Azzo- come a reality. ficials will grant an operating hold needs a hospital," Sen. Beadleston praised the Iina, Marlboro Mayor Morton Dedication ceremonies be- license to the hospital after a The congressman said "the makeup of the board of Salkind, Freehold Borough gan outside, after hospital of- tour is made of the facility to- thousands of people who will trustees. Mayor J. William Boyle, Free- ficials yesterday morning de- morrow. The following day, start their lives here will be a "In the trustees we have hold Township Mayor Harry the leaders, climbers and Harper, and Manalapan May- doers of the Freehold area, or Thomas Whalen, With sev- and I believe that it was the eral of the mayors were rep- stature of the trustees that resentatives of their govern- got the last $1 million in aid ing bodies, including Marlboro from the federal govern- Council president John J. ment," the senator said. McLaughlin, Freehold Spirit, Enthusiasm Borough Councilmen1 Ralph State Sen. Richard R. Stout Musgrave Sr. and W. J. Eu- singled out the community for gene Kelsey, Manalapan Com- FLOOD DAMAGE —The basement of the Red Bank Community YMCA "spirit and enthusiasm." mitteeman Barry Brandt, and oh Maple Ave. flooded as did many homes and businesses during the "I can assure you that your Freehold Township Com- heavy rainstorm that drenched the shore area over the weekend. job is not over," he said. mitteemen Kenneth Clark and Assemblyman John I, Gerard Pratt. Dawes, his suit soaking wet, Rabbi Eli Flshman of Free- read telegrams from Gov. hold blessed the building, and William T. Cahill and U.S. American Legion Monmouth Shop Center Plans Sen. Harrison A. Williams Jr., Post, Freehold, officiated at wishing the hospital well and the flag-raising ceremonies. expressing their regret at not- Joseph Saker, hospital first being able to attend the cere- . vice president, welcomed dig- monies. See Storm, Page 3 Hanging in Balance EATONTOWN - Plans of major business shopping center,. Some homeowners claimed it interests will hang in the balance tonight when was not enough. At the same time, shopping Eatontown Planning Board members grapple center developers reportedly are seeking ev- Congressman Howard with proposed changes in the Master Plan dur- ery inch of parking area they can get for the ing a closed workshop session. vast complex they envision. Their moves are closely watched by local Meanwhile, planners tonight also will con- — His Star Is Rising residents - as well as three major department sider "redesignatkm and extension" of the cur- Rep. JairiesJ. Howard. stores that want to come into an expanded rent office-research and residential area along Register Stall Photo '. Will he'someday be Senator Howard or Governor How- Monmouth Shopping Center under an enclosed Hope Road, south of Rt. 3G. In their original DEDICATORS — Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwln, center, was ard? " mall. , proposal, which was aired at a lively public among those who attended yesterday's dedication of the Greater Freehold hearing Aug. 5, they recommended that ap- Area Hospital. He's discussing the weather with State Sens. Richard R. There's some evidence that the three-term Third District John M- Goodman, chairman of the Plan- Democrat docs indeed aspire to higher office,-although he ning Board, terms the nine-member board "in- proximately 85 acres in that area be rewned Slau.tr left, and Alfred N. Beadleston. Among those in background Is As- for shopping center development as well as of- semblyman Joseph Azzolina. denies it. dependent" and says the final decision "can go Ben Van Vlict, who does our political writing, covered last anyway at all." fice-research use. week's big statewide Democratic dinner in Spring Lake He said the board will meet "as late as Humors Noted 4 ' Heights and came away with the'impression that the congress- necessary" tonight in order to draw up a reso- It's rumored that developers want to build man's star is rising in New Jersey politics. lution to be presented at a public meeting on a second major shopping center for Eatontown Gas Station Robbery . He'll have a special report and analysis on the subject to- Sept. 27. on the land in that zone known as the DeVito i morrow. One of the more controversial changes un- tract. Stores that reportedly explored the pos> It will appear in tomorrow's Daily Register, Northern der consideration is the proposed rczoning of sibllity are Wanamakers and Strawbridgo and Monmouth County's largest newspaper and' Monmouth Coun* approximately 35 acres south of Monmouth Clothier.
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