Appendix 10: Surrey Biodiversity Opportunity Areas - Objectives & Targets Summary Target Target BOA name name BOA ( ha ha or km BOA ID BOA Objective/Target: SSSI units to Objective/Target: Objective/Target: Objective/Target: achieve/maintain Favourable SNCI protected & Restoration & creation of Priority Stability/recovery of condition (by area) positively managed habitats ) Priority species THAMES BASIN HEATHS TBH 01 Chobham Common North & O1/T1 Chobham Common SSSI 50% O2/T2 x8: All O3/T3a Heathland 6.5 O4/T4 Deptford pink Wentworth Heaths O3/T3b Acid grassland 5.75 Marsh clubmoss O3/T3c Wet woodland 1.25 Window-winged caddis O3/T3d Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Nightjar O3/T3e Fen 3.25 Woodlark Smooth snake TBH 02 Chobham South Heaths O1/T1 Chobham Common SSSI 50% O2/T2 x6: All O3/T3a Heathland 7 O4/T4 Deptford pink O3/T3b Acid grassland 6 Marsh clubmoss O3/T3c Fen 3.5 Shoulder-striped clover moth Nightjar Woodlark Sand lizard TBH 03 Colony Bog, Bagshot Heath & O1/T1 Colony Bog & Bagshot 50% O2/T2 x21: All O3/T3a Heathland 14.5 O4/T4 Chamomile Deepcut Heaths Heath SSSI O3/T3b Acid grassland 13 Marsh clubmoss [Basingstoke Canal SSSI] O3/T3c Fen 7.5 Heath tiger-beetle Nightjar Woodlark Smooth snake TBH 04 Ash, Brookwood & Whitmoor O1/T1 Ash to Brookwood Heaths 50% O2/T2 x33: All O3/T3a Heathland 26.5 O4/T4 Chamomile, Small fleabane Heaths SSSI O3/T3b Acid grassland 24.25 Marsh clubmoss, Pillwort, Veilwort Whitmoor Common SSSI " O3/T3c Wet woodland 5 Heath tiger-beetle Smarts & Prey Heaths SSSI " O3/T3d Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Window-winged caddis [Basingstoke Canal SSSI] Nightjar, Woodlark Sand lizard, Smooth snake TBH 05 Woking Heaths O1/T1 Horsell Common SSSI 50% O2/T2 x6: All O3/T3a Heathland 3 O4/T4 Three-lobed crowfoot O3/T3b Acid grassland 2.5 Blue pepper-pot beetle O3/T3c Wet woodland 0.5 Nightjar Woodlark TBH 06 O1/T1 Ockham & Wisley Commons 50% O2/T2 x5: All O3/T3a Heathland 8.25 O4/T4 Annual knawel Wisley, Ockham & Walton Heaths SSSI O3/T3b Acid grassland 7.25 Pillwort O3/T3c Wet woodland 1.5 Heath tiger-beetle Nightjar, Woodlark Sand lizard TBH 07 Camberley & Broadmoor Heaths O1/T1 Broadmoor-Bagshot Woods 75% O2/T2 x8: All O3/T3a Heathland 5 O4/T4 Crested buckler-fern Appendix 10: Surrey Biodiversity Opportunity Areas - Objectives Targets Summary Surrey Nature Partnership, September 2019 [1] & Heaths SSSI O3/T3b Acid grassland 4.5 Nightjar O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Woodlark O3/T3d Wet woodland 1 O3/T3e Fen 2.5 THAMES BASIN LOWLANDS TBL 01 Wanborough & Normandy O1/T1 x19: All O2/T2a Meadows 5.25 O3/T3 Chamomile Woods & Meadows O2/T2b Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Small fleabane O2/T2c Wet woodland 2 Great crested newt O2/T2d Hedgerows 2.25 km TBL 02 Clandon to Bookham Parkland O1/T1 Bookham Commons SSSI 95% O2/T2 x17: All O3/T3a Wet woodland 5 O4/T4 White-letter hairstreak O3/T3b Mixed deciduous woodland 75% White admiral O3/T3c Wood pasture & parkland 19 Great crested newt O3/T3d Meadows 13 Hawfinch O3/T3e Hedgerows 5.4 km Lesser spotted woodpecker O3/T3f Ponds 4.75 TBL 03 Esher & Oxshott Commons O1/T1 Esher Commons SSSI 50% O2/T2 x3: All O3/T3a Heathland 3.75 O4/T4 Starfruit O3/T3b Acid grassland 3.5 White-letter hairstreak O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Adder O3/T3d Hedgerows 0.8 km Nightjar O3/T3e Ponds 0.75 Woodlark TBL 04 Ashtead & Epsom Wood Pasture, O1/T1 Epsom & Ashstead Commons 95% O2/T2 x10: All O3/T3a Mixed deciduous woodland 75% O4/T4 White-letter hairstreak Princes Coverts & Horton SSSI O3/T3b Wet woodland 1.5 Heart moth Country Park O3/T3c Wood pasture & parkland 6 Adder O3/T3d Heathland 8.25 Harvest mouse O3/T3e Acid grassland 7.75 O3/T3f Hedgerows 1.7 km THAMES VALLEY TV 01 Windsor Great Park O1/T1 Windsor Forest & Great Park 50% O2/T2 x2: All O3/T3a Wood pasture & parkland 13.25 O4/T4 Oak polypore SSSI O3/T3b Heathland 5 Tooth fungi (spp. assemblage) O3/T3c Acid grassland 4.75 Lesser spotted woodpecker O3/T3d Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Marsh tit O3/T3e Wet woodland 1 Hedgehog O3/T3f Fen 2.75 TV 02 Runnymede Meadows & Slope O1/T1 Langham Pond SSSI 75% O2/T2 x1: All O3/T3a Mixed deciduous woodland 75% O4/T4 Greater water-parsnip O3/T3b Meadows 0.75 Marsh stitchwort O3/T3c Wood pasture & parkland 3.75 Skylark O3/T3d Ponds 0.25 Water vole TV 03 Staines Moor & Shortwood O1/T1 Staines Moor SSSI All O2/T2 x11: All O3/T3a Floodplain grazing marsh 16.5 O4/T4 Brown galingale Common Wraysbury Reservoir SSSI All O3/T3b Ponds 1.5 Water vole O3/T3c Acid grassland 7.25 European eel TV 04 Thorpe & Shepperton O1/T1 Thorpe Hay Meadow SSSI All O2/T2 x22: All O3/T3a Standing open water 3 O4/T4 Greater water-parsnip Thorpe No.1 Gravel Pit SSSI All O3/T3b Floodplain grazing marsh 34.25 Marsh stitchwort Dumsey Meadow SSSI All O3/T3c Acid grassland 9.25 Lapwing O3/T3d Wet woodland 3 Water vole Appendix 10: Surrey Biodiversity Opportunity Areas - Objectives Targets Summary Surrey Nature Partnership, September 2019 [2] O3/T3e Reedbeds 4.75 TV 05 Molesey & Hersham O1/T1 Knight & Bessborough All O2/T2 x4: All O3/T3a Standing open water 0.75 O4/T4 Lapwing Reservoirs SSSI O3/T3b Floodplain grazing marsh 9.5 Reed bunting O3/T3c Acid grassland 4.25 Water vole O3/T3d Reedbeds 1.25 NORTH DOWNS ND 01 North Downs Scarp; The Hog's Seale Chalk Pit GSSSI - O1/T1 x6: All O2/T2a Calcareous grassland 5.25 O3/T3 Man orchid Back O2/T2b Beech & Yew woodland 1 Basil thyme O2/T2c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Brown hare ND 02 North Downs Scarp and Dip; O1/T1 Coombe Bottom SSSI 100% O2/T2 x30: All O3/T3a Calcareous grassland 34.75 O4/T4 Broad-leaved cudweed Guildford to the Mole Gap Ranmore Common SSSI " O3/T3b Beech & Yew woodland 6.5 Frog orchid Mole Gap to Reigate 95% O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Juniper, Man orchid Escarpment SSSI O3/T3d Acid grassland 2 Narrow-leaved helleborine Hackhurst & White Downs SSSI " O3/T3e Hedgerows 7 km Small blue Sheepleas SSSI 75% Straw belle moth Colyers Hanger SSSI " Common dormouse Upper Common Pits GSSSI - ND 03 North Downs Scarp; Mole Gap to O1/T1 Mole Gap to Reigate 75% O2/T2 x5: All O3/T3a Calcareous grassland 12.75 O4/T4 Basil thyme Reigate Escarpment SSSI O3/T3b Beech & Yew woodland 2.25 Ground-pine O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Man orchid, Musk orchid O3/T3d Heathland 4 Starfruit, Slender bedstraw O3/T3e Acid grassland 3.75 Small blue O3/T3f Hedgerows 2.5 km Straw belle moth ND 04 North Downs; Epsom Downs to O1/T1 x12: All O2/T2a Calcareous grassland 9.25 O3/T3 Broad-leaved cudweed Nonsuch Park O2/T2b Beech & Yew woodland 1.75 Basil thyme, Red hemp-nettle O2/T2c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Small blue O2/T2d Hedgerows 1.9 km Adder, Skylark ND 05 North Downs; Banstead Woods & O1/T1 Chipstead Downs SSSI 75% O2/T2 x6: All O3/T3a Calcareous grassland 7.25 O4/T4 Basil thyme Chipstead Downs Banstead Downs SSSI 50% O3/T3b Beech & Yew woodland 1.25 Broad-leaved cudweed O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Ground-pine, Small blue Skylark, Common dormouse ND 06 North Downs Scarp; Quarry O1/T1 Quarry Hangers SSSI 50% O2/T2 x6: All O3/T3a Calcareous grassland 2.75 O4/T4 Early gentian, Man orchid Hangers to the A22 O3/T3b Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Slender bedstraw Dingy skipper, Grizzled skipper Adder ND 07 O1/T1 Woldingham & Oxted Downs 75% O2/T2 x11: All O3/T3a Calcareous grassland 8 O4/T4 Early gentian, Man orchid North Downs Scarp; Woldingham SSSI O3/T3b Beech & Yew woodland 1.5 Slender bedstraw, Small blue O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Dingy skipper, Grizzled skipper Adder, Lapwing ND08 North Downs; Banstead & Walton O1/T1 x1: All O2/T2a Heathland 4.25 O3/T3 Chamomile Heaths O2/T2b Acid grassland 3.5 Woodlark O2/T2c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Adder WEALDEN GREENSANDS WG 01 Puttenham & Crooksbury O1/T1 Puttenham & Crooksbury 50% O2/T2 x8: All O3/T3a Heathland 8 O4/T4 Nightjar Appendix 10: Surrey Biodiversity Opportunity Areas - Objectives Targets Summary Surrey Nature Partnership, September 2019 [3] Commons SSSI O3/T3b Acid grassland 7.25 Woodlark O3/T3c Wet woodland 1.5 Smooth snake O3/T3d Mixed deciduous woodland 75% O3/T3e Fen 4 WG 02 Farnham Heaths O1/T1 Gong Hill SSSI 75% O2/T2a Heathland 2.25 O3/T3 Grayling O2/T2b Acid grassland 2 Field cricket O2/T2c Wet woodland 0.5 Sand lizard O2/T2d Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Nightjar Woodlark WG 03 Thursley, Hankley & Frensham O1/T1 Thursley, Hankley 95% O2/T2 x6: All O3/T3a Heathland 18.5 O4/T4 Marsh clubmoss Heaths & Frensham Commons SSSI O3/T3b Acid grassland 16.75 Heath tiger-beetle O3/T3c Wet woodland 3.5 Curlew O3/T3d Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Nightjar, Woodlark O3/T3e Fen 9.5 Smooth snake Noctule bat WG 04 Devil's Punch Bowl & Hindhead O1/T1 Devil's Punch Bowl SSSI 50% O2/T2 x10: All O3/T3a Heathland 8 O4/T4 Adder Heaths Stockstone Quarry GSSSI - O3/T3b Acid grassland 7.25 Grayling O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% White-clawed crayfish O3/T3d Wet woodland 1.5 Nightjar, Woodlark Polecat WG 05 Hascombe, Winkworth & Hydon's O1/T1 x5: All O2/T2a Heathland 6.75 O3/T3 Silver-studded blue Heath and Woodland O2/T2b Acid grassland 6 Adder O2/T2c Mixed deciduous woodland/ Nightjar Beech & Yew woodland 75% Woodlark O2/T2d Wet woodland 1.25 Common dormouse WG 06 Blackheath, Chilworth & Farley O1/T1 Blackheath SSSI 75% O2/T2 x2: All O3/T3a Heathland 4 O4/T4 Nightjar Heaths O3/T3b Acid grassland 3.5 Woodlark O3/T3c Mixed deciduous woodland 75% Smooth snake O3/T3d Beech & Yew woodland 0.75 WG 07 Winterfold & Hurtwood O1/T1 x12: All O2/T2a Mixed deciduous woodland 75% O3/T3 Nightjar Greensand Ridge O2/T2b Beech & Yew woodland 0.75 Woodlark O2/T2c Wet woodland 0.75 Marsh tit O2/T2d Heathland 8.5 Smooth snake O2/T2e Acid
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