TIDE TABLE FOR FEBRUARY Date. High Water. Low Water Bun- 8un- A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. rise. set. 13 11.04 ' 1129 4.54 550 7.04 6.02 14 11.41 5.35 557 7.03 6.03 <_% IRopl <&®&ttf and Colomst latlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 24—NO. 38 HAMILTON, BERMUDA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1944 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM WHOOPING COUGH BREAKS IS ACQUITTED ON CHARGE SOVIETS SHATTER BALTIC FRONT, GEt LUGA: ChurchiU Not Pessimistic OUT IN CENTRAL SCHOOL OF CARNAL KNOWLEDGE On Anzio Operation L03NDON, February 12 (Reu­ "Considerable Extension" Of Main Point Of Case Whether ALLIES REGAIN HOLD IN ANZIO BEACHHEAD: ter).—A statement issued to- Infection Must Be Expected Girl Was 16 Years Of Age night from the Prime Minister's residence.No.10 Downing Street, said: ' 'The Prime Minister has INSTRUCTIONSARE ISSUED NO DEFENCE MERELY TO TAKE received reports from General Wilson and General Alexander BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT GIRLS'WORD ABOUT AGE" PAS DE CALAIS AREA UNDER BOMB CASCADE: ta which both commanders ex­ press their confidence that the Whooping cough has appeared In the Supreme Court on Saturday great battle now proceeding for among the chUdren in the Central morntag before the Chief Justice, for the capture of Rome will be School, The Royal Gazette is in­ His Honour the Hon. Sir Brooke won. formed by the Medical and Health FINNS SEEKING PEACE TERMS FROM SOVIET? "In the bridgehead itself the • Francis, a petty jury acquitted Reid Department. So far only six child­ Millicent Addison Johansen, who Allies have very strong armies ren are known to have it, but they had pleaded not guUty to two and superiority both in artillery attended school for some days be­ charges of having unlawful carnal and tanks. Although spells of fore the seriousness of their cough knowledge of a girl over 13 and under RED ARMY DRIVES WITHIN ALLIES REGAIN GRIP ON PAS DE CALAIS REGION FINLAND OPENING PEACE bad weather interrupt from time was noticed, and a considerable ex­ 16 years of age. Mr. David Tucker, to time the deUvery of supplies, tension of the infection must be M.CP., who represented Johansen, the amount landed ta the expected. 40 MILE^OF PSKOV POSITION NEAR ANZIO IS HEAVILYJ>LASTERED PARLEY WITH SOVIETS? bridgehead substantially ex­ devoted 52 minutes to his summing ceeds the schedule prescribed The Health Department further up of the case, which had occupied before the operation was begun states: the attention of the court the pre­ vious day. , Clear Eastern Shore Of Lake Axis Radio Reports Violent Fortresses Join Air Armada High Officials In Stockholm owing to reserves which had "The seriousness of whooping been built up in the fair wea­ cough is not generaUy recognized, ' Mr. Tucker based his defence pri­ In One Of Hardest Blows To Dicker, It Is Believed ther period. marily upon the remark of the com­ Peipus In Double Thrust Attack By Reinforced Units but it causes greater havoc and plainant to Johansen and others "All battles are anxious as more deaths among infants than that she was 16 years of age. (On NEW GAINS~wiLL FORCE A "GENERALLYSATISFACTORY" 41 RAIDS ON AREA IN 55 U.S.URGINGS GIVEN POINT they approach the climax, but any of the ordinary communicable Friday defence and Crown witnesses there is no justification for pes­ diseases to which they are exposed. had corroborated this evidence al­ IS OFFICIAL VERDICT DAYS, OPPOSITION LIGHT BY RUSSIAN BOMBINGS simism, according to the latest The last outbreak ta Bermuda was GENERAL NAZI WITHDRAWAL reports from responsible autho­ ta 1933, and as only a few cases have though Stanley Simmons, for the rities." been reported in recent years a large Crown, had testified that after say­ 3L03NDON, February 13 (Reuter).— LONDON, Feb. 13 (Reuter).—Ber­ LONDON, February 13 (AP & Reu­ By EDWARD BALL number of children are now suscep­ ing she was 16 the complainant had General Govorov's northern armies, lin and Rome tonight reported* vio­ ter).—American heavy and medium tible to whooping cough. Adults added ta a low voice that she was bombers struck agata at the Pas de LONDON, February 13 (-f).— Fin­ only 14.) Johansen claimed not to linking on a 70-mile front from lent fighting in the Anzio beach­ land, under a whiplash of Russian may have it, and some people bave Luga to lake Peipus, have opened head, following strong Allied thrusts. Calais and, with RAJT. Typhoons, whooping cough more than once, have heard the girl say this. dealt probably the heaviest blow ta bombs and diplomatic urgings from AGRICULTURAL DIRECTOR a double drive Which has brought The attacks were reported within a the United States, by all signs is but the second infection is Invari­ "She deliberately misled these them tonight to within 40 miles of few hours of an official statement recent weeks on this sector — one of ably milder. youths," declared Mr. Tucker, "be­ from Allied Headquarters in Algiers the world's most battered strips of bowing out of the war. This is thp REBUTS SUPPLY OFFICER Pskov, the last German base on the only interpretation London could "The incubation period is from cause she wanted to incite them to Baltic front. that the beachhead situation was land.. Operating together for the pay some attention to her." "generally satisfactory." first time since February 5, Fortres­ place today upon the arrival in one to two weeks, and the first signs Forces of the right flank, sweep­ ses and Liberators teamed in what Stockholm of Juhu Passiviki, who are those of a cold and cough. Ibe Mr. Tucker added that the girl's ing down the railway from Narva, But this time, mstead of claiming negotiated Finland's peace with States Commission Had Been a success for the German troops, were officially described as "strong cough graduaUy increases, and at father had told the court that his have taken over 800 places in five formations" to smash at enemy tar­ Russia ta 1940, and Eljas Errko, the the end of ten days often becomes daughter was a "dutiful child" and days' fighting and by tonight had both Rome and Berlin merely said ex-Finnish Foreign Minister. that Marshal Kesselring's forces gets in an intensification of the as­ Informed About Shortage explosive in type. A bout of cough­ had given no . trouble. However,, completely cleared the Germans sault previously handled chiefly by In the Swedish capital, contact ing may last so long and be so severe counsel reminded the jury, the from the eastern shore of Lake Pei­ were holding their positions. that a chUd has difficulty ta getting father had testified that once he Karl Praenger, the German news Liberators, Marauders and light might easily be established with the Mr. T. A. Russell, the Director of pus, tonight's Soviet communique craft of the R.A.F. Russian Minister to Sweden, Mme. Agriculture, has challenged a state­ air Into the lungs. It is in the forced chained the girl to her bed for a reported. agency's mihtary commentator, said, Alexadra Kollontay. ment made at the War-time Supplies effort to get air the 'whoop' Is whole week. Mr. Tucker therefore "Further Anglo-American thrusts, It was the 14th daylight operation questioned his statement that she Among the places captured are the by American heavy bombers in 17 (London radio, quoting Stockholm Commission's weekly press confer­ sounded. Vomiting is usual at this town and railway station of Zamo- carried out with the support of ence on Friday morning by the time. SmaU blood vessels are often was a dutiful child. tanks, bombers and combat planes, days, but the first Fortress blow at dispatches, said it was reported that broken ta the violent coughing. gilye, on the Narva-Pskov railway failed in front of the new German this section since January 28, when the German Minister at Helsinki Director of SuppUes, Mr. Arthur Counsel continued that when he and Polna, on the parallel highway. all three types of United States day handed a note to the Finnish Foreign Smith, concerning the supply posi­ Other infections are frequently add­ asked the father about the size it Pskov, at tlie southern end of Pskov lines south of Carroceto in fierce tion of potatoes. Mr. Russell claims ed and pneumonia is not infre­ battles and, at some points, ta close raiders pounded it with a loss of six Minister on Friday the gist of which quently a complication. • the chain he had repUed facetiously Lake, which Is continuous with Lake range fighting, Improved German four-engined planes. was that the Germans intend to "use that the statement is not borne out it was not big enough to hold the Peipus, lies 40 miles ahead of Polna. positions were fully held." While the Fortresses have been con­ every means to prevent Finland con­ by records ln the Department's files. "The observance of a few simple Monarch of Bermuda. cluding a peace." The broadcast was DRIVE ON FROM LUGA centrating on German plane produc­ When approached for a further rules wiU retard the spread of Counsel said that the girl—Janis By Reuter's Special Correspondent tion centres and French airfields' recorded by the Columbia Broad­ statement on Saturday, Mr. Smith whooping cough:—(1) Have ail chUd­ Thelma Burnett Davis—in giving The second arm of the double during the war's greatest sustained casting System.) did not feel that he had any need to ren who have been exposed to testimony had tried to convey an drive is thrusting down both sides IN THE ANZIO BRIDGEHEAD, daylight assaults, Liberators have Despite M.
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