ISSN 0704-3716 Canadian Translation of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 5035 Young flatfishes (Pleuronectidae) of the Far Eastern Seas 2. Distribution, age and growth L.N. Musienko Original title: Molod' kambal (sem. Pleuronectidae) Dal'nevostochnykh morei , In: Tr. Inst. Okeanol. Akad. Nauk SSSR 20: 312-346, 1957 Original language: Russian Available from: Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information National Research Council Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KlA 0S2 f' 1983 50 typescript pages Secretary Secrétariat • » Of State d'État -Y MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION DES SERVICES MULTILINGUES TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS LIBRARY IDENTIFICATION — FICHE SIGNALÉTIQUE C T rit `3 5035 Translated from - Traduction de Into - En Russian English Author - Auteur L.N. Musienko Title in English or French - Titre anglais ou français Young flatfishes (Pleuronectidae) of the Far Eastern seas Title in foreign language (Transliterate foreign characters) Titre en langue étrangère (Transcrire en caractères romains) Molod' kambal (sem. Pleuronectidae) Dal'nevostochnykh morei Reference in foreign language (Name of book or publication) in full, transliterate foreign characters. Référence en langue étrangère (Nom du livre ou publication), au complet, transcrire en caractères romains. Trudy instituta okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR Reference in English or French - Référence en anglais ou français Proceedings of the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences Publisher - Editeur Page Numbers in original DATE OF PUBLICATION Numéros des pages dans not available DATE DE PUBLICATION l'original 312-346 Year Issue No. Volume Place of Publication Année Numéro Number of typed pages Lieu de publication Nombre de pages USSR dactylographiées 1957 20 48 Requesting Department Translation Bureau No. Ministère.Client D F 0 Notre dossier no 1253152 Branch or Division SIPB Translation (Initials) N. De. Direction ou Division Traducteur (Initiales) Person requesting P. Power Demandé par UNEDITED TRANSLATION For information only Your Number Votre dossier no TRADUCTION NON REVISEE Information seulement Date of Request Date de la demande September 27, 1983 NOV 2 9 1983 Canad'a SEC 5-111 (Rev. 82/11) Secretary Secrétariat UNEDITED TRANSLATION of State d'État For information only ' NON REVI.SEE MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION — DIVISION DES SERVICES MULSIMUMON Information seulement TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS Client's No.—No du client Department — Ministère Division/Branch — Division/Direction City — Ville D F0 SIPB St.John's,Nfl d. Bureau No.—No du bureau Language — Langue Translator (Initials) — Traducteur (Initiales) 1253152 Russian N. De. NOV 2 9 1983 Trudy Instituta okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Proceedings of the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences), 1957, v. 20, pp. 312-346 (3122)* , Young flatfishes (p1euronntidle2_ . of the Far Eastern seas by L.N. Musienko 1 2. DISTRIBUTION, AGE AND GROWTH Distribution of the young The areas of distribution of the young and of the adult fish of the species studied by us are shown in Figs. 1-4. A list of the areas in which the young are found is given in Appendix I. The distribution of young flatfis- hes . in relation to depth, temperature and the salinity of the near—bottom layer, as well as the substrate, is shown in Table 1. From this table, we see that the young of the 'flatfrshes studied by us were caught on various types of substrate, ranging from sand with gravel and pebbles to silty mud, at depths of 1-268 m (predominantly o less than 100 m), at near—bottom temperatures of —1.56 to +9.06 0 0 and a salinity of 22.59-34.33 7 o . *The numbers in the right—hand margin are the pages— cif thé"RuSSiàn text — translator 1 Part 1 (Systematics) published in the Proceedings of the Institute of Oceanology, vol. XI, 1954. SEC 5-25 (Rev. 82/11) Caned. -2- The type of bottom selected by the young of different species 2 of flatfishes is shown in Table 2 . The young of the majority of species of flatfishes live pre- dominantly on sand. The young of the Kamchatka flounder, the Pacific halibut and the eel-back flounder have been encountered only on sand. The young of the rock sole prefer sand and a gravelly-pebbly bottom, and only sometimes are encountered on silty sand. The young of the Pacific black halibut, the Alaska plaice and the yellowfin sole also forage on silty sand. On the other hand, the young of the flathead sole, Nadezhny's flounder, the northern longsnout flounder and Steller's flounder may forage both on silty sand and on silty mud. The fluctuations in the hear-bottom temperature at which the young flatfishes were caught are shown in Table 3. The temperature of the near-bottom layer in the areas inhabited by young flatfishes is usually 0-2 ° C, but it may vary from -1.56 to 0.06 ° C. The young of the Alaska plaice are apparently the most heat-loving of all. The young of this species were caught only at above-zero temperatures. Only the young of the flathead sole and Steller's flounder were caught at temperatures below -1 ° C. The fluctuations in the salinity of the near-bottom layer in the areas of distribution of young flatfishes are shown in Table 4. 2 Tables 2, 3 and 4 were compiled without taking the size of the young into consideration, for we observed no relationship between the size of the young and their distribution according to depth and type of substrate at various salinities and temperatures of the near-bottom layer. Fig. 1. Points of occurrence of young Fig.'2. Points of occurrence of young flatfishes and the boundaries of flatfishes and the boundaries of distribution of the adults (the latter distribution of the adults given after P.A. Moiseyev, 1953) 1 - points of occurrence of young 1 - points of occurrence of young Kamchatka flounder; 2 - boundary of Nadezhny's flounder; 2 - boundary of distribution of its adults; 3 - distribution of its adults; 3 - points points of occurrence of young Pacific of occurrence of young yellowfin sole; black halibut; 4 - boundary of dis- 4 - boundary of distribution of its tribution of its adults; 5 - points adults; 5 - points of occurrence of of occurrence of young Pacific halibuts; young northern longsnout flounder; 6 - boundary of distribution of its 6 - boundary of distribution of its adults; 7 - points of occurrence of adults; 7 - points of occurrence of young flathead sole; 8 - boundary of young southern longsnout flounder; distribution of its adults 8 - boundary of distribution of its adults Fig. 3. Points of occurrence of young Fig. 4. Points of occurrence of young flatfishes and the boundaries of flatfishes and the boundaries of distribution of the adults distribution of the adults 1 - points of occurrence of young 1 - points of occurrence of young rough- eel-back flounder; 2 - boundary of scale sole; 2 - boundary of distribution distribution of its adults; 3 - of its adults; 3 - points of occurrence points of occurrence of young of young rock sole; 4 - Alaska plaice; 4 - boundary of boundary of distribution of its adults; distribution of its adults; 5 - points of occurrence of young mochi- 5 - points of occurrence of young gar flounder ; 6 - boundary of distribu- Yokohama flounder; 6 - boundary tion of its adults; 7 - points of occur- of distribution of its adults; rence of young slime flounder; 8 - 7 - points of occurrence of young boundary of distribution of its adults Steller's flounder; 8 -.boundary of distribution of its adults -5- (315) Table 1. Conditions of distribution of young flatfishes Species Depth (m) t ° 5%0 Bottom Kamchatka flounder 41-116 ( -0.68) -(+3.36) 32.78-33.62 Sand 10 Pacific black 18-40 ( -0.14) -(+9.06) 22.59-33.50 Sand with pebbles, 4 halibut silty sand Pacific halibut 7-43 ( -0.91) -(+3.6) 30.98-32.78 Sand 3 Flathead sole 22-268 ( -1.56) -(+5.0) 32.60-34.33 Gravel and pebbles, 180 sand, silty mud Nadezhny's flounder 22-82 ( -0.63) -(+3.36) 32.63-33.20 Sand with gravel and 67 pebbles, silty sand Roughscale sole 30 - - - 4 Rock sole 10-90 ( -0.4) -(+8.2) 27.11-33.50 Gravel and pebbles, 128 sand, silty sand Mochigar flounder 30 10 Yellowfin sole 20-33 (+0.04) -(+3.5) 32.63-32.99 Sand, silty sand 38 Northern longsnout 9-67 ( -0.58) -(+8.48) 27.11-33.25 Sand, silty mud 15 flounder Alaska plaice 9-10 - - Sand, silty sand 2 Slime flounder 30 - - • - 1 Steller's flounder 48-207 ( -1.04) -(+5.0) 32.78-33.08 Sand, silty mud 6 Eel-back flounder 1-2 - - • Sand 4 The young of the flatfishes studied are mostly encountered at a salinity of 32-34% 0 . The young of the Pacific black halibut, the rock sole and northern longsnout flounder have been caught in freshened areas (with a salinity of 22.59-27.11 7) . Only young flathead sole have been caught at a fairly high salinity (34.33U. On the basis of the above information, we can say that the young of the majority of flatfishes are encountered predominantly at depths of less than 100 m, on sandy bottoms, at near-bottom temperatures of 0-2 ° C and salinities of 32.0-34.0%, « 4. —6-- • Age and growth of the young On the whole, the growth of young flatfishes is far from being well—researched. Special research has been done only on the growth of young fluke (Pleuronectes flesus) in a fertilized sea loch (Loch Craiglin) (Gross, 1947). In the Far Eastern seas, the growth of young flatfishes has been studied only to a small degree by Japanese scientists (Ishida, Kitakata and Ishigaki, 1952; Ishida and Kitaka- 316) ta, 1953).
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