--'-------f1--44- ....,""'II ... }.,I., ;-._a i.1) ---, QllIIIi., .(." ........ ,., ,•.it.:.....: ..; .,.SIII;•.•':.: .2.iil, .:."HI!II).JLlltIJ.:s.,lIIt •••••.• J., a•.••• :.: _, All the News II of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Olnte ews Complete Nelvs Coverage of All tlte Pointes Home of the News ---_.- ----~--~------~--,---_. " ._-_._~----_._. ~~--_.-"_.. -~--_._-~--- - --~ --. _._...- &_---- - ----~-~ -- . ----- -._------._-- --- .~- - ---_.. ~-~----------------------------~------.~~- -~~ -~-_. __ ._~-- IIEADLINI~S Scout Troop Adds Six Eagles to Ranks of thfJ Elected Official One in Ten '\lEEK Cast Ballots As Compiied bl' tbe In Shores Refused Grosse POInte f'\ ew.s ;Last Monday i D. Frank H. Parcells leads Thursda~', Junt' 6 .Seat by Trustees ) Ticket: Dr. Whiteley A SECO;'l;D NJoX;RO has en- rollNI in thc LTnivf'rsitv of Mis- , Reelected sis"ipPl ('I('\'C I\lcDo~'/ell was Improvement Association Promises Law Suit +0 Force; a"('ppted peacefully on the 'Ole President and Board to Give Recognition ; a ~;iJ~~ns~x~?n~~~i~sl~ \li~s I'ampus Wednesday, his, smooth r('cTption in mark('d i to Arnold Fuchs I the election for seals on the ('ontrac;t to the bloody riotin!:{: A group of Gr~;s-;-P~i~t~Shore; taxpayers will file ; Gro~e Ploinie ~oard of Ed- atU'ndant on .lames H. Mere- ~ :.;uit in Wayne County Circuit Court to force the Shores' uC,atlOn .• ast lvlonday. He rlith'!; ('nrnllment eight months; ;]~o, Imm{'diatel~' prior to 1\lc-: president and the trustees to swear in AtnoJd Fuchs, of Jomed mc~mbent Dr. Rob- Dow('11'5 ani\ al. Gov, Ro"s' Roslyn road, who oefeated Donald Flintermann and Ar- crt K. ,Whltel~y, who won Barnett announted on tete- i thur Sherman, Jr., in the election held May 21. reelectIOn to a secon_d term. \ ision that "it would be unwise i :\11',Flintermann had been in Parcells polled 136J votes and futile for the State of Mis- i office for two years and ran. 1 e : while Whiteley garnered ;,issippi to ent£'I' into a physical I j')r re-election ,while Mr. ShpT- Clalm Shores :130~. Their four-year terms or "hooting combat with the lJ1an wa~ runn10g fOI"the flrst ~begm July 1. L'nitE'rl Stat('s Arnn'," Some 300 (lI~l.l'." . 'W ld B Voters also approved a trans- <: 0 I d i f' l' S. 20 deputy Federal.I' [he Shores group. al~ng With 0l! Ill.,eld :fer of funds from a debt re- marshals, and s eve r;l I FBI :\11'.Fuchs, has sought SInce the e : serve w her e they were no agents p.•trollf'd the ('ampus as elcctio~1 to have 1\11'.. Fuchs, 'Berllll Wall' i longer needed, to a building and :\lcDowell. driven via marshals' s\\ orn 10 but the CouncIl m.em- ; ,site fund for use in current ('ar from the state capitol to bel'S, through alleged varto~s, i construction projects. The vote Oxforrl. enrolled in 'Ole Miss' subt('rf':lg~~ ha'/e evaded. theJr i W dR' d t B ttl twas 2368 to 283 in favor of law selIoo!' responSibIlity under the Village; 0,0 S eSl en s a e! shifting the money where it • • • Charter, and have refused to P an to Block Them From I could be used. " .'riday. June 'I s\\ ear 10 the wmner of the Easy Access to lake ! School officials indicated Ulat BRlT.-\l:'-:'S WAf{ \llXrSTF:!1 i e]pl'tJOn, A b'tt l' d't : :\ C cor d I. n go t 0 th e "'JII age 1 er '.v conleste SUI the t urn 0 u t of voters was. .John Pl'Ofumo ha~ admitted lw : Charter the cl-erk of the Vil-: to pr~vent the Shores from. moderate for the spring elee- lird about his r£'lationsnip with i la.,~e is'required to notify suc-: vacatmg a l()~-foot section i lion. A total of 3049, ballots v.-as reo-hcadf'd "mockl" ChriStine,' c('ssful ('andidates in writing of IVIoor1and, tnat runs from. cast for boar? candIdates. th,p,:..' Kef'ler. Profumo. WIlOresigned \I'ithin two days and sw<?arthem tho Shores ir. to the Woods, I r<'~orted, ThiS compales_ wI~h from Parliament ancl t he \Val': - .. Mc:"<lIa StllcHo Photo For the first time in its history, Trombly School's in immediately thereafter. is expected to bE' ruled on J 13,5 cast last year and ;)~03 In \linistl'~' Wednesday, said he: senting the awards, The new Eagles, are, from left to Troop 86, held a Court of Honor in which six scouts After last year's election the' h 11 . \\T. C t 1 : 1961. Abol!t 35,000 reSidents \\'ithlwld lhl' truth ,.to pr~.if'ct : right: PHIL PRESENT, ROBERT MUSHRO. PHILIP • ., > - , S .01' -.y m , a~ ,ne oun): are ellgible \'oters, were presented Eagie Awards. The number of Eagle ' tlllsh es ca lied a meeting one ClrcUl t Cou rt 1t was an _ , his family," His aeJmission,; WHITE, ARTHUR REZANKA, RICHARD FLAGAN Scouts in the trooo now totals 11, according to SCOUT- . da.".after the election and swore: d ~ 't d J : Ba~lotmg for the four unsuc- gl'cat£,st intprnal seanclal the i and ROBERT DALLAIRE. The court was held in the in Benson Ford. Gerald Schroe- nounce on ...a ur ay, une: N'ssfuJ candidates wa<; as foI- :\lac\.-liIJan go\'('r-nmf'nt has yet 0 MASTER CLARJ<::NCE "BUD" HEATH, shown pre- school on Tuesda~'. June 4. I der. and Alfred \Vilson and held: 8. 10\\ s: Hudson :l1ead, 1177 \'otes; stl,tained. l'oekl'C! Britain. callS- ' a Council meeting immediately. A decision h the matter is Russell H. Peebles. 932; Lionel in£:: outragC'd opposition La-. H t Last month. the board. which foMheoming from Cin'ult Judge Bird, 488: and Horace Roe. 385. bonte';; and an arotlSf'd pr('<;~ "ll , \\'as to have met on :Vlay22, the . .James ~. Canham. The greatest numbcl' of bal- to df'mand "n imm('diatp se-' . Club's :Ohservillg Traffic Safety :Storms Play day after tbe eleetion, did not Approximate;~' 71 residents 101s was cast in the Richard emity ser\'ices ill~'f'stigatiCJn.; 110rse i me('t. claiming that a quorum li\'ing in :>loorland in 1he i S c h 001 precinct. Here, 606 Th(' War 'linist('1' and a Sm'jct I t ...- Slt01V Weel{ in Woods; Service : was not available. The meeting: Woods, filed tte Slut. charging \'oters turned out. Kerby pre- agf'nt both dat('(\ ;'IIi,s K('cln i II avoc W itl" N i was postponed until l\lay 27,: tLat if the Shores closes off dnct followed \\'ith 525, while d~lring the ~ame Iwriod of time, : ext Week ! when the trustees met and cer-' thE' road, the~', Ithe resident.c;l. ;I:laire had 435, The fewest vot. and th(' British public i" £'011- Clubs, Schools Honored i All Pointes ('prned that "ital militarv s('- ; tified the election. would be forced to dr\ve at ers cac;t ballots in the Poupard : However. disregarding Char- least a mile out of their way precinct where jll.3t 90 voted. eurity. including U.S. mi'lit.'lry' More Than 300 Entries Milton Riggs. Director of Safety Patrol at I I tpJ' proviston, as the Sh(lres' to get to Lake Shore road. I s(,l"rf'!!:,may have b,een ~mp.aired Already Received For Comes in for Special Surprise Mason. i Tw? Hom?s i~ Woods i group p.o~nts out,.Mr. Fu.chs was, The closing has been an issue I through Profumo s mdlscre- 52 d A lEt Hit by Llghtnmg; Park not notified of hiS electIOn. :since September 19. 1961. when: tions, n nnua ven Presentation I i Tragedy Averted P r H N i On June 1, Arthur Sherman, the Shore« council adopted a' '" '" .. o Iceman as arrow who had been beaten by Mr,: resolution -to v;,cate the Shores; At Farms Pier The Woods Council at a recent meeting approved a Escape Fuchs by 44 votes, taped a <,opy ; portion of Moorland and block I ~aturday, June 8 Next Thursday will see 1 t' d l' th k t t' T 9 th of 11 letter on the door of Mr. I it off. 1.,_ h . f th 52 d A re50 U lOn ec armg e wee' s ar mg "une as e Fuchs' home, The letter. a car- ! co II d "S' Ii Wall" ,A se\ en-Jear-old Fal ms boy .lOHX F. KEN1'Il'EDY will t e openmg 0 e n n- "Grosse Pointe Woods Lions Club-Grosse Pointe Ki- The three thunder~torms b ' add d t the! ,a e I r n ,nearly drowned at the Farms me'£'t with Britain's Prime Min. nual Grosse Pointe Horse wanl's Club Traffic Safety' Week." that struck the DetrOlt area on COP), was resse 0 John L Potter of 631 BaITJOg- ; .', I p. P k \" d I 10 . t r Ha Id ...... '11 I t thO S1. ,,, on the etrounds of - on S n d a v June 9 and' Sh ore s' Boar d 0f Ca nvass",'nrs In' ton an attorn!'y representing. ,. mumclpa. ler- ar on .e nes- s £' 1'0 ,Hacml an a e IS I "" ':> The council took this action as I ~ ..-----------,~---j~-~-- u J, , it Mr Sherman requested a 1'1'- tl 'w d 'd . t t t d th i nay. June 5.
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