
THE VOICE P.O. Box 1059, Miami 38, Flo. Return Requested VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. VI, NO. 8 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy MAY 8, 1964 PONTIFF APPEALS TO BISHOPS OF THE WORLD ... the Most Blessed Virgin For Your Mother..." :>: Pray For Council, Pope Paul Asks • • scheduled to open Sept. 14, the Pope declared that "such a Bishop Coleman F. Carroll has directed that, in ac- great event calls therefore for the overflowing virtue of the cordance with the request of Pope Paul VI, special prayers Holy Spirit who fills minds with enlightenment and who ' . be said by all priests and lay people for the success of the strengthens wills to undertake new projects and to accept i Council on Pentecost Sunday, May 17. responsibility." The Prayer to the Holy Spirit is to be recited after each The Pope's appeal was contained in a letter and address- 1 Mass in every church and mission of the Diocese of Miami. ed to all the bishops of the world. He urged them "especially as Pentecost draws near, to redouble your prayers to obtain for the ecumenical council VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope Paul VI has called on the those copious and considerable fruits which all of us desire." world's bishops to offer special prayers on Pentecost Sunday The Pope called upon the clergy and laity to "continue for the success of the Vatican council. with calm and reverence to draw closer to our separated He also asked clergy and laity to pray for the council, brethren, not turning down some opportunities for calm and and to inform themselves about it and in particular to "draw friendly conversations and, being more concerned for their closer to our separated brethren." welfare rather than our honor, they may seek together the Noting that the Church's bishops "are preparing themselves means for recomposing brotherhood, based on the identity of with the greatest diligence for the third session of the council," the faith and mutual charity which was desired by Christ for His Church." Referring to the council, the ance." He expressed the wish Father Russell's Ordination Pope urged all the faithful that that they "be informed about "in this time of diligent prepa- the themes of the council with ration, they accompany the For Diocese At St. Anthony's common effort with their pray- opportune methods, especially ers and voluntary acts of pen- (Continued On Page 2) FORT LAUDERDALE — Fa- ther David Gleason Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Rus- sell of St. Anthony parish, will Beware Subversive Ideas, be ordained to the priesthood Voice Photo for the Diocese of Miami at INVESTITURE ceremonies were held last Friday in the 11 a.m., Saturday, May 16 in Pope Counsels Factory Men Cathedral where 15 young women received the white veils and St. Anthony Church. black habits as novices in the Sisters of St. Joseph. VATICAN CITY (NO — The Pope received his visi- Bishop Coleman F. Carroll Pope Paul VI told an audience tors in the Hall of Benedictions will confer the Sacrament of of Italian factory workers that of the Vatican Palace and ac- Holy Orders on the newest dio- Italy would be further advanc- cepted from them a special pro- College Students To Attend cesan priest in the presence of ed today if workers had not duct of their factories, thou his family and friends. been stirred up by subversive sands of matches contained in A native of Brainerd, Minn., ideas. round boxes illustrated with where he attended St. Francis Seminar On Human Rights Speaking to 4,000 employes scenes from the more im- Elementary School, the or- portant phases of the Pope's Students from colleges and ington, D. C. Two faculty mem- and officials of the Saffa Sul- dinand was graduated from St. own life. junior colleges throughout bers of every Catholic high pher Products factories located Thomas Military Academy, St. FATHER DAVID RUSSELL South Florida will take part in school in the Diocese of Miami throughout Italy, the Pope told Paul and St. John University, them to "be intelligent. Under- To corporation officials, the a Seminar on Human Rights to will serve as observers. Collegeville, Minn. He studied Pope paid tribute for building a be conducted under the direc- ed by Msgr. John J. Fitzpatrick, stand what is going on under Registration will begin at 9 philosophy at St. John Seminary Chancellor of the Diocese of your eyes. The world is evolv- chapel within the factory tion of the Miami Diocesan a.m. and Bishop Carroll will de- and recently completed his grounds and praised their work Council on Human Relations. Miami ai.d pastor, Corpus ing. Italy would be much far- liver the introductory remarks theological studies at St. Mary Christi parish, Miami. ther in progress and ahead in for the benefit of employes. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll at 9:30. The seminar will close Seminary, Baltimore. In addition to his parents, evolution if there hadn't been "There must be in the fac- will open the workshop which with the celebration of Mass, He will sing his first Solemn other members of Father Rus- subversive ideas which have tory a place where the soul of will be held at Barry College, with liturgical participation, at Mass after ordination on Sun- sell's famiiy who will be pre- stirred up the minds of the the worker can express itself — Miami Shores, on Saturday of 2:45 p.m. day, May 17 in St. Anthony sent for his ordination are his workers." the Church of God." Church. Msgr. John O'Looney, next week, May 16. brothers, Newell and John of "Anger is useless. The At the same time, he urged Father John F. Kiernan, pastor, will be the assistant Participating in the panel dis- this city; Charles, Brainerd, son guaranteeing your rights, employes to continue their dia- S.S.J., pastor of Holy Redeemer priest; Father Arthur DeBe- cussions will be spokesmen rec- Church and chairman of tshe Minn.; and a sister Mrs. Roger son guranteeing your rights, logue with employes. "Do not ognized as authorities in the voise, deacon; and Father Jack Eklund, also of Fort Lauder- these are the valid arguemnts. deprive these sons of the hope Diocesan Council on Human Re- Totty, subdeacon. field of civil rights and human dale; and his uncle and aunt, Reject those which disrupt to live well in a new and better relations from Miami and Wash- (Continucd On Page 4) The sermon will be preach- Mr. and Mrs. John Gleason. peace." society," he said. MIAMI DIOCESE CATHOLICS 21% OF 16 COUNTIES' TOTAL Pope Prays For LBJ Asks Prayers End Of Discords Population Figures Of Top 26 VATICAN CITY (NO — U.S. Sees I On Memorial Day Pope Paul VI, appearing at Catholics of South Florida of 131 per cent, or 241,897 men, Miami and their population, *San Francisco 777,233 the window of his study in were delighted and proud to women and children in five with the archdioceses marked Rockville Center 770,112 WASHINGTON (NO — i President Johnson has pro- the Vatican Palace to recite learn last week that the Dio- years since the Diocese was b an asterisk here ;t is. *Hartford 739,056 the noonday Regina Coeli cese of Miami now ranks in created in 1958. *Milwaukee 649,785 claimed Memorial Day, chica May 30, as a day of prayer with Sunday crowds gathered 26th position among the 28 The 426,987 Catholics also * g° 2,317,700 *New Orleans 580,212 in St. Peter's square, voiced archdioceses and 120 dioceses represent 21 per cent of the *New York • • 1,782,630 Trenton 576,983 ! for permanent peace. his distress at conflicts in in the United States. overall population of 2,024,600 *Boston 1,767,284 ^-Cincinnati 538,314 "I call upon all people of the world and prayed "that This has been reflected in the in the 16 counties of South Brooklyn 1,576,073 Providence 532,692 the nation to invoke God's I the great debate may be- calls and letters received by Florida which make up the Dio- *Los Angeles 1,532,411 *St. Louis 490,935 [ blessing on those who have come a dialogue, that the The Voice following publication cese of Miami. ^Newark 1,528,798 *St. Paul 486,487 [ died in defense of our coun- uproar may become a con- of the news that the total Cath- Many sought information re- ^Detroit 1,461,567 *San Antonio 483,693 try and to pray for world of cert and that all of the j olic population of the Diocese garding other dioceses. For *PhiIadeIphia 1,309,308 Corpus Christi 477,525 ! law and order" the Presi- human family may become I Galveston-Houston 460,000 ! dent's proclamation stated. peaceful." in 1963 was 426,987, according their benefit, The Voice has Pittsburgh 910,655 to this year's Official Catholic compiled a list of the 25 Sees Buffalo 897,203 ^Baltimore 429,403 Directory. This is an increase which outrank the Diocese of Cleveland 853,148 Miami 426,927 FOR SUCCESS OF VATICAN COUNCIL Pope Asks Bishops' Prayers (Continued From Page 1) land of Jesus, the Pope recalled the inclination of our heart that "there we prayed to obtain even beyond the confines of by means of the press and by a sure means of approach to Christianity toward all souls and suitable talks." the recomposition in unity of all peoples who believe in the The Pope recalled his pil- our Christian brothers, now one God.
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