1 Title: Fished species uniformly reduced escape behaviors in response to protection 2 3 O. Kennedy Rhoadesa,d *, Steve I. Lonhartb , and John J. Stachowiczc 4 5 a University of California, Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory, 2099 Westside Road, Bodega Bay, 6 CA 94923; [email protected] 7 b Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and 8 Atmospheric Administration, 110 McAllister Way, Santa Cruz, CA 95060; 9 [email protected] 10 c Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis, 2320 Storer Hall, Davis, 11 CA 95616; [email protected] 12 d Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 13 701 Seaway Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34949; [email protected] 14 15 * Corresponding author 16 17 Abstract 18 19 Predation is a critical ecological process that alters the structure and functioning of 20 ecosystems through density-mediated and trait-mediated effects on lower trophic levels. 21 Although studies have focused on harvest-driven reductions in abundances and sizes of targeted 22 species, human harvest also alters species morphologies, life histories, and behaviors by 23 selection, plasticity, and shifts in species interactions. Restricting harvest can recover the 24 biomass of targeted species, but it is less clear how behavioral phenotypes recover, particularly 25 relative to the impacts of potentially opposing pathways of human influence. We investigated the 26 effects of protection on the behavioral traits of a marine fish assemblage, recording behavior of 27 1377 individual fishes of nine targeted kelp forest species across 16 California marine protected 28 areas (MPAs) varying in age, protection level, and diver visitation. With long-term, full 29 protection from harvest, all fish species exhibited shorter flight initiation distance (FID, or the 30 distance at which an animal flees from an approaching threat) and longer time delays before 31 fleeing, despite differences in trophic position, microhabitat use, and other ecological 32 characteristics. These escape behaviors were amplified across new MPAs regardless of 33 protection level, suggesting that recovery is slow and likely the result of differences in genetic or 34 early-life experience among individuals in these long-lived species. Although the effects of full 35 protection from harvest were partially offset by recovering populations of large piscivorous 36 predators, the net effect of long-term, full protection on fish behavior was shorter FID. 37 Additionally, all species had shorter FID at sites more frequently visited by divers, and this effect 38 was greater in sites with long-term, full protection from fishing. To the extent that escape 39 behavior is correlated with foraging behavior and predation rates, these results suggest that 40 human-induced behavioral changes may affect ecosystem processes, even after abundances have 41 recovered. If recovery of ecosystem functioning and services are the management goal, 42 assessments should be broadened to include the recovery of functional traits (including 43 behavior). 44 45 Key words: Behavior, Protected areas, Human harvest, Ecosystem function, Flight initiation 46 distance, Fishing 47 1 48 Introduction 49 Human and natural predation impacts ecosystem processes through direct reductions of 50 prey densities (Estes et al. 2011) and through indirect effects on prey traits including 51 morphology, life history, and behavior (Breviglieri et al. 2017; Tollrian and Harvell 1999). 52 Although conservation ecology has traditionally focused on the effects of human-driven declines 53 in predator biomass on ecosystem function, the magnitude and direction of trait-mediated effects 54 may differ from those of direct effects (Creel and Christianson 2008), and the strength of trait- 55 mediated and indirect effects often exceeds that of density-mediated and direct effects of 56 predation on ecosystems (Preisser et al. 2005; Schmitz et al. 2004; Werner and Peacor 2003). It 57 is therefore important to consider trait-mediated and indirect pathways when assessing the 58 impacts of extraction and predation on lower trophic levels (Peckarsky et al. 2008). 59 Humans have overexploited a wide range of ecologically important consumers, often 60 targeting adult individuals with desirable phenotypes, and altering the morphological, size 61 distribution, and behaviors of wild populations (Allendorf and Hard 2009). These unique patterns 62 of extraction have important indirect consequences for prey populations (Darimont et al. 2015), 63 communities (Madin et al. 2016), and ecosystems (Estes et al. 2011). Recent studies indicate that 64 human-induced changes in the behavioral composition of targeted species may alter species 65 interactions and the structure of entire ecosystems (Heithaus et al. 2008; Madin et al. 2010). 66 Non-extractive human activities may also indirectly favor certain behavioral traits in wild 67 populations, leading animals to favor flight or defense over foraging (Frid and Dill 2002), 68 affecting the proportion of bold, aggressive and active phenotypes, and altering individual 69 fitness, population dynamics, species interactions, and ecological functioning (Madin et al. 2016; 70 Sih 2013; Wong and Candolin 2014). 2 71 Management strategies that regulate extractive and non-extractive recreational activities 72 may likewise have direct and indirect effects on animal behavior and ecological processes. 73 Restoring the densities of single top predatory species via gear restrictions or catch limits 74 predictably strengthens behaviorally-mediated trophic cascades by enhancing anti-predator 75 behavior and reducing foraging in prey (Estes et al. 2011; Ripple et al. 2014; Wirsing and Ripple 76 2011). Comparatively, protected areas that limit or prohibit hunting, fishing, and/or other human- 77 related disturbances for entire ecological communities within their boundaries may remove the 78 selective pressures and disturbances that alter the behavior of a range of targeted species 79 (Bergseth et al. 2016; Harmelin et al. 1995; Lowry and Suthers 2004). By restoring natural 80 densities of strongly interacting species (e.g., predators and prey), protected areas also indirectly 81 impact species interactions and the behavioral composition of various trophic levels (Baskett and 82 Barnett 2015). Protected areas that also promote non-extractive human activities such as 83 ecotourism can alter habitat use and foraging of resident wildlife (Arlinghaus et al. 2016; 84 Geffroy et al. 2015). These behaviorally-mediated direct and indirect effects have unforeseen 85 consequences for ecological processes such as predation, competition, and herbivory in protected 86 areas (Hebblewhite et al. 2005; Ripple and Beschta 2006), which have yet to be thoroughly 87 investigated (Ford and Goheen 2015). 88 Within marine ecosystems, entire assemblages of species are harvested; yet the impacts 89 of fishing on animal behavior have been well-studied solely for single species. Even less is 90 known about the impacts of protection from fishing on the behaviors of targeted assemblages 91 (Bergseth et al. 2016). Field studies of the impacts of fishing and protection from fishing have 92 focused on flight initiation distance (FID), or the distance at which an animal flees from a 93 perceived threat (Ydenberg and Dill 1986) as the central behavioral response (see Dickens et al. 3 94 (2011); Edgar et al. (2004); Watson and Harvey (2007)) and as a predictor of recovery (Goetze et 95 al. 2017; Januchowski-Hartley et al. 2015). Since FID is correlated with anti-predator behavior 96 (Stankowich and Blumstein 2005), it represents one side of the tradeoff between foraging versus 97 risk of consumption by predators, which impacts individual fitness, population dynamics, and 98 species interactions (Sih et al. 2004; Sih et al. 2012). Recent studies suggest that marine 99 protected areas (MPAs) reduce FID (Feary et al. 2011; Gotanda et al. 2009; Januchowski-Hartley 100 et al. 2011), though responses to protection can vary among species with distinct ecologies and 101 life histories (Claudet et al. 2010; Januchowski-Hartley et al. 2014). Additionally, fishing (e.g., 102 hook-and-line and spearfishing) influences ecologically important behaviors other than FID, 103 including microhabitat use (Cote et al. 2014; Harmelin et al. 1995), activity level (Alos et al. 104 2012; Biro and Post 2008), and foraging (Biro and Post 2008; Gotanda et al. 2009; Walsh et al. 105 2006). Finally, non-extractive human activities in MPAs such as SCUBA diving and other water 106 sports also impact fish behavior (Bergseth et al. 2016; Frid and Dill 2002; Kulbicki 1998; Pereira 107 et al. 2016; Titus et al. 2015), in some cases serving as surrogates for extractive activities. 108 Consequently, the net effects of multi-species management on animal behavior and the indirect 109 effects of these behavioral changes on ecological processes in marine systems remain unknown. 110 California’s kelp forests are highly productive ecosystems that support a diverse 111 assemblage of commercially and recreationally harvested fishes. These targeted species 112 constitute a range of trophic levels – piscivores, secondary carnivores, omnivores, and 113 planktivores – some of which (i.e., piscivores) consume one another. They are also distributed 114 across various microhabitats (e.g., kelp, flat reef, rocky caves and crevices), where they forage 115 and shelter from predators. Kelp forest fishes
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