Archaeologia Cantiana - On-line Index 2012 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES CX 1992 ( 110 ) to CXX 2000 ( 120 ) Letter E Introduction This index covers volumes 110–112 and 114–120 inclusive (1992–2000) of Archaeologia Cantiana, volume 113 being the preceding General Index. It includes all significant persons, places and subjects with the exception of books reviewed. Volume numbers are shown in bold type and illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italic type or by (illus.) where figures occur throughout the text. The letter n after a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a footnote and pull-out pages are referred to as f – facing. Alphabetisation is word by word. Women are indexed by their maiden name, where known, with cross references from any married name(s). All places within historic Kent are included and are arranged by civil parish. Places that fall within Greater London are to be found listed under their London Borough. Places outside Kent that play a significant part in the text are followed by their post 1974 county. Place names with two elements (e.g. East Peckham, Upper Hardres) will be found indexed under their full place name. T. G. LAWSON, Honorary Editor Kent Archaeological Society, February 2012 Abbreviations m. married Ald. Alderman E. Sussex East Sussex M.P. Member of Parliament b. born ed./eds. editor/editors Notts. Nottinghamshire B. & N.E.S. Bath and North East f facing Oxon. Oxfordshire Somerset fl. floruit P.M. Prime Minister Berks. Berkshire G. London Greater London Pembs. Pembrokeshire Bt. Baronet Gen. General Revd Reverend Bucks. Buckinghamshire Glam. Glamorgan Sgt Sergeant C Century Glos. Gloucestershire snr. senior C.A.T. Canterbury Archaeological Hants. Hampshire Som. Somerset Trust Herefs. Herefordshire St Saint Caer. Caerphilly Hon. Honourable Staffs. Staffordshire Cambs. Cambridgeshire illus. illustrated Ven. Venerable Capt. Captain J.P. Justice of the Peace W. Mids. West Midlands Cllr. Councillor jnr. junior W. Sussex West Sussex Co. Company LBK Linearbandkeramik Warks. Warwickshire Col. Colonel Lincs. Lincolnshire Wilts. Wiltshire d. died Lt. Lieutenant Worcs. Worcestershire Derbys. Derbyshire Lt-Col. Lieutenant Colonel Yorks. Yorkshire Each End see under Ash Eadburg, St 118 .83–5 Eadgar (Edgar), King of England 110 .261; 115 .128n, 132, 146n, 147 Eadgifu, Queen 115 .131n, 138n Eadmer 118 .82, 173–89 Eadmund (Edmund), King of England 115 .138, 141, 148 Eadred, King of England 110 .258; 115 .138, 147–8 Eadric 115 .138, 139, 140 widow of 115 .139 Eadsige, Archbishop of Canterbury 117 .74 Eadwig, coin of 117 .232 Eadwine 115 .134 Ealdwulf 115 .137n Eales, Richard, book review by 120 .413–14 Ealred 120 .312 Eard 115 .138n Eardwulf, Bishop of Rochester 115 .147 Earhith, estate, Anglo-Saxon 115 .138–9, 140 Earthea see Erith earthquakes 110 .50; 111 .318 East Barming see under Barming East Farleigh church 112 .122; 119 .294, 300, 303 Coombes, Romano-British ?villa 115 .73, 75 Dean Street, quarries 112 .107 hop pickers 114 .18 manor 116 .45, 48; 117 .49 tractarianism 117 .162–3 East Greenwich (G. London) see under Greenwich East Guldeford (E. Sussex) 116 .99 East India Company 111 .218; 115 .32, 38 East Kent Mounted Rifles 110 .343 East Kent Railway Co. 120 .24 East Malling and Larkfield East Malling chandler 115 .403 church 119 .295, 303 Gostling family 115 .403 palstave, Bronze Age 115 .462 papermill 120 .411 villa, Romano-British 119 .160 watercress cultivation 120 .401, 411 New Hythe, stone shipments 112 .106 East Peckham church 119 .290, 296, 303 manor 117 .49 New Church Committee 111 .258 Roydon Hall 111 .240 Twysden, Roger, of 119 .19, 36 East Sutton Argall, Richard, of 119 .31 Filmer, Edward, of 119 .33 Greensted at 111 .124 manor 115 .179 East Wickham (G. London) see under Bexley Eastbridge see under Burmarsh Eastchurch coins Roman 117 .245, 247 Anglo-Saxon 117 .251 Shurland 119 .32, 226 yeomen 114 .153, 155, 161 Easthall, manor 111 .f180 Eastling church 115 .55, 68 James, Martin, of 119 .34 market 117 .101 Smith, John, of 115 .213n Eastry Anglo-Saxon period 119 .45–53 cemeteries, Anglo-Saxon 119 .45–9 church 115 .55, 56 , 63, 64, 67, 68–9 constable 115 .174n Cross Farmhouse 119 .45–7 Eastry Court 120 .77, 84, 96 Eastry House 119 .51–2 fair 114 .161 Gore Lane, evaluation 112 .401 High Street, evaluation 119 .50–1 manor 117 .49 Ovenden’s Hammill brickpit, pottery 119 .378–80 population C19–20 112 .15 rectory 117 .49 Spaine property 114 .154 water supply 114 .24 Eastry, Henry of, Prior of Christ Church and lectors 112 .265–6, 278, 280–1 library 118 .178 and priory estates 112 .283, 287 records 112 .261, 268–70, 272 and roofing 116 .36, 42, 57–8 Eastry Hundred Hasted on 111 .3 land drainage 116 .95 Eastwell Eastwell Park sarsen stones 111 .59, 110 Stukeley at 116 .9, 11 Finch family 111 .72; 119 .33 Moyle family 111 .142, 158 Ebbanea 110 .49 Ebbsfleet see under Minster-in-Thanet Ebbsfleet valley (near Gravesend) pleistocene research 110 .384–5 Rectory Farm, watercress cultivation 120 .403, 409 Romano-British ‘harbour’/dock 117 .61, 63, 66 watercress cultivation 118 .191–203; 120 .403, 409 Ebony see under Stone-cum-Ebony Eccles see under Aylesford Ecclesiological Society 117 .164 Ecgberht, King of England 115 .141–2 Economic Fire Association 112 .26 Eden, Robert, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness 117 .167 Edenbridge church 119 .294, 303 manor 117 .49 market 117 .99 Edgar see Eadgar Edinburgh, bishop see Cotterill, Henry Edisley see Egerton Edmeades, – (C18–19) 115 .445 Edmed, Peter 114 .155 Edmund, Earl of Kent 117 .101; see also Eadmund Edolf, Sir Robert 119 .32, 38 education C17–18, provided by Chatham Chest 111 .271–2 C18–19, Canterbury workhouse 116 .162n C19, Sandwich 118 .287–9 see also schools Edward the Confessor borough created by 114 .224 and Godwine 114 .339; 117 .74 grants by 115 .404; 116 .217; 117 .73n records 115 .149 Edward I charters 115 .405; 117 .17, 103n Christ Church, confirms grant to 119 .298 Cinque ports 115 .404 and Clare family 118 .51, 52–7, 60 Ireland, visits 117 .95 Makefeir, pardons 119 .182 markets 117 .91n Quo Warranto inquisition 117 .85, 87 Sandwich Friary and 114 .324 sculpture of 118 .49 trees given by 119 .175 Edward II 117 .96–7 Edward III 114. 323; 117 .87, 97; 119 .58, 175, 182, 185 Edward IV 119 .229, 230–1, 232 Edward V 119 .233 Edward VI 111 .44; 120 .235 Edward, prince (son of Henry VI) 119 .232 Edward, Thomas 117 .13 Edwards Agnes 111 .169–70 Alice 111 .169–70 Elizabeth, book reviews by 119 .422–4; 120 .414–16 F. 110 .351 Jeremiah 111 .114 Joe 111 .170 Margaret see Clement Minnie, m. Robert Geering 111 .169 Nicholas 115 .163 Philip 111 .169–70 William 116 .168 Edwin, Jack 111 .294 Egan, Michael, ‘Wricklemarsh Revisited’ 110 .161–76 Egerton (Edisley) Bakers Farm 114 .466 church 111 .125; 114 .466–7; 117 .171 Dering family 111 .f181, f184, f185 Egerton House 111 .f198 Field Mill, architectural fragments 112 .407, 408 , 409 Filthes Mill 111 .143, 175 Sednor (Setenore; Siday; Sidney; Sydnor) 114 .466–7 Yokefield 114 .467 Egerton family Francis Charles, Earl of Ellesmere and wife 120 .38 Henry 111 .f198 Mary see Sayer Sir Thomas (formerly Sednor) 114 .466, 467; 119 .38 egg shell, Romano-British 119 .140 Egirle, Hugo 114 .226n Elcocke, – (C15) 111 .175 Elder, J. see Panton, F. & Elder J. Eldith 119 .176 Eldred Widow – (C17) 111 .115 Francis 111 .115 George 111 .114 Henry 111 .114 William 116 .296 Eldridge, Anne 116 .158–9 Eleanor, sister of Henry III 115 .179 Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England 112 .185 Eleanor of Castile, Queen of England 118 .49, 51, 56–7, 60; 119 .298 Eleanor of Leicester, Countess of Pembroke 116 .329; 117 .100 Eleanor of Provence, Queen of England 118 .49, 50 electric lighting 120 .34 Elenden, Christopher 111 .175 Elgar Frank 115 .35, 36, 37, 40, 41 H.J. 111 .78, 87, 94, 307 photograph by 111 .88 Joseph 112 .332 Richard 112 .327 Elham coin hoard, Celtic 120 .226 fair 114 .161 Hogben family 114 .152, 162 market 117 .99 Middlemas family 115 .7 nonconformity 112 .334 population C19–20 112 .13, 15–16; 114 .20 Elizabeth I 119 .28; 120 .235 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 120 .79, 94–5 Ellery family 111 .117 Phillip 111 .115 Ellesmere, Earl of see Egerton, Francis Charles Elliot (Elliott) family 120 .404 – (C19) 110 .142 Mary 116 .159 Thomas 118 .194, 195 Walter 118 .194 Ellis (Elys) – (C17) 111 .229 Mrs – (C17) 111 .230 – (C19) 116 .158 Edmund 111 .230 John (C15) 119 .58 John (C18–19) 111 .230, 232, 233, 235 Elliston-Erwood, – (C20) 111 .303 Elmham, bishop 118 .180 Elmsted church 118 .89 Honywood, Thomas, of 119 .34 long barrow 116 .2; 120 .325 Elmstone (Elson) Elizabeth, m. Thomas Dering 111 .f181 James 111 .f181 Elsell, – (C19) 112 .44 Elson see Elmstone Eltham (G. London) see under Greenwich Elton, Charles I 120 .242–3 Elwood, Henry 111 .115 Elwyn, Ald. – (C18) 116 .171n Ely, marquess of see Loftus, John Ely Ann, m. Brent Dering 111 .162, 163, f184, 190 Robert 111 .184, f184 Elys see Ellis emigration C17–18, Quakers 112 .331–2, 336–7, 340 C19 Canterbury 116 .170 Ulcombe 110 .141–2, 150 C19–20, Kent 112 .4–6 employment Goudhurst 118 .68–9 Sandwich 118 .266 Sevenoaks railway tunnel 120 .201, 202 see also unemployment Empson, Geoffrey 112 .351 Emptage family 114 .152 Mary 110 .124 enamel Romano-British brooches 117 .240, 241 , 242, 243, 245 cheek piece 112 .380 harness fitting 118 .157, 158 seal box lid 114 .445 Anglo-Saxon 110 .76, 117; 117 .249 medieval harness mounts 114 .451, 454 harness pendants 110 .414; 114 .438 harness plaque 117 .252 see also niello enclosures Beaker 120 .361–3, 364 medieval, Manston 118 .226
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