US 20120021495A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0021495 A1 Vanzin (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 26, 2012 (54) GENERATION OF MATERIALS WITH abandoned, Continuation-in-part of application No. ENHANCED HYDROGEN CONTENT FROM 11/099,880, ?led on Apr. 5, 2005, now abandoned. ANAEROBIC MICROBIAL CONSORTIA INCLUDING DESULFUROMONAS OR Publication Classi?cation CLOSTRIDIA (51) Int. Cl. C12N 1/20 (2006.01) (75) Inventor: Gary Vanzin, Arvada, CO (US) (52) US. Cl. ................................................... .. 435/2521 (73) Assignee: LUCA Technologies, LLC, (57) ABSTRACT Golden, CO (US) An isolated microbial consortia is described. The consortia Appl. No.: 13/189,030 may include a ?rst-bite microbial consortium that converts a (21) starting hydrocarbon that is a complex hydrocarbon into two Filed: Jul. 22, 2011 or more ?rst-bite metabolic products. The consortia may also (22) include a downstream microbial consortium that converts a starting hydrocarbon metabolic product into a downstream Related US. Application Data metabolic product. The downstream metabolic product has a (63) Continuation of application No. 11/ 971,075, ?led on greater mol. % hydrogen than the starting hydrocarbon. The Jan. 8, 2008, which is a continuation-in-part of appli ?rst-bite microbial consortium or the downstream microbial cation No. 11/099,881, ?led on Apr. 5, 2005, now consortium includes one or more species of Desulfuromonas. Patent Application Publication Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2012/0021495 A1 Exifact' Native Eansartiéa _ frsm Fumaa?un Edie 292 Isaiah? Gmmr?ia Member “*1 2B4 é‘dentify Gwasurtia Member V. 2118 Gnaaée New Eonwrtéa ~25‘ 208 i's??aSiifé Charaaiaris?a v 01’ NEW Consmr?a a Fig, 2 Patent Application Publication Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 4 US 2012/0021495 A1 BIVARlATE FIT OF % CONSORTIUM COMPRXSED OF DESULFUROMONAS BY METHANOGENESIS RATE ( MICROMOLES CH4lg COAL/DAY) 60 LL 50 O Q %w 5% 40— 2O 0% I 22c230: 30- I "'55 2Qése 20- _ O I O I be . 10'" I O 1 1.5| '2 2'5 :3 3:5 21 4.5 METHANOGENESIS RATE (MICROMOLES CH4 PRODUCED/g COAL/ DAY) FIG-.3 Patent Application Publication Jan. 26, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 4 US 2012/0021495 A1 Bivariate Fit of % consortium comprised of Fusibacter By Methanogenesis Rate (micromoles CH4/g coal/day) 25 u5umwcaEooEzEowcooQ0 kwhom?msmm w Methanogenesis rate (micromoles CH4 / 9 coal / day) Fig. 4 US 2012/0021495 A1 Jan. 26, 2012 GENERATION OF MATERIALS WITH Thus, neW recovery techniques are needed that can extract ENHANCED HYDROGEN CONTENT FROM resources from these formations With signi?cantly loWer ANAEROBIC MICROBIAL CONSORTIA expenditures of energy. INCLUDING DESULFUROMONAS OR [0005] Conventional recovery techniques also extract the CLOSTRIDIA carbonaceous materials in their native state (e.g., crude oil, coal), and the combustion products of these materials may CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED include a number of pollutants, including sulfur compounds APPLICATIONS (SOX), nitrogen compounds (NOX), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Concern about the environmental impact of burning [0001] This application is a continuation of application Ser. these native carbonaceous materials has led to national and No. 11/971,075, ?led Jan. 8, 2008, and entitled “Generation international initiatives to develop less polluting energy of Materials With Enhanced Hydrogen Content From sources. One approach is to generate more energy With natu Anaerobic Microbial Consortia,” Which is a continuation-in ral gas (i.e., methane), Which has loW levels of sulfur and part of prior application Ser. No. 11/099,881, ?led Apr. 5, nitrogen, and generates less carbon dioxide per unit energy 2005, and entitled “Generation Of Materials With Enhanced than larger hydrocarbons. Hydrogen Content From Anaerobic Microbial Consortia.” [0006] Another approach that is receiving considerable This application is also a continuation-in-part of prior appli government and private sector support is the development of cation Ser. No. 11/099,880, ?led Apr. 5, 2005, and entitled hydrogen engines and fuel cells for vehicle propulsion and “Generation Of Materials With Enhanced Hydrogen Content electricity generation. The combustion of molecular hydro From Anaerobic Microbial Consortia Including Thermo gen (H2) into Water presents a more benign environmental Zoga.” The entire contents of both applications are herein alternative to burning gasoline, oil or coal. Hydrogen, hoW incorporated by reference for all purposes. ever, is more accurately characteriZed as an energy carrier than a fuel source. Very little molecular hydrogen exists in FIELD OF THE INVENTION nature, and other energy sources are needed to make the hydrogen. The role of hydrogen is to carry the energy from [0002] The present invention relates to biogenic enhance another energy source to the site Where it can be released by ment of the mole percentage of hydrogen in hydrocarbon chemical reaction (e.g., combustion) to do useful Work. A molecules and enhancements in biogenic hydrogen and meth poWer and transportation infrastructure based on hydrogen ane production in geologic formations. Speci?cally, the Will require adequate supplies of energy and/or feedstock invention relates to isolated microbial consortia that can materials to make the hydrogen. One Well knoWn method of include archaea, bacteria, and/or other microorganisms, making hydrogen is the steam reforming of methane, Where Which are capable of transforming carbonaceous materials in methane (CH4) and steam (H2O) are converted into carbon the formations into molecular hydrogen, and/or hydrocar monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). Thus, one Way to realiZe bons having a larger mole percentage of hydrogen than the a hydrogen economy Will be economically converting large starting materials. quantities of methane to hydrogen and recover it. [0007] The above discussion and citation of documents herein is not intended as an admission that any is pertinent BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION prior art. All statements as to the date or representation as to [0003] Increasing World energy demand is creating unprec the contents of documents is based on the information avail edented challenges for recovering energy resources, and miti able to the applicant and does not constitute any admission as gating the environmental impact of using those resources. to the correctness of the dates or contents of the documents. Some have argued that the WorldWide production rates for oil BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION and domestic natural gas Will peak Within a decade or less. Once this peak is reached, primary recovery of oil and domes [0008] The present invention relates to microorganisms tic natural gas Will start to decline, as the most easily recov that participate in the degradation of large or complex hydro erable energy stocks start to dry up. Historically, old oil ?elds carbons found in naturally occurring sources, such as those and coal mines are abandoned once the easily recoverable present in underground formations. The microorganisms are materials are extracted. These abandoned reservoirs, hoW useful for the recovery of energy contained Within large or ever, still contain signi?cant amounts of carbonaceous mate complex hydrocarbons, many of Which are associated With rial. The PoWder River Basin in northeastern Wyoming, for other materials that hinder extraction of the hydrocarbons example, is still estimated to contain approximately 1,300 from the formations, by converting the hydrocarbons to billion short tons of coal. Just 1% of the Basin’s remaining smaller molecules that can be more readily recovered or coal converted to natural gas could supply the current annual extracted. natural gas needs of the United States (i.e., about 23 trillion [0009] The invention is based in part on energy recovery by cubic feet) for the next four years. Several more abandoned conversion of large or complex hydrocarbons to smaller coal and oil reservoirs of this magnitude are present in the hydrocarbons, optionally With release thereof from materials United States. that hinder extraction of large or complex hydrocarbons. The [0004] As WorldWide energy prices continue to rise, it may route is based on biogenic conversion of carbonaceous mate become economically viable to extract additional oil and coal rials in underground formations, Which conversion has from these formations With conventional drilling and mining received relatively little commercial attention. Large poten techniques. HoWever, a point Will be reached Where more tial sources of energy, locked up in carbonaceous materials energy must be used to recover the resources than is gained by such as (but not limited to) coal, residual oil, etc., may be the recovery. At that point, traditional recovery mechanisms more readily recovered by conversion of the hydrocarbons in Will become uneconomical, regardless of the price of energy. the carbonaceous materials, as Well as the carbonaceous US 2012/0021495 A1 Jan. 26, 2012 material itself, into methane and other light hydrocarbons. In [0012] The isolated microorganisms are in the form of a biogenic conversion, consortia of microorganisms treat the consortium, comprising a plurality of tWo or more different carbonaceous materials as a source of raW materials for con species of microorganisms. In some embodiments, a consor version into smaller, lighter metabolites including alcohols, tium of the invention contains tWo or more different micro organic acids, aromatic compounds, molecular hydrogen, organisms that are metabolically related, such as Where the and/or
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