THE COMPLETE GUIDE to Safe Nutrition and Supplements for Natural Fertility 0.-4411.1 Hethir Rodriguez B.S., MM., C.M.T. The Complete Guide to Safe Nutrition and Supplements for Natural Fertility by Hethir Rodriguez B.S., M.H., C.M.T If you received this from a friend, you might like check our free Natural Fertility Resources by clicking here: Getting Started Natural Fertility Plan MedicalMedical Warning and Disclaimer The information sharedshared in this book is provided for educational purposes only and isis notnot intendedintended toto treat,treat, diagnosediagnose oror preventprevent anyany disease.disease. TheThe entireentire contents of this book are basedbased uponupon the opinions of Master Herbalist Hethir Rodriguez.Rodriguez. TheThe informationinformation on thisthis book is not intended to replace a one-on- one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is notnot intendedintended as medicalmedical advice.advice. It is intended asas a sharingsharing of knowledge and information from the researchresearch andand experienceexperience ofof HethirHethir RodriguezRodriguez andand herher community.community. WeWe encourage youyou toto makemake youryour ownown healthhealth carecare decisionsdecisions basedbased uponupon youryour researchresearch and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.professional. If aa friendfriend gavegave youyou thisthis andand youyou wouldwould likelike freefree accessaccess toto ourour resources,resources, click herehere.. ForFor more information, visit ourour info site at www.NaturalFertilityInfo.comwww.NaturalFertilityinfo.com .. To purchasepurchase supplementssupplements and herbsherbs specifically for natural fertility, visit our online store www.NaturalFertilityShop.com . The CompleteComplete GuideGuide toto SafeSafe NutritionNutrition andand SupplementsSupplements for Natural FertilityFertility Copyright © 2011 by Hethir Rodriguez B.S., M.H.,Mid., C.M.T. All rights reserved. No part of thisthis book may be produced oror utilizedutilized in any formform or by any means,means, electronicelectronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or byby anyany informationinformation storagestorage andand retrievalretrieval system,system, withoutwithout permissionpermission inin writing from the Publisher. PublishedPublished 2011 Table ofof ContentsContents CreatingCreating Your Pre-Conception Program ..................11 The Natural Fertility Diet ..........................................44 BuildingBuilding a Foundation of PreconceptionPreconception Health With Supplements .................................................... 99 Tips and Tricks...for Ease...for Taste ..................12 The Top 10 Foods For Natural Fertility ...............14 Important Nutrients for Fertility ..........................22 CreatingCreating YourYour Pre-ConceptionPre-Conception ProgramProgram After reading this guide you will have all of thethe information you need to eat andand supplement optimally for fertility. ThenThen you will need to start doingdoing it!it! BeginBegin by readingreading thisthis entireentire guide.guide. It It oftenoften helpshelps toto knowknow the importanceimportance of doing something in orderorder to havehave sufficientsufficient motivation to follow through and do it. This is especially true when we change what we eat. YouYou will need to buy newnew ingredients,ingredients, makemake newnew dishesdishes (see(see the reciperecipe book we gavegave you),you), and do this consistently in orderorder to givegive your body the building blocks for fertility, healthy pregnancy,pregnancy, and optimum fetal development. ThisThis guide and the accompanying bookbook of recipes will make it much easier forfor you to become naturally fertile.fertile. SO•t,er.14-1‘ A %loc% No* • sorir011— enjoy After reading this guide you will create your own pre-conception program. ToTo makemake it simple, I have outlined aa samplesample pre-conception program that you can useuse asas aa guideguide to create your own plan. We suggest that you and your partner prepareprepare forfor atat leastleast threethree monthsmonths priorprior to startingstarting to trytry to conceive.conceive. ThisThis amount ofof timetime allowsallows thethe bodybody toto cleanse,cleanse, renewrenew andand rebuildrebuild beforebefore youyou becomebecome pregnant. 1 TheThe Complete Guide to Safe NutritionNutrition andand SupplementsSupplements forfor NaturalNatural FertilityFertility OverviewOverview of the Preconception Program MonthMonth One !• FertilityFertility Cleanse forfor Women + Fertility Cleanse for Men. You will receive a separate email from us with guidance on safe cleansing. OpenOpen this email and get all the facts, and II will guide you on what a Fertility Cleanse is all about. There There is some information in this guide about it too. !• TheThe Fertility Diet. UseUse the guide you’reyou're reading now, and use the Fertility Recipe Book. !• WholeWhole Food Prenatal MultivitaminMultivitamin for Women. Men Men should take a multivitamin or zinc. Read Read the section in this guide about the right supplements for overall health and fertility.fertility. MonthMonth Two !• TheThe Fertility Diet !• PrenatalPrenatal Multivitamin for Women/Men'sWomen/Men’s multi or zinc for men !• EFA'sEFA’s !• AntioxidantAntioxidant Complex MonthMonth Three !• TheThe Fertility Diet !• PrenatalPrenatal Multivitamin for Women/Men'sWomen/Men’s multi or zinc for men EFA’sEFA's !• AntioxidantAntioxidant Complex DuringDuring thisthis timetime wewe willwill dodo everythingeverything we cancan to help you becomebecome naturally fertile and, of course, pregnant. This This guide will get you started with the biggest leapleap forward: what you eat. BeBe sure to open the emails wewe send you — thisthis willwill helphelp youyou staystay mindfulmindful ofof what youyou needneed toto dodo toto staystay on tracktrack to becomebecome naturallynaturally fertile. The Miracle Ahead of YouYou...… PreparingPreparing forfor conceptionconception isis oneone ofof the mostmost excitingexciting times in aa person'sperson’s life,life, especiallyespecially if it’sit's your first time. ButBut it cancan alsoalso bebe aa timetime filledfilled withwith anxietyanxiety and even heartacheheartache if you do not get results. Seeing Seeing how fertility isis directlydirectly related to your health and the health of youryour partner,partner, you might discover challenges that you did not anticipate.anticipate. That's That’s when trying toto conceive can become a challengechallenge instead of a blissful step into motherhood.motherhood. ButBut asas you make your way through this guide and our otherother 2 TheThe Complete Guide to Safe NutritionNutrition andand SupplementsSupplements forfor NaturalNatural FertilityFertility free resources,resources, you'llyou’ll discoverdiscover asas manymany beforebefore youyou discovered,discovered, thethe greatgreat majoritymajority of fertility issuesissues cancan bebe overcomeovercome through naturalnatural and safe means. ByBy knowing which foods and supplements to use in preparation for conception,conception, you will be able to curtail possible pregnancy issues, nutritional deficiencies andand improveimprove your chances ofof gettinggetting pregnant naturally.naturally. BirthBirth Defects and Hormonal Imbalance When it comes to preparing for conception, the most importantimportant areaarea ofof youryour lifelife you will want to focus on is going to be nutrition. There are a couple ofof reasonsreasons for this.this. TheThe firstfirst is that there are specific nutrients that areare necessary beforebefore you becomebecome pregnantpregnant thatthat cancan helphelp preventprevent birth defects.defects. TheThe other is that nutritionnutrition plays an important role when it comes to hormonal balance, ovulation and the chances of you having a healthy and uneventful pregnancy. This This guide you willwill showshow youyou howhow toto eateat nutritiousnutritious (and(and tasty!)tasty!) foodsfoods for fertilityfertility and pregnancy.pregnancy. You You willwill alsoalso learnlearn whichwhich foundationalfoundational supplementssupplements areare mostmost importantimportant in preparation for conception.conception. 3 TheThe Complete Guide to Safe NutritionNutrition andand SupplementsSupplements forfor NaturalNatural FertilityFertility The NaturalNatural FertilityFertility DietDiet What you are about to read are some ofof THE most importantimportant recommendations,recommendations, education, andand adviceadvice aboutabout boostingboosting youryour fertilityfertility andand preparingpreparing forfor conception. NutritionNutrition isis thethe foundationfoundation ofof healthyhealthy fertilityfertility andand aa healthyhealthy pregnancy.pregnancy. Nutrition can actually make the difference between ovulating oror not!not! And itit certainlycertainly hashas anan impactimpact on the future development and health of youryour child. ThisThis isis aa bigbig deal! AndAnd I am so very glad you are here reading this right nownow :-) In workingworking withwith ourour naturalnatural fertilityfertility clientsclients thethe firstfirst topictopic of discussion,discussion, regardlessregardless of the reason they are consulting with us, is “what"what is your dietdiet like?”.like?". ManyMany of their responsesresponses are...are... "healthy"“healthy” andand thenthen theythey go on to shareshare their version of that. More often than not, it is not a diet that is healthy forfor fertility. RegardlessRegardless of what your definition of healthyhealthy
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