
Easy Reading Edition 9 May 21–27 A Brand (Stick) Plucked (Taken, Rescued) From the Fire SABBATH—MAY 21 READ FOR THIS WEEK’S LESSON: Zechariah 1–3; Revelation 12:10; Exodus 3:2–14; Ephesians 2:8–10; John 14:15. MEMORY VERSE: “I have taken your sin away. I will put fine clothes on you” (Zechariah 3:4, NIrV). WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT THE GREAT CONTROVERSY (WAR) BETWEEN CHRIST AND SATAN IS VERY REAL IN OUR LIVES. Wars, crime, riots, rebellions (uprisings), and human suffering are just visible (things that can be seen) examples of the great war that began in heaven (Revelation 12:7). This great struggle touches upon all creation (Romans 8:20–22). We also must never forget that the great controversy is not over Middle East oil or over geographic, political, and economic changes in the world. It is over the salvation of the human race, one soul at a time. Nations come and go. Governments come and go. Grand themes of history and philosophy (study of truth) come and go. Only those people who are covered by the robe of Christ’s righteousness will last forever. Satan does not care about money, power, or politics. He cares only about taking as many souls down to ruin with him as pos- sible. Through His death, Christ has made it possible to save everyone from that ruin. The important issue of the great controversy is people choosing eternal ruin or eternal life. Nothing else in this life is as important. 61 Lesson 9 A BRAND (STICK) PLUCKED (TAKEN, RESCUED) FROM THE FIRE SUNDAY—MAY 22 EAGER FOR JERUSALEM (Zechariah 1; Zechariah 2) Read Zechariah 1 and 2. You might PIX #33 not understand all the details and symbols in these two chap- ters. But what is the message the Lord is giving to His people here? What is the background to these After Babylon defeated Jerusalem, the city events? What clear Bible princi- lay in ruins. ples (important rules) do we find in these chapters? What promises Lord gave some wonderful encour- are made? What hope is offered to agement. The Lord said, “I am very the Lord’s people? And on what jealous for [hold dear] my people conditions? How are these same in Jerusalem and Zion” (verse 14, principles shown to us today? NIrV). And then, this: “ ‘So the Lord says, Jerusalem lay in ruins because “I will return to Jerusalem. I will show Babylon defeated it 70 years earlier. its people my tender [gentle] love. My But God gave hope for the future of temple will be rebuilt there. Workers the city. Zechariah received the mes- will use a measuring line when they sage from the Lord that both the tem- rebuild Jerusalem,” announces the ple and Jerusalem would be rebuilt. Lord’ ” (Zechariah 1:16, NIrV). Zechariah began by telling his lis- The measuring line symbolizes teners that the Lord had not been very (stands for) the plans for the rebuilding pleased with the leaders of Jerusalem. of the city of Jerusalem and the temple But Zechariah gave courage to those in Zechariah’s time. But with only the who were listening. Zechariah told foundations laid, the building of the them that if they would turn to God temple seemed impossible. in repentance,1 He would turn to Zechariah also received and gave them (Zechariah 1:1–3). Zechariah’s another message of promise to the visions were meant to give people the Jews in Zechariah 2:10–13. God told strength and inspiration needed to them to “shout and be glad” (NIrV). continue the building of the temple in Then He promised to live with them. Jerusalem for the worship of God. How encouraging that message must The first vision of Zechariah was have been as the people of God tried given in chapter 1. In this vision the to join together to worship Him. 1. repentance—the act of feeling sorry for your sins and turning away from sinning with the help of the Holy Spirit. 62 Lesson 9 A BRAND (STICK) PLUCKED (TAKEN, RESCUED) FROM THE FIRE rible for the Lord to forgive? All through history, many souls have fallen into this trap. What makes the threat so powerful is that Satan does not have to lie about our sins. All Satan has to do is remind us of our sins. If we did not know about PIX #34 God’s grace, we could be crushed with The measuring line symbolized the plans hopelessness and loss. Even without for the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem Satan’s “help,” our sins are more than and the temple. enough to make us guilty. The Hebrew word for “accuse” MONDAY—MAY 23 comes from the same word as “Satan”; THE ACCUSER (SATAN) AND THE the same three Hebrew letters form ACCUSED (SINNER) (Zechariah 3:1) both words. There is no doubt, Satan is the accuser. But we all should know What important truths do we find the famous verse: “Then I heard a loud in Zechariah 3:1? Keep in mind the voice in heaven. It said, ‘Now the sal- great controversy and the vision vation and the power and the kingdom itself. of our God have come. The authority of his Christ has come. Satan, who A few important points are shown brings charges against our brothers here. First, Joshua is the high priest. and sisters, has been thrown down. He He stands as a representative of all brings charges against them before our God’s people. In this vision Joshua God day and night’ ” (Revelation 12:10, as a priest is facing the Lord. He rep- NIrV). resents Israel in all their faults (weak- nesses) and sins. There is no ques- It is not good to think about our tion: the people are not innocent. They sins. But sometimes we need to are not sinless. They do not deserve take a hard and honest look at our- the promise of being restored (made selves. What changes must you new) that the Lord is offering them. choose to make in your life? And But they claim this promise for them- what Bible promises can you claim selves by faith and repentance. in order to make those promises And, of course, Satan is there to work well? Think of what you may accuse (bring charges against) the lose if you let sin control you. people. He is arguing against their repentance, their desire to change for TUESDAY—MAY 24 the good, and their desire to find the mercy and grace (favor) of God. What THE ANGEL OF THE LORD better way to discourage people in the (Zechariah 3:1–3) great controversy (war) than to make them think their sins are just too ter- So far, in Zechariah 3, we have 63 Lesson 9 A BRAND (STICK) PLUCKED (TAKEN, RESCUED) FROM THE FIRE talked about two persons, Satan and Numbers 3:12). Of all Israel, the priests the high priest Joshua. But there is a as symbols should have been clothed third person. He is clearly the most in the cleanest of garments. important person in the story: “the The rest of the chapter makes it Angel of the Lord.” clear that we are all sinners with weak- nesses. But “the Angel of the Lord” is Who is “the Angel of the there to defend us against the charges Lord”? Read also Exodus 3:2–14; of Satan. It does not matter how true Zechariah 3:1, 2. or false those charges are. “The Angel of the Lord,” Jesus, is always there Here in Zechariah we find a very clear to save us. This has to be the most picture of the great controversy. This important truth in the whole Bible. battle is fought for every repenting (sor- rowing) soul who has given his or her No matter how unworthy we are, life into the hands of Jesus, the Lord. we must never forget that “the Remember the theme: Israel “humbled Angel of the Lord” is on our side. [repented]2 themselves before God, and How can we always remember this returned to Him.”—Adapted from Ellen truth without misunderstanding it G. White, Testimonies [Messages] for or having false ideas about it? the Church, volume 5, page 468. At What might some of those false this time Satan’s work as the accuser ideas be? Be prepared to discuss (blamer) was made known. What did your answer in class on Sabbath. he exactly say? We do not know. But from what we know about human nature3 from Bible history, it probably was not a pretty picture. PIX #35 According to Zechariah 3:1–3, what do Joshua’s garments (clothes) tell us? As the high priest, Joshua was judged to be wearing dirty garments. This shows how deep sin was. From the earliest days of the covenant (agree- ment) between God and Israel, all priests were very special, even among the chosen nation. The Lord called them out for a holy and special work (Exodus 38:21; Numbers 1:47–53; Joshua the high priest is clothed in dirty garments. 2. repented—to have felt great sorrow over having sinned and to want to stop sinning. 3. nature—the particular aspect or quality of something that makes the thing what it is; the heart and mind. 64 Lesson 9 A BRAND (STICK) PLUCKED (TAKEN, RESCUED) FROM THE FIRE WEDNESDAY—MAY 25 White, Testimonies [Messages] for the Church, volume 5, page 469. CHANGE OF CLOTHES (Zechariah 3) What does “the Angel of the Lord” say to Joshua in verse 7 Read prayerfully and carefully after the change of clothes? Why all of Zechariah 3.
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