THTJRSDAT, JUIfB t, IW f Avarag* Dotl^ drenktioii Manchester Evening Herald Fa* the Mmrtli at May. 1948 T h e W«Bth9^ F*raa**l at 0. B. Waatb** Omam Bennett wlO direct the worahip pe­ 8,230 Mealbara of the Daugbterji of riods. ■ . , Sootla vrbo are planning to attend Group Selects Beth Sholom Church School Registration wlil take place at Member nf tlw Audit iiisttrn B fiip r m j ? t r I i i Onuttaned warm aad hmnM to- A bout Tow n the pubbc reception of the local the Congregational ch u i^ on the Bureau at OtomdatioM aigbt aad ■ntmilni Ionhmou. lodge Ob Jane 6 are requested to Details Listed morning of June 28, and the school notify Mrs. Helen FUveU of Ham­ Its Officers will close jvlth a Parents' Night Manehe9ler-— A City of Village Charm iJS5 aiMi,' iWt- lin street, not later than 6 o'clock program on July 16. Seasiona are Friday evening,-June 4. Mr*. Fla- held Monday through Friday from s n tiM bon * Ot bar dnubUr, \ (iftiwalSei AOvartialng aa rage U ) S i , Ck H . Cbrt*r, a t 17» Henry veU sUted It was necessary this North End Institution nine to twelve; T d t. LXn., NO. 209 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 194» (FOURTEEN PAGES) be done So ttot the committee In Women’ s Eederation to PRICE THREE CEN'IS ' ^ , r t Mr*. WaUclna who la .In her Is Now 17 Years Old; Mrs. Vetrano will meet the mem­ $Mb y*ar aaakaa b*r bom* with charge might make sultaWe ar- Name Its ■ Presitlen!. bers of tbb facult: and distribute 'rangements. It Is expected that study materials on Monday night, her ion, AJnn Wntklns In Mew grand lodge officer* will be here at Theme for Sessions. Harm . Mr. Wstldna la trauurw However, in the Fall. June 7, at the Methodist church. this time. Her telephone number News Teachers in the Primary Depart- Caboosc Sandwich the Amerioan Bank and Tniat The 17th annual scasion of the Oonpany In Mew Haven. la 6240. The annual meeting of the Wo­ meht will come at 7:30 and teach­ Friday, June 4: Evening serv­ Vacation Church School, sponsored ers in the intermediate Depart­ ganoa * a ^ British W^ir Vessels men'! Federation of Center Con­ Ton* peat* n«ak« Argentina’s Soldiers Mr. and Mrs. James Vennard, of ices at 8:15 p. m. Pvt. 1st Cl. by the North Methodist and the ment. at 8 o'clock. IVigah. K«m-Toi>* David Oartar, aon o f Mr. and 18 Griswold street, have received gregational church was held il? Michael Brand, former co-editor A. F. Howes will meet the mem­ A M ra a . B. CJarter of ITS Henry Second Congregational churches, iinith. Re«dy-to-uw word from their aon. Private Gor­ the parish . house last evening. of the "Vocational Giildance” mag­ bers of the combined committee at cost—only $1.9* gM* a tr*^ M' at present atationed at don Vennard, that he has arrived azine will speak on-Jhe subject, will be held this year from June th Methodist parsonage, 70 Henry ttM U. >• Maval Training Statian, During the business a^slon. at safely in Greenland. He attended which Mrs. Arthur lUing'presided, "How to choose a vocation" dur­ 38 through Jtl)y 16. Mrs. .Michael street, on Friday, June 11 at 8 cam p Bampaon, N. T. school at Camp Pickett, Va., and o'clock Tot a final review of the Bombard Pantelleria; reports were made on the general ing the social that will follow the L. Vetrano will supervise the Stage Revolt Camp Shenango, Pa., before going program. work of the year, and the Federa­ services. The social will be given schbol for the second time and this overseas. He Is a graduate of the tion's finances; and the head of in honor of the Jewish graduates local High school and was former­ from Manchester High school. year will use the.tl^etne "The Four each group, on her representatives, Freedoms." ONt COAT COVItt WAtU ly employed In the office of the also gave individual reports. Saturday, June 5: Sabbath TALL GEDAR8 PAPta. poInHd wolU, wiM<- United Aircraft Corporation in morning service at 7:30 a, m. The combined^ committee from OLD Red CroM S ^ in g the two churches, under the chair­ boofd, bOMmoM wallt. Some Slight Return East Hartford. ' Children's services will be con­ Mra. Edna Case Parker spoke manship of A. F. Howes, has laid BINGO APPIII* lASIlT wUh • «aa* War Minister Chief RECORDS interestingly of the Re<l cjroes ducted by the Junior Congregation at jO a. m. Jack Wlor and Bev­ plans to meet an expected increase broth or with th* K*ni.T*ii* Maat b* tamed la tor aai> sewing that had been done, and In the eUfoUu’ cnt of the primary TOMORROW NIGHT a*n*r-K*ot*r. rag* If yon waat to keep a u c b -c o f b a n shojved several types of Warmehts erly Buraack will be the reader*. (Known As Queen Alice) department which Includes chil­ ed v n is . Hurl Shells Into Harbor playing the new one*. made. Sunday, June 6: Cloalng exer- dren from four to six years of age. ORANGE HALL ONI OAUON DOII TNI A V I*. Mixes March Into Buenos Aires SPHUTDAL. MKDIUM Miss Leila Webster presented cl.aes of the Religious school will A M aooM. WITH W ATtRI W M b P A P tR I And Battery Areas for He S. Graduates Labor Pinch SV'i* eaeb paid for old reo- Seventh Ilsnghter of a Seventh Son Mra. Joseph Handley, substitute 1,535 sualties And Quickly Seize •rda In eapecUve of qnantJty. the report of the .lominating com­ be held at 10:30 a. m. All par­ teacher In the Manchester Schools, Bora With a VeU. ents are Invited to attend. 3rd and 4th Times ReadlngB DaUy. Incinding Sunday, mittee. No president was named; will superintend this department. Control of Strategic This office is to be filled In the fall, Tuesday. June 8: Red Crons Face Greatest Least Year 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. OrByAppoInt- Sewing Circle will meet frobo Mrs. Bennett, Director All Auto and Truck This Week; No Dam­ KEMP'S Mrs. nilng meanw'hile acting in The school is planned fo r . chil­ Pointfi About Q ty; nient. In tbe S«rvlee of the Peo­ 1:30 to 5 p. m. ROlUR-KOATER In Attu apture Ine. ple for M Fears. an advisor.v capacity. dren four to fourteen years of age, REPAIRS age or Casualties Suf­ Bloodshed in daslk 7S8 Mai* SL TeL SdSO tMUcera .4r« Chosen Shsvnoth Holidays and registration la open to all boya Test in Years A fter War 169 Chnrch Street, Hartford, Conn. Wednesday, June 9: Shavnoth rersonal Guaranteed SuiitH Roll* Kent- OA a . fered by Attacking Phone 6-20S4 Other officers are as follows: I and girls of the community. The Tone right A j f V l On Outskirts; Castillo First vice-president, Mrs. Wal- j Ylakor services will be held at program will include handcrafts, ABEL’ S 3 4 2 Dead, 1 J 3 5 8:15 p. m. All those that want over your Units; Replies W eak; lace Payne; second vice-president, singing and worship, games, and Bear 36 Ooopet; Street wall* quick­ DRICS WASNCS Cermans Lose Local Boys and Qirls Manpower Expert Pre­ Assigns General Mar­ Mrs. Eugene Lehr: third vice-pres­ the names of their departed to be USILVI Woundea\58 Missing a project period. Mrs. David M. ly, easily, IN ONt NOURI - Bombers Blast Naples. Warned They Are (»o- quez to Combat Move. ident, Mrs. Eme.st Beng.ston; read during the Yiskor, will please •m oothly I I'kk Up to M id in ig ^ Tues­ dicts Continuation of fourth vice-president. Mrs. Henry oohUct the Rabbi. This will not 162 From 500 ing Into World of Tur­ Miller; secretary, Mlse Beulah be necessary for those that have Allied Headquarters, North day^ Navy Reports Shortages; Plenty of Bulletin! Todd; treasurer, Mrs. Paul Agard^ memorial tablets. Africa, June 4.—(A>)— British b ,. ' moil; 2 91 in Class. Jobs for All Implied. Salads Do chairman of Red Cross work. 'Mr*. Thursday., June 10: Shavnoth warships have bombarded Buenos Aires, June 4.— (/P) Edna Case Parker. morning .services at* 7:30 a. ta. Planes^in Raid WkBhington, June 4 . ^ ^ lAK GRILL- LARSEN’S FEED SERVICE the Italian fortress island of Warned that they were facing — Gen. Pedro Ramirez, leader An advisory board of five was Yiskor will be said. — Conquest of Attu in A1 Ne wYork, June 4—<41—A fpre- 38 DEPOT SQUARE TEL. 5406 the greatest responsibilities ot any of a revolt against the gov­ About Menu Monotony also named. This Includes Mrs. “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER” Pantelleria for the third and tians cost the United State' CFSt that labor ahortage*-—imply­ Robert Alexander. Mrs. Clarence Full Story of Attack graduating class from the Man­ ernment of President Ramon fourth times this week, hurl­ 1,535 casualties including 342 ing plenty of jobs for all-w ould F tti Sb§rtag«s 111 R atltilig ^ Peterson, Mrs. Emil Kottke, Mrs. chester High school during the S. Castillo, entered ' Govern­ Howard Eddlson and'Mrs. E. W. ROOFING DINE AND DANCE ing ahells into the harbor and On Kursk Unfolded; men dead, 1,135 wounded and continue for at least a year after battery areas, it was an- , ^ 0 Erie railroad cabooeeB are randwiched skyward after a past fifty years, two hundred and ment House in downtown A r t M E m m f t c • • H Wbttham.' To the Lilting Tunes of Land Action StiU 58 missing up to midnight I freigbftoain rammed the rear 6f another freight in the Erie railroad this war was made today, by Leo Buenos Aires this afternoon After the businas# meeting ASBESTOS SIDING MARTIN-SENDUR nouncced today.
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