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HANSHIN SUNDAY,JUNE 28TH Post Time 10:05 1 ! Race Dirt 1400m THREE−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:31Mar.12 1:21.5 F&M DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,680,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,100,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 770,000 510,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Tadashi Shimomura 3,320,000 S 80017 Life80017M 00000 1 1 54.0 Kenichi Ikezoe(11.7%,29−25−19−175,18th) Turf00000 I 00000 Marble Lady(JPN) Dirt80017L 00000 -Daiwa Major(1.20) -Invincible Spirit F3,b. Kaneo Ikezoe(4.3%,5−6−5−101,139th) Course40004E 00000 Wht. .Lady Rochford .Sheezalady 4Feb.17 Mitsuishi Kawakami Bokujo Wet 10001 6Jun.20 HANSHIN MDN D1200St 5 5 1:14.0 6th/16 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 446% American Nina 1:13.1 <2> Wonder Kamlang <NK> God Carnoustie 26Apr.20 KYOTO MDN D1200St 4 4 FF /16 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 444$ Cosmic Runner 1:13.8 <4> Hiro Shige Pepper <2 1/2> Performante 29Mar.20 HANSHIN MDN D1200Sl 5 5 1:13.1 6th/16 Hayato Yoshida 54.0 444$ She Her Her 1:12.8 <1/2> Granatrot <3/4> Hagino Oro 7Mar.20 CHUKYO MDN D1200St 6 5 1:13.5 3rd/15 Yuji Hishida 54.0 442# Asaka Dione 1:12.6 <5> Granatrot <3/4> Marble Lady 8Feb.20 KOKURA MDN D1000St 4 4 1:00.7 4th/14 Yuji Hishida 54.0 440& Good Stage 1:00.1 <1/2> Kirschen Rot <2 1/2> T O Prime Ow. Masato Yamaoka 12,400,000 S 00000 Life70430M 60420 1 2 54.0 Yutaka Take(17.3%,59−43−33−207,3rd) Turf10010 I 10010 Water Ratel(JPN) Dirt60420L 00000 -Water League(0.41) -Tale of the Cat F3,ch. Hiroshi Kawachi(6.2%,8−13−11−98,99th) Course20110E 00000 Wht. .Water Piper .Piccolo Player 17May.17 Ryoichi Yamaoka Wet 10010 7Jun.20 HANSHIN MDN D1800St 1111 4 3 1:56.2 3rd/16 Yutaka Take 54.0 490! Highspeed Cam 1:55.4 <2> Namura Puffin <3> Water Ratel 17May.20 KYOTO MDN D1800Sl 1111 1:53.13rd/11KotaFujioka 54.0492! Josho Lead 1:52.3 <1> Win Olivia <3 1/2> Water Ratel 25Apr.20 KYOTO MDN D1800St 2222 1:55.5 2nd/16 Yutaka Take 54.0 492! Vignette 1:54.5 <6> Water Ratel <1/2> Josho Lead 28Dec.19 HANSHIN MDN D1800Go2222 1:56.6 2nd/16 Yoshitsugu Okada 54.0 500" Starkst 1:56.3 <1 3/4> Water Ratel <2 1/2> Little Clever 8Dec.19 CHUKYO MDN D1800St 2222 1:55.9 2nd/13 Yoshitsugu Okada 54.0 500" Higher Grade 1:55.7 <1 1/2> Water Ratel <1/2> Smart Labyrinth Ow. North Hills Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life40004M 40004 2 3 54.0 Haruhiko Kawasu(7.0%,15−11−9−178,42nd) Turf00000 I 00000 Caramel Voice(JPN) Dirt40004L 00000 -Transcend(0.69) -Genuine F3,ch. Hiroshi Miyamoto(5.5%,7−8−6−106,115th) Course10001E 00000 Blk. .Prunelle .Saturday Night 2Mar.17 Doi Bokujo Wet 10001 18Apr.20 HANSHIN MDN D1400Sl 15 15 1:26.7 6th/16 Shinji Kawashima 54.0 514* Queen's V V 1:25.2 <NK> Bateau du Ciel <5> Treffer 8Feb.20 KOKURA MDN D1700St 2225 1:49.810th/16HeartKameda51.0512) Blofeld 1:48.2 <1 3/4> Meisho Kinkaku <1 1/2> Neo Bogen 16Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1400St 8 10 1:28.2 10th/13 Shinji Kawashima 54.0 504& Sadamu Scat 1:25.6 <6> Oakley Court <1> T M Queen 2Nov.19 KYOTO NWC D1400St 12 9 1:28.3 7th/15 Shinji Kawashima 54.0 504$ Matthias 1:26.1 <1 1/4> Sadamu Scat <2 1/2> Harry Barows Ow. Godolphin 4,510,000 S 00000 Life30201M 30201 2 4 54.0 Yuichi Fukunaga(16.3%,53−40−40−193,5th) Turf30201 I 00000 Populism(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 -Daiwa Major(1.20) -Sadler’s Wells F3,b. Mitsugu Kon(9.6%,11−13−8−83,58th) Course00000E 00000 Blk. .Relish The Thought .Viz 28Apr.17 Godolphin Wet 00000 30May.20 KYOTO MDN T1400Fi 3 3 1:21.6 2nd/17 Yoshihiro Furukawa 54.0 490! Toho Raden 1:21.4 <1 1/2> Populism <1/2> Rachmaninoff 16May.20 KYOTO MDN T1600Go 2 2 1:36.2 5th/17 Shinichiro Akiyama 54.0 488! Eternal Heart 1:35.9 <1 1/4> Sunrise Honest <NK> Kakeru 2May.20 KYOTO MDN T1400Fi 13 12 1:22.1 2nd/18 Norihiro Yokoyama 54.0 494% Credenza 1:21.9 <1 1/4> Populism <2 1/2> Frevo Ow. Junko Kondo 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 3 5 54.0 Kohei Matsuyama(13.1%,55−39−40−287,4th) Turf00000 I 00000 Admire Sirius(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 -King Kamehameha(1.32)-Agnes Tachyon F3,d.ch. Ryuji Okubo(9.9%,14−13−11−104,33rd) Course00000E 00000 Red .Admire Marilyn .Admire Lapis 30Apr.17 Tsuji Bokujo Wet 00000 10May.20 KYOTO MDN D1800St 9 9 10 11 1:56.2 9th/13 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 426% Encantadora 1:54.9 <2> Al Vento <NS> Wild Cat Ow. Kenji Mannami 0 S 00000 Life30003M 30003 3 6 54.0 Futoshi Komaki(2.5%,3−4−11−101,91st) Turf10001 I 00000 Wave Victory(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 -Rulership(1.04) -French Deputy F3,b. Hidemasa Nakao(10.5%,12−6−8−88,53rd) Course20002E 00000 Red .Shonan Act .Golden Page 2Feb.17 Kuwata Bokujo Wet 00000 21Dec.19 HANSHIN MDN D1800Go3345 2:01.216th/16RyujiWada 54.0472% A Shin Waltz 1:56.1 <4> Namura Puffin <2> Stella Alba 8Dec.19 HANSHIN MDN D1400St 7 7 1:28.2 7th/13 Ryuji Wada 54.0 472" WinComeTrue1:27.0<NS>RuleShaver<11/4>AblazeHero 30Jun.19 CHUKYO NWC T1400Yi 6 6 1:25.6 7th/11 Kota Fujioka 54.0 474 # Zenno Justa 1:24.2 <1/2> Vip Liverpool <3/4> Tamamo Voyager Ow. Yoichi Aoyama 0 S 30003 Life30003M 00000 4 7 54.0 Atsuya Nishimura(8.0%,31−38−26−291,17th) Turf00000 I 00000 Manuia(JPN) Dirt30003L 00000 -Belshazzar(0.65) -Afleet F3,b. Kazuhide Sasada(12.6%,14−11−12−74,34th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. .Rapa Nui .Magic Mirage 12Feb.17 Yoichi Aoyama Wet 00000 31May.20 KYOTO MDN D1200St 12 12 1:15.2 11th/16 Taisei Danno 53.0 432+ Snark da Vinci 1:12.9 <2> Oceans <1/2> Young Blood 26Apr.20 FUKUSHIMA MDN D1150St 15 13 1:13.1 13th/16 Ryusei Sakai 54.0 438( Hagino Oro 1:11.1 <NK> Granatrot <3> Brave Girl 6Jan.20 NAKAYAMA NWC D1200St 10 11 1:16.0 11th/16 Yoshitomi Shibata 54.0 432' Tokai Etoile 1:14.1 <2> Storm Falcon <1/2> Argent Blanc Ow. Win Co.,Ltd. 700,000 S 00000 Life30003M 30003 4 8 54.0 Yusaku Kokubun(3.8%,9−8−10−209,59th) Turf30003 I 00000 Win Vermelho(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 -Real Impact(1.08) -Gone West F3,b. Yuzo Iida(6.5%,7−5−5−91,119th) Course00000E 00000 Blu. .RedMaCherie .Darabanka 4Apr.17 Togawa Bokujo Wet 00000 30May.20 KYOTO MDN T1400Fi 1 1 1:22.0 7th/17 Yusaku Kokubun 54.0 486, Toho Raden 1:21.4 <1 1/2> Populism <1/2> Rachmaninoff 1Sep.19 SAPPORO MDN T1500Fi 3 4 6 1:32.5 6th/14 Masami Matsuoka 54.0 462# Bella Volta 1:31.7 <DH> It's Our Turn <3> Pin Pon Dash 13Jul.19 CHUKYO NWC T1600Go 2 2 2 1:37.5 5th/11 Fuma Matsuwaka 54.0 458% Gilded Mirror 1:36.6 <NK> Stella d'Oro <NS> Victor Barows Ow. Normandy Thoroughbred Racing Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life50005M 50005 5 9 54.0 Kenji Kawamata(7.8%,15−12−9−156,41st) Turf10001 I 00000 Surely Seize(JPN) Dirt40004L 00000 -Black Tide(0.92) -Gone West F3,br. Keiji Yoshimura(9.7%,12−10−7−95,50th) Course10001E 00000 Ylw. .Alligator Allie .Mackie 21Mar.17 Hisai Farm Wet 10001 14Mar.20 HANSHIN MDN D1400Mu 3 2 1:27.1 8th/16 Hideaki Miyuki 54.0 442+ Meisho Ogishi 1:25.0 <2> Hiruno Anttola <3/4> Hiro Shige Pepper 29Feb.20 CHUKYO MDN D1400St 11 12 1:28.1 8th/16 Arata Saito 53.0 448& Burning Soul 1:26.5 <1> Pin Pon Dash <3> Tirami Su 11Jan.20 KYOTO MDN D1400Go 14 14 1:28.1 8th/16 Arata Saito 52.0 438* Curren Liz 1:26.9 <3> Loughrigg Fell <HD> L'Abondance 24Nov.19 KYOTO MDN D1800St 7777 1:56.710th/15HayatoYoshida54.0436& Asturias 1:54.4 <2 1/2> Meisho Kazusa <HD> Lord Gluck 2Nov.19 KYOTO NWC T1600Fi 4 7 1:37.1 9th/13 Hayato Yoshida 54.0 434) Clavel 1:35.2 <2 1/2> Credenza <2> Tangerine Moon Ow. Takao Matsuoka 0 S 00000 Life40004M 40004 5 10 54.0 Ryota Sameshima(1.8%,2−4−3−100,103rd) Turf10001 I 00000 Tres Beau Soleil(JPN) Dirt30003L 00000 /Lord Kanaloa(1.55) /South Vigorous F3,d.b. Osamu Hirata(7.5%,8−6−5−88,104th) Course10001E 00000 Ylw. 0Honey Melon Chan 0Ephimeron 9Mar.17 Takao Matsuoka Wet 10001 2May.20 KYOTO MDN T1400Fi 16 15 1:24.5 16th/18 Kiwamu Ogino 54.0 444- Credenza 1:21.9 <1 1/4> Populism <2 1/2> Frevo 25Jan.20 KOKURA MDN D1700Mu8978 1:47.48th/11TaiseiDanno 51.0444' Philos 1:45.2 <1/2> Meisho Oiwaki <2> Omega Dragon 28Dec.19 HANSHIN MDN D1400Go 14 14 1:27.7 9th/16 Taisei Danno 51.0 450* Ablaze Hero 1:26.1 <NK> Sun Beast <4> Philos 5Oct.19 KYOTO NWC D1400Go 7 6 1:28.4 9th/16 Shinichiro Akiyama 54.0 450# Di Molto 1:27.0 <3/4> Ties of Heart <NS> Meisho Agonika Ow.

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