More Letter* to —- From Our Keodtre Wounded Korean Veteran Featured on Enrolls at Fordham Page 3 at Freshman- Page 5 farf Named New Librarian ROUTES TO RUTGERS The best route for those driv- ing to the Rutgers game is to take Ed Sullivan to Emcee \Succeeding Roehrenbeck either the George Washington Bridge or the Holland Tunnel and pick up U. S. 1 southbound to New Brunswick. Tonight's Gala Rally For those who prefer to go by By FRANK DOHEBTY train there is a train leaving Ed Sullivan, Rosemary Clooney, and Jack Norton will headline tonight's Pennsylvania Station at 12 noon rally for the Hutgers game starting at 7:30 p.m. in the Gym. The rally and another at 1:05 p.m. The trip "the biggest in years," according to Pete Brady, chairman of the rally takes about forty minutes, and committee, will be followed by a bonfire to be held on the Prep sports field. buses connect with trains at New Along with the stars of the show, entertainment will also be provided Brunswick for the stadium. The *by Dave Wilson, Bill Mactur. and round-trip railroad fare is $2.88. the Band. The following is a list of some Ed Sullivan, columist for the New of the more prominent restau- Foreign Minister York Daily News and star of the rants in the area: the Queen Res- "Toast of the Town" television pro- taurant, the Mayflower, and the gram, will be master of ceremonies Corner Tavern and Restaurant. Maurice Schuman to at thth e rallyll . He actetdd as emcee hhere All are in the vicinity of Somerset Street and within easy access of two years ago at a rally before the the stadium. Army game. Lecture Here Today Hosemary Clooney, star of stage, screen, radio, and television, as well Maurice Schuman, Vice Minister as a famous recording star, is making Liturgy Group of Foreign Affairs for France, will her first appearance at Fordham. Her deliver a \ecture entitled "Political most recent hit record, "Come-on-a Problems in the France of Today' My House," is still ranking high this afternoon at 3:30 in the Keating throughout the nation, and was for Mr. William J. Roehrenbeck discusses a few last details with Mr. Joseph Holds Day of a number of weeks the best selling T. Hart, new Fordham Librarian. Hall first floor lecture room. Monsieur Schuman, a member of record in the country, selling over 900,000 copies. She also has a con- Mr. Joseph T. Hart has been appointed to the position of Librarian of Social Worshipthe French government in exile in tract with Paramount studios, and Fordham University, according to an announcement 'by Rev. Laurence J. London during the Second World recently appeared on Milton Berle's McGinley, S.J., President of the University. Mr. Hart, who has been asso- War, is one of the key political fig- television show. fciated with the Library since 1946, succeeds Mr. William J. Roehrenbeck, Hailed as the largest and most ures in France today. trfio has accepted the position, o c- successful affair of its type held at He was a reporter with the Havas Jack Norton, a veteran performer, Assistant Library Director of the Jer- Fordham in recent years, a "Day of Agency, and later became assistant is best known for his portrayal of y City Free Public Library System editor with the same agency in Lon- the perennial playboy inebriate. He WFUV to Cover Social Worship" was held here yes- don. stole the show here two years ago In his new job, Mr. Hart will have terday. It was sponsored by the .arge of all the libraries afflliate< After the fall of France in 1940, at the Army rally, with this routine. Jvith the University, with the excep- Jesuit Dinner at Regional Liturgy Commission of the he escaped to London where he Both Dave Wilson and Bill Mactur tion of the Fordham Law Schoo! National Federation of Catholic Col- joined General de Gaulle. As a have appeared at the rallies this pibrary. This includes the librariei lege Students in cooperation with the spokesman for the Resistance Move- year. Dave will do another of his Hotel Commodore comedy routines which have made f the City Hall Division which ser Social Worship Committee of the ment he broadcasted to France in the campaign to pierce Nazi propa- him a familiar sight at the rallies. (rices the Schools of Business, Educa Parthenian Sodality of the College. , Adult Education, the Library o: The ninth annual dinner of the ganda. Both are members of the cast of e School of Social Service, and thi Jesuit Seminary and Mission Bureau The day was begun at 9 a.m. with In 1944 he returned to France as the "Inspector General," the current libraries of the various department! will be broadcast by the Fordham Solemn High Mass sung by the a participant in the Allied invasion, feature being presented by the Uni- versity Theatre Department. If the college. University radio station, WUV-FM, entire congregation, composed of reenlisted in the army of General Total Volumes Le Clerc, and took part in the lib- "The main purpose 'behind the direct from the Hotel Commodore faculty and students from most of eration of Paris. Later he was ap- rally is to show the team that all According to the latest official on Thursday evening, November the Catholic colleges and high schools pointed captain of infantry, and as the students are really behind them," nt, the total number of volumes in the Metropolitan area. for bravery, was decorated with the Brady said. "We expect all the stu- i the Fordham University library eight, at nine o'clock, station officials announced. The Mass was followed by an ad- Croix de Guerre with palms, the dents in the College and the campus lystem totals 269,408. , Cross of the Legion of Honor, and School of Business as well as those At present Mr. Hart is the Heai Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., will dress by the Rev. Eugene K. Culhane, the Cross of Liberation. downtown, to come. After losing Reader's Service, a functional be toastmaster, while guest speakers S.J., Assistant Dean of the College. three games this year, we want the fivision of the library designed to will be the most Rev. Thomas J. After the liberation of France, M. The assembly then broke up into Schuman founded the Moderate Re- team to feel that they still have the :et the needs of the various readers Feeney, S.J., the Very Rev. John a series of group panels on Litur- full support of all the students. i respect to such problems as dr J. McMahon, S.J., and the Rev. publican Party with Henri Bidault, gical subjects. and became president of the party. "We plan to run this one the way lation and service. He has held William T. Wood, S. J. pep rallies should really he run. We On November 4, Mr. Henri Peyre, He carried on in this capacity until this position since 1949, thr* years The final session of the day con- 1949, when he was succeeded by want a lot of cheering from all those Ifter first becoming associated with Sterling Professor of French at Yale vened at two o'clock to hear the Bidault. Durffig this period he served present," he continued. "With celeb- 'ordham's library, University, will discuss "Claudel." Bev. William J. Leonard, S.J., of rities like these, we can't help but The following Sunday, November 11, as a Deputy of the Department of I In describing the. part which _ Boston College, founder of the School the Nord. draw a crowd. Of course the team library should play in the life of a Mr. Sean O'Loughlin, formerly of and coach Ed Danowski will be Oxford University, will speak on of Social Worship of Boston College. He was editor-in-chief of the there. The cheerleaders have prom- todent, Mr. Hart, who is himsel newspaper L'Aube, and collaborated graduate of Fordham College, said "Beowulf." Recapturing Ovr Heri- Fr. Leonard was introduced by The- ised to come up with a new cheer tage—A Half Century In Retrospect in Europe Nouvelle and Temps Pre- or two, so we have no doubt that at a library is "a service organi- dore McCarrick of Fordham, chair- t under the pseudonym of Andre to implement the particular will be the subject of Judge John man of the Liturgy Commission. this rally will be the biggest in A. Matthews on November 18, while Sidobre. years." weds of the student population." This session was followed by ves- The lecture will be under the aus- "The impetus should come from the series will wind up on November pers and Solemn Benediction sung 25 with Sir Shane Leslie discussing pices of the Departments of Modern Students are invited to bring dates .end of the line," he stressed. by the congregation in the University Languages and of Political Sciences. to the rally. Girls from the local "he fundamental problem of 11- "Literary Memoirs." Chapel. colleges will also he invited. frary use lies in the reader. There either a lack of stimulation or iterest. The existence of the library I geared to satisfy the needs' and University Presented U. N. Flag Gaelic Society's problems as they arise.' ^ "Although no librarian will admit at his collection of volumes is The Fordham International Club Masquerade Dance I«ng used to its fullest extent," Mr presented a United Nations flag to Jiart continued, "I can say from per- the University last Friday as a cli- >ai observation that since the war max to the campus-wide observation Set for Tomorrow ,"rs there has been a definite in- of U.N.
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