•it - THE HERALD. Sat,, Feb. 21, 1981 ■V . '•g.* IHANCHESIIR HAS II IYWE8US8EST BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR ITTBISA8AUD8 1 YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND 'R ^ w f a u T n ................... MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING I . SUiSf* • *«***T8 I • SA1MM . ITMIM HUD CM ;,sbrvlng The Greater Manchester Area For 100 Years The Marinated Mushroom, Inc. Manchester, Conn. VIC IN ITY ••a 8u 4 Jur,. SoAi «l in. 3tu«” Monday, February 23, 1981 25 C e n ts 182 SmiHi Main i t • r - - ---------- CUNUFFE AUTO BODY Got A Painting Problem? W e’ll Helpl ROUTE 83 TALCOTTVILLE.CT. FEATURING THIS WEEK ... Service etill m eant somathlng to u .— end tervloe mMui* spending enough-time with you to help you M ieot the right paint finish for that job you're planning. See us for 24 HR. TOWING paint and service when you plan your next project. Soviet chief wants 643-0016 •COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIR E.A. JOHNSON PAINT EAJohnson PAINt CO. •FOREIQH AND AMERICAN CARS (O u t •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFINQ 'NOEPlVDtNT , 646-4601 summit with Reagan 763 MOSCOW (UPf) — Soviet Presi­ MAIN ST. dent Leonid Brezhnev called today for a summit-level meeting with 6 4 3 -1 1 9 1 Ronald Reagan and warned that 191 ' liberalization in Poland has gone far 0513n s, me MAIN ST. enough. MANCHESTER The live coverage of Brezhnev's 341 SROAD STREET. MANCHESTER, CONN. OS040 four-hour speech opening the 26th Manchester Professional Park, Suite A-1 Betty CallaQher, Prop. 6 4 3 -1 0 0 0 Party Congress was cut off, however, after only six minutes, sparking WE SERVICE AND IN S TA U INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Beverly Hynes-Grace, the director of a new program of speculation about the Kremlin AIR C0NDITI0NIN6 - REFRIGERATION gerontology studies at Manchester Community College, ruler’s health. A TV news commen­ HEATING and SHEET METAL BLACKSMITHIND became convinced It was In the field of education where tator then summarized Brezhnev’s she could have the most Impact helping all people face speech. 8 WELDINO the difficult Issues of aging. The abrupt switchover set off •HAND FORQ80 ITBM8 speculation Brezhnev, 74, was not New England Mechanical Services, faic. •ITEMS CUSTOM MADE •SAND BLASTING well enough to actually deliver the speech himself under the scrutiny of 166 TUNNEL RD. Time has come millions of viewers. VERNON, CT. 06066 Observers said Brezhnev’s call for 871-1111 a meeting with the new American president Illustrated the Kremlin’s CLYDE a MICKEY MILLER’S to study aging apparent concern about the freeze in H L 648-3828 Serving Moncheder over SO yn . P A P a u t o B y ANN MESSECAR superpower relations. “It came as PARTS center with current literature on something of a surprise," said a Herald Reporter aging, media material on the sub­ Western Kremlinologist. “ AUTO PARTS FOR LESS” Penttand The Rorkt MANCHESTER - The study of ject, and a speakers bureau. Speaking before the red-letter con­ HOURS '24 BIRCH ST. aging is not exactly a new program Miss Hynes-Grace’s campaign to gress in the Kremlin, Brezhnev said 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI. TEL. 643-6247 at Manchester Community College, interest people in gerontology and I tm 8 TO S SAT. A SUN. a face-to-face meeting was 843-4444 but it is an idea whose time has to call attention to healthy, necessary to improve U.S.-Soviet 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) The E.A. Johnson Paint Company at 723 Main Street, Manchester, is the town’s oldest F.T.D. finally come wite the development successful older individuals began relations. But he blamed the United MANCHESTER and finest paint and wallpaper store. Besides being dentrally located in downtown MASTER CHAME of a geroatology program. with her work on death and dying. States for the current superpower BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY AMBIICAN EXPRESS imnowiDE years ago, a program in She says she realized how many freeze. Manheester, they offer convenient off Main Street parking in their lot adjoining their store. SBWHM geroatology was started at the other problems confronted ter­ “It is universally recognized that Johnson Paint offers the complete quality line of famous Dqtch Boy*and California* in­ coIIegB, but it never found enough minally ill older adults. in many ways, the international r ABC APPLIANCE REPAIR ■ terior and exterior paints. Johnson Paint is also your headquarters for the best in J W S Cake Dectmtiiig Suppliei IDteiiMt ahd support to continue. Hiia promped her to run a multi­ situation depends on the policy of the The 26th Communist Party Congress has Secretary Leonid Brezhnev is at the [ 42 Oak Street | Wallpaper, Varnishes, Duco Delux, Painter Supplies, Artist Materials, plus Window purpose senior center. • U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A.,” Brezhnev begun its work in the Kremlin. General rostrum. (UPl ohoto) Shades. Their "Color Dispenser” offers any color to suit your taste up to 1,400 different A COMPLETE IM OF 1MLT0H CAKE DECOMTIOIIS IDct|ais S t «B age^iSi^,^rc i s . GfadnaiUy she became convinced saM. I Manchester, Conn. 649-88791 color selections. Be you an amateur or a pro - Johnson Paint p). has the years of this new program, ethicathm was where Nie could The Soviet leader laid down the showed that the Polish Communists, nationwide television, he was abrupt­ luiva^fbe inostjinM ct. Jj)e Polltii working class, and the I This coupon worth $2D towards purchase ! experience to assist you in all your paint, wallpaper and varnish problems. Mr. Johnson and 161 eiN T lR ST. ly taken off the air and a news com- MANCHHRTIR. CONN. ‘‘Tiiefe'afe a numlBer Wmkliig -people of tka't ccnmtsf «}eat^<W|g^^^.hfa»^qsaiaHM. lot Mercedes Progress Vacuum ... Come In ! all of his qualified personnel are at your service, and are only too pleased to offer their Mon. • Sat 10-6 dnS part of the program will myths about agiiig;’.' sbe saii(. !‘A ipirdbispfu n ece^ tete a dialogue and delegate#. - . 7 firmly rely on; their friend^ and I& see the quality of this long life Vac. ■ knowledge to you at no charge. Please feel free to visit this friendly store, they like serving Thurt., 10*0 devekm training courses with tjie major myth is about Senility, We an active dialogue at all levels. “Poland has,kw 9lVsorts of trials, allies. Wewillnot’Bbandonfratenial,- ' IDaniUifoIqglS^S^ the decision I "Quontll)^ Limited** ■ you, and are more than sure you’ll like them.?.. help or local oi^anixations. T to Mend to lump all symptoms of "We are ready to have this difficult ti'ntAk.cand critical socialist Poland in its hour of need. not tt> sfiSW tbea3tijg{iai^ live Wedding Cakes A Specialty training would auiindnt services in depression a^'disorientajitjn un­ dialogue. situations,” he SB^i."Let no one We will stick up for it." thiou^iqgt'ius four^nbur speech was the community. Miss Hynes-Grace der the “senility label” with Older "Experience shows that the doubt our intention# to secure our in­ Brezhnev’s state of the world ad­ an indteaiioh bis health may not MOHAWK IHDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, IHC. plans to do an assessment of c<m- adults. If a younger person had crucial link here is meetings at the terest# and defend socialist gains.” dress to the congress was plunged stand extended, close scrutiny. muiiity needs and work with local gone through the loss of a spouse or S u p p t i« r j of Safety Protection OVER 45 summit level. This was true yestel- He said the Warsaw Pact meeting into controversy when, after six His address to the last conference MANCHESTER service organizations to find ways other trauma and was disoriented day, and is still true today.” in Moscow last December “clearly minutes of speaking live on five years ago was shown in full. 723 Main St., Manchester YEMIS of tilin g with the problems of and depressed, we would never say •FOUL WEATHER SUITS MEMOfBALCO. EXKRIEHCE aging: She also hopes to develop a he was senile.” •ROOTS •HOSE network of information about ger- Another standard myth she 0pp. Em I Cmwtory CALL 649-5807 ontoldgy programs and training would like to dispell is about •GLOVES^TARPS«RESPIRATORS offerM anywhere in the region. More speculate cronological age. “When you hit 65, 5 G/en Rd. • Manchetter • 643-5107 lUALlTY In addition, a list of professional you do not instantly become old. HARRISON ST. career openings may be developed Everyone is different,” she said. PEHTLAHD FLORIST Sm o r ia l s MANCHESTER to help in job placement in geron­ “Sometimes generalizations about about Brezhnev tology. what it means to be 'old' almost EVERYTHING IN GLASS Pat problama? Call for quality ataam “Employment opportunities are turn into self-fulfilling MOSCOW (UPI) - Soviet televi­ Brezhnev’s speech lasted for 3 hours "WE CAN’T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT" carpal cleaning...ttia improving in this field, she said. prophecies.” sion cut President Leonid Brezhnev’s and 40 minutes, not counting two rest Bana-Clana' way While enrollment may be Miss Hynes-Grace says she is 220-minute Communist Party con­ breaks. J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. CALL declining in elementary schools, hopeful the program will examine gress speech down to less than 10 "Comrade Brezhnev himself DiltaMaiatMMce the services needs of older adults the myths on aging and differen­ minutes for Russian viewers today, delivered the speech. Central Com­ 487 No. Main tL are increasing.” tiate them from reality. She also prompting widespread speculation mittee member Leonid Zamyatin 6 4 « -7 3 a 2 64 3-B 0 B 6 A second part of the program will hopes the program will help agen­ about the leader’s health.
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