General Index

General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; R., Roman; RB, Romano-British Addington, Parish of, 14 Bigberry, Interim Report on the Adisham, Manor of, 114 ff. Excavations at, by F. H. Aethered, Archbishop, 56 ff. Thompson, M.C, M.A., 279-80 Alfred, King, 56 ff. Blockley, Kevin, and Day, Marion, 16 Allhattows, by P. J. Tester, 260 Watling Street, Canterbury, 273-5 Allington, The 'Belgic' Cemetery at, by Bone, Casing, 42 Isobel Thompson, M.A., 127-38 Hairpin, 42 Anglo-Saxon, Building, 273 Spindle, 42 Burial, 283-4 Boxley Abbey, A Sketch-Plan of, by P. J. Coin, 34, 55-9, 277 Tester, 257-9, 82, 91, 264 Hut, 273 Boys, Wm., cited, 203 Object, 277 Brass, Candlestick, Med., 94 Appledore, 89 Signet Ring, Med., 262 Archibald, M. M., M.A., F.S.A., F.M.A., Bridge, 144 An Alfred Penny from Rochester, 55-9 Bridlington Church, 83 Asgerbi, H. de, 12 Bristol, 203 Ash, Manor of, 8 Bromley, London Borough of, 282-3 Parish of, 8 ff., 14, 17 Bronze, Brooch, RB, 42, 137-8 Athelstan, 56 Harness Fitting, 42 Axe, Acheulian, 260 Terminal, 42 Head, Iron, 44 Toilet Set, 42 Axton, Hundred of, 12 Bronze Age, Barrow, 113 Aylesford, 27, 118 Brooch, Bronze, RB, 42, 137-8 Brookland Church, 89 Burial, AS, 283-4 Baker, Lt. -Col. E. T. L., cited, 251 RB, 149-50, 168-71 Bancks, Rev. G, W„ 24 Burlesdon, 203 Barfreston, Manor of, 116 Barrow, Bronze Age, 113 Canterbury, A circular Roman Temple RB, 113 discovered in the late seventeenth Battely, Archdeacon J„ 2 Century at, by William Urry, 1-6 N., 2-3 Archaeological Trust, Some minor Baxter, Robert, and Mills, Ralph, The Excavations undertaken by the, in Romano-British Site at Radfield, 1977-78, by T. W. T. Tatton- Sittingbourne, 239-47 Brown et al., 149-94 Bead, RB, 174 Interim Report on Excavations in 1978. Beckwith, John G., F.B.A., F.S.A., Ivory by T. W. T. Tatton-Brown et al., Carving, 96 270-2 Belgic, Cemetery, 127 ff. Museums, by K. Reedie, 256 Coin, 245 Castle, 270 Ditch, 273 Cathedral, 79, 85 ff. Pottery, 128 ff., 144-6 Christ Church, 114, 270 Bennett, Paul, A Roman Building near St. Gabriel's Chapel, 278 Sandwich, 191-4 St. Martin's Church, 270 Excavations at 8 New Street, St. Paul's Church, 15 Canterbury, 149-52 Capel, Excavations in tlut two Iron Age Excavations at 16-21 North Lane, Hill-Forts on Castle Hill, near Canterbury, 165-73 Tonbridge, 1965 and 1967-71, by J. Excavations at 77-9 Castle Street, H. Money, 268-70, Canterbury, 275-7 108 Moat House, Rough Common, 156-8 Carnarvon, Earl of, 13 Bentley, Adm. Sir J., 198 Casing, Bone, 42 293 GENERAL INDEX Caxton, W., 100 Ditch, Belgic, 273 Cemetery, Belgic, 127 ff. R., 151-2, 243-5, 277 RB, 113, 127 ff. Dobson, Mary J., Original Compton Chalklin, C, cited, 61 ff. Census Returns—The Shoreham Chanctonbury, 235 Deaery, 61-73 Charles II, 3 Dode, Parish of, 14 Charlton, J., 23 Doubleday, Sir L., 240 Chart Sutton Church, 97 Dover, 145, 203 Chatham, 198 ff. Castle, 39, 145 Chemart, W., 12 R. Road to, 112 Chimney, Pot, Med., 172, 180-3 Downhamford, Hundred of, 114 ff. Chitting, F., 21 Drawing, 256 Ciolwulf, Moneyer, 55 ff. Eabafd, 114 Cissbury, 235 Eadhetao, 58 Clement, Rev. E., 22 Earthwork, 231-7 Cliffe, 262 East Cowes, 203 Climping (Sx.), 86 East Farleigh, 264 Cobham Church, 90 East Peckham, Parish, 62 College, 92 Eastry, 111, 11 Hundred of, 114 Sir J. de, 90 Manor of, 116 Coin, AS, 34, 55-9, 277 East Sutton, 84 Belgic, 245 Edward I, 11, 13 R., 36-7, 44-54, 113, 194, 250, 264, 11,11 266-7 HI, 14, 39, 101 Coldrum, 260 Egbert, King, 114 Colepeper, J., 15 Egerton, 264 N., 16 Egglestone Church, 82 SirT,, 16 Elhston-Erwood, F. C, cited, 257 W., 15 Elvington, 112 Collinwell. J„ 21 Ethelred, King, 114 Compton, Archbishop, 61 Eynsford, A standing Stone at, by G. W. Corbeil, Archbishop W. de, 38 Meates, 260-2 Councer, C. R., F.S.A,, Documentary Eythorne, 113 Evidence possibly relating to Parish, 115 Building Phases II and III, 97-8 Window Glass, 92-4 Fane, G., 17 Cranbrook, 101 J„ 16 Cronk, Anthony, F.S.A., F.R.S.A., Oasts T., 16, 23 in Kent and East Sussex, 99-110 Farningham Church, 261 W., 108 Faukeham, H. de, 10 Cuerdale (Lanes.),, AS Hoard, 55 ff. R., 9-10 Cummings, Lt. J., R.N., 197 Sir W. de, 8 ff. W., 197 T., 9 Fawkham, Manor of, 9 ff. Parish, 17 Danes Trench and prehistoric Land Flight, Colin, M.A,, and Harrison, A. C„ Division in the upper Darent Valley, B.A., F.S.A., Rochester Castle, by J. A. Pyke, 231-7 1976, 27-60 Darenth Church, 261 Flint, Implements, 259-60, 264, 283 Parish, 62 Frindsbury, 107, 264 Dartford, 22 Frittenden, 89 Church, 261 Dawlton, J., 21 Gambier, Adm., 199 Day, Marion, and Blockley, Kevin, 16 Garrard, Pan, The Small Finds, 174 Watling Street, Canterbury, 273-5 Gatewyk, Family, 10 ff. T., 97 Geddinge, 111 ff. Dennis, A. J„ 24 Gifford, T„ 22 Deptford, 198 ff. Gillingham, 265 Detsicas, A P., Review, 287-8, 291 Glanville, G. de, Bishop, 253 294 GENERAL INDEX Glass, Window, Med., 92-4 Ipswich, 203 Gold, Pendant, 256 Iron Age, Hill-Fort, 268-70, 279-80 Goldwell, Dr. J., 97 Axe-head, 44 Golgotha, 111 ff. Isle of Grain, Parish of, 66 Gravesend, 203 Ivory, Carving, Med., 96 Greenwich, Maritime Museum, 195 Gregory, Pope, 262 Jessup, R. F„ 24 Grove. L. R. A., cited, 239 John, King, 38-9 Review, 290-1, 262-4 Gundulph, Bishop, 27 ff. Kelly, D. B„ Archaeological Notes from Guthrum, 56 Maidstone Museum, 264-8 cited, 257 Hacklinge, 124 Kenilworth, Battle of, 9 Hadlow, 105 Kent Defence Research Group, 280-1 Hadlowe, J., 23 Kent Manorial and Moated Sites Group, W., 23 282 Hairpin, Bronze, 42 Kent Record Office, 203 ff. Hailing, 14 Kiln, RB, 166-8, 174 Ham, 124 Tile, Med., 8 Hand-axe, Palaeolithic, 158-65 Kit's Coty, 260 Harness Fitting, 42 Harrison, A. C, B.A., F.S.A., and Flight, Lambarde, Wm., 12 Colin, M.A., Rochester Castle, Lance, J., 18,22 1976, 27-60 Langley, 265-6 cited, 253 Lead, Seal, Med., 262-4, 268 W., cited, 101 Leeds Priory, Excavations on the Site of, Harrow Hill (Sx.), 235 II, by P. J. Tester, F.S.A., 75-98 Hartley, Parish of, 8, 14, 17 266 Hartlip, Prior J. of, 39 Leith, 203 Hasted, E., 1 ff., 15, 114 ff, Lewis, (Sir) J., 3 Hayes, Parish of, 66-7 Lewknor, H., 16 Hedgerows and Tracks, by M. M. Sir T„ 16 O'Grady, B.A., Ul-26 W., 16 Henry I, 8 LilleshaU Church, 82 III, 8-10, 39 Livett, Canon G. M., cited, 27 ff. Heronden, 114 London, Public Record Office, 195 ff. Hethe, Bishop Hamo de, 12, 14 Loom-weight, Med., 44 Higginbotham, Edward, Excavations at Luceman, 58 Whiting's Yard, Ospringe, Kent, Luddesdown, Parish of, 14 1978, 259-60 Higham, Priory, 89, 92 Macfie, A. L., The Pattenden Diaries, Highdown, 235 1797-1819, 139-47 Hill-Fort, IA, 268-70, 279-80 Macpherson-Grant, N. C, The Pottery, Hills, Wing-Cdr. B, F„ M.B.E, R.A.F., 174-91 Shipbuilding for the Royal Navy at Maidstone Area Archaeological Group, Sandwich in the eighteenth Century, 284-5 195-230 All Saints Church, 89 Hollingbourne, 262-3 Kent Record Office, 203 ff. Hoo, 263-4 109, 127 Hooper, Dr. M.D., cited, 119 Malmesbury, Lord, 141 Horton, Castle, 9 Marcus Aurelius, 3 Kirby, Parish of, 14 Marden, 266 Mark, Medieval Floor-Tiles, 87-92 Margate, 145 Hudson, A., 17 Meates, G. W„ A standing Stone at Hulberry, 235 Eynsford, 260-2 Medieval, Building, 272-3 Implements, Flint, 259-60, 264, 283 Candlestick, Brass, 94 Stone, 266 Chimney-pot, 172, 180-3 Investigations and Excavations during the Glass, Window, 92-4 Year, 279-85 Ivory Carving, 96 295 GENERAL INDEX Loom-weight, 44 Pattenden Diaries, The, 1797-1819, by A. Pendant, 265-6 L. Macfie, 139-47 Pit, 38, 172-3 Payne, G., cited, 31, 249-50 Pottery, 41-2, 178-80, 185-90 Peckham, West, Manor of, 13 Quem, 94 Pendant, Gold, 256 Seal, Lead, 262-4, 268 Petham, 109 'Siege-trench', 38 Pewcompe, J., 14 Signet-ring, 262 Philipott, T., 15 TiTe, Floor, 87-92 Philp, B„ 24 Tile-Kiln, 8 Phippen, J., cited, 251 Town Wall, 30 ff. Pit, Med., 38, 172-3 Water-pipe, 94, 172, 183-5 Pitt, Wm., 141 Whetstone, 44 Plymouth, 198 Medway, River, 250 Portsmouth, 198 Valley, 260 Pottery, Belgic, 174-6 Mellitus, Abbott, 262 Med., 41-2, 178-80, 185-90 Meopham, Parish of, 62 Prehistoric, 259 Meredith, Family, 84 RB, 34, 36-7, 39-41, 128 ff, 149, Mereworth, J. de, 13 174-8, 241 ff., 265, 267 Mills, Ralph, and Baxter, Robert, The Samian, 41, 113,241 Romano-British Site at Radfield, Poynings, SirE., 16 Sittingbourne, 239-47 Prehistoric, Pottery, 259 Mistley, 203 Proudfoot, W. Frank, M.A., The Manor Moat, 158 and Chantry of Scotgrove, 7-26 Money, J. H., Excavations in the two Iron Pyke, J. A., Danes Trench and prehistoric Age Hill-Forts on Castle Hill, Land Division in the upper Darent Capel, near Tonbridge, 1965 and Valley, 231-7 1967-71, 268-70 Monk Bretton Church, 82 Reedie, K, Canterbury Museums, 256 Montfort, Simon de, 9, 38 Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 255-78 Moraunt, J., 13 Reculver, W.

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