BSBINews September 2006 No. 103 Edited by Leander Wolstenholme & Gwynn Ellis Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima on Crosby Sand-dunes, Merseyside (v.c. 59) Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima in full flower on 11th September on Crosby Dunes (v.c. 59) All three photos see p. 3, PH. Smith © 2005 CONTENTS RECEIVING EDITOR. .................... Gwynn El/is 2 Notes on the Isles of Scilly flora EDITORIAL. ............ ....... .... ... ........... ...... ....... .... 2 ...........................................E.J. Clement 32 NOTES Juglans nigra established on the River Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima, new Thames towpath (Surrey) .. E.J. Clement 33 to Britain, on the Sefton Coast, Tasmanian Hitchikers ................ .I. Morgan 33 Merseyside ... .. PH Smith & MP. Wilcox 3 Veronicafiliformis (Slender Speedwell) Could Artemisia campestris subsp. decline or rise? ................. R.M Henson 34 maritima be native? ........... .E.J. Clement 4 Bassia scoparia (Summer-cypress) and its Sagina maritima another possible roadside viatical status ..................... G. Kitchener 34 halophyte .................................... .E. Pratt 4 Senecio inaequidens, the numbers Damage to the Northern Pennines by the use ............................................... Q. Groom 35 of Motorcycles and Quad-bikes A possible hybrid of Senecio inaequidens ..... .. L. Robinson, R. Corner & J. Roberts 5 in S.W. Yorkshire (v.c. 63) .... E. Chicken 36 A wet May and Poa trivialis ............ .E. Pratt 9 NOTICES BSBI Pores for thought: Can you separate BSBI Science and Research Grants Convolvulus and Calystegia Awarded 2006 ....... Dr P. Hollingsworth 36 vegetatively? ........................... .J. Poland 9 Excursion to the Sierra de Grazalema, The end of an unusual Symphytum in Andalucia - Apri12007 ........... T. Farino 36 S.E. Yorkshire, v.c. 61.. ........ E. Chicken 11 NOTICES (OTHER) Rumex maritimus returns to Patching The Botanical Research Fund..... M Carine 37 Pond............... Drs M & o.M Hollings 11 Plant Biographies ........................... s. Eland 37 Isolepis cernua: do different? ..... S. Harrap 13 Mary Briggs Fund.............. H. Brocklebank 38 An old and mysterious record of Senecio Islands ofHope............ Y. Heslop-Harrison 39 paludosus from v.c. 20 ............. T. James 13 Go Native!.. .................................. w. Tobitt 39 Viola reichenbachiana in Plant Crib REQUESTS 1998 ..........................................E. Pratt 14 Europe's trees: natives, exotics and Carex acutiformis ...........................E. Pratt 15 climate change ............................. R. Ledger 40 Grid square nomenclature Senecio viscosus .......................... M Wilcox 40 M Williamson, T. James & D. Pearman 15 Documenting Herbarium Specimens from Reporting on local change .........J. Presland 16 Home - Can You Help? The Maps Scheme ......... .............. Q. Groom 18 .......... L. Wolstenholme & T. Humphrey 41 A Time For Reflection ................ CJ. Lowe 20 REpORT OF OVERSEAS FIELD MEETING (2006) DNA Analysis - Some Queries.A. ShowIer 21 Western Portugal, 19th to 26th March The Hillier Herbarium ...........E.J. Clement 21 ................................................ T. Farino 41 John Dalton (1766-1844), a self- BOOK NOTES ............................. D. Pearman 46 confessed colour-blind botanist, A Supplement to a Flora o/Tiree, Gunna and a circle of English Lakeland and Coll.D.A. Pearman & CD. Preston 49 botanists ................................. C Nelson 22 Don't blame me. I never said it Botany in Literature - 42 .......................................... .A. Primavesi 49 Wyndham's The Day o/the Trifjids OBITUARY NOTES .........................M Briggs 50 ... , ...........................ME. Souchier 25 RECORDERS AND RECORDING Invasions of living and growing Panel of Referees and Specialists angiosperm tissues by filamentous ......................................... M C Sheahan 51 algae ........................................ .J. Oliver 27 Panel of Vice-county recorders ALIENS ........................................... D. Pearman 51 Urtica membranacea, an annual nettle, Botanical Illustrator. .................... R. Bucknall 52 in Warwick: a first British record? PROFILES OF NEW HONORARY MEMBERS ..................... A. Boucher & J. Partridge 29 Peter Fry .......................................... G. Ellis 52 Primula helodoxa at Studland, Dorset Vera Gordon ................................ G. Wynne 53 (v.c. 9) ........................................E. Pratt 30 Michael Braithwaite ....................R. Corner 53 Invasive Aliens? Himalayan Balsam David J. McCosh................. M Braithwaite 54 (alas, now Indian Balsam) . D. Pearman 31 Tim Rich ............................... .. D. Pearman 55 Cover picture - Myosotis alpestris on Little Fell, Northern Pennines (p. 7). Photo L. Robinson © 2005 2 Editorial NOTES FROM THE OFFICERS Good homes needed for BSBI From the Hon. General Secretary journals ................................. .J. Southey 59 .................................... .. David Pearman 55 STOP PRESS From the Scottish Officer ..... .Jim McJntosh 56 Irish Wild Plants ............................................. 59 COORDINATOR'S CORNER. ............A. Lockton 57 Conservation on the Grand Scale ........................ 59 BSBI Library .................................................. 57 Get involved in National Conifer Week .............. 59 Deadline next issue ................................................ 59 More about Axiophytes .................................. 57 ADMINISTRATION & IMPORTANT ADDRESSES60 Receiving Editor BSBI News GWYNN ELLIS, General Editor It is with a great sense of loss and regret that I He was also very involved with the change have to announce that Leander will be relinquis­ over to the new format and took the lead on ing the post of Receiving Editor, BSBI News many design changes. from April 2007, or sooner if a replacement can I will greatly miss Leander and his contribu­ be found. Pressure of work and the increasing tion to the continued success of BSBI News and needs of a young family have forced him, reluc­ would lilce to take this opportunity to thank him tantly, to reach this decision. for all that he has done over the past 3 Y2 years This will be the 60lh issue of BSBI News that I and eleven issues. have edited and I can honestly say that the last It could prove difficult to replace Leander but 11 have been the most enjoyable. It is always I am delighted to report that there is a possible good to have a colleague to confer with and successor 'waiting in the wings' and I hope we Leander, by taking over responsibility for the will be able to make a positive announcement in receipt of contributions (always), their accept­ the next issue. ance (usually) and suggesting ways of improve­ In the meantime, please continue to send ment (sometimes), has lessened my load your contributions to Leander, who will considerably. He has also scanned much of the acknowledge receipt and then pass them on hard copy received and typed handwritten notes. tome. Editorial DR LEANDER WOLSTENHOLME & GWYNN ELLIS Apologies: To Clare O'Reilly who points out Where are they now? - The following that her note on Symphytum officinale subsp. members have moved without letting us know bohemicum (BSBI News 102: 46-48) was their new addresses. Any help in tracing them wrongly included in the aliens section - a would be much appreciated. seemingly trivial matter but as she rightly says 78335 - Mr J.A.M. Campbell, 16a Suffolk Avenue, 'it's a native taxon, hence it needs recording so Shirley, Southampton, Hants, S015 5EG that it can be considered for Red List status. ' 62285 - Mr P. Cannon, 1 Coombe Rise, Shenfie1d, Es­ sex, CM15 8JJ And to Fred Rumsey for mis-attributing his 92753 - Dr B. Gove, 105 Manor House, Si1wood Park, BSBI exhibition poster to John Edgington Buckhurst Road, Ascot, Berks, SL5 7PY (BSBI News 102: 64). 98654 - Miss L. Hull, 20 Hothfield Court, APPLEBY, Cumbria, CA 16 6JO Plant Records in Watsonia - Please note that 88144 - Miss L. Hutchby, 8 Bullington End Road, the Plant Records Editor and Carex and Castlethorpe, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK19 7ER Calamagrostis Referee, Mike Porter, has a new 93512 - Mr R. Kennedy, 11 Edmund Street, Walsden, Todmorden, 0L14 7ST email address: [email protected] 99626 - Mrs T. & Mr S. Penfield, 2 Croftside, YORK, Plant Records for inclusion in Watsonia Y0265LT (26(3)) should reach Mike by October 31 sI 2006. 102236 - Miss J. Peyton, 19 Cam Close, St IVES, Cambs., PE27 3FG Colour in News - Our thanks to those who 79960 - Mr N. Rumens, 27 Stag Way, Funtley, Fareham, responded to the note in the last issue. We now Hampshire, P015 6TW have several members interested in helping to 99596 - Ms M. Scholten, 52 Oakfield Road, Selly Park, BIRMINGHAM, B29 7EQ chase up colour images, although no one has yet 90262 - Mr M. Stevenson, 68 Hough Path Road, Mer­ volunteered to be in charge! With all the row, Guildford, GUl 2QL changes this issue there was no time to involve 35032 - Mr lA. Wild, 05130 Sigoyer, FRANCE them, but next time .... Notes - Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima, new to Britain 3 Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima, new to Britain, on the Sefton Coast, Merseyside PmLIP H. SMITH, 9 Hayward Court, Watchyard Lane, Formby, Liverpool L37 3QP MrCHAEL P. WrLCOX, 32 Shawbridge Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 lLZ While recording for the new Flora of South Bird's-foot-trefoil). Nearby is a sizeable Lancashire (v.c. 59) at Crosby Sand-dunes, population
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