November 13, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2087 Due to the strong ethnic bond which the This issue is a matter of great importance to HONORING MURRAY LENDER ON Cultural Society provided, its activity and each of our districts and all of our constitu- HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY membership grew exponentially. The society's ents. Our home state is confronted with an most active years came under the region of array of complex challenges related to the en- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Mr. G. Mesernicky, who was president during vironment and economic development. How- OF CONNECTICUT the 1960's and 70's. Under his leadership, the ever, one issue in particular, the over develop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES society operated a Russian language school, ment of land, is of special concern because of Monday, November 13, 2000 a radio program, a newsletter, and a youth its impact on our watersheds and floodplains, group. It is clear that the society has suc- and economic activity throughout the state. Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great ceeded in achieving its commendable goal of As many of my colleagues already know, pleasure that I pay tribute to a community preserving Russian tradition in the city of this past August vast parts of northern New leader, a philanthropist, a humanitarian, and a Cleveland. To this day, they continue to bring Jersey were devastated by flooding caused by great friend, Murray Lender, on the occasion Russian-Americans together for various cul- severe rainfall. The resulting natural disaster of his 70th birthday. tural and social events, including picnics, con- threatened countless homes, bridges and Murray's father, Harry Lender, introduced certs, lectures, plays, and most notably, the roads, not to mention the health, safety and bagels to the people of this country. Murray annual Tatiana Ball. welfare of area residents. The total figure for continued that tradition as chairman of Lend- Mr. Speaker, I ask my fellow colleagues in damages in Sussex and Morris Counties has er's Bagel Bakery, the world's largest bagel the House of Representatives to join me today been estimated at over $50 million, and area bakery. He revolutionized the bagel industry in congratulating the Russian American Cul- residents are still fighting to restore some de- when he began the process of freezing bagels tural Society on its Golden Anniversary. They gree of normalcy to their lives. in the late 1950s, bringing to life his father's have made a lasting contribution to the city of While the threat of future floods continues to dream of ``a bagel on every table.'' His astute Cleveland, and I wish them many more years plague the region, one New Jersey institution business sense was recognized by the Na- of continued success. is taking concrete steps to prevent another ca- tional Frozen Food Association, which in- f tastrophe. The New Jersey Institute of Tech- ducted him into the Frozen Food Hall of nology (NJIT) has been studying the chal- Fame, only the sixth person to be so honored. MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO THE LATE lenges posed by flooding and stormwater He also received the International Deli-Bakery CONGRESSMAN SIDNEY YATES flows for some time, and is interested in form- Association's Hall of Fame Award and has ing a multi-agency federal partnership to con- been selected Man of the Year by numerous HON. WAYNE T. GILCHREST tinue this important research. industry associations. But these achievements OF MARYLAND NJIT is one of our state's premier research are dwarfed by what Murray has done for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES institutions and is uniquely equipped to carry people of Greater New Haven, of Connecticut, out this critical stormwater research. The uni- Monday, November 13, 2000 and of his country through his myriad of phil- versity has a long and distinguished tradition anthropic and humanitarian works. Mr. GILCHREST. Mr. Speaker, Sid YatesÐ of responding to difficult public-policy chal- Murray's efforts in New Haven have truly his tenure in Congress embodied knowledge, lenges such as environmental emissions been exceptional. He and his family have humility, and tolerance, the pillars that support standards, aircraft noise, traffic congestion and given generously of their time and resources the essence of democracy. alternative energy. to Quinnipiac University. Murray was given the f More broadly, NJIT has demonstrated an in- Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1991. His stitutional ability to direct its intellectual re- family's efforts have provided students with a PERSONAL EXPLANATION sources to the examination of problems be- top-notch business program that allows stu- yond academia, and its commitment to re- dents to benefit from the practical knowledge, search allows it to serve as a resource for un- HON. HEATHER WILSON business acumen, and impressive record of biased technological information and analysis. OF NEW MEXICO success that Murray and his family have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES An excellent opportunity for NJIT to partner with the federal government and solve the dif- achieved. In 1997, Murray was awarded an Monday, November 13, 2000 ficult problem of flood control has presented honoray Doctorate of Humane Letters from his Mrs. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, on October 10, itself in the 2000 Water Resources Develop- alma mater, Quinnipiac College. He currently 2000, I was unavoidably delayed in traveling ment Act (WRDA). serves on the Board of Trustees of Quinnipiac, to Washington, DC, as a result of a mechan- At the request of Congressman BOB FRANKS where his contributions to that institution con- ical problem with an airplane. As a result, I and Congressman BOB MENENDEZ, the final tinue. In addition, he serves as co-chair of the was unable to attend three votes. version of this important legislation includes a Yale University School of Medicine Cardio- Had I been present, I would have voted: provision directing the U.S. Army Corps of En- vascular Research Fund. ``Yea'' on rollcall vote No. 519, the Pipeline gineers to develop and implement a Murray has also had a tremendous impact Safety Improvement Act (S. 2438); ``yea'' on stormwater flood control project in New Jersey on our community through his work with a va- rollcall vote No. 520, allowing for the contribu- and report back to Congress within three riety of service organizations including the tion of certain rollover distributions to accounts years on its progress. New Haven Jewish Community Center, the in the Thrift Savings Plan and to eliminate cer- While the Corps of Engineers is familiar with American Heart Association, the Leukemia So- tain waiting period requirements for partici- this problem at the national level, it does not ciety of America and the Juvenile Diabetes pating in the Thrift Savings Plan (H.R. 208); have the firsthand knowledge and experience Foundation. While he built an incredibly suc- ``yea'' on rollcall vote No. 521, the Lupus Re- in New Jersey that NJIT has accrued in its cessful business, Murray contributed not just search and Care Amendments (H.R. 762). 119 years of service. I know that Congress- money but, more notably, his time, to these f man FRANKS and MENENDEZ have already worthy efforts. submitted statements requesting NJIT partici- Murray has also been an active member of CONFERENCE REPORT ON S. 2796, pate in this important research, and I urge the our nation's Jewish community, participating in WATER RESOURCES DEVELOP- Army Corps to agree to their proposal. Includ- numerous events, contributing time and finan- MENT ACT OF 2000 ing NJIT's expertise and experience in this re- cial resources, and forwarding the cause of search effort is a logical step and would great- peace in the Middle East. The Anti-Defamation SPEECH OF ly benefit the Army Corps, as well as signifi- League has bestowed upon him its highest HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. cantly improve the project's chances of suc- honor, the Torch of Liberty Award, in recogni- OF NEW JERSEY cess. tion of a profound record of public service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I urge the New York District of Corps of En- In every way, Murray has been an out- gineers to work closely with my colleagues standing citizen and community member. He Friday, November 3, 2000 and me to ensure NJIT's full participation in serves as a role model to us all. He has had Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I wish today this study. By working together, we can create a profound effect on our community and our to thank Congressman BOB FRANKS and Con- a nexus between the considerable flood con- nation. I am honored to join his brother, gressman BOB MENENDEZ for including critical trol expertise of the Army Corps and NJIT, Marvin; his sons, Harris, Carl and Jay; along flood control research funding in the 2000 and finally solve this difficult problem for the with other family members and friends; in Water Resources Development Act for the people of New Jersey. I hope my colleagues wishing him many more years of health and State of New Jersey. will support efforts towards this end. happiness. Happy birthday Murray. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 01:44 Nov 14, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13NO8.006 pfrm02 PsN: E13PT1.
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