Minnesota AmericanLegion Baseball SubͲState#8 PlayoffTournament Tuesday,July23rd through Saturday,July27th, 2019 Hostedby: ChisagoLakes and TriͲCityRed SouvenirProgram $2.00 (SuggestedDonation) AmericanLegionBaseballCodeofSportsmanship: Iwill… Keeptherules, Keepfaithwithmyteammates, Keepmytemper, Keepmyselffit, Keepastoutheartindefeat, Keepmyprideunderinvictory, Keepasoundsoul, acleanmind, andahealthybody. PatCollinsField Openingin1995,PatCollinsFieldisthegemoftheLakesAreabaseballprograms,playinghosttohighschool, Legion,VFW,andTownTeamgames.But,ifyoutalktothosewhotreasurethefield,thebiggergemistheman behinditͲͲPatCollins. CollinscametoChisagoLakesinthelate80's,afterhavinggraduatedfromSt.CloudStatein1983andspending hisfirstfewyearasascienceteacherinSleepyEyeͲͲwherehealsoassistedwiththehighschoolbaseball program.HebecametheheadbaseballcoachatChisagoLakesin1990,andhededicatedhimselftonotonly improvingastrugglinghighschoolprogram(accumulatinga268Ͳ154recordandfiveconferencechampionships inhis21Ͳyearcareer),butalsotorevivingtheChisagoLakesAmericanLegionandVFWprograms. MostwouldagreethatoneofCollins'mostmonumentalaccomplishments,however,wassettinghismindto buildinganewhighschoolbaseballfieldͲͲinthemiddleofacornfield.Leadingagroupofdedicated volunteers,Collinswasknowntohavepersonallytraveledfarandwidetobarterandbargainforemany ofth materialshimselfͲͲincludingthelightstanchions. Althoughhelovesbaseball,Collinshasalwayskepttheimportanceofeducationinproperperspective;hehas saidthatheisascienceteacherwhohashappenedtoalsocoachbaseball.In2008,hechallengedhismiddle schoolstudentstoraisethemoneyandundertakeacommunityserviceprojecttoinstalla44Ͳpanelsolararray ontheirschool.TheysoldTͲshirts,helddances,andorganizeda5Krun.Ithappened.And,today,roughlya decadelater,nearly1,000solarpanelssitatoptheroofsoftheDistrict'sfiveschools,thankstoCollins'initial leadership. Inrecognitionofhiscontributions,CollinswasinductedintotheMinnesotaStateHighSchoolBaseballCoaches AssociationHallofFamein2014.HeservedastheMSHSBCAPresidentfrom2008to2010,coachedintheAllͲ StarSeries,andhehasbeenalongͲtimeMNTwinsClinician,aswellasworkingGopherbaseballcamps. PleaseenjoyyourtimeatPatCollinsField,aswellasinthebeautifulcityofLindstromͲͲwhichoffersagreat dealoffineandhospitableestablishmentsatwhichtoeatandshop. OnbehalfofMinnesotaAmericanLegionBaseballandour participatingteams,welcometotheannual SubͲState#8PlayoffTournament! Toreachthispointintheseason,manyhoursofvolunteerservice havebeencontributedbyanumberofpeopleͲͲparticularlyby teammanagers,coaches,andadministrators.Ihopethatyouwill takeamomenttothankthemfortheirtimeandeffort,beforethe conclusionofthistournament. Inaddition,allofthelocalAmericanLegionPoststhatsponsorourparticipatingteamsareoweda greatdealofgratitude.Withouttheirsupportandinvolvement,thisprogramwouldnotbepossible. InadditiontosponsoringtheBaseballProgram,theAmericanLegionhasanexceptionalhistoryof helpingtokeepourcommunitiesstrong,throughamultitudeofcommunityandyouthservice programs.Therefore,IwouldencourageyoutothankthembypatronizingyourlocalAmericanLegion ͲͲandbyconsideringmembershipintheAmericanLegion(ifyouareaveteranyourself)orinthe AmericanLegionAuxiliaryortheSonsoftheAmericanLegion(ifafamilymemberisaveteran.) ContactyourlocalAmericanLegionPostforfurtherinformation. Iwouldliketothankthefinebusinessesandorganizationslistedlaterinthissouvenirprogramfor theirsupportofthistournament,theSt.PaulMunicipalUmpireAssociation,andtheChisagoLakes andTriͲCityRedteamsformakingtheirfieldsavailabletoallofus. Lastly,thesuccessoftheAmericanLegionBaseballprograminourareawouldnotbepossible withoutthesupportofparentsandfans.So,thankyou!Pleaseconsidercontinuingyoursupportof theProgram,evenafteryourfamily'sparticipationhasended,sothatwecankeepitstrongforfuture generationsofballplayers. EnjoythetournamentͲͲandthebestoflucktoallparticipatingteams!!!! GailKalata SubͲState#8TournamentDirector &4thDistrictLegionBaseballDirector MinnesotaAmericanLegionBaseball SubͲState#8PlayoffTournament ParticipatingTeams ArcadeͲPhalen,Post577(District4) ChisagoLakes,Post272(Dist10) ForestLake,Post225(District3) LinoLakes,Post566(District10) Stillwater,Post48(District3) TriͲCityBlue,Post513(District10) TriͲCityRed,Post513(District4) TriͲCityMaroon,Post513(District4) PriorSubͲState#8TournamentResults (Priorto2013,teamscompetedinplayofftournaments thatinvolvedonlyteamsfromtheirownrespectiveDistricts.) ChampRunnerͲUp 2018: TriͲCityRedPost513 LinoLakesPost566 2017: StillwaterPost48 ForestLakePost225 2016: ForestLakePost225 StillwaterPost48 2015: TriͲCityRedPost513 StillwaterPost48 2014: TriͲCityRedPost513 ForestLakePost225 2013: ForestLakePost225 TriͲCityRedPost513 FollowSubͲState#8TournamentResultsonͲline: www.tricitybaseball.org/dist4.htm MinnesotaAmericanLegionBaseballHomePages: (LinkstotheStateTournament,OtherSubͲStateTournamentResults,andotherRelatedPages): www.minnesotalegionbaseball.com www.legionbaseballhub.com/ 2019 Minnesota American Legion Baseball Division I Playoff Tournament : Sub-State #8 Tuesday, July 23rd - Saturday, July 27th NOTE: Game sites / times are subject to change. Check with your individual team for the latest available information. DOUBLE ELIMINATION Tuesday, 7/23/19 Wednesday, 7/24/19 Thursday, 7/25/19 Friday, 7/26/19 Saturday, 7/27/19 Winner's Bracket: #1 Game 4 8:00 pm, at Pat Collins (Winner of 4) #8 Game 8 8:00 pm, at Pat Collins #4 (Winner of 8) (Winner of 3) Game 3 3:30 pm, at CLHS #5 Game 11 5:30 pm, at MVHS (Winner of 11) #2 Game 2 5:30 pm, at Pat Collins (Winner of 2) #7 Game 7 (Winner of 7) Game 14 (Winner of 14) 5:30 pm, at Pat Collins Noon, at MVHS Champion #3 (Winner of 1) Game 1 OR, if necessary 6:00 pm, at CLHS (Loser of 11) Game 15 Champion 2:30 pm, at MVHS #6 Game 13 (Winner of 13) 5:30 pm, at MVHS (Winner of 12) (Loser of 14, if 1st loss) Loser's Bracket: (Loser of 8) Game 10 (Loser of 1) 3:00 pm, at MVHS Note 1: Seeds #1-4 are "home" in the opening round of double-elimination. Team #1 will be the home Game 5 (Winner of 5) (Winner of 10) team until first loss. Last team out of the winner's bracket is home team thereafter. Highest 3:30 pm, at CLHS seed will be home team in all other games. (Loser of 2) Game 12 Note 2: Home teams will get choice of dugout, with exception that host shall occupy customery dugout. 3:00 pm, at MVHS Note 3: All games are 7 innings; 5 innings constitutes a complete game (4.5 if home team is ahead), if called due to weather, darkness or other uncontrollable event. Otherwise, it is a suspended game, (Loser of 7) (Winner of 9) to be resumed at the point that it was stopped. (Loser of 3) Game 9 Note 4: A 10-run rule applies after 5 innings (4.5 if the home team is ahead.) Game 6 12:30 pm, at MVHS Note 5: DH is allowed for the pitcher only. No courtesy runners are allowed. No re-entry is permitted. 6:00 pm, at CLHS (Winner of 6) Note 6: All teams must adhere to Minnesota's pitch-count and appearance limits and required days As of 7/12/19 (Loser of 4) of rest for pitchers. ARCADE-PHALEN Manager & Head Coach: Greg Pogreba POST #577 Asst. Manager: Tony Zahradka Representing District 4 Assistant Coaches: Ian Zangs, Brendan Zangs Name Position(s) Height Weight Bats Throws Graduates / School #22 Belland, Connor RF / LF 5'8" 150 Right Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #19 Cardinal, Guy RF / LF 5'9" 160 Right Right 2019 / North St. Paul #1 Cobb, Joseph 2B / CF 6'5" 190 Right Right 2019 / St. Paul Central #4 Fischback, Hunter RF / LF 5'5" 150 Left Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #24 Florhog, Tobin P / CF 5'10" 170 Left Right 2022 / St. Paul Johnson #16 Gilday, Kyle 3B / CF 5'7" 180 Right Right 2020 / North St. Paul #5 Gonzalez, Jovanni P / C 5'11" 185 Right Right 2020 / St. Paul Johnson #15 Haldeman, Evan P / RF 5'11" 155 Right Right 2019 / St. Paul Harding #24 Heesch, Thomas CF / 2B 5'10" 170 Right Right 2019 / St. Paul Johnson #2 McMahon, Anthony C / 2B 6'2" 170 Left Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #15 Moberg, Joe LF / RF 5'10" 185 Left Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #13 Neumann, Ty CF / LF 5'11" 150 Right Right 2020 / St. Paul Johnson #23 Pogreba, Blayde P / SS 5'10" 150 Right Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #7 Ranum, Chris 3B / 1B 6'1" 170 Right Right 2018 / St. Paul Johnson #17 Smith, Sean LF / RF 5'10" 150 Right Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #3 Wilebski, Ted 3B / C 5'7" 150 Right Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson #11 Woolsey, Alex 1B / SS 6'0" 185 Right Right 2021 / St. Paul Johnson CHISAGO LAKES Manager & POST #272 Head Coach: Ryan Anderson Assistant Coaches: Jay Brown, Ronald Kimlinger, Representing District 10 Justin Kral Name Position(s) Height Weight Bats Throws Graduates / School #21 Bjorkman, Logan CF / C 5'11" 160 Right Right 2019 / Chisago Lakes #25 Bleymeyer, Connor P / 1B 6'2" 220 Left Left 2020 / Chisago Lakes #8 Brown, August SS / P 6'1" 170 Left Right 2021 / Chisago Lakes #14 Byrne, Kyle 1B / P 6'1" 200 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #24 Dresel, Owen LF / 3B 6'0" 200 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #6 Dubbs, Thomas 2B / P 5'9" 150 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #15 Frischmon, Michael 2B / RF 5'10" 150 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #35 Hasselquist, Mitchell RF / P 6'0" 200 Left Left 2020 / Chisago Lakes #18 Henzlik, Dylan LF / RF 5'11" 156 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #19 Kimlinger, David 3B / P 6'0" 185 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #1 Molde, Mason C / P 6'1" 190 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #13 Mueller, Zach 1B / RF 6'3" 195 Right Right 2020 / Chisago Lakes #32 Prokosch, Ethan P / 1B 5'11" 190 Right Left 2020 / Chisago Lakes #12 Sanvik, Ryan J P /
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