Investigating the Integration in Austrian Schools, in particular in English Language Classes, of Students with Cerebral Palsy Diplomarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Magistra der Philosophie an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz vorgelegt von Eva Fast am Institut für Anglistik Begutachterin: Priv.-Doz. BA. MA. Ph.D Sarah Mercer Graz, 2016 ABSTRACT A vast amount of literature exists on cerebral palsy and the best ways of treating it and teaching children affected by it. However, little has been written on how to best support these children on their way of learning a foreign language. Cerebral palsy is mostly accompanied by a mild to severe speech impairment, which can pose a significant barrier in communication and has thus led many people to believe that cerebral palsied people could never learn a foreign language. Furthermore, cerebral palsy causes a motor impairment that can further complicate these people’s participation in the language classroom. This study investigates cerebral palsied people’s ability to learn a foreign language in the context of a regular language classroom by looking at the experiences of seven former and current students affected by different kinds and degrees of the disability. Furthermore, their social integration among non-disabled students is investigated and factors encouraging, as well as factors detrimental to, an inclusive classroom atmosphere are studied. In order to cover all of these issues, the following research questions were addressed: What are the self-reported experiences of cerebral palsied students in Austrian mainstream schools in respect to general integration and language education in particular? What are the perceptions of the significant others in the lives of these students? It was found that all of the students were academically capable of following mainstream (language) education and mostly received the additional support they required to succeed in school. Their social integration among their peers seemed to depend largely on the age at which their non-disabled peers had first come into contact with disabled children. Key words: cerebral palsy, mainstream and special education, English language teaching, learner needs, social integration ~ II ~ ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Umfangreiche Literatur existiert bereits über die infantile Zerebralparese und die erfolgreichsten Methoden, sie zu therapieren und Kinder, die von ihr betroffen sind, zu unterrichten. Wenig wurde bisher jedoch darüber geschrieben, wie man diese Kinder am besten auf ihrem Weg unterstützt, eine Fremdsprache zu erlernen. Die infantile Zerebralparese wird meist von einer diskreten bis schweren Sprechstörung begleitet, welche eine erhebliche Kommunikationsbarriere darstellen kann und somit viele Leute zu dem Glauben verleitet hat, zerebralparetische Menschen könnten niemals eine Fremdsprache erlernen. Des Weiteren bewirkt die Zerebralparese eine motorische Schädigung, welche die Mitarbeit dieser Menschen im Sprachunterricht zusätzlich verkomplizieren kann. Diese Studie untersucht die Fähigkeit zerebralparetischer Menschen, eine Fremdsprache im Kontext regulären Sprachunterrichts zu erlernen, indem sie auf die Erfahrungen von sieben ehemaligen und aktuellen SchülerInnen, welche von verschiedenen Arten und Graden dieser Behinderung betroffen sind, blickt. Des Weiteren wird deren soziale Integration zwischen nicht- behinderten SchülerInnen, wie auch förderliche und schädliche Faktoren, welche eine inklusive Klassenatmosphäre beeinflussen, untersucht. Um all diese Punkte zu bearbeiten, wurden die folgenden Forschungsfragen adressiert: Was sind die subjektiven Erfahrungen zerebralparetischer SchülerInnen in österreichischen Regelschulen in Hinsicht auf allgemeine Integration und Sprachunterricht im Besonderen? Was sind die Eindrücke der Angehörigen im Leben dieser SchülerInnen? Es wurde festgestellt, dass alle SchülerInnen geistig befähigt waren, dem regulären (Sprach-)Unterricht zu folgen und größtenteils die zusätzliche Unterstützung, welche sie zur erfolgreichen Absolvierung schulischer Pflichten benötigten, erhielten. Ihre soziale Integration unter ihren MitschülerInnen schien größtenteils davon abzuhängen, in welchem Alter ihre nicht-behinderten MitschülerInnen das erste Mal mit behinderten Kindern in Kontakt gekommen waren. ~ III ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Sarah Mercer. Thank you for all your support and the hard work you put into everything you do. You have offered me constructive feedback and emotional support whenever I needed it. Your joyful and warm-hearted spirit has made working with you a pleasure through the ups and downs of this project, and I thank you sincerely for always remaining utterly kind and contagiously enthusiastic. Secondly, my deepest gratitude goes out to all of the people that have made this study possible by contributing to it. It would not have been the same without each and every one of you and I thank you for your openness towards me and the trust you laid in me. You have allowed me a glimpse into your very personal thoughts and experiences and I hope to have made you proud with the product of our joint endeavour. Special thanks go out to my best friends. I am grateful for having you in my life and knowing I can always count on you. You have helped me in many ways in the writing of this thesis, be it by offering practical support or simply making me laugh and forget about the stress of this project for a little while. I hope that we can grow old together as friends and keep laughing together for many years to come. All of my love and gratitude go out to my parents, who have been nothing but supportive throughout my entire life. Papa, you have always supported me in every way you could and I will forever thank you for it. Mama, you have been my best friend, confidante, and therapist whenever I needed you and I cannot imagine where I would be today without your constant support and love for me. I have not always made it easy for you two, but rest assured that I am fully aware of how lucky I am to be calling you two my parents. A very special thank you goes to my brother, who is the reason for this entire project. Koali, you know you will always be my number one man. You have taught me so much about what really counts in life. You filled my childhood with love and laughter, and still bring warmth to my heart every day. Your joy for life inspires me to be a more grateful human being. Lastly, I have to thank my boyfriend and partner for life. Since meeting you, my entire life has changed and you have filled it with new meaning and joy. I would not have been able to write this thesis without your constant practical and emotional support. You complete me and make me a better and more balanced person, and I cannot thank you enough for it. ~ IV ~ DECLARATION Ich versichere, dass ich die Diplomarbeit selbständig verfasst habe, andere als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel nicht benutzt und mich auch sonst keiner unerlaubten Hilfe bedient habe. Graz, am ______________ _________________________ (Unterschrift der Studierenden) ~ V ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 1 1.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 1.2. Thesis Overview ................................................................................................. 2 2. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................... 4 2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4 2.2. What is Cerebral Palsy? ..................................................................................... 4 2.2.1. What does the term cerebral palsy mean? ..................................................... 4 2.2.2. What causes cerebral palsy and how can it be diagnosed? ........................... 6 2.2.3. How does cerebral palsy manifest itself in an affected person? ................... 7 2.2.4. What can be done to improve the condition? ................................................ 8 What can be done medically? ................................................................. 9 What can be done socially? .................................................................. 14 2.2.5. What are the different types and degrees of cerebral palsy?....................... 17 2.3. Cerebral Palsy and the Language Classroom ................................................... 21 2.3.1. Why should people with cerebral palsy be included in mainstream education? ................................................................................................................. 21 2.3.2. How is social behaviour affected by cerebral palsy? .................................. 23 Challenging behaviour due to cerebral palsy ....................................... 24 2.3.3. How is intelligence affected by cerebral palsy?.......................................... 25 2.3.4. How are language and speech affected by cerebral palsy? ......................... 27 Language disorders due to cerebral palsy ............................................. 28 Speech disorders due to cerebral palsy ................................................. 31 What can be done to improve the speech of a cerebral palsied child? . 35 2.3.5. How should a teacher/assistant work with a child with cerebral
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