Item 4 REPORT TO: Planning Committee REPORT NO. HEP/07/18 DATE: 2 July 2018 REPORTING OFFICER: Head of Environment and Planning CONTACT OFFICER: David Williams (Ext 8775) SUBJECT: Development Control Applications WARD: N/A PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To determine the listed planning applications. INFORMATION Detailed reports on each application together with the recommendations are attached. RECOMMENDATION See attached reports. BACKGROUND PAPERS None. Page 11 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 Community Code No Applicant Recommendation Pages LLA P/2017 /0314 THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION GRANT 13 – 27 MR LAURENCE HERRING ROS P/2017 /0623 MR S TROWBRIDGE REFUSE 28 – 38 ROS P/2018 /0223 MR S TROWBRIDGE REFUSE 39 – 48 WOR P/2017/0799 MR HUXLEY GRANT 49 – 81 BRO P/2018 /0278 MR Z HUYUK GRANT 82 – 86 CHI P/2018 /0287 CO-OPERATIVE FOOD GRANT 87 – 91 ROS P/2018 /0307 MR SCOTT LAMONT GRANT 92 – 96 GRE P/2018 /0313 MR S PARRY GRANT 97 – 100 WRO P/2018 /0317 GREENE KING PUB CO GRANT 101 – 105 MR MILLAR ROS P/2018 /0353 MR E H MORRIS GRANT 106 – 108 GRE P/2018 /0383 MR C WILKS GRANT 109 – 111 MAE P/2018 /0391 MR GREG ROBINSON GRANT 112 – 115 HAN P/2018 /0402 MR R E FORRESTER REFUSE 116 – 126 BRY P/2018 /0408 MR N ROBERTS GRANT 127 – 131 WRR P/2018 /0415 MR DAVID THOMAS GRANT 132 – 135 OVE P/2018 /0425 MR JONATHAN LATHAM GRANT 136 – 139 Total Number of Applications Included in Report – 16 All plans included in this report are re-produced from Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. WCBC Licence No. LA0902IL All plans are intended to be illustrative only and should be used only to identify the location of the proposal and the surrounding features. The scale of the plans will vary. Full details may be viewed on the case files. Page 12 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 APPLICATION NO: LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: P/2017 /0314 BRITISH LEGION SOCIAL CLUB 20/04/2017 WATS DYKE LLAY WREXHAM LL12 0RL COMMUNITY: CASE OFFICER: Llay DESCRIPTION: PF MIXED USE HYBRID DEVELOPMENT COMPRISING A RESIDENTIAL WARD: DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 51 UNITS AGENT NAME: Llay (OUTLINE), A 4,000 SQ FT RETAIL KNIGHT FRANK LLP UNIT (OUTLINE), A BOXING CLUB MISS EMILY ROBERTS (OUTLINE), A CAR PARK (FULL), DETAILS OF ACCESS (ALL MATTERS RESERVED) AND ASSOCIATED WORKS APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR LAURENCE HERRING THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION ______________________________________________________________ THE SITE Page 13 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 PROPOSAL This is a hybrid application seeking outline consent for the erection of a mixed use development of residential use, a 4,000 sq. ft. (372 sq. meters) retail unit (A1) and a boxing club (D2) and in full for a car park associated with the existing Royal British Legion club. In terms of the outline element of the proposal, all matters are reserved for further approval save for the means of access to the site at two points (Llay New Road and Watts Dyke). A site development zoning plan has been submitted which is shown as follows. Note that this plan includes the position of the existing Royal British Legion building which is to be retained as part of the overall proposal. Proposed site zoning layout HISTORY None relevant. PLANNING POLICY The site is located within the settlement limit of Llay as defined by the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan. Policies PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, GDP1, GDP2, EC4, EC13, H2, H7, S6, CLF1, CLF5 and T8 are relevant. Guidance is also contained in Local Planning Guidance Notes 10 – Open Space, 16 – Parking Standards, 21 – Space Around Dwellings, 27 – Education Contributions, 28 – Affordable Housing and 30 – Residential Design Guide. Page 14 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 National planning policy contained in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) and Technical Advice Notes (TAN) 5 – Nature Conservation and Planning, 12 – Design and 18 – Transport. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Object for the following reasons: • There will be increased pressure on local school spaces and the local health centre; • Many local users of the Royal British Legion (RBL) are able to allow their children to play outside, whilst supporting this much valued local amenity. Land used for safe leisure by children will be lost as part of the development; • With the loss of allocated parking bays, plus the increase of regular vehicles associated with such a large number of new residential dwellings, parking for everyone will become chaotic; • There will be increased traffic using the retail premises; • The access roads to all facilities looks poorly designed and, along with the already heavy traffic use on the nearby Llay New Road, it is a serious concern that this will lead to traffic problems throughout the day and night. And this is before the increased traffic using the same highway to access the forthcoming new Police Station; • There are already some flooding issues that occur in the area of the RBL – which will only get worse. • The plans do not appear to address the increased requirements for sewerage and associated works; and • The number of planned residential dwellings has already changed twice in a relatively short time, the current numbers of over 50 houses seem too large for the area they are planned to be built in. Local Member: Councillor Rob Walsh Objects. The application should be refused on the following grounds: • Llay Health Centre is full to bursting. Llay residents struggle to obtain a GP appointment at present. With the likely Page 15 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 closure of Gresford surgery, the addition of 362 houses on Gresford Road (P/2014/0905) and 18 houses south of Llay Miners Welfare (P/2016/0373) shows that Llay is being developed at a faster rate than the infrastructure is being provided. To add another 51 houses to the Llay Community is very irresponsible in the current climate. Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board`s silence over this issue is not evidence that everything is OK. Unless Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board are prepared to invest in a brand new health centre for Llay fully equipped with the required number of staff, then no further development should take place in Llay. As a result, I believe this application breaches Policy GDP2 as the capacity of infrastructure will be deficient as a consequence of this development. • Parking. The current Llay Royal British Legion site does hold several major events every year and these are catered for due to the large car park facility on site. The reduction of the car park could see an increase in cars parking on Llay New Road and Watt`s Dyke when a big event takes place. This would cause major disruption to traffic, particularly on the already busy Llay New Road. This problem has been made worse due to the decision by Wrexham County Borough Council to charge for car parking at Alyn Waters Country Park. Many park users refuse to park at Alyn Waters anymore and choose streets such as Llay New Road and Watt`s Dyke. As a result, I believe this application breaches Policy CLF1 as it is highly likely to have an adverse affect on a multi-activity community facility, i.e. Llay Royal British Legion. • Concerned about the proposed access to the site from Llay New Road and Watt`s Dyke. The proposed entry accesses are very close to existing junctions. Page 16 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 • Accepts that this site has been on the UDP for several years now and I have no problem with the principle of this site being developed and accepts that at some point in the future development will take place here. However, unless the issues of appropriate Primary Health Care in Llay and appropriate car parking provision for the Royal British Legion are addressed, then I will support the refusal of this application. Site notices: Expired 05.06.2017 Press notice: Expired 10.06.2017 Highways: No objection subject to conditions. Public Protection: Construction nuisance protection conditions and notes to applicant are required. Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) Officer: The ground conditions are generally suitable for infiltration. As there are some uncertainties regarding the final scheme design it is necessary to add a condition requiring further drainage detail which includes an investigation into the use of SuDS. NRW: No objection but makes the following observations: • A condition should be imposed to seek approval of a Construction Environmental Management Plan to protect the nearby Llay Bog SSSI; • The site is outside any defined flood risk outline. The LLFA is best placed to determine surface water flood risk form the proposal; Education: Awaiting response Welsh Water: Drainage proposals are acceptable in principle but should be subject to a planning condition to approve the final design detail. Parks and Rights of Way: The application site adjoins Alyn Waters and will have an impact upon the park. In lieu of on-site open space provision a contribution towards improvements to the park would be preferable. Ramblers: The development should not interfere with footpath Llay11. Neighbouring occupiers: 33 neighbouring occupiers notified. 20 responses received raising the following responses: Page 17 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – Date 2nd JULY 2018 • There are many occasions where there are between 80-100 cars parked on the RBL car park.
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