This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com Storage US 965MIN HAI J**"""1""* Legislature of 1911 fMffiWfiS.. L.AW LIBRARY AQB2605 HARVARD LAW LlBRARY Received MAY 1 3 1930 THE MINNESOTA LEGISLATURE of 1911 THE WRITING OF WHICH WAS MADE DIFFICULT BY THE MASKS WHICH MEN WORE. IN HALF THE CRUCIAL EVENTS OF THE SESSION "THE VOICE WAS JACOB'S VOICE, BUT THE HANDS WERE THF HANDS OF ESAU." Copyright 1911 LYNN HAINES 919 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. To the Progressives of Minnesota. MAY 1 3 1930 SpG J 3 0 THE DISTRICTS AND WHO REPRESENT THEM 1st District, Houston Connty — 21st District, Sibley— Senator F. A. Duxburj Senator A. A. Poehler Representative P. L. Parley Representative Geo. A. MacKensle 2cd District, Winona County — 22nd District, Renville — Senator M. J. McGrath Senator Frank Murray Representatives Charles P. Schuler, Representatives N. J. Holmberg Albert Libera, and Clinton Robinson and Frank Hopkins 3rd District, Wabasha — 23rd District, Meeker- Senator L. O. Cooke * Senator E. P. Peterson Representative Carl S. Nygren Representative John A. Sampson 4th District, Olmstead— 24th District, McLeod— Senator A. T. Stebbins Senator C. R. Donaldson Representatives Henry A. Hoffman and Representative G. W. Brown Kerry E. Conley 25th District, Carver- 3th District, Fillmore — Senator C. H. Klein Senator S-. A. Nelson Representative H. R. Dlessner Representatives Thomas Frankson ' 26th District, Scott — and John 0. Rustad Senator J. A. Coller tth District, Mower — Representative J. J. Morlarlty Senator C. F. Cook 27th District, Le Sueur— » Representatives F. C. J. Christie Senator Harry F. Weis and Ralph B. Crane Representatives Geo. H. Denser 7th District, Dodge — and Martin Schwartz Senator F. J. Thoe 28th District, Rice- Representative Finlay McMartin Senator F. L. Glotzbacb tth District, Steele — Representatives F. L. Klemer Senator Thomas E. Cashman and Geo. D. Reed Representative Leonard Virtue 29th District, Goodhue — 9tb District, Freeborn — Senator A. J. Rockne Senator B. N. Anderson Representatives Frank Boothroyd, Geo. Representatives H. H. Dunn H. Voxland, and A. V. Anderson and Alva Henion 30th District, Dakota- 10th District, Waseca— Senator Albert Schaller Senator John Moonan Representatives W. H. WeSCOtt Representative John W. Papke and Joseph Peters 11th District, Bine Earth- 31st District, Washington- Senator S. D. Works Senator Geo. H. Sullivan Representatives Charles F. Herzberg, Representatives Andrew Anderson William A. Just and Frank L. Kelly. and 0. Hauge ISth District, Faribault— 32nd District, Chisago, Pine and Kanabec — Senator Frank E. Putnam Senator V. L. Johnson Representative W. A. Harding Representatives Henry Rines 13th Dlst., Martin and Watonwan — and Henry P. Webb Senator Julius E. Haycraft 33rd District, First and Second Wards, St. Representatives Jos. Davies Paul- and H. A. Saggau Senator W. W. Dunn 14th District, Jackson and Cottonwood Representatives J. A. A. Burnquist Senator Andrew C. Olson and E. J. Fuchs Representatives Henry Untiedt 34th Dlst., Third, Ninth and part of Eighth and Ellas Warner Wards, St. Paul- 18th District, Nobles and Murray- Senator James Handlan Senator S. B. Bedford Representatives Henry W. McDonald, Representative Herman Nelson Robert J. Clarke and Thomas J. Greene 16th District, Rock and Pipestone— 35th Dlst., Fifth and Sixth Wards, St. Paul- Senator S. B. Duea Senator Peter Van Hoven Representative Harrison White Representatives John P. Jclinek 17th Dlst., Lincoin, Lyon and Yellow Medi and Jos. J. Hurley cine — 3Gth Dist,, Fourth, Seventh and part of Senator O. A. Lende Eighth Wards, St. Paul- Representatives K. G. Skartum, Edwin Senator James D. Denegre F. Whiting, and J. N. Johnson Representatives J. D. O'Brien 18th Dist., Lac qui Parle and Chippewa— and C. E. Stone Senator O. G. Dale 37th Dist., part of Eighth Ward, Tenth and Representatives Albert J. Peterson Eleventh Wards, St. Paul- and P. J. Mettling Senator J. M. Hackney inth Dlst., Redwood and Brown — Representatives Charles N. Orr Senator Frank Clague and Edwin G. Perry Representatives Jos. R. Keefe 3Sth Dlst., First Ward and part of Third and Albert Pfaender Ward, Minneapolis — 20th District, Nicollet — Senator N. A. L'Herault Senator Henry N. Benson Representatives M. J. Sulllvam Representative Ole Peterson and Peter C. Thielen. 89th Dist., Second and Ninth Ward*. Minne BMta Dist., Third, Fifth and Sixth Ward* ot apolis and Town of St Anthony — the City of Duluth, County of St Senator James T. Elwell Louis, and all that part of said coun Representatives W. P. Knnse ty outside the City of Duluth and ly and F. L. Palmer ing between the range line between 40th Dist., Fourth Ward, Minneapolis— ranges IS and 16 in said County — Senator Wm. S. Dwinnell Senator Thomas M. Pugh Representatives Wm. A. Fisher and Representatives Anton Borgen Charles R. Fowler and Edward R. Rlbenack 4lBt Dist., Fifth and Sixth Wards, Minne 51st Dist., Counties of Lake and Cook, the apolis — First, Second and Fourth Wards of Senator Geo. P. Wilson the City of Duluth, in the County of Representatives Thomas Kneeland, John St. Louis, and all that part of said G. Lennon, John P. Nash, and W. D. County not within said City and lying Washburn to the eastward of the range line be 42nd Dist., Seventh, Eleventh and Twelfth tween ranges 13 and 14, or the same Wards, Minneapolis, Village of Edina extended in said County — and Towns of Richfield, Blooming ton, Senator H. W. Cheadle Eden Prairie and Village and Town Representatives Chester A. Congdou of Excelsior, Hennepin County- and Nels S. Hlllman Senator Manley L. Fosseen 52nd Dist, Carlton, Aitkin, Itasca, KoooU- Representatives Wm. A. Campbell ching and Cass Counties — and Ernest Lundeen Senator D, M. Gunn 43rd Dist., Eighth and Thirteenth Wards, Representatives C. H. Warner Minneapolis, and Towns of Corcoran, and T. M. Ferguson Greenwood, Medina, Independence, Minnetonka, Plymouth, Minnetrista, 53rd Dist., Hubbard, Wadena and Todd Coun Maple Grove, Orono, and Villages Gold ties— en Valley, St. Louis Park, West Min Senator James Johnston neapolis, Minnetonka Beach and Way- Representatives Leonard H. Rice zata, Hennepin County — and Wm. T. Stone Senator Carl L. Wallace 54th Dist., Stearns County, except the City Representatives L. A. Lydiard of St. Cloud and towns of St. Cloud and W. I. Nolan and Le Sauk — 44th Dist., part of Third Ward and Tenth Senator J. J. Abmann Ward, Minneapolis, and Villages of Representatives Frank E. Mine He Crystal, Robbinsdale, Osseo, and Towns and A. M. Utecht of Crystal Lake, Brooklyn, Champlin, 55th Diet., Kandiyohi County- Dayton, and Hassan, Hennepin Coun Senator C. W. Odell ty- Representative C. E. Johnson Senator John W. Pauly 56th Dist., Swift and Blgstone Counties- Representatives Alex McNeil Senator S. J. Froshaug and George M. Nye Representative Knnt Knot son 45 tb Dist., Isanti, Anoka, Mllle Lacs and 57th Dist., Traverse, Grant, and Steven* Sherburne Counties, excepting Sev Counties — enth Ward, St. Cloud- Senator Edward Rnstad Senator C. J. Swanson Representatives J. E. Peterson Representatives Rufus P. Morton, Rob and L. C. Spooner ert C. Dunn, and Andrew Davis 58th Dist, Pope and Douglas Counties — 4«th Dist., Wright- Senator C. J. Gunderson Senator Geo. C. Carpenter Representatives J. J. Anderson Representatives August HafTten and Iver J. Lee and J. F. Lee 59th Dist., Ottertall County- 47th Dist., Benton County, Seventh Ward, Senator Ole O. Sageng St. Cloud in Sherburne County, City Representatives J. T. Johnson, of St. Cloud, and Towns of St. Cloud R. J. Lindberg, Alex Nelson and LeSauk in Stearns County — and H. A. Putnam Senator J. D. Sullivan 60th Dist., Wilkin, Clay, and Becker Qe**> Representative L. Wlsniewski ties- 48th Dist., Morrison and Crow Wing Coun Senator C. S. Marden ties- Representative Moyle Edwards, S. N. Senator C. D. Johnson Lee, and Phillip S. Converse Representatives C. W. Bouck and L. D. Brown 61st Dist., Norman. Beltrami, Clearwater, 49th Dist., Seventh and Eighth Wards, City Mahnomen and Red Lake Counties — of Duluth, County of St. Louis, and Senator A. L. Hanson all that part of township 49 north, of Representatives C. L. Sulerud range 15 west, not embraced in said and D. P. O'Neill city; all of township 50 north, of 62nd Dist., Polk County- range 15 west, and all that part of Senator John Saugstad the County of St. Louis lying to the Representatives Knot Aker westward of the range line or the and John Holten same extended between ranges 15 and 63rd Dist., Marshall, Roseau and Kittson 16 west, In said County — Counties — Senator James P. Boyle Senator B. E. Sundberg Representatives John A. He&k? Representatives Donald Robertoon and C. T. Kuapp. and G. H. Mattooa THE AUTOMOBILE IN POLITICS. Master^ Lewis Langley was speaking. There was confidence, and seorn, in his voice: "I should say not; ours is a Packard — and it's got six." That was sufficient to satisfy his inquisitors. A six-cylinder Packard was patrician in price, appearance and equipment. Its name was one of standing in the social and commercial world. The possession of such a car by the father of the youngster clearly established his right to a place of prominence among these juvenile elite. For be it known, that was the issue in the present controversy. This boy was the latest arrival at camp and the others had been in some doubt as to how to receive him. Ac cordingly, they had proceeded to take his measure, using the only in fallible standard. Young John Percival Lane began the examination with deft indirect ness. "Pa sold our 1910 Peerless," he remarked, apropos of nothing ia particular. "Didn't it run " inquired George Thomas, whose slowness of wit had not enabled him to grasp the real situation.
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