Buy Now Support The .....J ~ W a r Bonds! Defense Council 1 * I « M I * —d THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW Five C*nH LYNDHURST, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH H , 1943 tS S M D O B Vol. XXII., No. 38 «ou« sum « im W ith the Lo ca l B o y s in S e rv ic e New Group of Men I T o w n Leave for Service March 10 Rally ALK *£7v2rK'¿¡ST**: « • - P v t Fred T H eller, son o f M i F ield. Monroe, La. Mr and Mrs f rg i ll« foil«« ihk rejfistr.mtv i\ere iiulutltil into the \rin> and Mrs. F Heller. 9 Jackson Without navigator». bombers olta of no„. on WcituMla' March >»1 anil tr|*>ttfil tor active .lutx «»n by the Place Lyndhurst, N. J., has g rad -1 would be speeding masses of d*>- drafted into th* A m> and is n Tonight At Tbe uated from an intensive co urse in s t r u c t i o n rushing aimlessly rtaltoned at thrlJrwarkAm,,^ W cdnesrU u March 4t»t 1» lluv njs.rti.l to l.y.mlhutst Observer airplane mechanics and. now ,s inrougnthrough infthe say.sky Theh * navigator Ruction Center- He «- « * * * Hijjh -scli.W. hern and Wesit Vvvnuts, 1 vmthnrM on W e.l prepared to blast the Axis. Army gets 'em there and get* ’em back, from Lyndhurst High *»-••«>> “ iie»>i;n March HSb Air Base, near Lincoln, Neb., is through weather, rain, hail and was Employed by w ardell tl FROM LYNDHURST W e h av e b een a t w a r over 15 fog Com pany of Point Pleasant, N J one of the many schools in the Joseph Nicliola» Albino, S19 Saeond Avanue High School fnnnihs now and the Civilian Army Air Forces T e c h n i c a l Cadet Marrone attended th? j .'7 ■. Defense Organizations are still Dominick Frank Annuasi, 7IS Sluyv.*»nt Avanue Training Command which trains Lyndhurst schools and Ruther-: IAM F1' A- Kt.An!'*, Jr. trying to bring order out of ford Secretarial School Before James A Kearns. Jr a gradu Gerard John Arcari, 259 Van Buren Street the techniciahs who maintain our Fredt tick Roceo BatUlora, 442 Valley Brook Avenue Lyndhurst and North Arlington Boys chncs. The mix-up over the sig­ fighter planes in perfect combat joining the armed forces he was ate- < f Lyndhurst .High nals last Tuesday night is only condition. He now is a full employed by Passaic Piece Dye and N J State Teacher* College Lout» Roceo Bianco, U$ Fern Avenue „ one of a long series of blunders WIK Stage tiggest Show ut fledged airplane mechanic eligible Works. 389 Howe Avenue, . Pas- at Montclair, who was reeentH John Buchanan, S47 Park Place that have come out of the high­ saic N J practice leaching in mathfWMtie* for promotion. Cort»t>no Cetard Cagfiano, m l.alayelta Aye«ue Lyndhurst High Auditorium est offices of Civilian Defense V— at the High Sch.x'l here, is mi« John Joseph Carucci, 213 Newark Avanue and the Army. Local Defense Q l’ l S T — BROW N a cadet in the At my A n Corp', KDGAR ARTHUR NOWAK, Jr. Anthony Michael Ciance. 23» NeWark Avanua 1« t *t» » Councils and their workers art- Two local youth* in service at undergoing his preliminary tram ng im V* rent» ^ Great Lakes, 111 — Edgar Arthur Richard l.oui* DeCecco, l i t Lake Avanue 1 Olt» *'1 angry and no one can blame , .wlmt then M-.nt chlMrcn < yo .1 *K r 1lir i%y Nowak, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Geiger Field. Spokane, Wa*hing ing at Atlantic City Anthony Joseph DeDonato, SIS Milton Avan«* i« h i t Im 'W ’■n M u ti th em . Edgar Nowak, 121 Post Avenue, ton. were promoted iri rank. row tFriday t n ig h t «hen the . f * ™ Raymond Joseph Del.uca, 45 Stuyve»ant Avenue 1Ail \%t IttotnMt« Lyndhurst, was named honor Edward Quist of 243 Fern Ave- NICHOLAS h. LOMBARDI i itc> horn' .itJ4 jiidhm*t I hgh >fh* U w ii William Dctmermg, Jr., 252 Pag* Avenue •*»**fl it v -t-f Leave it to Harry Hanson to man of his company here at the nue was promoted to fifth grade Nicholas S l^mbardi >*■ ’ Tvw M !{Mit r ul. t K i * ■ nM put a party aero«. When the U. S. Naval Training Station. technician and Joseph E. Brown of Mr Nicola Lombardi of 2*1 Joseph Charlc» Ik Venio, 537 I" reoman Stroet ! * g » m ivr h P *% j < boys left for camp yesterday Before entering the Navy as a of 337 Second Avenue was made Orient Way, Lyndhurst. ha* )*'*••> Aladar Donnenberg, *33 Ewing Avenue Drop Plans ■ c n ^ l. 1 a eornoral advanced to the rating <>f Sratnin Imihli u p ih * I l M morning from the High School F ir e m a n , third class, Nowak Donald Frank land, 444 Chaae Avenue M ' y first class, at the Naval A ir T r a in I M ii im»N mg they left in good humor and spent five years as a millwright C arnx lo < hartts Giaimo, 522 Valley Brook Avanue live « f V T . GEO. BOLLENBACH mg Station. Pensacola, Kla a. k|4i ■h*4t u* IHtt happy. At previous ceremonies machinist in New York City. His Dominick John Giampoala, U3 Cleveland Av«nue To Shorten Private George Bollenhach of cording to the public relation w iH t the speakers were a little too sor- recruit training company, num­ Joseph Giaquinto, 243 Wilson Avenue Park Avenue was promoted M ofllce of that station He t* no« Al ,1 c M >i»n t H r v t icus and the parting farewells bering 130 men, graduated this Howard William Gilbert, 442 I has# Avanue with parents and sweethearts the rank of corporal. He is sU- ; on duty thcr'e with the Mastei V a ca tio n s oei lit the mil* will week Anc'rew Joseph Greco, 72S Third Ave no# ■Were rather heart-rending. But tioned at Fort Jackson at-Arms Forct the direct -i at Ratpn He was graduated in 1937 from Hanson, speaking before such a y _ ,__ Lombardt. who reported to th - Joseph Anthony Cuidetti, «12 Vallty Brook Avanue i u t r v t ectvart .-rhirnt Dickinson High School. He later group for the flrst time yester­ PVT. JO H N W. WILLIAMS "Annapoh* of the Air" in July Harry Sigurd Halvorsen, 182 Riveriide Avanua Teecheri Do Not Like attended Hemphill Diesel School, day, really went to town. A vet­ Jefferson Barrack*. Mo — Pvt 1941, enlisted in the Navy in Francis James Hunt. 2M .Sluyvesant Avenue lis n rs ar«t Long Island. While at Dickinson, Plan end Board Ach eran himself, having served in John W Williams, of 106 Tontine April of that year in Newark. and Albert F.dward Hynes, 454 Riverside Avemit ►iti hr iu4g«d after he was active in track and base­ France in the last war, he knew Avenue, Lynoiiuui,Lyndhurst, «.N. «J .. *»•i* »a was aentv. to , the N ival Tram m s Patrick Anthony Inserra, Jr., 411 Second Avenue Accordingly „ 'I unti th* Kail Waren ball. what to tell the boys. Before he newly-arrived w ldier at JefTcr- Stall« n. Norfolk. V a , for hi* pr. ut Ou ♦ « n a «Sri - He left the training station nil Anthony Joaquin, t3 6 Stuyveaanl Avenue was finished he had th«n laugh­ son Barracks, Colonel Thomas J liminary training t*l»ivB to shcTten Un Easier va March 5 to spend a nine day Ernest Koltnc, 472 Stuyvesant Avenu* ing and singing. The rest of the J. Christian, commanding This ----. 7 . , . , « »tion were »bandoned Toee«i« a|* e d leave with.his parents. Steve John Kwiatowski, 212 Irving Place speakers took thé' cue from Han­ historic m ilita ry post, on the E L M M l T P E T T E N G IL 1 . mgtit by the Boprd «f Kdueatn« <1 son and the affair was a real hit. Mississippi R ive r a few miles Cam p S t e w a r t, t.a Jame* Henry l.aVecehi», 2*3 l.alayelta Avenue becausr uf ototoetión* i t tea, t en Afi,y that *♦ th. ROBERT R. TE8SALONE south of SI Louis, is a replace- Headquarters here announce'! Alex Francis L»wandow*ki, 273 Ca»tk Terrace |he suggestion 1» cl*»e the i »vents,• # t* .nrlo,t,«4 -..rw Amarillo Army Air Field, Am­ The local lodge of >Elks has ment training center for the! the promotion of Klmer 1 I . t Albert l.oui* l.mdenboom, 24« Page Avenue M-hools early was mad«'hy T.u* »nvaph t !»;■ I I. arillo, Texas.— Robert R. Tessa- done a marvelous job with the Army Air Force* T e c h n i c a l tengill, of S02 Page Avet.u. tec Hsriy tiutheit artwi satd it », si .i, lone, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Te#s- Aloiay Stanley l.«H>acten*ki. 534 Freeman Slreot “Penny Brigade’ and cveryon» Training Command Lyndhurst N J t.- the grade of w r u h i *i'»^ tea« Iter» an r»w« h ie lt» « , by *» t « 11 i alone, 271 Travers Place, Lynd­ Richard John MeCoid, 211 Page Avenue should five more liberally to Here recruit* »re given voca- Technician 5th G rade week to wont in » « W a n t* if , s t d » tot»*« hurst, N J , has completed his Mt/er Miller, MS Livingston Avenue those little containers in almost tional aptitude tests to qualify He was advanced to hi- new., they m dcwirvd ..
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