Page 1 of 5 BIADA, Regional Office - Bhagalpur Unit Details as on February 2018 Industrial Area, Forbesganj Sl. Date of Area Remarks/ If Unit is Closed Name & Address of Allottee Plot No. Product Current Position No. Allotment (In Sq. Ft.) Status then Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M/s Awadh Industries, Sri Dashrath Bind, S/o - Sri Yamuna Bind, 1 08-05-02 73 (P) & 87 (P) 8,712 Atta Working At. - Shitalpur, P.O. - Rampur, Forbesganj, Araria, Mob. - 09097547899 M/s Saurav Industries, Sri Ram Bhajju Choudhary, S/o - Late Giranand Musturd Oil, 2 Choudhary, 08-05-02 73 (P) & 87 (P) 6,534 Aata, Makka & Working FCI Chowk, Rampur, Besan Mill Forbesganj, Mob. - 08540978879 M/s Bihar State Power 43, 44, 45, 46, Transmission Company Ltd., 47, 48, 49, 50, Patna, 04-06-04 51, 52, 53, 54, Power Sub- 3 Assistant Executive Engineer, 3,60,299 Working 15-07-16 55 (P), 56, 57, Station Sancharan Awar Pramandal, 58, 59, 123 (P) Forbesganj, & 124 (P) Mob. - 07763817850 M/s Technocrates, Sri Abhay Kumar Dugar, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, S/o - Late Surajmal Dugar, 17-01-07 Cattle Feed & 4 39, 40, 41 & 42 1,74,240 Working Hospital Road, Forbesganj, 04-09-07 Poultry Feed (P) Araria, Ph. - 06455-222718 M/s Devam Udyog, Sri Anirudh Kr. Jaiswal, S/o - Sri Shambhu Pd. Jaiswal, Cement 5 26-09-11 60 (P) 7,600 Working Near Bus Stand, Vantilation Forbisganj - 854318, Mob. - 09939029557 M/s Pashupati Mini Rice Mills, Shri Pappu Kumar Jaiswal, Teacher`s Training School Rice Mill & 6 Chowk, 15-01-08 63 (P) 21,780 Working Chura Mill Ward No. - 21, Forbesganj, Araria - 854318, Mob. - 09304296941 M/s J.J.S Aqua Industries, Packaged Sri Vijay Prakash, 7 26-09-11 61 (P) 5,000 Drinking Working S.K. Road Forbisganj, Water Mob. - 08521112111 Page 2 of 5 Sl. Date of Area Remarks/ If Unit is Closed Name & Address of Allottee Plot No. Product Current Position No. Allotment (In Sq. Ft.) Status then Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bdkbZ dks ikoj fMLVhO;wwlu dEiuh M/s Moti Babu Institute of fy0 ds cxy esa Techonology, vkoafVr Hkwfe iw.kZr% Sri Amit Kumar Das, 1 (P), 2 (P), 3 (P), fjDr g ,oa bdkbZ 15-05-10 C/o - ISOFT Soft Solution Pvt. 4, 5, 6, 7, 55 (P), ij yxHkx 55 8 07-06-10 7,02,079 Engg. College Working Ltd., 123 (P), 124 (P), yk[k :0 cdk;k 06-08-10 85, Bharat Nagar, First Floor, 125 & 126 gSA bdkbZ dks New Delhi - 110065, {ks=h; izHkkjh ds Mob. - 09771498240 i=kad 142 fnukad 23-12-17 }kjk uksfVl fuxZr gSA M/s Muskan Auto Work, Md. Irshad, S/o - Md. Shamshul, 9 07-12-10 61 (P) 5,000 Auto works Working At.+P.O. - Rampur South, Forbesganj, Mob. - 09801071409 M/s LIC Branch Office Senior Divisional Manager LIC of India 10 Sakhi Chand, Ghat Road, Naya 15-01-08 62 (P) 43,560 LIC Office Working Bazar, Bhagalpur - 812002, Mob. - 09546178708 M/s Tabrej Auto Works, Md. Shams Tabrez, S/o - Md. Ayub, 11 06-08-10 61 - C 10,000 Fabrication Working At.+P.O. - Rampur, Forbesganj, Araria - 854318, Mob. - 09939077793 M/s S & P Industries, Sri Ram Kumar Gupta, S/o – Sri Jawahar Lal Gupta 12 26-09-11 60 (P) 5,000 Fabrication Working Ward No. - 4, Forbesganj - 854318, Mob. - 09471278325 M/s G.D. Rasayan Udyog, Distilled Sri Nandan Kumar, Water, S/o - Sri Ram Chandra Prasad, 13 11-02-11 61 (P) 5,000 Sulphuric Acid Working Ward No. - 9, Patel Chowk, & Hydrochloric Forbesganj, Araria - 854318, Acid Mob. - 07050344287 Page 3 of 5 Sl. Date of Area Remarks/ If Unit is Closed Name & Address of Allottee Plot No. Product Current Position No. Allotment (In Sq. Ft.) Status then Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M/s Nu Creations, Smt. Nutan Deo, W/o – Sri Brahm Narayan Deo, 210, Hill View Apartments Makhana & 14 1055/1 Ward No.-7 29-12-12 30 (P) 8,893 Working Agro Products Mehrauli, New Delhi-110030 Mob. - 09313783105, 09311783105 M/s Gulab Food Products, Md. Abul Qaish, S/o - Md. Nazim, Soyabean Bari, Rani Ganj Road, Vermicelli, 15 Near Power Grid, 12-12-06 60 (P) & 61 (P) 10,890 Soyabean Working Ward No. - 3, Rampur North, Vermicelli/Se Forbesganj, Araria, wai & Finger Pin - 854318 Mob. - 09955232796 M/s Raunak Trade & Agency Pvt. Ltd., Dir - Sri Mangi Lal Golchha, S/o - Sri Govardhan Das 25-03-06 16 84 (P) 78,408 Biscuits Working Golchha, 17-01-07 Library Road, Ward No. - 4, Forbesganj, Araria, Mob. - 09471632533 M/s Akriti Udyog, Cement Paint Sri Uma Shankar Yadav, (Snow Cem) S/o - Sri Basudeo Yadav, Red Oxide 17 07-12-10 9 (P) 5,000 Working Ward No. - 1, Forbesganj, Paint Mental Araria - 854318, Adhesives, Mob. - 07091560071 Distemper, Wall Puty M/s Hazrat Flour Mill, Md. Hazrat Ansari, S/o - Md. Sabir Ansari, Vill. - Bhajanpur, 18 Ward No. - 3, 25-03-06 60 (P) 8,712 Flour Mill Working P.O. - Rampur, Forbesganj, Araria Pin - 854318, Mob. - 08863833571 vkoafVRk Hkwfe esa 3000 oxZ fQV esa ,d Hkou fufeZr M/s Forbes Feeds Pvt. Ltd., gSA yxHkx 10000 Shri Pranav Kumar Lal Das, oxZ fQV dk 'ksM Mallik Bhawan, Cattle & Under 19 12-02-08 8 (P) 1,30,680 fuekZ.k dk;Z izxfr Bhatta Bazar, Poultry Feeds Construction ij gSA {ks=h; Purnea - 854301, izHkkjh ds i=kad Mob. - 09934259280 141 fnukad 23-12- 17 }kjk bdkbZ dks uksfVl fuxZr gSA Page 4 of 5 Sl. Date of Area Remarks/ If Unit is Closed Name & Address of Allottee Plot No. Product Current Position No. Allotment (In Sq. Ft.) Status then Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yxHkx 4 ,dM+ esa nks 'ksM dk fuekZ.k dk;Z iw.kZ gSA 5000 oxZ fQV ds rhu M/s Auro Sundram 'ksM dk fuekZ.k International Private Limited, dk;Z fd;k x;k gSA Sri Ashok Kumar Choudhary, ikoj IykUV ,oa Maize Starch At. - Raipur Industrial Area, 07-11-09 Under e'khu LFkkiuk gsrq 20 As Per Map 15,52,914 & Gagal Hari Road, 15-05-10 Construction yxHkx 01 ,dM+ Liquid Glucose Bhagwanpur, Dist. - Hardwar, Hkwfe esa v/kqjk Uttarakhand - 247661, fuekZ.k gSA 'ks"k Hkwfe Mob. - 09471004012 fjDr gSA {ks=h; izHkkjh ds i=kad 129 fnukad 20-12- 17 }kjk i= fuxZr gSA yxHkx 12000 oxZ fQV Hkwfe esa Hkou dk fuekZ.k gSA 'ks"k M/s Alsahba Educational Hkwfe fjDRk gSA Complex, bdkbZ }kjk yht Md. Atiquez Zaman, MhM fuaca/ku dk Under 21 Amla Tola Chowk, 26-02-08 64 (P) 87,120 ITI vuqjks/k i= lefiZr Construction Forbesganj, Araria, fd;k x;k gSA Pin - 854318, {ks=h; izHkkjh ds Mob. - 09430582786 i=kad 143 fnukad 23-12-17 }kjk bdkbZ dks uksfVl fuxZr gSA M/s Muskan Food Products, Satttu, Besan, fuekZ.k dk;ZZ izxfr Md. Perwez Alam, Masala, ij gSA bdkbZ ds S/o - Md. Ali Hussain, Rumpum, mij ls fctyh ds Vill. - Jogbani, 10 Khajurbari, Kurkure, Under Notice issued on rkj xqqtjus ds 22 22-06-13 9 (P) 10,000 Yuva Path, Salted Snacks, Construction dt. 27.07.16 dkj.k fuekZ.k dk;Z Anchal - Forbesganj, Potato essa ck/kk ds pyrs Distt. - Araria - 854328, Weffers & fuekZ.k dk;Z cUn Mob. - 09801818295 Mixture FkkA M/s Gupta and Sons Traders (P) Ltd., Shri Pradip Kumar Gupta, Netajee Market, Under e'khuksa dh LFkkiuk 23 Subhash Chowk, 08-09-12 63 (P) 44,151 Flour Mill Construction dh tk jgh gSA Jogbani Road, Forbesganj - 854318, Mob. - 09471845295, 09816222744 Page 5 of 5 Sl. Date of Area Remarks/ If Unit is Closed Name & Address of Allottee Plot No. Product Current Position No. Allotment (In Sq. Ft.) Status then Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hkwfe vfrØe.k gksus ds dkj.k fuekZ.k dk;Z ugha fd;k x;k gSA bdkbZ dks M/s Bharat Automobiles vfrdze.k eqDr Engineering Works, djkus ds fy, Sri Nikhil Kumar, Last notice LFkkuh; iz'kklu ls S/o - Sri Bhartendu Prasad Automobile Construction 24 16-10-07 74 (P) 10,890 issued on dt. n.Mkf/kdkjh Yadav, Repairing Not Started 23.12.17 izfrfu;qfDr gsrq Vill. - Narpatganj, vuqjks/k fd;k x;k P.O. - Kanheli, Araria, gSA {ks=h; izHkkjh ds Mob. - 08084363456 i=kad 144 fnukad 23-12-17 }kjk fuekZ.k dk;Z gsrq uksfVl fuxZr gSA G.P. Steel Basket (Iron M/s S. & P. Agri Engineering, Tashla), Iron Sri Ram Kumar Gupta, Bucket/Spade S/o - Late Jawahar Lal Gupta, (Kudal), Scythe Ward No. - 4, Sultan Pokhar, Construction 25 07-11-17 60 (P) 700 (Hasuwa), Forbesganj, Distt. - Araria, Not Started Chheni, Pin - 854318, Hammer and Mob. - 09471278325, Other 07979816598 Agricultural Equipment M/s Krishna Industries, Sri Pradeep Rathi, S/o - Late Balchand Rathi, Ward No. - 05, Maida, Sujji, Construction 26 Post Office Chowk, 16-02-18 72, 73, 75 & 76 1,08,900 Atta & Chokar Not Started Forbesganj, Distt. - Araria, Pin - 854318, Mob. - 7004627072 M/s Jai Hanuman Enterprises, Sri Gaurav Kumar Agrawal, Bio S/o - Sri Binod Kr. Agrawal, Degradable Construction 27 Hospital Road, Forbesganj, 16-02-18 61 - A 10,000 Pvc Carry Bags Not Started Distt. - Araria, from Pvc Pin - 854318, Granules Pin - 9534550985.
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