IN-DEPTH: GERIATRIC MEDICINE/METABOLICS Review of Current Understanding of Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction Dianne McFarlane, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is a commonly diagnosed disease in the aged equine population. Recognition of PPID has increased considerably over the past two decades, in part because of an increase in client awareness of the condition as well as an increase in the number of aged horses receiving veterinary equine PPID care. This review focuses on the most current understanding of the development and progression of equine PPID. Author’s address: Oklahoma State University, Department of Physiological Sciences, Center of Veterinary Health Sciences, Still- water, OK 74078; e-mail: [email protected]. © 2013 AAEP. 1. Introduction is produced in the pars intermedia of the healthy horse.1 Anatomy and Function of the Equine Pituitary Equine pars intermedia activity has been shown The equine pituitary gland lies ventral to the optic to be inhibited by dopamine and stimulated by chiasm, separated from the brain by a fold of dura thyrotopin-releasing hormone.2,3 The pars inter- mater known as the diaphragma sellae. It is sus- media receives direct innervation from the dopami- pended from the hypothalamus by the infundibular nergic neurons of the periventricular nucleus of stalk. The equine pituitary gland has four lobes; the hypothalamus. These axons project through the pars distalis, pars intermedia, pars tuberalis the infundibular stalk along the periphery of the (collectively known as the adenohypophysis), and pars nervosa, then travel into the pars intermedia, pars nervosa (neurohypophysis). where they terminate on the endocrine cells of the Melanotropes of the pars intermedia produce a pars intermedia, the melanotropes. Dopamine is hormone precursor protein, pro-opiomelancortin released at the pars intermedia from the nerve ter- (POMC), which undergoes extensive tissue-specific minals of the hypothalamic periventricular neurons cleavage to yield adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), that synapse directly on the melanotropes.4 In the melanocyte-stimulating hormones (MSH), -endor- presence of dopamine secretion of pars intermedia, phin, corticotrophin-like intermediate lope peptide POMC-derived peptide hormones are decreased. (CLIP), lipotropins, and several other small pep- If dopamine is removed either by surgically cutting tides. In the pars intermedia of the healthy ani- the hypothalamic pituitary connection or by geneti- mal, the primary hormones produced are ␣-MSH, cally deleting the dopamine receptor, melanotropes -endorphin, and CLIP. Nearly all plasma ACTH will proliferate, hypertrophy, and increase produc- originates from the pars distalis, and minimal ACTH tion of POMC-derived peptides.5–7 NOTES 294 2013 ր Vol. 59 ր AAEP PROCEEDINGS IN-DEPTH: GERIATRIC MEDICINE/METABOLICS The products of POMC are diverse and highly curs to the dopaminergic neurons, although at this pleiotrophic in function. ␣-MSH has a role in metab- time it is unknown whether oxidative stress is a olism, obesity, stress, and inflammation. Because of cause or consequence of PPID.25–27 these critical functions, this hormone is currently the Neuronal accumulation and aggregation of mis- focus of significant research attention, with more than folded proteins is a mechanism that contributes 1250 PubMed citations in the past 5 years alone. to the pathogenesis of most neurodegenerative dis- ␣-MSH induces an anorexic response and feeling of eases, including Parkinson’s disease, a dopamin- satiety8 and has broad anti-inflammatory effects that ergic neurodegenerative disease of aged people. include decreased production of a wide array of cyto- In Parkinson disease, the protein that accumulates kines and other molecules, factors that contribute in the dopaminergic neurons is ␣-synuclein. ␣- to inflammation.9,10 ␣-MSH also impairs neutro- Synuclein is natively unfolded; however, under cer- phil function, including oxidative burst, chemotaxis, tain cellular conditions, ␣-synuclein can aggregate and adhesion.11,12 CLIP is the cleavage product in dopaminergic nerve terminals, disrupting cellular generated from the c-terminal portion of ACTH. function and triggering cell death.28 Conditions Little is known about the function of CLIP; how- that promote accumulation of ␣-synuclein include ever, both CLIP and its cleavage product, -cell excessive concentration caused by increased produc- tropin, have been shown to stimulate the release of tion or decreased clearance, oxidation or nitration, insulin from rodent beta cells.13 -Endorphin is a and synuclein gene mutations.29,30 ␣-Synuclein potent endogenous opioid -receptor agonist that protein and gene expression was found to be in- functions in analgesia and reduction of pain- creased in the pars intermedia of horses with associated inflammation. PPID.21 In addition to being more abundant, pars Similar to several other species such as hamsters intermedia ␣-synuclein appears to be excessively and sheep, activity of the pars intermedia in horses nitrated in horses with PPID, a modification that has a robust seasonal rhythm, with increased output promotes aggregation.21 It is unknown if failure occurring as day length shortens.14–19 As a result, of protein clearance also contributes to ␣-synuclein the plasma concentration of the pars intermedia accumulation in horses with PPID. Misfolded pro- hormones, including ␣-MSH, are greater in the au- teins are removed primarily through autophagy, tumn (August through October) than in the winter the process by which damaged proteins or organelles or spring.18,19 It has been suggested that this ad- are recycled by the lysosome.31 Assessment of au- aptation helps to prepare the animal for the meta- tophagy in the periventricular neurons of horses bolic and nutritional pressures of the approaching with PPID is ongoing. winter. 3. Clinical Signs of PPID and Diagnostic Testing 2. Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction Clinical signs of PPID probably are the result of Equine PPID is associated with increased size and overexpression of the pars intermedia hormones. activity of the pars intermedia. At necropsy, horses Late in the disease, it is also possible that loss of with PPID have enlarged pituitary glands caused hormones from the adjacent, compressed lobes of the by hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and a single large or pituitary may also contribute to the clinical syn- multiple small adenomas. Enlargement of the pars drome. Weight loss caused by muscle atrophy, be- intermedia is often accompanied by compression of havioral changes, secondary infections, and changes adjacent structures. PPID was previously charac- in haircoat are some of the most common signs of terized as a benign neoplasia of the equine pituitary PPID. Laminitis occurs with PPID but less fre- gland; however, clinical, pharmacological, biochem- quently than was originally suggested. It is likely ical, and histological data all indicate that PPID is that laminitis occurs only in horses with PPID and a neurodegenerative disease with loss of inhibitory concurrent insulin dysregulation. Further work is dopaminergic input to the pars intermedia. Typi- ongoing to identify the mechanism of development of cal of any neurodegenerative disease, age is the endocrinopathic lamintis. primary risk factor for PPID, and progression of Testing for PPID involves measurement of en- clinical signs occur slowly, making early diagnosis dogenous hormone concentrations, including ACTH problematic. or ␣-MSH or dynamic testing. Dynamic testing, In horses with PPID, there is a marked reduc- which measures the response of the pars intermedia tion of dopamine in pars intermedia tissue20 as well to stimulation or inhibition, may be a more discrim- as a profound loss of dopaminergic periventricular inating approach to disease diagnosis. Because of nerve terminals and cell bodies.21 Further evi- the increase in PI activity in the fall, false-positive dence that PPID results from loss of dopamine is the diagnostic test results for PPID are common when improvement in clinical signs and plasma hormone testing is performed during the autumn if refer- concentration that is observed when horses with ence intervals are not adjusted for season.18–20 PPID are treated with a dopamine agonist such as In addition, clinical signs of PPID are often more pergolide.22–24 Although the precise cause of neu- pronounced in the autumn, most notably an in- rodegeneration in PPID is unknown, several studies creased incidence of laminitis.32 Because pasture have provided evidence that oxidative damage oc- composition also changes significantly with season, AAEP PROCEEDINGS ր Vol. 59 ր 2013 295 IN-DEPTH: GERIATRIC MEDICINE/METABOLICS studies are needed to determine the role of hormone weight, and metabolic hormones in rams. Am J Physiol increase in seasonal development of laminitis.33 Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2001;281:R76–R90. 17. Lincoln GA, Richardson M. Photo-neuroendocrine control of Diagnostic testing for PPID will be discussed in more seasonal cycles in body weight, pelage growth and reproduc- detail in another session. tion: lessons from the HPD sheep model. Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol 1998;119:283–294. 18. McFarlane D, Donaldson MT, McDonnell SM, et al. Effects References of season and sample handling on measurement of plasma 1. Wilson MG, Nicholson WE, Holscher MA, et al. Proopioli- alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone concentrations in pomelanocortin peptides in normal pituitary,
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