0 0 1 1. Bluegrass billbug 2. Greenbug aphid 3. Grubs 4.Bluegrass billbug 5. Sod webworm 6. Winter grain mite 7. Chinch bug 8. Black turfgrass ataenius 9. Cutworm 10. Black turfgrass ataenius : : Answers . page e th f o m botto ? damage f tur s thi d cause t insec t Wha t a e ar s Answer . yourself z Qui e e th A A DILEMM E DAMAG GUIDE GUIDE CONTROL INSECT Without trees, cities bake under the hot sun. With Conservation TYees, cities are cooler in summer, warmer in winter. Conservation frees Make The Difference magine a world without ate the temperature and • How to save topsoil and Itrees. A hot, sunbaked shelter songbirds. A world help farm profits with world without protection without trees is no world for shelterbelts from summer heat and cold me...or for you! Conserva- • The right way to plant winter wind. Where cities tion Trees make the trees bake under the burning difference. • The right way to prune sun. Raising temperatures Write for your Free trees and tempers. Where air Conservation Trees Brochure conditioners run 24 hours a Find out how you can For your free brochure, day in the summer. And make a difference with Con- send your name and where furnaces work over- servation Trees. Write for address to: Conservation time in the winter. Where your free Conservation Trees, The National people stay indoors, unable Trees brochure. Colorful Arbor Day Foundation, to enjoy life out of doors. photos and illustrations, Nebraska City, NE 68410. The National Arbor Day and easy-to-understand Foundation asks you to descriptions will show you... imagine a world with trees. • How to use shade trees Conservation Trees. Where and windbreaks to save healthy, leafy trees give energy in your home shade on hot summer days. • How to attract songbirds Where Conservation Trees to your yard shield homes from strong • How to save trees during winter winds. And where construction trees clean the air, quiet loud traffic noises, moder- The National Free Brochure (Arbor Day Foundation Nebraska City Nebraska 68410 THE RIGHT NICHE Disease control on trees and ornamentals may be as simple as finding the right environment for the plant to thrive. But when that's not enough, follow this guide. by Douglas J. Chapman isease or pathogenic organ- key to disease management. The holi- adapted and try to fertilize or water isms frequently infect stressed stic approach includes, in order of pri- them to good health. When they are Dplants. This weakening, or ority, four strategies: ecological niche, not in the correct ecological niche, predisposition of plants to disease, clonal or varietal resistance, mainte- then the plant may become pre- can be the result of transplanting, nance and disease control programs. disposed to disease infection. drought, high water conditions or not Each of the four strategies is an impor- placing the plant in the right ecolo- tant component of "integrated plant Clonal selection gical niche. management." Selecting and planting cultivars Ecological niche has not been con- which exhibit resistance to disease is sidered enough in landscape design or Ecological niche becoming a more important tool for development. For example, junipers Planting a tree or shrub in the right reducing disease problems in the must grow in full sun or in well- place is paramount to health and sur- landscape. Fireblight, apple scab and drained, droughty soils. vival. If one understands ecological frogeye are serious diseases of crab Few disease organisms will attack requirements of plants and tries to apple. healthy, vigorous trees, such as oak grow them where they will flourish, To eliminate the need for fungicide wilt on oak; apple scab on crab apple; then healthy landscapes will be the application, and thus a maintenance or Dutch elm disease on elm. But, in result. requirement, resistant cultivars such general, disease organisms attack Birch (Betula papyrifera) is a pi- as MaJus 'Sugar Tyme', M. floribunda, weakened plants, like Botryospaeria oneer tree. Thus, it must be grown in or M. 'Donald Wyman' should be canker on Cornus sericea. full sun on sandy (low to medium nu- planted. Promotion of healthy, vigorous trient) soils. Conversely, sugar maple Each area of the country must plants or a holistic approach, is the (Acer saccharum) is a climax forest plant different cultivars of the same tree. Therefore it will grow in sun or species to determine which cultivars Douglas Chapman is the horticulturist-ad- shade in fertile, well-drained soils. are resistant in that region. Disease ministrator at Dow Gardens in Midland, Frequently, we plant trees or shrubs organisms have geographic races or Mich. He is also a WT&T adviser. in conditions to which they are not strains. Many lists of resistant cultivars ex- PHOMOPSIS TWIG BLIGHT RESISTANT JUNIPERS ist, but some may not apply to your Juniperus chinensis Hetzii' Juniperus chinensis procumbens 'Nana area of the country. Juniperus chinensis Ketelerri' Juniperus chinensis sargentii For Michigan, I have included a list Juniperus chinensis Mint Julep' Juniperus chinensis Upritht Hetzii' of disease resistant crab apples to ap- Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana' Juniperus horizontalis Douglasii' ple scab and fireblight and a list of Juniperus chinensis Pfitzeriana Juniperus sabina Broadmoor' disease resistant junipers to Phomop- Corn pacta' Juniperus sabina Tamariscifolia' sis twig blight (see charts). Juniperus chinensis procumbens Juniperus virginiana Tripartita' Maintenance Healthy, vigorous trees are the best protection against disease infection. When we transplant a tree, it is weakened until establishment. We APPLE SCAB AND FIREBLIGHT RESISTANT CRAB APPLES should try to help the plant to be- Malus Adams' Malus hupehensis come established as rapidly as possi- Malus Beverly' Malus Indian Magic' ble by watering when needed, Malus Bob White' Malus Indian Summer' Malus Candied Apple' Malus Mary Potter' fertilize to stimulate establishment, Malus 'Centurian' Malus Red Baron' and protect against additional in- Malus Coralburst' Malus Red Jewel' jury, such as lawn mower damage or Malus Donald Wyman' Malus sargentii pruning. Further, any condition Malus floribunda Malus Sentinel' which may weaken a tree (change in Malus Golden Harvest' Malus Silver Moon' grade, over-pruning, insect attack, Malus Golden Hornet' Malus Sygar Tyme' or drought) must be countered by Malus Harvest Gold' Malus Van Eseltine' watering, fertilizing, mulching or Malus White Angel' any practice which will protect and Malus White Cascade revitalize it. Soil compaction is an urban prob- lem which must be addressed. Fre- WE REACH THE quently, people or vehicles compact PEOPLE YOU NEED the soil when it is wet, during con- struction or after the landscape is Fungicides TO REACH! completed. This condition must be countered. Strategies to counter com- The following is only a representative Place a classified ad in any of paction include mulching, rototilling list of fungicides frequently used to these HARCOURT BRACE and/or core aeration. Watering with control diseases of woody JOVANOVICH PUBLICATIONS alkaline water, found in much of the ornamentals. No endorsement of and you know your ad dollar is Midwest, negatively impacts plants products is intended. wisely spent. which need a slightly acid soil to sur- vive. If the deficient condition is cor- BENOMYL—a systemic fungicide effective against apple scab, Circulation Magazine rected, the plant resumes growth, but, powdery mildew, botrytis and if not corrected, then decreased vigor anthracnose. The water should be and predisposition to disease are the 22,588 AFTERMARKET BUSINESS acidified in regions where the water 12,464 AMERICAN AUTOMATIC end products. pH is above 6.5. MERCHANDISER 122,000 AMERICAN SALON Disease control programs 24.713 BEVERAGE INDUSTRY BORDEAUX—a protective fungicide 10,355 BODY FASHIONS/INTIMATE Pesticides should be just one strategy for fireblight and many foliar APPAREL used in the arsenal to prevent or cure diseases. 3,519 CANDY INDUSTRY disease problems. Fungicides can be 10,295 CANDY MARKETER protective or prophylactic (curing dis- 10,295 CANDY MARKETER CAPTAN—a limited-use broad 20,406 CONCRETE ease after infection). spectrum protective fungicide which 100.414 DENTAL MANAGEMENT Many fungicides—Bordeaux, cap- is effective for many foliar diseases. 6,372 DERMATOLOGY TIMES tan, ferbam, etc.—protect plants from 12.608 DRUG & COSMETIC INDUSTRY disease infection. These fungicides CUPRIC HYDROXIDE—a fungicide 33,366 DVM NEWSMAGAZINE 22,571 FLOORING against many leaf spots and blights. must be applied before infection, thus 67,708 FOOD & DRUG PACKAGING a complete understanding of the dis- Phytotoxicity has been noted as a 59,625 FOOD MANAGEMENT ease life cycle is a must. Further, this problem - Read the label. 18,624 HEARING INSTRUMENTS group of fungicides must cover the en- 42,543 HOTEL & MOTEL MANAGEMENT CYCLOHEXIMIDE—effective for 13,697 HOUSEWARES tire paret of the plant that can be in- 12,841 LAWN CARE INDUSTRY fected including leaves. powdery mildews. 15,496 LP/GAS A second class of fungicides is pro- 15,778 MEAT PROCESSING phylactic, which control the disease FENARIMOL—locally systemic 13,115 NEUROLOGY 14,607 OPHTHALMOLOGY TIMES after infection. Several examples of fungicide used for the prevention and control of powdery mildew. Reduced 23,501 OPTOMETRY TIMES this type of fungicide include Benlate 12,880 PAPERBOARD PACKAGING dosages are recommended when and Subdue. 12,830 PAPER SALES used under high humidity-cool-cloudy One must still know the biology of 14,902 PEST CONTROL conditions. 14,001 PETS SUPPLIES MARKETING the particular pathogen or disease 20,828 PIT & QUARRY when prophylactic fungicides are FOLPET—specific for leaf spot 13.000 POULTRY PROCESSING 18,912 ROOFING/SIDING/INSULATION used. Further, this group of fungicides diseases. can be applied after a disease infec- 9,177 SNACK FOOD 8,564 UROLOGY TIMES tion is evident. Fungicides are only MANCOZEB—a combination of 45,665 WEEDS TREES & TURF effective if the correct procedures are maneb and zinc salt, effective for a followed.
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