00 Kwajalein Hourglass

00 Kwajalein Hourglass

00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXI I, NO 217 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALl ISIAND~ THURSDAY, NOVEMBFR 7, 1985 CAl I ER CLAIMS HOSTAGES KILLED, Fonner Iod. Governor Nominated To IHIS WASHINGTON (AP) -- PreSIdent NO BODIES Fa..JD WHERE INDICATED Reagan today named former IndI­ By FAROUK NASSAR ana Gov OtIS R Bowen, a POlI­ Assoclated Press Wrlter In BeIrut, apparently by dIffer­ dIstrICt of West BeIrut He tICIan, medIcal professor and ent men The news agency made a hung up after a few seconds famIly doctol, as thl next sec­ BEIRUT, Lebanon -- An anony­ transcrIpt of the orIgInal call­ But It was not apparently retary of health and human ser­ mous telephone caller saId to­ er's statement avaIlable to The the same man who delIvered the VIces day the terrorIst group IslamIC AssocIated Press death threat PolIce saId at Bowen WIll succeed HHS Sec­ JIhad would kIll by fIrIng "We have deCIded the follow­ 2 p m they had searched the retary Margaret M Heckler, who squad the AmerIcan hostages It Ing the executIon of the Amer­ area thoroughly but found no last month acceded to Reagan's holds In Lebanon because IndI­ Ican hostages by fIrIng squad," bodIes request that she reSIgn the rect negotIatIons WIth t~e saId the fIrst caller, who The second call dIffered CabInet post to become ambassa­ UnIted States had reached "a spoke In ArabIc and claImed to from the earlIer one because dor to Ireland dead end " represent IslamIC JIhad, or Is­ the man dId not precede hIS Reagan, speakIng at an Oval A later anonymous call claIm­ lamIC Holy War terse message WIth the fIrSt OffIce news conference, saId he ed the AmerIcans had been kIll­ "Walt for dnother call from words of the Koran, Islam's ho­ pIcked Bowen "because of all ed and dumped at a specIfIed lo­ us at 1 p m (6 a m EST) In ly book, that callers claImIng the qualIfIcatIons he has In catIon, but polIce saId they connectIon WIth the status of to speak for IslamIC JIhad usu­ excess," IncludIng hIS beIng a found no bodIes there the corpses of the AmerIcan hos­ ally use medIcal doctor ~nd hIS eIght SIX ~merlcans are mIssIng In tages," the caller saId Last month, IslamIC JIhad years as governor of IndIana BeIrut IslamIC JIhad, belIeved At 2 p m (7 a m EST) the released blurred photographs of Bowen refused to answer re­ comprIsed of fundamentalIst ShI­ agency saId the man had not what It saId was the body of porters' questIons, sayIng he Ite Moslem followers of Iran's called back But an offIcIal of U S Embassy polItIcal offIcer WIll mIke a statement later Ayatollah Ruhollah KhomelnI, the agency, whIch asked not to WIllIam Bucl,ley It saId Buck­ But asked If he would con­ has saId It already kIlled one be IdentIfIed, dIsclosed later ley, 57, WdS kIlled In retalIa­ tInue to advocdte the Illegal AmerIcan and IS holdIng the oth­ there had been another call at tIon for Israel's Oct 1 aIr use of unlIcensed drugs such as er flve 10 a m (3 a m LST) raId on PalestIne LIberatIon DMSO, whIch he has saId he gave There was no way to authentI­ A man speakIng ArabIC saId OrganIzatIon headquarters In hIS termInally III WIfe, he cate eIther call, made to the bodIes had been dumped In a TunISIa But no body was pro­ saId "I dId nothIng Illegal offIce of a Western news agency bombed-out factory In the Kola duced DMSO IS not Illegal " WASHINGTON MONUMENTS CLOSED Guerrillas Said AS FLOOD WATERS ADV ANCE To Have Killed By SCOTT WILLIA~S Judge In Colombia Assoclated Press Wrlter thousands of evacuatIons 2 p m today In the WashIngton "They say It'll rlSP 10 more are~ The parkland surroundIng From Comblned AP Reports Flood waters that kIlled at feet," saId George Peck, co-own­ the ~onuments Ie on the rIver BOGOTA, ColombIa -- Army least 36 people and left 44 er of the FarmLr's M~rket Inn NatIonal Park SerVIce troops today fIred cannons and mISSIng laId SIege today to the res taur -m t In Rlcllmond' S III s to r­ spokesman Earl Klttleman saId machIne guns on the burned-out sandbagged rIver bottoms of IC Shockoe Bottom, 0 commerCIal thL 184-mlle C&O Cdnal, Palace of JustIce In a renewed RIchmond, Va , and WashIngton, dIstrIct of ClvII War-era to­ stretchIng from Cu~bLrland, Md , attack on gunmen belIeved to be DC, whIle shocked surVIvors b~cco warehouses, trendy shops to Wlsillngton, closed Tuesday holdIng at least eIght Judges upstream faced rUIned homes and and gallerIes "Ten more feet for tl1( fIrst tIme In Its 157- hostage But heavy smoke and bUSInesses, fouled drInkIng wa­ and I lose eV(rythlng " year hIstory In antICIpatIon of flames kept the troops [rom ter and the thre~t of water­ In lhe natIon 's C1P~Lt,l of­ thL flood reachIng the guerrIllas borne dIsease fICIals closed the Wo~hlngton, klttleman SlId Great Falls ColombIan rddlo statIons In VIrgInIa, wherL offICIals LIncoln and Jefferson monuments Pdrk on both the Mar}land and s~ld the preSIdent of the na­ lIsted 19 deaths and four PlO­ to keep tourIsts away from Po­ Vlrglnla SIdes of the Potomac tIon's Supreme Court was kIlled pIe mISSIng, the James RIver tomac RIver floodIng WdS closed, dnd the Great Falls today durIng the SIege by the crept up the cobbled streets of "The memorldls are rlOt In Tavern was sandDagged leftIst guerrIllas rIver-front RIchmond, toward a any danger," National Park Ser­ West Vlrg~nlans wandered The Caracol and RCN radIO crest today about 23 feet above VIce spokeswoman Sandra Alley through towns In dIsbelIef, statIons quoted mIlItary author­ flood stage -- the worst flood saId Wednesday "We'd be In surveYIng wreckage cdused by ItIes In ,nnounclng that Alfon­ SInce the 17~-foot surge caused real trouble If wlter reached flood waters that left at least so Reyes was found dead InSIde by HurrIcane Agnes In 1972 the top of the Wdshlngto~ Monu­ 16 dedd and 40 mISSIng and the palace Four days of raIn In the na­ ment " washed away entIre communltles The radlo statIon Todelar tIon's mId-AtlantIc regIon un­ The National We,ther ~ervlce One person dIed In ~aryland "aId the guerrIllas shot Reyes leashed the floods, InflIctIng predlcted the Potomac would ~everal West VIrgInIa com­ and another federal Judge thIS hundreds of mll1~ons of dollars crest ahout 6 or 7 feet ,bove munItIes rem<1Ined Isolated, and mornIng [he stdtlon dId not In property damage and forCIng flood st1ge bet,"cen noon 1nd fear of health problems drosp gIVE the sourCl of ItS Informa­ tIon An army communIque today SENATE COMMITTEE ISSUES SUBPOENA saId 17 people were kIlled and 34 wounded In fIghtIng that be­ gan when thL guerrIllas took FOR SOVIET SAILOR WHO JUMPED SHIP control of the bUIldIng Wednes­ day From Comblned AP Reports Blazes kIndled by the guer­ WASHTNCTON -- A Senate com­ ber commIttee hId heen contact­ tlon, a RomanIan merchant sed­ rIllas InSIde the fIve-story mIttee Issued a subpoen1 tOUly ed "HId gIven thL lr llJthorI.o 1- man who left hls shIp In Jack­ pallcc apparently to consume for a SOVIet slIlor who app rr­ tlon for the suhpoen"1 to be sonvIlle, f1 1 , \"as grdnted asy- court records, destroyed about ently trIed to defect but latEr ~Lrved, staffer~ saId 111m In Arne rlca [od<l.Y by U S lU­ 80 percent of the bUIldIng 1n changed hIS mind callIng hIm The ~lnate re~olullon Jecl,r­ thorltles ~ho saId he had a downtown Bogota, fIre depart­ to WashIngton to detLrmlnc ul til,t tllere we re "~erIOl1~ "well-foll11dLCl f('ar" of bplng ment offICIals told local radIO whether hIS ch,ngL of heart WdS quec,tlon,," ab01lt thL Inltlal pLr'oecuted If he went home statIons WItnesses saId flames made freely handlIllg of thE case hy the lw­ SenSItIve to crItICIsm of stIll shot from some WIndows MeanwhIle, the full ~Enate mIgratIon and ~1turallzatlon theIr handlIng of a preVIOUS de­ thIS mornIng called on the Reagan ~dmlnls­ SerVIC' , and suggested further fector case, the U S Immlgrd­ More than 150 people were In trallon to use "all leg'll and government altlon was needed to tlon and NaturalIzatIon SerVIce the bUIldIng when the guerrIl­ legltlmClte medns" to resolve determIne whether the s llior granted asylum to seaman Stef11l las raIded It, Lncludlng Su­ the case of 22-velr-old Mlro­ Wdb returnIng to thL SOVIet Vernea, 38, of Constanta, Rom~­ preme Court Judges who have slav '1edvld Gnlon of hIS own free WJll nla HIS ShIP IS the Romanlan­ theIr offIces there Assault ThL depuly coul1sel tl' thl ~omc senators, led hy Sen ownLd Bdlder Strand troops blcked by armored vehI­ Scn1te AgrIculture CommIt teL, Jesse Helms, sought to lake ac­ "fhe dl tlon w,c, takln throu,,11 cles braved submachIne-gun fIre ferrance 1 Wear, w,s Carr\lng tlOll to prevent Medvld from normol aSylum-clcllm procedures," ~nd surgLd InSIdE Scores of the subpoena, trallsLltc J ] nto lL1vlng bv ISSUIng a subpoend saId George Waldroup, aSSIstant captIves, Inlludlng 10 Judges, both RUSSIan ,nd Ukrllnlln, on for hIm to appe~r beforL Helms' dIstrIct dIrector of the Mldml hdd been freed by late Wednes­ a flIght to ~e~ Orlelns and ~grILulture CommIttee, ostensI­ INS offlce 1he Stlte Dep,rtment day A colonel, who was not plannld to 1ttempt to serve It blv to dISCUSS L ~ -SOVltt called the m,tter "completely IdentIfIed, told radIO statIon late In the d n.

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