- ~r l ume XVII, Number I JANUARY, 1962 40 Cents White to Ploy MATE IN ONE MATE IN TWO MATE IN THREE MATE LN FOUR MATE IN FL V E M A TE IN SIX MATE IN SEVEN MATE IN EIGHT MATE LN NINE (Solutions on Pig. 8) AN APPEAL TO THE MEMBERSHIP Once again we must appeal to our members for the financial support n<.>eded to send American representatives to an important international <.:hcss event. This time the occasion is the Ioterzonal Tournament which will begin shortly in Stockholm. As most of you know, the top scorers in the lnterwoal go on to play in the Candidatcs' Tournament- the winner of which will playa match with M. Botvinnik for the World Championship. The United States has three players who arc qualified to play in the Intel.r.ona1 and who are ready to go all-out in pursuit of the World Title. If OUf generosity is commensurate with their talent and determination, the United States may, it year fro m now, have its first World Champion sinec Paul Morphy. The following letters explain the circumstances connected with this emergency appeal. Please read thorn care­ fully,-and then send ),our sUPIXlrting contributions as soon as possihle to F.I.D.E. Vice Prcsident Jerry Spann. The coupon below is provided for your convcnience. -- RE INTERZONAL TOURNAMENT INTERZONAL TO STOCKHOLM Dear friend" CANDIDATES TO ANT" J.ES Thls week I have been Informed f rom a) MOIIeOW, that It h as been The CAl'\DJDATES Tournament I, to be held during May anel found Impoafl lble to or, a nl~e tbe Inte rzon al tourname nt In the Soviet Union and b) Madrid, that our common rrlend n e ras-who had been June. 19$2 in an elabonte CarMbeln selllnl, the beautiful new Ho~l entrusted by til, fedeutieo to Inveatlga te their posslb!lltles and, In Curaclo Intemontlnenu.1 in Curacao Netherlands AntJlle.s, under the cue .uch In ve.llgatlons ,.ve a positive ",.ult, to plan the er,anlza. aU~I' Ic Cl of the Royal Dulch Chen LUIIUI!. liOn_ III In hospital, surrerlng from severe damagel c ,u~C'd by a street The iNTERZONAL, on Ihe other hind, has been leading an un· a(:(:ldent, and Ihal U II con~eq "ence Ihere wUt be no possibilities to wanted, unloved and battered·about existence. After the Holland dlt· organize the tournament In Spain. flcultle. , Moscow and Madrid popped up as posslblc loclles Ind then Thill III anolher grave situation, wh!ch I a m fll.<:lnl when dlctallng dimmed out. In desperation V.I.D.F.. President J-'olke Rogard " 'en! to Ihi. letter, and I now have to d:scu$s ..· \th you, de.r friends, what we StOCkholm Chess and civic oHLclals with a lis t minute appeal to locate have to do to come over the dIHlcullle•. thll event In the Swedish capitol cit)l. Whit e lM could he do with the CA:-JOIDATES only months . w.y?! Swedish officIaldom responded In One Ihln, ... de., to me as your preside nt. The International fine ' t)lle but their assistance stili mlssel tbe mark flnandally, b)' a POUtlcal tension ... II sad fact but m ..st not Interfere with our non· conatderlble marrln. POIIUnl work. It seem$ to me that lusl "OW It Is mOre 1mPOr tan! than eve r thai we chell fMends keep toge ther .nd show th. t .mongst The final step, re luctantly la ke n b)l Pre_ldent Rogard, w.. to ral&e UI friendship and confidence am, as alwlY', prevlI.llinl. Ihe entry fees from $37.$0 per p a rtlcl~n t to $375.00 ..• a total entry tab Cor tbe United Stal.es of $1 ,125.00. In light of tbl5 dbhearteninl Th" I. why we have to oreanlw our Inlenonll lournament In deve lopment the American Chess Foundation hll ag~ to pay the due time to be folLo ..... ed by the candldatu tournament next spring. total Ilr travel expense of our pl' yers ($2,000.001, leaving the USCF' But I do not know If the Dutch feder.lion will be In a position to f ree or any Bhare of Ihls burden. :-Jeedleu to say there Ian'! lJ'iy secure ,,11&5 f or all pIrUc1pants. money In the USCF bank account to cover this entry COlt 10 I mu.at So I h ave startC'd to contemplate the po5llbilltiel to let F .I.D.E. onee more appeal to the m l m bcrahlp fer l upport. It II unthinkable Itlelf organll e the tournament In Swcden. For thl$ purpose I nced tha! our players could not like pa rt because tbelr Federation can'! money from a) our S"'cdlsh authorlUe~ or other donlton and b) the raise the entry fee! par tlc lpltlng federal10ns to such a total Imount that the rest can Please mall dollars or clleck$ qulekly to INTERZONAL n;ND In be cOl'cred by the ~·. I.D.E . treasury. care or me, 31)11 Paseo, Okll . City 3, Okll. Think )'OU for )'our eon· Sincerely )l OUrl, tlnued support. (Folke Rollardl Jerry G. Spann I President of F.I.D.E. V.tO.t!. Vice President Interzonal Fund c/o Jerry G. Spann, FIDE V.P. 3011 Poseo Oklahomo City 3, Ok.lo. Dear Jerry, I enclose as my contribution toward American partiCipation in the 1962 Interzonal Tournament. Name ................................................................. ....................................................................................................... Address .................. ........ ..... .... .. , ................. ................ ...................... ......... .. ........ .................................. ...... .... .... ..... .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........... ... ...... ... ...................... ................. ......................... CHISS LIFi Ia publlahed monthly by the Family Dun for two or more members of CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeltll1ot1ce r . United State. Chess Fede ration. SeeoDd e ..... one tam.lly Uvln, at the same addre... lnclUd· quired. When orderin, add.TeSll ebllDfe, pie ... paatage paid at Dubuque, Iowa. furnllh addr ....tencll JD:lpre.$.$lon froD:l r eeeni In, only one subscription to CH." LlFIi, are lsaue or exaet reprodUctiOn lneludlng num­ SEND ALL communkat!ons to U.S. CHESS at re,ular rate. (lee above) plus the followlna: bera and d atu on top line. FEDERATION, 10 Eut 11th Street, New York 3, N. Y. rlt... tor eacb ..sdltlol1aa memberahlp: QDe Year: $1.50, """0 Yean: $4.7S, Th"e Yean: OFFICE OF PUBLICATION, DUll IDeludin, ,ubKrlptlon and all other prlvlle,u: U .?S. SubKr:lpUon rale of CHISS LIFE to Chili Life. au Bluff St., DubuqUe, Iowa. lIon·members: " .00 per year . ONIl YEAR; $S.ot TWO YEARS; $ • .so THREE YEARS: $U.s. SUSTAINING: $1'. • ... , (Becomes Life Membenhlp alter 10 paymenll) TH, LIFE: $10'.00 SINGLE COPIES: 4Dc each . 51)c For eign. so Ii . 2 CHESS LIFE - CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE CHESS LIFE CHESS LIFE now enters its second year as a monthly magazine. It does so carry· ing changed masthead; a na me unfamiliar to most of you replaces one deservedly Volume XVU Number 1 January, 196t a fa miliar to you all. EDITOR: J . F. Reinhardt Under Frank Brady's editorship, volume XVI or CHESS LIFE sparked a new PUBLISHED BY phase in the development or the U.S.C.F. From the first. the new magazine estab­ THE UNITED STATES CHESS lished itscJ[ among the leading chess publications or tbe world. The pride that all FEDERATION of us, as Federation members, have taken in the new CHESS LrFE is a proper tribute to the devotion, energy, and skill that. Frank Brady brought to his task as PRESIDENT editor. FTed Cr amer This first number of volume XVII, though bearing the name or the new editor, FIDE VICE·PRESIDENT is sUlI heavily indebted to the old. Frank Brady provided most of the material for Jerry G. Spann this issue, including the highly original and entertaining cover. Even more impor. tant, perhaps, he provided a good part of the practical advice that prevented his VICE PRESIDENT successor's diUicult job from becoming Impossible right at the start. Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. Thanks are due also to the staU of the U.S.C.F. business oUice-Sybilla Hark· SECRETARY ness, George Sendeckyj, and Gary Speriing-and tp my lriend, Bob Braine, for their Marshall Robland untiring assistance in keeping things running smoothly even during the turmoil of the U.S. Championship tournament. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY -J. F . Relnhudt Sybilla Harkness REGIONAl. VICE·PRESIDENTS HIW INOUND wtlll• m C. N ....lan )' R'cb'nI 'I'trTIlU U. S. Championship: EVANS WINS IT! El1 Bourdon 1. E vans, Larry ....... ... .......... 7lh-3lh H earst, EASTI"N Chulet A . KeJ'ser 7. Eliot .................... 5'k·5'h DaY1d Holfmllnn •-. Byrne, Robt. .................... 7 -4 8. Bynlc, D ........................... 5 ..a Allen J(aurm.ann 3-6. Benko, Pal ...................... .. 6'k-4lf.t 9. \Veinstcin, R .... ............ .. ..4'h·6'h MID.... TLANTIC ,JOhD. D. Jrhlheson 3-6. Mcdnis, E. ......... .. ............. 6~i-4lh 10. Turner, Abe ..... ...... ......... ..4 -7 William A. Buth 3-6. Seidman, H . ........ ....... .. .. .6lf.t-4lf.t 11. Kramer, Ceo ..................... 3'k·7~iI W'l!!lm S. Byl.al:r.d 3-6. Sherwin, J....................... .. 6'k-41h 12. Bernste in, S........ ............... 3 -8 Dr. Stuart Noblin Robert EuI..... oo4 Details a nd Games in o ur February issue. !.annuu Foater GREAT UK.S Jack O'Keefe Jamu SChroeder Dr. Howard Ga.b. NOIlT" CINTItAL Geor,. S. Barnes Eva Aronlon Dt. Geo. Van Dyke U eu SOUTHWasT.,," c. HArOld Bone Dould Define JUUl 1. Re1d ....CIPIC Hauy Grou IUchud. V'ndeobl1l'C Mabel Burllncame NATIONAL CHAIRMEN AND OFFICERS AFFILIAn STATU. Spen~ r Van Gelder ARMIC FORCI5-C<>l. J ohn D. M . t~&On aUSINIISS MANAGEIt-J. P. Reinha rdt COLLIO. CHUI-Peter Berlow INDUSTRIAL CHI" Stanley W.
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