CONTENTS OBSAH Opening Adresses Address by the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic . 3 Words by the Minister of Economy . 4 Self-government of the Slovak republic Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. 43 Slovak Republic – Maps . 6 Science Park of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava 45 Slovak Republic – General Information . .7 The University Science Park CAMBO, MTF STU in Trnava . 48 Self-government – Cities and Towns . .8 University of Žilina. 50 Great Moravian Empire . 16 Roads & traffic infrastructure of the Slovak Republic Comenius University in Bratislava. 54 Road Network . 17 Slovak Agricultural and Food Chamber Air Transport . 24 Words by the President of SAFC . 58 Railways Transport . 25 Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry Important Companies Presentation Words by the President of SCCI . 61 1. Industry . 26 The Region of Banská Bystrica . 64 Agricultural and Food Sector The Region of Bratislava . 66 Building Industry Office of SCCI Košice . 67 Engineering Sector The Region of Prešov . 68 Power Engineering The Region of Trenčín . 69 Electrotechnics, Electronics The Region of Trnava . 70 Chemical, Rubber and Plastics Industry The Region of Žilina – North-Slovakia County . 71 Glass and Stoneware manufacturing Addresses of National Institutions . 74 Wraps and Packaging Paper and Cellulose Diplomatic Missions 2. Services . 34 Slovak Embassies Worldwide . 75 Environment and Ecology Slovak Missions and Slovak Institutes. 78 Fairs and Exhibitions Foreing Embassies Accredited for Slovakia. 79 Financial and Economic Services Database . 84 Science, Research, Education Translations and Interpreting V. I. P. 87 Transport and Logistics Register . 88 Water Management National Institutions, International Organizations 3. Tourism . 37 Hotels, Accommodation Spa Published by: Graphical design: Head of the Editorial Board Copyright © INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r. o. INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r.o. INFOMA Graphics Studio Dipl. Ing. Miroslav Porubän 16th edition Bulharská 70 Bulharská 70 Editorial board: Circulation: 4000 copies 821 04 Bratislava 2 821 04 Bratislava 2 Dipl. Ing. Július Geleta All Rights Reserved tel.: +421 2 4342 1531 tel.: +421 2 4342 1563 Emília Gurská ISBN ISBN 978-80-89087-68-6 fax: +421 2 2081 2018 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.infomatim.infoma.sk www.infoma.sk Mgr. Marcel Kostelník Editor: Dipl. Ing. MIlan Nehaj Printed by: OTA, a.s. 9 788089 087686 Košice 1 OBSAH CONTENTS Príhovory Príhovor ministra zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí SR . 3 Príhovor ministra hospodárstva . 4 Samospráva SR Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave . 43 Slovenská republika – Mapa. 6 Univerzitný vedecký park STU v Bratislave . 45 Základné informácie o Slovenskej republike . 7 Univerzitný vedecký park CAMBO, MTF STU v Trnave. 48 Samospráva – mestá a obce. 8 Žilinská univerzita v Žiline. 50 Veľkomoravská ríša . 16 Dopravná infraštruktúra Slovenskej republiky Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave . 54 Cestná doprava . 17 Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potraninárska komora Letecká doprava . 24 Príhovor prezidenta SPPK . 58 Železničná doprava . 25 Slovenská obchodná a priemyselná komora Prezentované spoločnosti Príhovor prezidenta SOPK . 61 1. Priemysel . 26 Región Banská Bystrica. 64 Agrárny a potravinársky priemysel Región Bratislava . 66 Stavebný priemysel Kancelária SOPK Košice . 67 Strojársky priemysel Región Prešov . 68 Energetický a elektrotechnický priemysel Región Trenčín. 69 Elektrotechnika, elektronika Región Trnava . 70 Chemický, gumárenský a plastikárenský priemysel Región Žilina . 71 Sklársky a keramický priemysel Adresy štátnych inštitúcií. 74 Obaly a obalová technika Papier a celulóza Diplomatické misie Slovenské veľvyslanectvá vo svete. 75 2. Služby . 34 Slovenské misie a Slovenské inštitúty. 78 Životné prostredie a ekológia Zahraničné veľvyslanectvá akreditované pre Slovenskú republiku . 79 Veľtrhy a výstavy Finančné a ekonomické služby Databáza. 84 Veda, výskum, školstvo V. I. P. 87 Preklady a tlmočenie Doprava a logistika Register . 88 Vodné hospodárstvo Štátne inštitúcie a Medzinárodné organizácie v SR 3. Cestovný ruch . 37 Hotely, ubytovacie zariadenia Kúpele Vydalo: Grafické spracovanie: Vedúci redakčnej rady: Copyright © INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r. o. INFOMA Business Trading, spol. s r.o. INFOMA Graphics Studio Ing. Miroslav Porubän Šestnáste vydanie Bulharská 70 Bulharská 70 Redakčná rada: Náklad: 4000 výtlačkov 821 04 Bratislava 2 821 04 Bratislava 2 Ing. Július Geleta Všetky práva vyhradené tel.: +421 2 4342 1531 tel.: +421 2 4342 1563 Emília Gurská ISBN 978-80-89087-68-6 fax: +421 2 2081 2018 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.infomatim.infoma.sk www.infoma.sk Mgr. Marcel Kostelník Editor: Ing. MIlan Nehaj Tlač: OTA, a.s. Košice 9 788089 087686 2 ADDRESS BY THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AND EUROPEAN AFFAIRS OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC PRÍHOVOR MINISTRA ZAHRANIČNÝCH VECÍ A EURÓPSKYCH ZÁLEŽITOSTÍ SR Slovakia´s Main Priority is Successful Presidency of the EU Council On 01 July, Slovakia will assume its first presi- With regard to our priorities, we also aim to dency of the Council of the European Union in focus on several complex issues, such as energy history. Although it has been 12 years since our security or the digital market. A special chap- entry in the EU, our European integration will ter which will test the skills of the presidency culminate with the execution of the rotating country most includes unexpected and sudden presidency with everything that pertains to it – events which have recently been, unfortunate- by exercising one of the most responsible tasks ly, numerous (like the terrorist attacks in Paris related to Union membership. or Brussels). Slovakia is and is willing to stay within the We perceive our presidency of the Council core of the European integration. We form part of the European Union as a service for the EU of the common European currency and of the and for our partners. For Slovakia, it is an event Schengen zone of free movement. Active and of nationwide importance; for the EU, perhaps responsible EU membership continues to be a “just” another half-year rotation. We want to priority of the Slovak Government in which I am lead the EU Council so that our presidency holding for the third time already the post of benefits all. Our success also depends on the Foreign Minister. The top priority of this period way we manage to bring solutions to the most will.
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