Peeifre &rim Coming! Pacific Union i"iECO EINIE Youth Congress OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS LONG BEACH ARIZONA • CALIFORNIA • HAWAII • NEVADA • UTAH SPORTS ARENA VOL. 62 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, JANUARY 21, 1963 NO. 26 April 11 to 13, 1963 "If We Are Honest Long Beach, California A Series of Messages on the Fellowship of the Ecclesia With Ourselves" The Apostle Paul speaking to the Philippians said, "I thank my God upon A few weeks ago, at a conference in every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making Portland, Oregon, Governor LeRoy Col- request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now." lins, President of N.A.B., made a stinging attack directed at TV advertising of cig- —Phil. 1:3-5. The church of Christ consists of people who have been called out It took courage, real courage, for Gov- of the world into a redemptive church family. It arettes, a 130-million-dollar-a-year busi- ernor Collins to make this speech person- is most important that we recapture the essence ness. In his speech the governor spoke critically of cigarette advertising beamed at ally and directly at those engaged in of a redemptive church fellowship. the business. Such courage of conviction The fellowship of the church exists not school-age youngsters. Reaction to his state- ment, pro and con, was immediate and should impel every Adventist to do more only for those within but also for those without in behalf of temperance than ever before. the church. "Ye are the salt of the earth."— intense on a nationwide basis. "If we are Matt. 5:13. A genuine fellowship cannot be honest with ourselves," said the head of Recently the celebrated Pritchard case contained within its immediate membership. the National Association of Broadcasters, against Liggitt and Myers Tobacco Com- "Ye are the light of the world."—Matt. 5:14. "we cannot ignore the mounting evidence pany, makers of Chesterfield cigarettes, was We who belong to the remnant church have that tobacco provides a serious hazard to closed. The verdict: Cigarettes are guilty, voluntarily chosen this church fellowship. We health. Can we either in good conscience but the manufacturers are not liable. grow in fellowship when our lives enter into ignore the fact that progressively more and more of our high-school-age (and lower) Otto Pritchard smoked Chesterfields 25 each other, interpenetrate and we become mem- children are now becoming habitual ciga- years before contracting lung cancer, and bers of one another. There is really no individual rette smokers? The most recent statistics then had one lung removed. Today he is growth. Growth does not take place in a vacuum. I have seen point out that 20 per cent of in fair health. Having smoked the same We are social beings. No one can claim that he boys have started smoking in the ninth brand of cigarettes all his life, he decided is self-made for he starts at least in a community grade and almost 30 per cent of all girls to sue the tobacco company and placed his case in the hands of Attorney James P. of three. smoke before they are graduated from high "No man is an island, no man stands alone." McArdle of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who R. R. Bietz school. We also know that this condition One of the greatest factors of spiritual growth is being made continually worse under the represents one of the largest law firms in can be our fellowship with believers. Those of us who have had the privilege of impact of advertising designed primarily to the world. While the legal ruling implied being members of the church ever since the days of our youth know from experi- influence young people. Certainly the that the tobacco company committed no ence about the joy and strength of church fellowship. In our younger days we moral responsibility rests first on the to- breach of warranty under the law, the didn't realize the full significance of this spiritual brotherhood, but in later years, bacco manufacturer. Certainly it also rests court acknowledges that there exists a di- and not very late at that, we experience that this early fellowship built something on the advertising agencies. Certainly it rect relationship between smoking and very much worth while into our lives. We find ourselves held to the church with also rests on the outstanding sports figures lung cancer. (Incidentally, Attorney Mc- strong spiritual and emotional ties. who permit their hero status to be prosti- Ardle will speak Thursday night, April 11, It is my purpose to write a series of brief messages emphasizing the ingredients tuted. Where others have persistently at the Union Youth Congress in Long of a redemptive fellowship. These will appear in the RECORDER week by week for failed to subordinate their profit motives to Beach, California, and will give a full re- the next few months. I shall attempt to point out factors which make the fellow- the higher purpose of the general good port on this case. Don't miss his thrilling ship of God's children significant. Many hundreds, yes, perhaps thousands, have health of our young people, then I think report.) The reason this firm has invested lefe the church because they found no satisfying fellowship. The Psalmist said, the broadcaster should make corrective scores of thousands of dollars in this case "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." moves on his own. This we could do under was to warn the public, especially the —Ps. 133:1. It is indeed a pleasant experience to be united in fellowship with code amendments, and I feel we should youth, against the dangers of smoking. Christ and His followers. A partial list of the messages which will appear are proceed to do so, not because we are re- This he has repeatedly emphasized. as follows: quired to, but because a sense of moral This court case points out more than Becoming Members of the Fellowship responsibility demands it." (Continued on Page 8) Fellowship and Church Organization The Place of Rules and Regulations of the Fellowship Severing Unworthy Members from the Fellowship LOOK FOR THIS Dishonesty and Fellowship Criticism, the Destroyer of Fellowship A.T.S. Church Fellowship and Adornment P.O. Sox 36 NONPROFIT Holy Matrimony and Fellowship Angwin, Calif. ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage Divorce and Fellowship PAID Fellowshiping With Christ Through Music Permit No. 37 Fellowship and the Sabbath Angwin, Calif. It is my prayer that these and other messages which will appear from week to week will give us a greater appreciation of the wonderful privilege of fellow- shiping with the members of the spiritual household. R. R. BIETZ, President, Pacific Union Conference. John Doe Anyt own ATTENTION The eleventh quadrennial session of the Pacific Union Conference will be held in Long Beach February 3 to 7 in the Civic Auditorium. The first meeting will start promptly at An URGENT Message From Your Church 7:15 p.m., Sunday, February 3. After the sermon the delegates will be seated and committees will be appointed. Elder R. R. Figuhr will speak at 8:15 Monday morning, February 4, after whith reports will be rendered and committees will be in session. All delegates and ministers attending this session and ministerial institute should be present for the first meeting. A special envelope with a message enclosed this urgent yor home this week. We trust you will Members of our churches are welcome to attend the evening meetings. R. R. BIETZ. respond appeal. "Why I Am Happy I Came to Rio Lindo Academy" Ten-hour Leadercraft Course Thetifr 1/oleo My family has just returned from spend- enough! This world-famous campus has at Golden Gate Academy i=teiccomIDE FL ing ten years in the mission field. Before unexcelled facilities. It has what I con- OHIO. 0400. OF i•le toalOo CC.11.1C1 OF IFV0frtidO FUFVCrar011 One hundred twenty MV Leadercraft ArtIONA • 111,0040 • •OW.. • tevAi. • VI011 I came to Rio Lindo Academy I had heard sider to be the most nearly perfect faculty Certificates were presented to the students what a beautiful school this was. Now that ever gathered together in over one hundred of Golden Gate Academy at noon on Jan- I am here the things that impress me even years of Adventist history. The location POSTMASTERS: All notices should be sent to uary 3. This was the conclusion of ten more than the beautiful campus and the is inspired, and places us one step closer PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, Box 36, Angwin, hours of Leadercraft instruction given by up-to-date equipment are the consecrated to God. At Rio Lindo Academy I see more California. C. H. Seitz and George Yost, conference Christian teachers and the high standards fully the wonderful truths learned from a MV secretaries, who were assisted by guest EDITOR W. J. Blacker that are upheld. I can truthfully say that sacrificing mother who is going without the lecturers such as Elder L. R. Callender and ASSISTANT EDITOR Mrs. Margaret Follett luxuries many women consider necessities Elder Alban Millard of Pacific Union Col- ASSISTANT EDITOR R R. Bieiz in order that I might have a Christian edu- cation. Here the good influence of my lege; Elder Wayne Thurber, principal of NORTHE RN father is carried on even though the scales Golden Gate Academy; and Elder Miller PACIFIC UNION RECORDER, official orgari. Brockett, Pacific Union MV secretary. of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day CA LIFORNIA of unconversion still rest upon his eyes.
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