A Panorama COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF Of Local HOLMDEL. MADISON MARLBORO. MATAWAN People And AND Events MAI A WAN BOROUGH MsraMt •6th YEAR - 4th WEEK MATAWAN. N. J.. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1964 Htm J«M> Prc Single Copy Ten Cents *Soup's On" - At Boy Scout JumlxM-cc In Valley Forge Barbagciata In Seek Hearing Township To Acquire Malawan Township Mayor lie*. ry Tranhagen said Monday algM For Gas Station the township has petitlued the Stale Highway IK-parlment far • , Strathmore WaterCo. Third Time Before hearing on its appeal for a Iraf-. • The Matawan Township Commit- Borough Zone Board flc light al the Intersection t| tee Monday night voted unanimous- Koule 34 and l.loyd Rd. The re- ly to acquire either by purchase or No Quorum John Barbagclata, Nolan'j Cor- quest has received a verbal de- nial. (Condemnation, the Slrathmore Wat- ner Rd,. Morganville, renewed his er Co., a private utility serving The Malawan Borough Planning The mayor also reported thai ever MM home* in Strathmore and Board failed to hold Us regularly attempt to free his property 110 the Monmouth County Board of immediate areas. scheduled meeting Monday due to fee! .south of Mill Rd. on the south I'reeholders will be asked lo wid- , The township plan* to finance the lack of a quorum. The board will side of Route. Jl from the limita- en Cliffwood Ave. and relocate • hold a ipscial meeting Thursday, tions of residential zoning in the stop line on Ihe street at its Inter- purchase with a bond inue, then July 30. Create a utilities authority which. Borough ol MaUw.-iii lust night, so section with Rome 33. He said trucks and other vehicles enter- In turn, would float its own isiue to the Sun Oil Co can erect a gas repay the township. The utilities ing the street from Koutc SS re- f authority to be created would be .station :in it. quire additional room in which t» ' comprised of present members of Bonds For Roads The move wai opposed by Mich- turn. the sewerage authority which theo ael C. liarnaclc, Mjddletown, for The county also is being press* would be dissolved. And Water Mains ihe. Goodrich residential owner to ed lo locale a stop light al the • The plan to acquire the private lb«' rear, Mr. IJarbagelutu again intersection of Lower Main SI. Utility, valued at about tl.400.0M. Commit!** Receives and Gerard Ave. A police radar Is designed to reduce water rates related be had owe..-d tbe property survey, (o delernilm- practical in Strathmore, Levitt and Sons, Inc. Bids For Work five years, never bad had an offer speed limits on main arteries la planned community. The minimum to buy it for residential UM_*S. but the township now is under way, annual rale by the company now is Ordinances authorizing bond Is- had been approached in the past j it was reported. HO. It J higher than rates charged sues totalling, $96,000 to finance im- two.ind-one-'.alf years bv oil com-j — by the municipality or another pri- provements to streets and the in- J panies wanting to buy it- He. said it | vate water company in the (own-stallation of new water mains In had 220 feet in frontage and ran! Ship. the River Gardens and Cliffwood ] back over 200 feel |New Herman Plan Campreheaslve Study areas were introduced by the Mata- Kdward l;raiu:ey, a tx>ard mem- Action by the committee Monday wan Township Committee Monday ber, wanted to know live exact Implemented a preliminary survey night. Public hearings on both ordi- date Mr. Uarbagelala had acquired Meets Opposition by • ckiien's water committee and nances are scheduled Aug. 3. the property, as there could have • comprehensive study of financ- One Issue, totalling 160,000 will been a period before revised zon- Zoners Also Hold ing by John V. Moran, who thepay for the surfacing »f 15 streets, ing when :t would have been open township retained as a utility bond- comprising over 70.000 square lo .sale for business use. But Mr. Bank Office Decision % Ing and financing expert. yards of paving. Tlie second ordi- ll.irhagelata protested the coming ( ' - Mr. Moran reported that If thenance bonds 138,000 to pay for the : of thi" Strathmore Shopping Center: Another plan offered by Dr. Levitt people will agree to sell the installation of new water mains on 1 across the highway and nil!!* gas; ; Ralph Herman, Keansburg, for us* water company, the aale could be five streets in the Cliffwood area. stations on the Matawan Town-ship,, of his -US-acre tract of land on •eRotiated in four months. How- Bids for the road and water work .side of the line within the past year ;j Church SI , Matawan Township, ran ever, he said if condemnation is were received by the committee or two made todav'.s cond'tions into strong opposition last night at •ecesaary, the neRotla'ions for theMonday night and referred to the vastly different from those when be Ihe meeting of the Malawan Town- purchase could take up to a year, township engineer for recommen- iMMijibt the properly j ship Zoning Hoard of Adjustment. depending if pne side or the other dation. C. DellaPietro, Inc., Hope- Not I'lir Residential Use I Last month, th' board rejected appeals the price set by the court- lawn, was low bidder for the road Ailbur ('. llurge.s. I'ertb Amlxiy. ! tbi- physician's application to con- appointed condemnation commis- work at $49,986. The Call Corp., sion. 1 allorni-y f--r Ihe applicant, put Ster- . struct a in.unit professional (ifficB Matawan, was low bidder for the i ling Thump-- m, Muiawan realtor on building in ihe property. Last night, He said he recommended that, If water main installation at (26,295. Condemnation is necessary, it be ! the stand Mr. Thompson said his Di- Herman sought a varianc* Other bidders for (he road resur- own office n.s on Route .11, thai . ('"in the minimum L'j.lXIO-square- undertaken by the municipality in- was therefore very much aware foot lot size to subdivide the tract stead of the proposed utilities auth- facing contract were Stavola Con- he ority. He said the law gives broad tracting Co., Inc., Mlddletown, $59.- of conditions along that highway ' into 16 hornesiies powers of condemnation to a muni- 185; the Manzo Contracting Co., and he could not envision a .sale However, a large number of res- Matawan, S54,866, and the J anna- dents in adjoining Slralhinore cipal body, more so than that of an Texas and New Jersey area boys turn chef during the Sixth Na-1 snd slews, appears on the menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for res'dentia! IIM.; ut the site of rone Engineering Co,, Matawan, Mr Harb;ir;i.'laia's land protested that no variance should authority. 152,633. tional Boy Scout Jamboree al Valley Forge Slate Park, Pa., July 17 Gathered aaround the aoup chel are from tell: John Thompson, Middle- through 2J. Cook's duties arc rotated among Sa.taa scouts from 5» I came l-.dward Slier, New- granted since Ihe Ir.ict was not Others offering bids on the instal- town; «>ch.rdMaln and Bug... .lym.n. fttaUw..; Mike Buehdc, San ^..V^ ^He" related.,, ; p^^,7 f , p^^pl d «,,,^mmnty. Tha^i Rotariant Help K««p states and 31 foreign countries. Canned soup, a favorite of the young Augustine, Tex. workers Imd taken a traffic nxint lation of water mains were Univer- chefs because It eases up preparation and cooking time of chowders applicant agreed to amend the ap- sal Utility Corp., Woodbridite, $26,- which showed I'M ca: -i passing the plication to provide for only 14 Silver In Matawan 788; Nesto Construction Co., New- property between T a.m. and 7 p.m. 'homes on ihr Ir.ic! and will resub- ark, $36,538; Edward Blaser Con- on A wvekdav Mi Stier found nut il Au^. 2<i Thursday the Matawan Rotary Plan Curfew 30 Acres For School Ibis a sufficient volume of traffic Club, in conjunction with the Rot-struction Co., Rumson, $37,236, and • 'Hie board also held until Aug. Jan Brothers, Inc., Perth Amboy, Wehrle, Hclfrich Strathmore Tie-In (continued on page four) j 21 a decision on Ihe application of ary Club in Millville, held its week- An ordinance setting a juvenile Madison Township Board of ly luncheon meeting in the Texas $31,339. curfew and prohibiting loitering ! David Cronheim. bu'lder of Ihe Education Thursday accepted a Cliffwood Shopping Center, lo con- Pavilion at the New York World's Harold Painkin, Avondale Lane: Given Bus Routes and telling ,Mrenlal lespoailblli- For Mohrhultcr donation of 3tt acres ol land from Special Meeting For Pair. Stanley Spiegel, Carol Lane, and ly on oflenders was recommend- struct a branch bank building on Merrill Hulkling Corp., of KOIMTI (continued on page four) Two busloads of MaUwan Rotsr- (continued on page four) Matawan Board Takes ed Friday night by Ihe Matawan . Water Company Told A. Sharkey, Clifton, us developer Matawan Demo Club lans and their (rlends left from Borough Council's police commit- of the 315 homes Lake I.efferts the Broad St. school grounds at Bids Totaling $17,200 tee. To Provide Service Kstalcs on the wesl side of lake Charles A O'lliire. president of Arrest four j the Matawan Democratic Club, an- Reject Union I:M a.m. Arrangements for the Council President Warren I'. Lefferls on Route 51«. The land trip were made by Arthur Smith, Malawan Regional Board of Ed- William Mohrbulter, 511 Line Rd., is t)|)|>osile the old Cedar drove ' noiiures ti special meeting to be Matawan Township Dot.
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