Stag Brewery, Mortlake Statement of Community Involvement For Reselton Properties February 2018 THE STAG BREWERY STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FEBRUARY 2018 STAG BREWERY REPORT STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 THE PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT 2.2 THE CONSULTATION OVERVIEW AND SOUNDINGS ROLE 2.3 FORM OF PLANNING APPLICATION 2.4 LBRUT STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 2.5 OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 3 PEOPLE AND PLACE 3.1 HISTORY OF THE STAG BREWERY SITE 3.2 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.3 SURROUNDING AREA 3.4 THE LOCAL COMMUNITY 4 CONSULTATION PROCESS 4.1 AIMS OF CONSULTATION 4.2 CONSULTATION PLAN AND TIMELINE 4.3 SCHEDULE OF CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES 4.4 CONSULTATION TOOLS 4.5 PUBLICITY AND COMMUNICATIONS 4.6 HOW THE MASTERPLAN WAS INFORMED BY CONSULTATION 4.7 FEEDBACK ON THE CONSULTATION PROCESS 5 STAGE 1: BUILDING AN UNDERSTANDING 5.1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 5.2 OVERVIEW OF CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES 5.3 INTRODUCING THE PROJECT AND RAISING AWARENESS 5.4 CONSULTATION AT SUMMER FAIRS 5.5 MEETINGS WITH LOCAL GROUPS 5.6 CONCEPT DESIGNS FEBRUARY 2018 THE STAG BREWERY STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 STAGE 2: DRAFT MASTERPLAN 6.1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 6.2 OVERVIEW OF CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES 6.3 FORMING THE COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP (CLG) 6.4 FIRST PUBLIC EXHIBITION: EVENT AND FINDINGS 6.5 CLG MEETING 1: THE NEW SCHOOL 6.6 CLG MEETING 2: DENSITY, PUBLIC SPACE AND SCHOOL UPDATES 6.7 CLG MEETING 3: TRANSPORT, TRAFFIC AND ENVIRONMENT 6.8 CLG MEETING 4: MASTERPLAN UPDATES 6.9 DRAFT MASTERPLAN 7 STAGE 3: FINAL MASTERPLAN 7.1 FINAL MASTERPLAN 7.2 OVERVIEW OF CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES 7.3 SECOND PUBLIC EXHIBITION: EVENT AND FINDINGS 7.4 CLG MEETING 5: FINAL MASTERPLAN 7.5 FINAL MASTERPLAN 8 HOW THE MASTERPLAN RESPONDED TO CONSULTATION 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8.2 KEY CONSULTATION THEMES 8.3 HOW THE MASTERPLAN RESPONDED TO KEY CONCERNS 9 APPENDICES STAG BREWERY REPORT Public Exhibition at the Stag Brewery FEBRUARY 2018 SECTION ONE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The consultation and engagement described in This consultation has considered the parameters this document details the extensive process that and guidance laid out in the National Planning has taken place between July 2016 and February Policy Framework (NPPF), Localism Act 2011, the 2018 informing the planning application for the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Stag Brewery. The consultation was facilitated by adopted Statement of Community Involvement, Soundings. along with all over relevant law and policy in guiding this consultation process and its Over 1600 people have been engaged in the outcomes. process, attending two public drop-in exhibitions, providing a total of 1223 representations. In addition, numerous one-to-one meetings were held with local groups and resident organisations, and a Community Liaison Group (CLG) was formed to serve as the sounding board for the duration of the consultation. The CLG included 28 members from 14 different groups and organisations, and a total of six CLG meetings were held, each focusing either on different themes and stages of the masterplan, or on overall masterplan updates, with the wider project team present. The masterplan design has been significantly informed by consultation process. This Statement of Community Involvement gives a detailed overview of the consultation process, the findings from the local feedback and how this feedback has informed the masterplan design. 2 STAG BREWERY REPORT The Mortlake Brewery FEBRUARY 2018 SECTION TWO INTRODUCTION 2.1 PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT 2. THE CONSULTATION OVERVIEW AND SOUNDINGS ROLE This Statement of Community Involvement The public consultation and engagement (SCI) has been prepared by Soundings on was delivered by Soundings. Soundings are behalf of Reselton Properties Limited (‘the community engagement experts with over 20 Applicant’) in support of three linked planning years of experience, that acted as a neutral voice in the development process, engaging applications for the comprehensive communities to inform the design development. redevelopment of the former Stag Brewery Site in Mortlake (‘the Site’) within the London The consultation process has been organised Borough of Richmond pon Thames over three Stages: Stage 1 - Building an (‘LBRuT’). understanding, Stage 2 - Draft masterplan and Stage 3 - Final masterplan. This documents provides a detailed overview of the consultation process, the consultation Over 1600 people actively participated in tools, the findings from each consultation the consultation process, visiting the two event and how the masterplan has responded public exhibitions and leaving a total of 1223 to these. representations. The appendices to this report contain a record Fourteen different local organisations and of publicity and consultation material provided resident groups were part of the CLG. A total of during the consultation and engagement six CLG meetings were held, in addition to one- process. to-one meetings with different group representatives taking place throughout the The three planning applications are as follows: project development. • Application A – hybrid planning application for comprehensive mixed use redevelopment of the former Stag Brewery 2.2 THE SITE site consisting of: i. Land to the east of Ship Lane applied The former Stag Brewery Site is bounded by for in detail (referred to as ‘Development Area Lower Richmond Road to the south, the river 1’ throughout); and Thames and the Thames Bank to the north, ii. Land to the west of Ship Lane Williams Lane to the east and Bulls Alley (off Mortlake High Street) to the west. The Site is (excluding the school) applied for in outline bisected by Ship Lane. The Site currently detail (referred to as ‘Development Area 2’ comprises a mixture of large scale industrial throughout). brewing structures, large areas of hardstanding • Application B – detailed planning and playing fields. application for the school (on land to the west of Ship Lane). • Application C – detailed planning application for highways and landscape works at Chalkers Corner. 4 STAG BREWERY REPORT 2.3 FORM OF PLANNING APPLICATION 2.4 LBRUT STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT The consultation was undertaken for three LBRuT adopted its Statement of Community planning applications that are being submitted, Involvement (SCI) in 2006, and updated it in 2009 namely: and then again in 2015. Application A - hybrid planning application for The SCI sets out the Council’s approach to comprehensive mixed use redevelopment of community involvement on planning applications. the former Stag Brewery site, consisting of: • Land to the east of Ship Lane applied for in For major applications, the Council encourages detail. (Development Area 1) pre-application discussions and community • Land to the west of Ship Lane (excluding the involvement from the outset. Some activities that school) applied for in outline. (Development are recommended are notifying neighbours and Area 2) afected residents in a wider area, holding public Application B - detailed planning application for meetings chaired by an ‘independent person’ etc. the school (on land to the west of Ship Lane) The consultation should make clear distinctions Application C - detailed planning application of the roles and responsibilities of the developer for highways and landscape works at Chalkers on one hand and the local planning authority on Corner. the other. Feedback on how the pre-application consultation has been conducted and what the outcomes have been should be asked by planning officers. These planning application are treated as a major development. The consultation process has been in compliance with requirements set in the SCI, and included comprehensive engagement, including Community Liaison Group meetings chaired by Soundings, as an independent facilitator. 5 FEBRUARY 2018 2.5 OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Application A: Mixed Use Planning permission is sought in outline with all matters reserved for works to the west of Ship Lane which comprise: Hybrid application to include the demolition of existing buildings to allow for the comprehensive a) The erection of a single storey basement and phased redevelopment of the site: buildings varying in height from 3 to 7 storeys Planning permission is sought in detail for works b) Residential development of up to 224 units to the east side of Ship Lane which comprise: c) Nursing and care home (up to 80 ensuite • Demolition of existing buildings (except The rooms) with associated communal and staf Maltings and the façade of the Bottling Plant and facilities former Hotel), walls, associated structures, site clearance and groundworks; d) p to 150 units of fexible use living accommodation for either assisted living or • Alterations and extensions to existing buildings residential use and erection of 12 buildings varying in height from 3 to 8 storeys plus a single storey basement e) Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and service parking • 443 residential apartments f) Provision of public open space, amenity and • Flexible use foorspace for: play space and landscaping. i. Retail, fnancial and professional services, caf/ g) New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses restaurant and drinking establishment uses and internal routes, and associated highway ii. Ofces works iii. Non-residential institutions and community use iv. Boathouse Application B: School • Hotel / public house with accommodation a) the erection of a three storey building to • Cinema provide a new secondary school with sixth
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