1126 NOR POST OFFICE LONDON NOR North St. Pan eras Working Men's Club & Institute (A. J. Rob bins, Norlhcott H. R. & Co. genel'fll fibre & russian produce brokers, 43 Norlon Harry & Alfred Edward, printers, 5 Falcon aquar& EC,; sec.), 4 Lismore circus, Haverstock hill NW .Mincing lane E C-T A "Komercisto, Fen "; 'I' N 54<>7 A venue T N 3Z20 London Wall North & South Western Junction Railway Company (John Hyde Northcott & Son, carpenters, 121 Cromer street WC Norton Hugh Samuel & Co. acconntants, 114 Cheapside EC ... sec.), Euston station, Drnmmond street NW Northcott Waiter Clifford, chartered accountant, see Holroyd, T N 12897 Central North Sta:H'ordshire Tramway!! Co. Ltd. 1 Kingsway WC West & Northcott-T A "Nobbirg-, Ave "; T N 870 Central Norton John & Co. tea brokers, 9 Mincing lane E C-TA. "Sancho"; North Tarkwa Synilicate Ltd. 1 London wall buildings E C Northcroft, Neighbour & Nichol.Eon, quantity surveyors, 3zg High T N 10455 Central North Wales Trading Co. Ltd. 91 & 93 Bishop~gate E C-T .A. Holborn WC-T .A." Quantin(!', Holb"; T N lo34 Central Sorton & Langridge (Hugh Taylor Taylor), wine & spirit mer. "Blotless, led"; T N 63g5 London Wall N'orthcroft & Co. wire workers & japanners,36 Manc>r st.Cbelsea S \\ chants, 9 Wood street E C & Mitre court, Milk street E C- North West Coal Co. coal merchants, 4 Kilburn bridge, Kilburn NW - T N 1899 Keasington TA " Miterwort ,Dent'' : T N 55gl Bank North West Corporation Ltd. 6 .A ustinfriars E C-T ~ 7151 North croft Annie(Miss ), teacher of singing, 181 King's rd.Chelsea SW Norton, Mega.w & Co. Ltd. brazilian merchants, 36 T.ime street E C London Wall · N'orthcroft Edw!lrd, tailor, 49 Queen's rOBd, Bayswat('I W -T A "Megaw, Grace"; T N 4185 Avenue North West District Permanent Building Society (E. Pontis J.ines, , Nonhcroft George, dentist, 115 Harley st W-T N 1795 Paddingto11 N orton, Owen & Co. secretary), 134 Marylebone read NW-T N 4466 Mayfair , Northcroft George James Henry, jomnalist, 16o Fleet street E C- iron, metal & tin plate merchants & agenhl; galvanized iron &c.; North-West London Hospital (nvw the out-patient department of TN 1229 City agents for The Old Castle Iron & Tin Plate Co. I.irn.; The the Hampstead Geneml & North- West London Hospital), Northeast George, ironmonger, 13 Blackwood street, Walworth SE Newcastle ClJilled Shot: Tbe Wollescote Galvanizing Co. & P. Hamilton street, Camden town NW-T N 1734 North Northen, Durham & Trimen, stock & share brokers, 5 Copthall Smith & Son, brass founders, 4 Bishop~gate EC-TA" Recognize, North Western .Ambulance Station (Charles Reginald Stone, supt.), buildings E C-T A "Dummen, Ave" ; T N 1832 London Wall Led": T N's 5g3 & 5g4 .A. venue Lawn road, Hampstead NW-T N 7200 City Northern Aluminium Co. Ltd. (Edward 0. Darling, managing Norton & Rice, tail(Jrs, 1 St. Swithin's lane E C-T N 5Ig8 Bank North-Western Chief District Post & Telegraph Ofllce (H. Norris, director). aluminium manufacturers, Caxton house, Tothillst SW Norton Richard & Son, fish salesmen, 18 0Grridor1 & market, postmaster), 28 & Z9 Eversholt street NW -TA" Noraluco, Vie"; T N 295o Victoria Billingsgate E C North Western Fever Hospital (John MacOombie, H. A., H. D. Northern Assurance Co. Ltd. (H. E. Wilson, general man.), I Moor Norton, Rose, Barrington & Co. solicitors, 571 Old Brood Btr8eC medicalsupt.; AlexanderFraser,steward),Lawnrd.Hampstd NW gate street E C-T A" Northern"; T N 433o London Wall E C-T A "Nol'l'OSE', Ave"; T N 65oJ Central -T N 7200 City , Northern BillpostiJJg Ltd. 91 Holloway road N-T N 216g North N'orton, Slade & Co.ch1U'tered.accountants,9 Old Jewry cha.m!;eii!EC North Western Insurance Oo. Ltd.(S.A. Ben nett, general manager), I Northern Camps Ltd. 101 Leadenhall street E C -TA" Equilateral, Stock"; T N zoS Central qq&5o Watling st E C-TA "Averaging,Cent";TN's z8IS&z816City Northern Collieries ABSociation, 149 Pancras road NW ; 279 Norton & Son~, tailors, 44 Oonduit street W-T N 1725 Mayfair North Western Meat Co. butchers, 58 Queen's crescent NW North End road W & 2o6.A., Holland road W Norton Thomas & Son Lim. wheelwright& 91 to 95 Tanner ltreet, North VI estern Railway Co. of Peru Ltd. 65 Bisbopsgate E C-T A Northern Counties Motor ServiceI Ltd. 70 Queen Virtoria st E C Bermondsey S E t T N 22Z4 Hop) & motor car body bnildem, "Prutrains, Led"; T N 6626 London Wall Northern Daily Mail(W.Hartlepool),170 Fleet st E C-TN284SCentra.l Knott street·, Deptford SE-T N 1487 New Cross .North-Western of Urngnay Railway Oo. Limited (The) (Roland NorthernDailyTelegtaph(Biackburn),85FleetstE C-TN5noHolbrn Sorton Tom Ltd. motor car accessories, 40 Maddox street W-TN Frederick Fl~her, secretary), 20 Copthall avenue E C-T A Northern District Post Ofllce (J• .A. Walker, postmaster), 116 58o6 Mayfair "Cuareim, .Ave": T N g367 London Wall I Upper street N-T N'B 3o5 Central & 3o1 Nmth Norton, Trist & Gilbert, land agents, 70 Queen street EC~ N01th Zambesi Coal Syndicate Ltd. (A. W. Bird, sec.), 2 London Northern Dooars Tea Co. Lim. Winchester house, Old Broad st E C T N 7212 Central . wall buildings E C-T N's 467o, 4671, 4672 & 4673 London Wall Northern Electrical Oo. 734 Holloway road N Norton William & Co. stockbrokers, z Copthall buildings EC North's Navigation Collieries (188g) Ltd. (W. E. Davies, sec.), 23. Northern Exploration Oo. Ltd. 110 F'enchurch street E C-T .A -T.A. "Teacup, Stock"; TN's 1990 London Wall & 258~ Centml Leaden hall street E C-T .A." Northscol, Led"; T N 547 .A venue '' Norexploco, Fen"; T N 4784 Avenue Norton William & Sons, builders, 42 Sydney st. Chelsea SW (T N »orth .Alfred, dairy, 3g Star str'Bft, Edgware road W Northern General TranSJ:Ort Co. Ltd. 1 Kingsway WC 1156 Kensington) & 13 Crescent place, South Kensington SW North Arthur, new~agent, 1S4 Warwick road, Kensmgton W 'Northern Light, Power & Coal Oo, Ltd. 21 Ironmonger lane E C Norton Co. (Worcester, M!I.SS.), North Benjamin, hairdrBQlel', 70 St. John's road, Hoxton N Northern Motor Co. Ltd. 42 North Audley street W-T A's alundum & crystolon grinding whee!s North Bessy (Mrs.), apartments, 10 Harrington square NW •· Activity" or" Normotoris": T N·g 1264 & 5457 Mayfair (importers, Charles Churchill & Co. Ltd.), g to 1.1 Leonard llt EC North Charles Godfrey, wood turner, 3 Ogle mews, Ogle stret!t W Northern Nigeria (Bauchi) Tin Mines Ltd. 19 St. Swithin's lane E C N'orton Door Check & Spring Co. 76 Turnmill street E C North Edgar, 'Moscow Arms' P .H. 61 & 62 Mofcow rd.Bayswater W -TA" Nigerauchi, Oannon" !!i'orton's Limited (late Willoughby Brothers), patent medicine North Edwin, baker, 65 Fleet road, Hampstead NW Northern Nigeria Trust Ltd. 1 Broad street place E C manufacturers (Norton's camomile pills), Zl Spital sqna.re E North Frank. 'Crown' P.H. 179 Pancras road NW Northern Ontario Land Co. Ltd. 265 Strand WC Norton's Patent .Abyssinian Tube W'ells, see Le Grand & Sutcli!r North Frederick, builder, 467 Hackney road NE-T N 13Ig Da.l~ton Northern Paper Co. p:tper agents, 2o & 21 Qneenhithe E C-T A Norton Alfred, 'Butler's Arnls' P.H. 19 Knottisford street, Bethnal North Frederick, new~agent, 5 HarpE-r street, New Kent road SE "Superrima, Cannon''; T N 36o Bank green E North Frederick Keppel, barrister, 5 Crown office row, Temple Er Northern Polytechnic Institute (Wm. Murdoch Macbeth, sec.), Norton Alfred George, baker, 10.2 Torriano avenue NW North G'eorj;(e, oo:H'ee rooms, 11 Finsbury market E C Holloway road ~-TA "Pyrenean,Holway" ; T N 154 North Norton Chllrlei', french polisher, Rbeidol mews, Rheidol terrace, North George, tobacconist, z8A, Gillingham street, Pimlico SW Northern Press & Engineering Co. Ltd.I8&19Whltefrlarsstreet E C Islington N North Harold George, solicitor, see Ba.lfour Allan & North -TA "Norpress, Fleet''; T N 19~ Oentral Norton Charl81!!, tobacconist, 76 Dalston lane, Hackney NE Nortjirarriet(Mrs.).apart~. I Bartholomew villas, Kentish town NW Northern Quarries Ltd. paviors, 14 Victoria st. Westminster SW- Norton Charles Goodwin, stationer, 38 Marchmont street WC North Harry, <:handler's shop, 37Milton court rd. New Cross rd SE TA "Quarrite, Vie"; T N 482o Victoria Norton Edward,patentmedicine warehouse, 5g & 6o Chancery la WC North Henry, dressing gown manufacturer, 68 Fore street E C Northern Railway Oo. (of Costa Rica); London agency (A. J. Norton Edward Thomas, builder, 162 .A.llcroft rd. Kentish town NW North Henry JamtJS, hairdresser, 2og Essex road N Shepherd, agent), Dashwood house, 9 New Broad street E C Norton Eliza (.Mrs.), oil & calor dealer, u8 BoundBry road NW North Jessica (Mrs.), confectioner, 18 Old Gravel lane E Northern Railway of France (Alfred Sire, London correspondent), Norton Eva (Mrs.), apartments, 19 Alexander street, Bayswater W North John .Angel, 'Blakeney's Head' P.H.143 Poplar High street E S. E. & C. Railway, Charing croes terminus, Strand WC Norton Frederic Charles, barrister, 2 New square, Lincoln's inn WC North John Henry, , 3g Pearsonstreet, Kingsland rd NE Northern Rhodesian Cotton Co. Ltd. Pinners' hall, AustinfriarsE C Norton Frederick Henry, merchant, see Ross & Norton North John William, 1 Queen's Head • P.H. 2 Great Guildford stS E Northern Rubber Co. Ltd. 5z Cannon street E C-T A "Proofel'!', Norton Geo. Bridger, chartered acconntant, Munro & Norton North Julia (Mrs.), apartments, 35 & 37 G~enloch road, Haverstock Cannon"; T N 286o City Norton George Harry, newsagent, 566 Old Ford road, Bow E hill NW Northern Territory Symlica.te Ltd.
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