SM 14011 01066048024BB MAR86 ILL IONTY GREENLY 03 10 Foreigner, Bailey & Wham! 3740 ELM L. CV LONG BEACI CA 90807 jump to top 10 z See page 64 Bruce is back on top of Pop Albums See page 68 Fall Arbitron Ratings r See [urge 14 VOLUME 97 NO. 3 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT JANUARY 19, 1985/$3.50 (U.S.) Richie Enlists US. Superstars WEA Dealer Discounts ACTS BATTLE AFRICA HUNGER Upset Video Wholesalers to country, classical, jazz and dance. Kenny Rogers. BY PAUL GREIN But the project being coordinated Kragen will produce the event, Under the new pricing structure, LOS ANGELES Lionel Richie and by Richie and Kragen may raise the which will likely include both an al- BY FAYE ZUCKERMAN distributors will still pay WEA his manager Ken Kragen are spear- most money for African relief, be- bum and subsequent singles and a LOS ANGELES Nearly a week af- about $50 for a $79.98 title, while re- heading a multi -media event, to be cause of the magnitude of the talent live show with worldwide transmis- ter Warner Home Video's revamped tailers will start to pay just over $52 held here in the next two weeks, to involved. While no names have yet sion. The details, which were still pricing schedules and stock balanc- for the same title. "We generally continue industry efforts to raise been announced, it's believed that being set at presstime, are expected ing program went into effect, video sell [WEA] $79.98 cassettes to re- money for the starving in Africa. Richie has contacted such super- to be announced at a press confer- software distributors charged WEA tailers for about $58," explains J.D. Richie is said to have personally stars as Barbra Streisand, Bruce ence this week. Distributing with enticing retailers (Continued on page 74) contacted the top echelon of Ameri- Springsteen, Michael Jackson and (Continued on page 75) to order directly from the distribut- can superstars to enlist their in- ing giant. volvement in the project, which is According to a letter sent to dis- seen as the American answer to the tributors dated Dec. 28, on Jan. 2 Seek Audio Buyer Band Aid project, which featured a WEA was to drop retailer wholesale host of top British talent. Dealers Queried on Charity prices for its prerecorded video- Via Video Traffic The Richie project is just one of cassettes to within $2 of what dis- several fund -raisers being orga- Conn. Attorney General Investigates tributors pay. Its returns policy nized in the wake of the success of By EARL PAIGE man, who is also chairman of the na- now permits a 7.55 allowance four There is no better cause: Editorial, LOS ANGELES The home video BY FRED GOODMAN tional Charitable Trusts & Solicita- times a year, including all defective page 10. videotapes. The previous terms for rental customer is being specifically NEW YORK Record retailers in tion Committee of Attorney Gener- returns centered on 10% allowances targeted as a "new" prerecorded the Band Aid single "Do They Connecticut are legally obliged to als, informed his state's record twice a year and an unlimited num- music consumer by the many rec- Know It's Christmas," which is be- donate all profits from Band Aid's retailers that they have "a moral ber of returns for defective video- ord /tape chains adding video - lieved to have sold more than six "Do They Know It's Christmas" to and legal obligation to turn their tapes. cassette departments and annexes. million copies since its release last charity, according to that state's At- profits over to the victims of the Moreover, what many chain exec- month. The others include both re- torney General, Joseph I. Lieber- Ethiopian famine." utives find exciting, according to a cords and concerts, and cover virtu- man. Lieberman based his remarks on (Continued on page 74) ally all genres of music, from rock In a letter dated Jan. 7, Lieber- the record sleeve's representation `Sorry' Case that "all proceeds of this record are ACVERTISEMENTS to assist famine relief in Ethiopia." The Attorney General maintains Reversed by that this wording "creates a trust between the seller and consumer, a Supreme Court trust that can be fulfilled only if all profits are turned over to charity." The retailer- addressed letter also BY BILL HOLLAND contains a questionnaire on how WASHINGTON The Supreme many Band Aid seven- and 12- Court, in a close 5 -4 vote, has ruled inchers were sold, their price, mark- that music publishers can continue up, and how the retailer intends to to receive mechanical royalties even make a famine relief donation. after the author of the work has ter- Lieberman admits his office has minated the publisher's grant and handled "nothing quite like this be- reacquired the copyright. fore," in that the case involves a The ruling Tuesday (8) reverses manufacturer's charity pledge ex- a 1983 Appeals Court ruling and tending to retailers. But, he adds, ends a four -and -a- half -year-old mu- "The representation on the jacket is sic industry copyright case pitting clear. We are convinced that the re- songwriters and their heirs against tailer has an obligation to make a publishers. At issue in the case, donation because the customer as- Mills Music Inc. vs. Snyder et al., sumes all profits are going to Ethio- was the controversy over the divi- pia." sion of royalty income that the Introducing tre first hit o. 1985. TINA TURNER'S PRIVATE "A Gala Celebration of Music & Video" ... buiers and sellers Lieberman says he has so far de- sound recordings of the song DANCER (B- E433), the title track from her triple platinum album, of pre- recorded audio and video software, video music, Compact clined to file a lawsuit against any "Who's Sorry Now ?" have generat- PRIVATE DANCER (ST12330) is now a single. Written by Mark Disc and accessories will gatler at NARM's 27th annual confab. record retailer because of the possi- Knopfler. Proc uced by Carter. Roger Davies Management, Inc. Festivities are scheduled for the Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, bility of confusion over the sleeve ed -that is, whether a publisher is ON CAPITOL (Advertisement) Florida (March 29 -April 2, 1985). (Continued on page 74) (Continued on page 75) Rock's Hottest New SignaturE ô DANCE CLUBS tf t CK & Lr) "TURN UP THE RADIO" ,etW pbou144V °PÓe3g9a 111o gg Lines inter Produced by Neil Kernon by Cteggli o Produced CA orgnCettes ords and Cas www.americanradiohistory.com r CONCEPT DESIGN 77lí!'. ,G 1_'DGRLK GROUP .",Nta!liri)., ul IA' :i rt 6430 Suikset B7uleva d Suite 618 Los Califorria 90028 f 13; 356 -9050 STAGING www.americanradiohistory.com S Good News for Lauper, Turner, Springsteen, Richie GRAMMY NOMINATIONS REFLECT TRENDS N This marks only the third SSUE gether "). S music. All of the artists nominated BY PAUL GREIN for album and record of the year are time a performer has been nominat- LOS ANGELES Just as no one art- American, as are four of the five ed in all three categories: Donna VOLUME 97 NO. 3 JANUARY 19, 1985 ist dominated pop music in 1984 to nominees for best new artist. Last Summer was up for all three in 1979 the degree that Michael Jackson did year, all five nominees for best new (and won one), and Michael Jack- in 1983, no one artist swept the 27th artist were British, and such fellow son won all three last year. 1 NEWS Richie enlists U.S. superstars to battle African hunger. annual Grammy nominations like Britons as the Police and David Deniece Williams and Stevie Won- WEA dealer discounts upset video wholesalers. Connecticut attor- Jackson did last year. Instead, the Bowie were in the running for the der were also nominated in both pop ney general investigates dealers on Band Aid charity. Chains seek glad tidings were spread out among top awards. and r &b, though Lionel Richie and new audio buyer via video traffic. "Who's Sorry Now" case re- several key acts, notably Cyndi The nominations also underscore the Pointer Sisters were only nomi- versed by Supreme Court.3 /Grammy nominations bring good Lauper, Tina Turner, Bruce Spring- how leading artists are breaking nated in the pop field. news for Lauper, Turner, Springsteen and Richie. Sony plans CD steen and Lionel Richie- although down the lines between musical cat- Cyndi Lauper is the year's only player boost. CBS Records bullish on video distribution. Para- the news for Prince wasn't quite as egories. Tina Turner was nominated artist to be nominated in all three of mount "Star Trek" plan ignites price wars. 4 /CD finds "comfort- good as some had anticipated. for female vocalist honors in pop the top categories: album, record able" role as record number attend CES. ElectroSound, IGC The nominations also reflect sev- (for "What's Love Got To Do With and song of the year. Turner is also merge. NARM confab to examine video's equal status. .6/Wind- eral of the year's key trends, includ- It "), rock (for "Better Be Good To nominated for album and record of ham Hill expanding into video, films. Welk Group has big plans for ing the resurgence of American pop Me ") and r &b (for "Let's Stay To- the year, but her nominated song, Kern centennial. 78 /Ariola, RCA get approval for West German "What's Love Got To Do With It," merger. Sluggish sales no deterrent to Midem participation. was written by Graham Lyle and 4 Executive Turntable 58 Dance Trax Terry Britten.
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