REGD.GOA-5 Panaji, 7th November, 1997 (Kartika 16, 1919) I SERIES I No. 3l OFFICIAL~~GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA EXTRAORDINARY No.2 GOVERNMENT OF GOA Proposal for Road Transport Service In accordance with the provisions of section 99 of the ~otor Department of Transport Vehicles Act, 1988, the Government of Goa, hereby publishes the Scheme of Road Transport Service as herein set out:- . Office of the Director of Transport and Ex-Officio Joint Secretary (1) Full name of Undertaking:- Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. Notification (2) Address:- East Wing, Bus TermI­ nus, Panaji-Goa. 5/5/97-TPT (3) Route/s or area covered by the Scheme ____ Whereas the Government of Goa is of the opinion that for the purpose of providing an efficient, adequate, economical and properly co-ordinat0d road transport service, it is necessary (i) From Panaji bus stand to Margao bus stand via in the public interest that Stage Carriage Services in relation Bambolim, Agacaim, Zuari Bridge, Cortalim, Verna, to the routes, viz. from Panaji bus stand to Margao bus stand Nuvem and vice-versa. via Bambolim, Agacaim,ZuarJ Bridge, Cortalim, Verna,Nuvem and vice-versa, Panaji bus stand to Vasco bus stand via (ii) From Panaji bus stand to Vasco bus stand via Bambolim, Agacaim, Zuari Bridge, Cortalim and vice-versa and Bambolim, Agacaim, Zuari Bridge, Cortalim and from Margao bus stand to Vasco bus stand via Nuvem, Verna, vice-versa. Cortalim and vice-versa, shoilld be run and operated by the Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. (the State Transport (iii) From Margao bus stand to Vasco bus stand via Undertaking), to the complete exclusion of other persons. Nuvem, Verna, Cortalim and vice-versa. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 99 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act No. (4) Whether the services are proposed to be operated on the 59 of 1988), read with rule 311 of the Goa Motor Vehicles Rules, said route/s area covered by the Scheme to the exclusion, 1991, the Government of Goa has formulated the following complete or partial of other person or otherwise:- Scheme, which is hereby published for the information of the The Stage Carriage services on the proposed routes persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given mentioned at serial No. (3) above, shall be operated by that the said Scheme, will be taken into consideration by the the Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd. to the complete Government on the expiry of thirty days from the date of exclusion of all the other private Stage Carriage operators publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette. who are presently operating on the said routes alongwith Any objection to the said Scheme may be forwarded in the the Kadamba Transport CQrporation Ltd. However, the manner specified under rule 312 of the Goa Motor Vehicles existing private Stage Carriage operators operating routes Rules, 1991, to the Secretary to the Government of Goa, Trans­ from various points in the State to the bus stands at port Department, Secretariat, Panaji, before the expiry of thirty Margao, Panaji and Vasco and vice-versa and/or origi­ days from the date of publication of this Notification in the nating/terminating from/to the said bus stands, which partially overlap the proposed mentioned routes at serial Official Gazette. 574 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES I No. 32 (EXTRAORDINARY No.2) 7TH NOVEMBER, 1997 No. (3) above, and the existillg inter-state Stage Carriages (1) (2) (3) operating through the proposed routes whose details are given below, for the period for which the said permits are 15. Mis. St. Lourence Cansaulim, Margao via Majorda valid or renewed, from time to time, as the case_may be, Transport, to Vasco & vice-versa. shall be permitted to ply through the portion· of the Cansaulim, Mormugao­ proposed routes to the extent of overlapping.. -Goa. Sf. No. Name & address Route/s or area 16. Anthony Dias, Shiroda, Sancordem, Harbour 1798, Takarnem, via Loutolim, Borim, Ponda (1) (2) (3) Shiroda, Ponda-Goa. & back. I. Milagres Miranda, Margao to Vasco via Birla 17. Teodosio Vaz, Margao, Loutolim, Cortalim & H. No. 146, Ambaji, Titan Electronic City & back. H. No. 377, Opp. back. Fatorda, Margao-Goa. P. W. D., Fatorda, Margao. 2. Mrs. Urmila U. Naik, Vasco to Margao via Titan Elec­ H. No. 18 C, Chicalim­ tronic City and back. Shiroda, Sancordem, Vasco via -Goa. 18. Sandesh Vithal Prabhu­ dessai, Loutolim. 3.);bri Umesh R. Shet­ Vasco to Margao via Titan & 251, Tal walem, Shiroda. ---- gaonkar. Vasco to Bogmalo. H. 464. New Vaddem, 19. Subhash C. Sawant, Harbour Vasco to Marcel via Vasco. Rumda Vaddo, Kumbar­ Ponda & back. juem. 4. Sh,ri Marcel Estevam Sancoale Birla to Margao via Pale, D'Costa, Velsao, Cansaulim, Arrossim, 20. Manohar F. Naik, .Vasco to Birla, Harbour & back Falvaddo, Velsao, Can­ Utorda, Majorda. H. No. 59, Chicalim-Goa. extended upto Zuarinagar Verna. saulim, Mormugao. 21. Maria Fernandes, Margao to Cortalim via Loutolim 5. Uttam Amrut Naik, Vasco to Biria, Zuarinagar & back. 437 A, Deuti, Loutolim. & City Service. H. No. 1816. Chicalim­ -Goa. 22. Porandhar Gangadharan, Vasco K. T. C. to Verna Electro­ H. No. 369, Dongrim, nic City, Zorint Birla, Airport & 6. Santan Carvalho, Vasco to Birla, Sancoale, Cortalim, Airport Dabolim. back. H. No. 226, New Vaddem, Titan & back. ' Vasco-Goa. 23. Krishna Shirodkar, Biria to Vasco & back. 7. Prakash K. Nark, Fatorpa, Vasco via Margao, H. No. 322, Sindolim, H. No. E 739, Maddi­ Nuvem, Majorda, Utorda, Sancoale-Goa. cotta, Cuncolim, Salcete­ Cansaulim route; -Goa. 24. Santan Carvalho, Birla Sancoale Titan & back. H. No. 226, New Vaddem, 8. Xec Ismail Xec Adam, Margao to Vasco via Loutolim, Vasco-da-Gama. H. No. 96, Pajifond, Rassaim Cortalim, Loutolim, Margao. Rassaim & back. 25. Shri Madhu S. Naik, Neura-Panaji via Pilar & back, Dongrim, Post Neura, 9. Mis. Milan Transport ZAC site (Sancoale) to Margao I1has-Goa. Society, via Mfljorda, Nuvem & vice­ H. No. 14, Near Church, -versa. 26. Shri. Naguesh R. Naik. Neura, Panaji via Pilar and back. Carmona. H. No. E-311, Dhaktem­ bhat, Mandur, I1has-Goa. 10. Mis. Milan Transport, Mormugao Harbour to Margao via Carmona, Salcete-Goa. 'Birla & vice versa. 27. Shri Mukund N. Neura-Panaji via Pilar II. Napolian Silvester Aza­ Cavelossim, Benaulim to Vasco Mayenkar, H. No. 103, and back. vedo, Harbour via Cansaulim & vice­ Neura, Mandur - Goa. Firguem Bhat, Utorda, -versa. Salcete-Goa. 28. Shri Dharma K. Bhornkar, Neura-Panaji via Pilar Boma- Goa. and back. 12. Kamruddin D. Shaikh, Quelossim, Cortalim to Mormugao 29. Smt. Milan S. Naik, Neura, Panaji via Pilar Block C, Flat No 3, Harbour via Sancoale Zuarinagar Sea View Coop. Hsg. Vasco & back. H. No. 318, Daktembhat, and back. Society, Baina, Vasco. Mandur, Neura - Goa. 30. Shri Antonio F. Serrao, .Goa University'-Panaji via 13. Camilo Pereira, Zuari to Margao via Cansaulim Bondir, St. Cruz, Highway and back H. No. 313, Godinhowado, Verna, Nuvem & back. Ilhas - Goa. Majorda-Goa. 31. Shri Gopalkrishna Naik, Vazem, Shiroda to Vasco 14. Salvador Mascarenhas, Margao, Loutolim, Cortalim to H. No. 97, St. Jose de Vasco & back. H. No. 368, Vazar, Shiroda, Mormugao Harbour via Borim Areal, Bhati, Salcete-Goa. Ponda - Goa. Bridge, Loutolim and back. OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 575 SERIES I No. 32 (EXTRAORDINARY No.2) 7TH NOVEMBER, 1997 (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) 32. Shri Keshav B. Naik, Agapur to Vasco, Mormugao 35. Mis. Goa Transport Ltd., Mormugao to Belgaum & Chicalim; Agapur, Harbour via Ponda, Margao - Goa. back. Ponda - Goa. Kumbharjua, Borim Bridge, Loutolim and back. 36. Augusto Teofilo Saude Mormugao to Sadashivgad 33. Mrs. Sudha Shet, Agapur to Vasco, Mormugao Noronha, extended upto Karwar and Adpoi, Durbhat, Harbour via Pond a, Ell 29, Veroda, Cuncolim, vice-versa. Ponda- Goa. Kumbharjua, Borim Bridge, Salcete-Goa. Loutolim & back. 37. Shri Shashikant Mahadev Vasco to Sadashivgad 34. MIs. Bobby Bus Service, Mormugao to Belgaum & Khorlim, Mapusa - Goa. vice-versa. Nail<, extended upto Karwar & Panzarcon, Cuncolim-Goa. vice-versa. (5) The names and Addresses of existing permit holders operating on the proposed routes or in the area mentioned at Serial No. (3) above. Name Address Route 2 3 J. Shti Prakash Sonu Naik. 11 I, Chicholem, Post Caranzalem, Margao to Panaji via Zuari Bridge & back. IIhas-Goa. 2. Shri Santan P. Palha. Mercurim, Agasaim, IIhas-Goa. Margao to Panaji via Zuari Bridge & back. 3. Shri Antonio R. Mendes. 3rd Arvale, Cortalim. Margao to Panaji via Zuari Bridge.& back. 4. Shri Shashikant M. Naik. Panzorean, Cuncolim, Salcete-Goa. Margao to Panaji via Zuari Bridge & vice versa extended upto Veroda, Cuncolim. 5. Shri Shripad V. Korgaonkar. H. No. 166, Borda, Margao-Goa. Margao to Panaji via Zuari Bridge & back. 6. Managing Director, Panaji-Goa. Panaji to Margao via Zuari Bridge & back. Kadamba Trans. Corp. Ltd. 7. Shri Mathew Rodrigues. HISS, Dande, Agasaim, Ilhas-Goa. Panaji to Margao via Zuari Bridge & back. 8. Managing Director, Panaji. Panaji to Margao via Zuari Bridge & back. Kadamba Transport Corp. Ltd. 9. Shri Damodar P. Gauns. GRP Quarters, Block (I) Room Galjibag to Panaji via Sadolxem, Margao, No.5, Altinho, Panaji-Goa. Zuari Bridge & back. 10. Shri Joaquim Xavier D'Costa. H. No. 369, Macasana, Salcete-Goa. Chandor to Panaji via Macasana, Margao, Vema, Ztiari Bridge and back. II. Managing Director, Panaji. Margao to Panaji via Zuari Bridge & back. Kadamba Trans. Corp. Ltd. 12. Smt. Filomena Francisco Gonsal ves. Bela Vista, Raia, Salcete-Goa. Cortalim to Margao and Margao to Panaji and back. 13. Mrs. Monica D'Cunha. H. No. 4/A, Nuvem, SaJcete-Goa. Cortalim to Margao and Margao to Panaji vi~ Zuari Bridge and back. 14. Shri Cirilo S. Gonsalves. H. No. 625, Moita, Grande, Margao to Panaji & Margao Old Bus Stand to Agasaim, Tiswadi-Goa.
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