8458 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13ra JULY 1978 of Paul Spencer. Court—BOSTON. No. of Matter— Date of First Meeting—26th July 1978. 11 a.m. Place 4 of 1978. Date of First Meeting—26th July 1978. 11 —Park House, 22 Park Street, Croydon, CR9 1TX. a.m. Place—The County Court Offices, Crown Buildings, Date of Public Examination—21st September 1978. 10.30 Lincoln Lane, Boston, Lines. Date of Public Examina- a.m. Place—County Court, 1'he Law Courts, Barclay tion—26th October 1978. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Sessions Road, Croydon. House, Boston, Lines. ARNOLD, Peter, of 8 Dacre Road, Eastbourne, East CANN, Jonathan Dudley, of " Morelands", Chichester Sussex, Builder, and lately residing at 8 Dacre Road, Road, Fontwell, near Chichester in the county of West Eastbourne, East Sussex. Court—EASTBOURNE. No. of Sussex, formerly residing and carrying on business at 142 Matter—5 of 1978. Date of First Meeting—27th July High Street, Selsey, West Sussex aforesaid under the 1978. 11.30 a.m. Place—Official Receiver's Office, Wind- name of " Sarona Production" as a WHOLESALER sor House (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brigh- and RETAILER of WOMENS WEAR, latterly known ton, BN2 2JZ. Date of Public Examination—28th Septem- as " Mr. Krumpet Boutique", now unemployed. Court ber 1978. 10.30 a.m. Place—Eastbourne County Court, —BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—S3 of 1978. Date of First Law Courts, Old Orchard Road, Eastbourne. Date of • Meeting—27th July 1978. 11 a.m. Place—Official Receiv- Order for summary Administration—10th July 1978. er's Office, Windsor House (East Entrance), 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. Date of Public Examina- tion—20th October 1978. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton County MEAD, John William, of 126 Ladyshot, Harlow, Essex, Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. CM20 3EP, a GENERAL BUILDER. Court—HERT- FORD. No. of Matter—HA of 1978. Date of First PITMAN, Francis Robert, of Keepers Cottage, Lye Com- Meeting—1st August 1978. 2.45 p.m. Place—The Official mon, West Marden, Chichester, West Sussex, formerly Receiver's Office, Room 432, 4th Floor, Sovereign House, a COMPANY DIRECTOR and lately carrying on busi- Hale Road, Hertford, Herts. Date of Public Examination ness at Keepers> Cottage, Lye Common, West Marden, —7th August 1978. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Hertford Chichester aforesaid in the style of " S P C Life Con- County Court, The Shire Hall, Hertford, Herts. sultants " as ah Insurance Broker, now unemployed (des- cribed in the Receiving Order as of Keepers Cottage, NASH, Cyril, residing at 23, Wordsworth Road, Lough- Lye Common, West Marden, Chichester, Sussex and lately borough in the county of Leicester, unemployed, formerly residing at (or carrying on business at) 3 Lye Common, carrying on business on his own account and also in West Marden, Chichester, Sussex, occupation unknown). partnership with another under the name or style of Court—BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—45 of 1978. Date Charnwood Heavy Plant at Station Avenue, Lough- of First Meeting—25th July 1978. 12 noon. Place—The borough aforesaid as PLANT and VEHICLE Official Receiver's Office, Windsor House, (East Entrance) REPAIRERS. Court—LEICESTER. No. of Matter— 30-35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 2JZ. 34 of 1978. Date of First Meeting—4th August 1978. Date of Public Examination—20th October 1978. 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, Prospect Place—Brighton County Court, John Street, Edward House, 94, Regent Road, Leicester LEI 7DE. Date of Street, Brighton, East Sussex. Date of Order for Sum- Public Examination—5th October 1978. 10.30 a|.m. mary Administration—7th July 1978. Place—The County Court, Lower Hill Street, Leicester LEI 3SJ. SIMS, Douglas Norman, of 13 Mount Pleasant, King James's Lane, Henfield in the county of West Sussex, HENDERSON, Douglas, of 34, Hollybank Road, Lacey formerly residing at 162 Hillcross Avenue, Morden in the Green, Wilmslow, Cheshire and BARNES, Walter, of 15, county of Surrey, practising at Brook House, High Street, Queen's Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, trading together Henfield aforesaid. ACCOUNTANT and LECTURER. as Moss Lane Motors at Moss Lane, Alderley Edge, Court—BRIGHTON. (By Transfer from High Court of Cheshire, SK9 7HN as REPAIRERS SERVICERS Justice). No. of Matter—52e of 1978. Date of First and DISTRIBUTORS of MOTOR VEHICLES. Court Meeting—25th July 1978. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Official —MACCLESFIELD (by transfer from High Court of Receiver's Office, Windsor House, (East Entrance), 30- Justice). No. of Matter—6A of 1978. Date of First 35 Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 2JX. Date Meeting—21st July 1978. 11.30a.m. Place—The Official of Public Examination—6th October 1978. 10 a.m. Place Receiver's Office, London House, Hide Street, Stoke-on- —Brighton County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Trent, Staffs. Date of Public Examination—7th Decem- Brighton, East Sussex. Date of Order for Summary ber 1978. 2 p.m. Place—The Town Hall, Macclesfield, Administration—6th July 1978. Cheshire. CAPEWELL, Donald, of Stock Lane Farm, Stock Lane, BAKER, H. F. (Mrs.), of The Social and Labour dub, Marchington, Staffordshire. Court—-BURTON UPON Aberavon, Port Talbot in the county of West Glamorgan. TRENT. No. of Matter—2 of 1978. Date of First Meet- Court—NEATH AND PORT TALBOT. No. of Matter ing—26th July 1978. 11.30 a.m. Place—The Official —4 of 1978. Date of First Meeting—20th July 1978. Receiver's Office, Prospect House, 94 Regent Road, Lei- 10.30 a.m. Place—The Official Receiver's Office, 5th cester, LEI 7DE. Date of Public Examination—5th Sep- Floor, Sun Alliance House, 166-167, St. Helen's Road, tember 1978. 10 a.m. Place—The County Court, 165 Swansea, SA1 SDL. Date of Public Examination—19th Station Street, Burton, DE14 IBP. September 1978. 1.45 p.m. Place—The Gwyn Hall, Neath. HODSON, Barry Graham, of Jaguar Sales, Freelands Road, Bromley, Kent (CAR SALESMAN) and lately GROOME, Patrick Bernard (described in the Receiving carrying on business at 254-256 Old Kent Road, London, Order as P. Groome (male)) Regional Sales Manager of S.E.1. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—13 of 1978. 8, Quinton Close, Wilford in the city of Nottingham, Date of First Meeting—26th July 1978. 12 noon. Place- formerly residing at 116, Selby Road, West Bridgford Park House, 22 Park Street, Croydon, CR9 1TX. Date in the county of Nottingham, formerly trading under his of Public Examination—28th September 1978. Place— own name as a SUB-POSTMASTER, NEWSAGENTS, County Court, Law Courts, Barclay Road, Croydon, SWEETS and TOBACCONISTS from 14, Derby Road, Surrey. Stapleford and 44, Abbey Road, West Bridgforth both in the county of Nottingham and as a NEWSAGENT, REEVES, Anthony Charles, of 58 Warwick Road, Sidcup» SWEETS and TOBACCONISTS from 5, Beechwood Kent, BRICKLAYER. Court—CROYDON. (By Trans- Road, Arnold and 2, Wensley Road, Woodthorpe both in fer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—63c the county of Nottingham and formerly trading in part- of 1978. Date of First Meeting—26th July 1978. 10 a.m. nership with another from 2, Andover Road, Bestwood Place—Park House, 22 Park Street, Croydon, CR9 1TX. in the city of Nottingham as a SUB-POSTMASTER, Date of Public Examination—7th September 1978. 10.30 NEWSAGENTS, SWEETS and TOBACCONISTS a.m. Place—County Court, Law Courts, Barclay Road, formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—NOT- Croydon. TINGHAM. No. of Matter—6 of 1978. Date of First Meeting—25th July 1978. 4 p.m. Place—Official WHITTLE, Peter, of The Elms 12 Warham Road, South Receiver's Office, Severns House, 20, Middle Pavement, Croydon in the county of Surrey, FREELANCE SCRIPT Nottingham. Date of Public Examination—12th October WRITER. Court—CROYDON. (By Transfer from 1978. 10.15 a.m. Place—The Court House, St. Peter's High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—63s of 1978. Gate, Nottingham..
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