E1614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2003 Purple Heart. But the Japanese, and later the letic facility for the executives of the Calumet GOD BLESS YOU, JONATHAN North Koreans, certainly provided no docu- & Hecla Mining Company and local business- DAVID ROZIER mentation. Now when World War II and Ko- men, who were then placing their mark on the rean war vets are dying by the thousands remote and spectacular Keweenaw Peninsula HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON every day, it is becoming even harder to find of Michigan. The club was modeled after the OF TEXAS survivors from specific camps. Tennis and Racket Club of Boston. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The bill I am introducing recognizes the The period of the club’s founding coincided Thursday, July 24, 2003 hardships borne by World War II and Korean with the heyday of community prosperity that war POWs by providing additional assistance accompanied the mining activity in Upper Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. to those who would have earned the award if Michigan’s copper range. At the peak of that Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak of a brave young they had today’s record keeping. It requires activity between 1867 and 1884, Calumet & Dallas area resident, 2nd Lt. Rozier, who was the Department to provide some additional Hecla mines produced half of this country’s killed in combat in Iraq on July 19, 2003. I am historical information from the period and supply of copper. humbled and grateful that he was willing to gives them some benefit of the doubt with re- make the ultimate sacrifice to this Nation. spect to injuries. In 1903, 175 invitees paid $36 in fees and He is our fallen hero. A grateful Nation This legislation is not about lowering the dues to become charter members. Guest book should never forget that he had family, friends, standard for a sacred award—the Purple logs show visits to the club from visiting celeb- and plans for the future. He was just 25 years Heart. Instead it is about properly recognizing rities, including boxers Jack Dempsey, Jack of age, old enough to dedicate his life to pro- the realities of the horrible suffering endured in Sharkie, and Max Schmelling. tecting our country. The attack happened just the Japanese and North Korean POW camps Present membership has recognized the three days after his birthday. for a small number of surviving heroes. changing times, and the club elected its first Lt. Rozier was born in Dallas. In 1991 f woman president in 1994. moved his family to Katy, Texas. He is a grad- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my House uate of the Texas A&M University with a bach- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AMER- elor’s degree in economics, where he and his ICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSO- colleagues join me in raising a figurative glass to toast the Miscowaubik Club on its 100th an- wife served in the Corps of Cadets together. CIATION (APSA) CONGRESSIONAL Lt. Rozier was a distinguished and deco- FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ON ITS niversary. I wish the club and its members a second happy century of social discourse. rated soldier. He earned a Bronze Star by 50TH ANNIVERSARY bravely helping to rescue injured soldiers f under fire, and by enlisting to serve our coun- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS try in the armed forces he demonstrated his OF ILLINOIS CONGRATULATIONS TO MS. courage and sense of duty. Lt. Rozier made IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NICOLE JONES the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, and we all Thursday, July 24, 2003 owe him immeasurable gratitude. His uncle, a good and close friend of mine, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise to HON. DANNY K. DAVIS former DeSoto Mayor Richard Rozier ex- commend and congratulate the American Po- pressed to me the sadness of Rozier family litical Science Association on the occasion of OF ILLINOIS the grief of those who knew and loved him, in- having reached a milestone of 50 years of ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluding his wife, Jessica and his son, Justin. istence, 50 years of growth, and 50 years of Mr. Speaker, Lt. Rozier will always be re- providing opportunities for individuals to obtain Thursday, July 24, 2003 membered by his friends, family and loved first-hand experiences in learning about and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I take ones and will surely be honored by the entire being involved about and being involved in the this opportunity to congratulate Ms. Nicole constituency of the Dallas/Forth Worth art of public-policy decisionmaking. It has Jones on her graduation from Harvard Univer- Metroplex community for his bravery and her- been my experience to have talented, ener- sity, July 24, 2003: oism. getic, and eager to learn individuals interact I join with this House and with the people of with me and members of my staff in a very Whereas, Harvard University, which cele- Dallas/Forth Worth Metroplex and Americans professional and sincere way as we worked brated its 350th anniversary in 1986, is the all across the country in saying God bless together in pursuit of mutual goal. I also take oldest institute of higher learning in the you, Jonathan David Rozier. And God bless United States of America; and this opportunity to express my thanks and ap- America. Whereas, Harvard University has grown preciation to the American Political Science f Association (APSA) Congressional Fellowship from nine students with a single master to Program for doing an excellent job of helping an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree PASSING OF PAUL BERNAL, candidates, including undergraduates and PUEBLO INDIAN ELDER to prepare many of our future leaders. We students in ten graduate and professional thank you APSA and I yield back the balance schools; and of my time. Whereas, Seven Presidents of the United HON. TOM UDALL f States of America, John Adams, John Quin- OF NEW MEXICO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO THE MISCOWAUBIK cy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Ken- Thursday, July 24, 2003 CLUB ON THE 100TH ANNIVER- nedy and George W. Bush were graduates of SARY OF ITS FOUNDING Harvard; and Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. Speaker, Whereas, its faculty has produced nearly 40 the Taos Pueblo and Native Americans across HON. BART STUPAK Nobel laureates; and the country are mourning the loss of an elder, OF MICHIGAN Whereas, Harvard University continues to statesman, and military veteran. I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be recognized as one of the very best and pay tribute to this extraordinary man, whose death is a great loss not only for all Indian Na- Thursday, July 24, 2003 most outstanding academic institutions in the world today; now therefore, be it re- tions but also for the entire country. Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, I would like to solved that I Danny K. Davis take this op- Paul Bernal, a Taos Pueblo leader in the take a few minutes today to extend my portunity to congratulate my next door fight for religious freedom, died this month at heartiest congratulations to the members, past neighbor, Ms Nicole Jones on this out- the age of 92. Also known as ‘‘Pa chal ma,’’ and present, of the Miscowaubik Club in Cal- standing milestone in her career; and be it or Deer Catcher, Paul was an activist who de- further umet Township, Michigan. On August 16th, voted his life to returning control of the Sacred 2003, the Miscowaubik Club will proudly cele- Resolved, That I commend and congratu- Blue Lake to his Pueblo. brate 100 years of existence with an evening late my neighbors Mr. George and Ms. Jenny In creating the Carson National Forest in Jones, her proud parents, for the contribu- of music, dancing and, no doubt, storytelling tions which they have made to Nicole’s nur- 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt carved about the club’s rich history. turing and development. We all wish her well away thousands of acres of Taos Pueblo land. Named after an Ojibwe Indian word for as she moves on to the University of Michi- This land, viewed as sacred by the Indians, ‘‘copper,’’ the Miscowaubik Club was founded gan Law School to make further preparation surrounded and included Blue Lake, a vital re- in January, 1903 as a social haven and ath- for a lifetime of service. ligious shrine in Pueblo religion. Sixty-four VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:22 Jul 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.089 E25PT1 July 25, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1615 years passed before the United States re- troops in Iraq and prays for the safety of all of We have begun to hear of Dominicans and turned the land to the Indians. our uniformed men and women still in the Gulf Dominican-Americans in the context of stars According to Pueblo tradition, the Taos tribe and Afghanistan, now is also an opportune like baseball slugger Sammy Sosa, designer was created out of the sacred waters of Blue time for Congress to do more to help our na- Oscar de la Renta, and Miss Universe 2002 Lake. The lake, a place of ritual worship and tion’s new and old veterans in need. To this Amelia Vega. However, there are hundreds of historical importance, was under U.S. Forest end, I am introducing legislation to urge the Dominican professionals and an increasing Service control beginning in 1906. Instru- establishment of a ‘‘National Hire a Veteran amount of Dominican students that are blazing mental in the fight for the return of Blue Lake Week’’ and to urge a presidential proclamation trails in government, law, science, and tech- and the surrounding wilderness, Paul, served calling upon employers, labor organizations, nology.
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